Hey brains trust - I'm looking to buy a new fridge and have been thinking the GF-B505PL from LG, is it a good fit.
We're rocking an 8 year old top mount Beko which has started giving up slowly and I'm looking to upgrade to a Name brand which will give us more space and also pull its weight for the next 10 years or so.
Based on the requirements from the missus and the available fridge cavity space, the GF-B505PL looks to be most suitable.
I'm looking for,
- First hand experience from anyone who owns / has owned this model
- General experience dealing with LG fridges (reliability / after sales support etc)
- Considering this is a $2000 product, I'm thinking about purchasing the extended warranty cover from the retailers - is it worth it? All of the big retailers seem to offer it, is one better than the other? Or are they all equally (useless / misleading) - Choice magazine.
- Also the same fridge has a $250 lower retail price advertised at Appliance Central with free delivery and removal which makes it a pretty sweet deal - any experiences dealing with this retailer?
Thanks in advance!
What makes you think an LG will be any better?