• expired

Creative Zen Air 2 ANC Wireless Earbuds $24.97 Delivered @ Creative Labs


A lot of value for under $25 delivered, with Active Noise Cancelling, wireless charging, ambient mode, and long battery life. IPX4.

Website is being OzBargained and is slow. Wait for it to recover.

Original Coupon Deal.

Referral Links

Referral: random (2)

$5 credit for the referrer.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

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Creative Labs, Singapore
Creative Labs, Singapore

closed Comments

  • +2

    It's unbelievable value, totally agree

    • I will believe that when some ozb member got this peoduct and posted their reviews

      • +5

        I got it, it's good. Multipoint, long battery life, what's not to like?

        • +1


          Good gravy I did not expect that at $25

  • +2

    Thanks. Great value for $25. Toss them in my backpack as a spare set if I forget my AirPods.

  • +2

    Cheers, bought 2

    • +4

      One for each ear, right?

      • +53

        One for each head (I'm from Tasmania)

      • If there's a good deal - ya gotta Broden it, right?

        • +12

          I'm actually a firefighter that works between 2 stations…so 1 set for each station

          • +4

            @Lionheart: God damnit that's a great reason.

            • +2

              @krunchymoses: Oh and you even made a Tasmania joke - you deserve two sets!

              • @krunchymoses: the Tasmanians are the ones having the last laugh - considering how much bigger slice of the GST revenue they get than other States out of the Feds lol

                • @Wally: I thought they were having the last laugh cause they were a bit slow but I guess that's a good reason as well ;-)

  • +1

    How's the mic? and are they better than JBL Tune in this price range?

  • Would have liked it in white colour.

    • There are other buds in white, just a bit more expensive

  • How does it compare to the plus ? 5 dollars more

    • +1

      Plus is $48 using CYBER20. OZB50 is 50% off the RRP.

      • Oh I thought I could double dip

        • +2

          I just tested this with 3 different headsets and all 3 were 50% off with OZB50

          • @Jackson: thanks. i took the plunge and got the plus. I was using melobuds pro before and it did what i wanted except sometimes it was hurting my ears and recently lost the charging case! plus looks almost identical in specs to melobuds and they both costed the same for me.

            Site responded ok once OZB crowd stopped using it :) clearly it was not meant for OZB load.

  • +3

    This website is completely breaking. I'm not even trying to get that deal!

    • I got there in the end , Watching Silo .

      • +1

        Yeah same, finally got a pair!

  • +1

    Website goneeeee

  • +1

    Am I being stupid… I can't see an add to cart button/buy option

    • +1

      Hahaha me 2 can't find it. You are allright

  • it's not designed to withstand Ozbargain volumes

  • -1

    Already Ozbargained ?

  • +6

    The amazon price is pretty close, at $30 if you don't mind paying a bit extra


    No idea how it sounds, but it's the cheapest I've seen with wireless charging

    • Thanks. Creative website is ass so got it off amazon

    • Thanks for that. Amazon was much easier.

      • And MUCH easier returns if rubbish.

  • Damn is this any good?

    I just paid $90 for the SoundPeats Capsule Pro+ (and for a review left they send me another set from their range).

    • +1

      Shat? So 2 for $90 after give review? Link?

    • You got the much better deal in terms of audio quality, especially if you grabbed the Engine4 in the freebie offer.

      • @jasswolf do you have a link of what alz was talking about? have it been posted on ozb?

        • +1

          It's not, it's an offer to generate initial reviews. Buy a pair and you might get the offer after you register.

          It's not a guaranteed thing past a certain point.

  • +1

    How do these compare to the Moondrop Space Travels? https://www.amazon.com.au/Moondrop-Space-Travel-Bluetooth-Ca…

    • +1

      Not sure why you would buy them on Amazon when AliExpress has them for like $28 after a coupon in a few days.

      • They do look cool though. Do you know if these are as good as they make out for small ears?

        • No idea mate sadly, I've only heard good things about them but I don't have a pair myself. I suppose at less than $30 you can't really go wrong, but it's a sizeable junk of change to lose.

    • +3

      I have the moon drops as backups and they work great. Audio is really clear, balanced and don't sound cheap/tinny. I bet audio quality much better than these creative ones but I can't confirm since I don't have them.

      ANC is nothing crazy comparing to my buds3 pro but it's surprisingly good for it's price. Not to mention it also has usable transparency mode not found at this price point.

      I think I'm on the smaller side for ears but it still fits and seals well.

      • Thanks mate :)

    • +2

      Thanks! Ended up getting moondrop space travel instead for a little more and reviews seem to rave about audio quality

      • Im tempted too because of the anime style

  • +2

    There is no buy or add to cart button 😔

  • +2

    Rrp is 50bux so dont expect anything spectacular. But for half price why not..

  • +1

    Where does the promo code go?

    Edit: Tiny blue writing in the total price area when first going to cart

    Edit 2: WTH after 10 attempts I finally got to the cybersource page, put my cc details in, and bloody didn't get a receipt and my stuff is still in the cart. Don't know if I bought it or not :-/

    Edit 3: Ok, it's been taken out according to my bank, so hopefully they know about it?

    • Have people got email purchase confirmations? If you have woudl appreciate you letting me know, I don't have one yet

      • +1

        Yes received e-mail confirmation

        • On the end I had to lodge a case, but they confirmed they got it and sent it out

  • +3

    Im still not sold it may have alot of features for the price range but it dont mean jack if neither any of them perform well, and im more concerned about sound quality and mic tbh

    • -2

      it's 25 bucks

      • +2

        Doesnt meany anything if its going to end up as waste, many well rated sub $30 earbuds have been posted in the past.

        I rather this for $32

        • Are these better though? I have had some creative stuff in the past and it's been decent. Maybe not the best stuff but at least OK. I know the ones I am using now are rubbish and even they are good enough for podcasts, so there's no chance these creative ones will go to waste

    • +1

      This cheaper than even dodgy scam china ones that you wait 3 months to receive off timu or whatever, so I'm not sure what could make you purchase if this doesn't!

  • +1

    this website is dogwater

  • +9

    Fond memories of Creative Labs, Sound Blaster 8 bit sound card and Dr Sbaitso.

  • +2

    this was a painful shopping experience 😭🤗😁😊😀

  • +1

    Thanks OP, after 30 mins refreshing the browser it finally go through. Imagine being the on-call support for their website at saturday night 😂😂

  • +5

    Forgot what dial-up internet felt like.

    • Cheap headphones, plus a free dose of nostalgia.

  • seems very cheap for what you get.

    wonder why never posted on ozb before?

    if I had to guess it’s just a regular cheapo $30 earbud that’s sold on Amazon, except with creative branding. I’ve gotten a few TWS earbuds off amazon and can say it’s worth it to go for the $40 $50 ones when they are that price on sale.

    Guillermo’s review seems to suggest it is what you get.

  • The zen air 1.. terrible…

  • +1

    Creative Soundblaster Live!

  • +1

    Thanks OP, got one finally after lots of attempts on a website that slowed to a crawl, kept trying until I placed the order, now hope it isn't cancelled.

  • +1

    Thanks, got one

  • +1

    errr.. i don't even see the buy button?

  • Thanks OP

  • +5

    I give up. The website is dogshit.

    • just get it from Amazon. $5 more but you get it much faster with Amazon Prime

  • +6

    $5 more on Amazon if people can't be asked trying to put up with the website. Still good value IMO.


    • +1

      Agreed. $5 more just for the Amazon experience and customer service is well worth it.

  • +2

    Is this good? Amazon review show 17% 1 star.

  • -1
    • These are for a completely different Creative product.

      • Sorry, should be more careful.

  • +2

    out of stock already

  • OOS in offcial website. for an extra $5 you can get it from amazon

  • It was removed from my cart while I was going to make the payment. 😢

  • +1

    Always around $30 on Amazon, so a $5 saving

  • +5

    This website baffles me at times, the reviews for this product aren’t great on Amazon (3.6 stars) where they are usually $30 but chuck a massive 50 percent off code and they sell out

    • yeah more like 16.6% off not 50%. 💁‍♀️

      more decently positive reviewed buds out there that cost the same retail price, just less discount on sale such as Soundpeats and recent QCY models.

  • +1

    Be careful very low quality and reviews on Amazon.

  • Anker would be better although less features but reliable. These have got some shit reviews.

    • one downside to anker is, well at least up until now every single model requires you to create account on the app just to use it.

      not the only company to do this and some might think womp womp just make an account. but I have read a number of pissed reviews that absolutely refuse to hand over details and use app for data collection just to be able to use a budget product.

  • Creative huh? Man i miss my old Zen player.

    In ear though 🤢

  • OOS

  • Low quality $10 Chinese earbuds selling with a branded name for $50, priced down to $25 to get rid of stock as it doesn't even sell at $50. Horrific reviews online and on Reddit.

    • +2

      Can you link to the $10 one?

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