• expired

1 Month Free Health Insurance (Applied after 1 Month's Premium Has Been Paid, Stay for Minimum 6 Months) @ Phoenix Health Fund


The free month will be applied after a minimum of one month of premiums has been paid by the member (i.e., the second month of membership will be free).

Phoenix Health reserves the right to deduct an amount equivalent to the value of the free month from the New Member, should they cancel their policy within six (6) months of joining or re-joining.

Terms and conditions:

  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to Phoenix Health Fund’s ‘Join Phoenix Health Fund and get a month on us!’ promotion.

  2. The Promoter is Phoenix Health Fund ABN 93 000 124 863 of 1/4 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle NSW 2300. Phone 1800 028 817.

  3. Entry into this promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any other reference to this competition, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.

  4. The offer is open from 01 December 2024 and closes at 11.59pm (AEST) on 31 December 2024. Any applications received after 11.59pm on 31 December 2024 may not be eligible for the offer.

  5. The offer is available to new members who join directly via the website, or over the phone and who purchase an eligible Combined Hospital and Extras or Hospital only policy within the promotional period.

  6. A New Member is defined as a Member who has not previously been a Member of Phoenix Health, or who has not been a Member of Phoenix Health for at least six (6) months prior to re-joining the Fund. This includes any spouse/partner or dependants on their policy.

  7. The offer is not open to current members of Phoenix Health. Any ex-Phoenix Health members (including spouse/partner or dependant) who re-join the Fund within six (6) months of the date of the cancellation of their prior policy, will not be eligible to claim this offer.

  8. The promotion is not available to Phoenix Health Fund staff, immediate family, or Board Members.

  9. The free month will be applied after a minimum of one month of premiums has been paid by the member (i.e., the second month of membership will be free).

  10. Where a policy is paid fortnightly, two (2) free fortnights will be applied (i.e., to the 3rd and 4th fortnights).

  11. Where a policy is cancelled within the thirty (30) day Cooling Off Period, no free month will be applied. Where a policy is cancelled within the period that has been applied for free, the policy will be terminated from the policies previous paid to date.

  12. Limit of one free month in the lifetime of a member/ membership.

  13. ‘Join Phoenix Health Fund and get a month on us!’ promotion not valid with any other offer or promotion.

  14. Phoenix Health reserves the right to deduct an amount equivalent to the value of the free month from the New Member, should they cancel their policy within six (6) months of joining or re-joining.

  15. Phoenix Health reserves the right to recover the value of the free month should the New Member or Membership be suspended or cancelled by Phoenix Health within the first three (3) months of the commencement of the policy.

  16. Phoenix Health have the right to amend these Terms and Conditions and may from time-to-time substitute or amend the reward for this promotion. Phoenix Health reserves the right to cancel this promotion at any time, without notice; or extend the promotion, at their discretion.

  17. These Terms and Conditions were reviewed and updated by Phoenix Health on 1 December 2024.

Referral Links

Referral: random (10)

$150 EFTPOS Card for the referrer and referee when the referee signs up for Combined Hospital and Extras Cover.

Related Stores

Phoenix Health Fund
Phoenix Health Fund

closed Comments

  • Wow, for those monthly prices, gym should be free

  • +8

    I'm going to downvote this 'deal' mainly due to the following clause:

    Phoenix Health reserves the right to deduct an amount equivalent to the value of the free month from the New Member, should they cancel their policy within six (6) months of joining or re-joining.

    The ability to claw back the value of the free month if you cancel within 6 months is a significant detriment. The promotion should be called 'One Month Free after Six Months'. As it stands, my view is that Phoenix health Fund is being misleading.

    I also have concerns about some of the other terms.

    • See this document ACCC Advertising and selling guide under the following headings:

      • Qualifications and exclusionary clauses
      • Offers with disclaimers and fine print

      (both on page 12)

    • Just pay with a prepaid credit card

      • +1

        That doesn't make the clause disappear or extinguish any debt that might arise between the policyholder and Phoenix Health Fund.

    • +1

      yeah like

      Where a policy is cancelled within the period that has been applied for free, the policy will be terminated from the policies previous paid to date.

      they're making it pretty clear they're hostile to churners so it's not worth even trying it on with them

  • Only 1 month?

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