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[PC, Steam] Battlefield 1 $3.49, Battlefield 3 $4.99, Battlefield 4 $3.49, Battlefield V $4.19, Battlefield 2042 $7.19 @ Steam


Battlefield 1 Revolution(store.steampowered.com)

Join the strong Battlefield™ community and jump into the epic battles of The Great War in this critically acclaimed first-person shooter. Hailed by critics, Battlefield 1 was awarded the Games Critics Awards Best of E3 2016: Best Action Game and gamescom Best Action Game award for 2016.

Battlefield 3 Premium Edition(store.steampowered.com)

Ramp up the intensity in Battlefield™ 3 and enjoy total freedom to fight the way you want. Explore 29 massive multiplayer maps and use loads of vehicles, weapons, and gadgets to help you turn up the heat. Plus, every second of battle gets you closer to unlocking tons of extras and moving up in the Ranks. So get in the action.

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition(store.steampowered.com)

Battlefield 4™ Premium Edition gives you new maps, modes, and more in one simple package. Complete challenging assignments to unlock new weapons. Dominate tactical challenges in a huge interactive environment — demolish buildings shielding your enemies, lead an assault from the back of a gun boat, or make a little C4 go a long way. In massive 64-player battles, use all your resources and play to your strengths to carve your own path to victory.

Battlefield V Definitive Edition(store.steampowered.com)

This is the ultimate Battlefield V experience. Enter mankind’s greatest conflict across land, air, and sea with all gameplay content unlocked from the get-go. Choose from the complete arsenal of weapons, vehicles, and gadgets, and immerse yourself in the hard-fought battles of World War II. Stand out on the battlefield with the complete roster of Elites and the best customization content of Year 1 and Year 2.

Battlefield 2042(store.steampowered.com)

Battlefield™ 2042 is a first-person shooter that marks the return to the iconic all-out warfare of the franchise. With the help of a cutting-edge arsenal, you can engage in intense, immersive multiplayer battles.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Does BF3 still have servers?

    • +26

      The Australian servers were mostly dead when I went back a few years ago. Best in series still IMO, looks great still too and plays the best.

      People say it is nostalgia, but AAA gaming peaked before it got monetized to the extreme for the general public instead of a nerdy thing still.

      • +10

        Yeah BF3 looks good but BF1 looks better than most current AAA games. Especially at 4k. Would still be playing bf1 and bf5 if they hadn't been ruined by cheaters.

        • I picked up BF5 this year. there was an update only a month or two ago updating anti-cheat (might be across multiple games) and apparently it's pretty good. I haven't run into any cheaters AFAIK on Aussie servers.

          • @ShaneLikesABargain: Enjoying BFV as well. Pending your location and internet speed, you can also easily play on the Asian servers with around 90 ping, which isnt too bad tbh.

      • +3

        100% agree, BF3 metro 24/7 was a 'where were you' gaming time period for me personally. I still go back and watch this trailer(youtube.com) for the nostalgia hit of how excited we all were for this and it living up

    • +1

      The single-player campaign is pretty great too.

    • +1

      BF4 has a couple. Play regularly.

  • 2042 worth it these days?

    • +7

      Overpriced at $7

    • +11

      I’ve been really having fun in conquest. For $7 definitely worth it in my opinion.

    • id say so, its still nowhere near as good as bf5 but its fine now, better than it was on release

    • +1

      i like it, never understood the hate

  • +12

    just remake BF Vietnam with the same soundtrack

    • +11

      Bad Company 2 had an excellent Vietnam DLC

      • +1

        That was a great expansion

      • +1

        11/10 expansion

  • +3

    Which of these has the best single player campaign?

    • Of those, only BF3 and BF4 had campaigns.

      • +15

        Bf1 & bfv also have campaigns

    • +2

      Battlefield 1 has one of the best although some people complain it's too hard so it depends how good you are at FPS games.

    • +4

      It depends on what you want. BF3 & 4 are pretty typical modern shooter campaigns, with big set pieces, gimmick levels (flying, driving, turret, AC-130, stealth etc) and 'saving the world'-esque narratives (Hollywood film stuff). Of the two, I'd say 3 was better, it also has the longest campaign of all of these. BF1 & V have a set of independent episodic missions, which have better focus on characters and the horrors of war. I feel 1 was more memorable. Gameplay-wise they're all enjoyable and mostly similar, though 1 has a bit of a different feel due to the era (Like you're mostly using bolt action rifles).
      Though if you include all BF titles, I think most people would answer BC2, far more unique and memorable. I also found Hardline to be a nice change of pace.

    • BF1 and BF3, imo. BF4 had its moments but 3 hit different (even though a bit generic). BFV has some cool war story chapters as well.

  • Which one that the most Australian servers?

    • 2042 or V

      3 and 4 have some servers active in Singapore that are manageable

    • +2

      There were a couple of Aussie BF4 servers a few months ago when I played

      • They were full right before and after the release of 2042, people getting hooked on nostalgia and then coming straight back when 2042 was a shitshow

  • I just downloaded 4 & V today to see if either still have active communities. 2042 sucked, Delta Force has a lot of issues that just made me miss the old BF games.

    • +3

      BFV definitely still has an Aus player base but you'll have the best luck on weekend evenings, otherwise you'll be queuing up for Singapore servers most of the time

    • +2

      Battlefield V has two active servers on weekends and basically one and a half servers on weekdays. You can normally find several Singapore servers with very playable pings too.

      If you're going to play BFV in OCE server, I would recommend the BoB one. If you're even slightly good at FPS games and join the other community and aren't already established in the community, you will be banned very quickly because their admins are the "everyone better than I am are hackers" type.

      • Do you know if there’s a way to appeal bans from that other server, I think it was called Borderless HC? Randomly got banned the other day after being afk for a few minutes and their Discord link doesn’t seem to work

        • They have a discord where you can appeal, but the admins are known to dig their heels and refuse to admit any fault for incorrectly banning people. They will make you jump through endless hoops, and then when they have nothing left to refute you with with they will just make things up and/or ban you from their discord.

          I'd recommend just playing on the BoB breakthrough server. That's where all the top OCE players play now. Borderless still have a few good players left, but they're slowly moving towards BoB because of the issues with community play style and the subpar admins on Borderless. The BoB guys know how to run servers which is why they have the most popular non-DICE servers across all the battlefield games.

          • @Tyrx: Appreciate the reply, cheers. Think I’ll move to BoB, I prefer breakthrough anyway.

  • +5

    just bought V… havent play games for decades.. was a fan of BF1942 LOL

    • +2

      In my opinion Battlefield 4 is the best one, just checked and right now there's 4 populated Australian servers for it.

  • +7

    Battlefield 2 was as good as it got. I'm hoping there are still servers out there

    • +3

      There are but it's been a long time since I last played so no idea if any are in Australia. Have a go at it


      There was also a free to play version of BF2 with some remastered maps and improved graphics called BF Play4Free that also shutdown but has been revived by the same group


      Once again been awhile since I played it so no clue on AU player count.

    • Especially because it was free with a pizza order.

      Can't remember the pizza, but still have fond memories of running with a good squad in BF2.

      • +1

        Mine came in a cereal box haha, I bought the expansion cheap from eBay though. Some cool maps in the little xpacks.

  • Hmm why is BF3 more than 4?

    • +1

      because it's better imo, even if older. price is relative

      • With bf2042 being the most, your theory is flawed

  • -6

    I loved BF1 2 but it slowly devolved into 2042 which was a horrible fail and forced me back into the COD MW2 DMZ after a long COD hiatus. Which leads me to the new kid on the Block(chain) 'Off The Grid'?…i know its Battle Royal format currently (which im not a huge fan of) and its still in BETA but this is the first triple A game running on Blockchain using $GUNZ token as a form of currency where you own and can sell your looted items. So when the token goes live you will be able to convert your GUNZ into real cash, its got a lot of potential i know many see that as a reason to stay away from it but Crypto is the future of all currencies lets be honest. There are a ton of sweats playing it which i guess is no different to any other shooter. Its free to play but realistically once the game has you enjoying it most will end up paying the $17/month subscription for PRO due to the benefits it brings earning GUNZ and unlocking GamePass items etc. Anyone that is into Crypto and Shooters this is your game and with Neil Blomkamp (Director of District 9, Chappie etc) as the chief creative officer this game is only going to get better each month Give it a try and remember its still in BETA but its runs well on all platforms.

    • +2

      Switched to BF1 when cod went into outer space, only cod across about 15 years I’ve not purchased and loved BF1
      Polar opposites
      Back on cod but gee the latest BO6 and impact on warzone is an interesting move

    • +1

      If you ask me, it sounds like a scam!

      • How is it a scam if its free to play? The Blockchain aspect of the game is just a bonus for anyone dabbling in Crypto…This is not a pump and Dump meme coin, If by merely playing the game you earn $GUNZ how can you lose? if you are good enough the GUNZ you earn will pay for your monthly Subscription and perhaps even a living wage…Of course i have no idea what the actual value of the $GUNZ token will be when it goes live but Crypto has only made me money over the years so i have no more fear of it than investing in shares. The market fluctuates and you either ride out the storm or panic and sell. But at the end of the day this is a great game you can play for free. The Blockchain/Crypto side of it just makes it that much more interesting and worth spending your time playing. I don't see COD or Battlefield giving anything back to the players who spend their time and money playing their games.This is a new concept and worth getting behind imo. Forgot about the opinions of Youtube influencers and just play the game.

        • No gamer has played Metal Gear Solid 3 and thought 'Wow, this is fantastic, but it would be better if I could do unregulated, speculative investment on it!".

          Watching the credits at the end is reward enough for me!— Especially if it's got a great soundtrack!

    • -1

      Getting downvoted by people scared of the Blockchain lol Stick to your Fornite with the 10 year olds times are changing you either move with it or get left in the dust. OTG isn't for snowflakes.

  • +3

    BF1 has 2 active OCE servers on most weekdays and 3 active servers on weekends.

  • +3

    The only Battlefield worth playing for multiplayer is Battlefield 2 HANDS DOWN!!. no battlefield game has ever had the perfection that is BF2.

    • Commander with assests (you sweated when enemies were on an area, you call in an artillery strike and before the shells can fall your team start moving into the area = teamkills = kick from server), Squad Leaders, Up to 6 Player Squads, Squad only spawn, no health regen, reload your mag loose the rounds in your mag, teamkill is always on. I much preferred the difficulty balance and team work in BF2. More recent battlefields the normal mode is too arcade and the hardcore is too difficulty for me (plus also played less).

      Are you membering from nostalgia like I am? Because I revisited BF2 a few years ago and it has aged in the movement mechanics.

      I have always said about cheaters in more recent battlefields, if teamkill was always on for even the most basic of modes, any teammate could jump in front of the cheaters bullets, get killed, and if the settings were anything like BF2 after 3 or so teamkills the cheater would be kicked. Thus the community could police cheaters. Or you know, bring back vote kick (which rarely ever succeeded really).

      • The 128 people maps are also massive even the 64 player maps were :D o and the intro to the game the music always gave me chills hehe https://youtu.be/UUD9zaCaSqk?si=ZCl36UzJ1YqBSkz2

        • Yeah the big maps were really epic. Hope they make a comeback!

          • +1

            @Agileduck: if they just did a remaster of it and updated it with bettter graphics etc I think that would be enough, just as long as EA DOESN'T CHANGE IT!!!! this it will be a good comeback for BF2.

  • +4

    BF1 is the best of them (that are still running). I've been playing a bit on BoB Oce. https://imgur.com/a/enable-custom-browser-battlefield-1-filt… they have 3 active servers and a decent community.

    • +1

      Seconded! It's great to casually jump on for a hour or two.

  • +1

    I've been playing the F2P battlefield clone Delta Force this week, pretty fun so far but it needs more maps.

    Lots of guns, easy to level up and play with attachments. After driver update it runs quite smoothly for me on my 6800XT

    Give it a try, its free.

  • Lol no bf hardline….. Anyway.

    With these steam games, dose it force you to run the EA launcher as well?

    • +1

      it does force EA launcher on you yes

  • +4

    For those on the hence and want to know if people play still before this sale. This is a comment on Aussie servers only.

    Battlefield 4 = Has anywhere between 3 to 5 servers daily. Still popular to this day
    Battlefiled 1 = Has about 2-3 servers of people daily
    Battlefield 5 = About 2-3 Servers of people daily
    Battlefield 2042 = Yes still has 2-3 Servers of people. I do like this and think its still worth it

    Cannot comment on Hardline's online as i do not have that one but the campaign was good.

  • +1

    Just play Delta Force it's literally free lol

  • Come join us in bf4, there is always 1-2 servers full mid evenings

  • BF1 is still fantastic and has active multiplayer

  • haven't played bfv in 1.5 years, i got really good at some point getting like 50 kills with sniper, than i got shit again after i stopped, everytime i played it by the end of the round i was sweating it was quite frustrating

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