Advice Re Lenovo 27" Monitor

I'm looking for a 27-34" monitor to connect to new Laptop: WFH MS365, Internet, youtube, movies, etc. No gaming.

I would prefer it was priced under $300 for instant tax write off.

Replacing a Dell U2715H that bricked after I shipped it one too many times in suitcase; can't believe I paid $635!🤦‍♂️

Anyway, looking at these to replace it:

  1. Dell S2725DS
  2. Dell S2722QC
  3. Dell S3423DWC
  4. Lenovo L27h-4A(

Monitros 2, 3 and 4 have USB hubs, which would be great for connecting and charging my new Ozbargain laptop🙏🤑 not to mention convenient connectivity and general cable tidiness.

My laptop came with a 100W charger. Would the USB hubs on the 2, 3 and 4 be sufficient to charge it?

The Lenovo appeals on both price and USB hub, but would the quality be as good as the Dell offerings for my use case?



  • +1

    I have a 24-inch LG monitor that looks identical to your LG selection, but maybe lacks the USB-C hub. I think the model number is L24i-40.

    I like it for a few reasons: the modern appearance, with a light-grey/white exterior instead of boring black. This makes it look smaller and sleeker in the room, and on the desk, enhancing your room. Big black monitors can make your room look smaller and darker. I also like the fact that it's fairly cheap, and 100Hz, which is noticably better than 60Hz. It also has a built-in speaker, which I don't really use, but it is better than not having one, and can be useful from time to time.

    On the other hand, the actual quality of the display in terms of sharpness and contrast is very lacking, and is much worse than a 15-year-old Benz monitor that I compared it to.

    Since my 24-inch LG monitor is not very sharp, I imagine the 27 inch would appear even less sharp as it has the same resolution.

    So, it depends what you're after. A basic, attractive 2nd monitor, or a brilliantly sharp main monitor. I would not use this as my main monitor.

    I do have the Dell S2722QC too, which is brilliantly sharp with nice contrast. Probably much better the LG. You don't want FHD resolution at 27 inch size. This Dell can charge/power your laptop, but I don't think it acts as a hub in terms of being able to daisy chain to a 3rd monitor.

    • Thanks for your thoughts, ForkSnorter (Great handle! 😂)

      A brilliantly sharp main monitor is exactly what I'm looking for, so I'm glad to hear you're pleased with your QC. I should probably pay the extra $23 (over the Lenovo 27") and get the QC, which has great pro reviews, as well, whereas the Lenovo only has user reviews, on Amazon, for example.

      Also, I may be engaging some fantasy savings as far as the taxman is concerned as I don't know how much I get back for a <$300 wfh write-off versus a >300 depreciation. The difference may be peanuts 🤔

      In future, if I wanted to add a third monitor and couldn't daisy chain it from the QC, I could always connect it via one of the laptops HDMI ports, right?

      Ps, Just to be clear, were talking about Lenovo 24" and 27" monitors, not LGs. Sorry to hear your 24" is a bit dull, but it's fairly old and now discontinued. I would expect the current 27" that I linked to would be quite a bit better


      • +1

        Oops yes, I was talking about Lenovo, not LG. Got mixed up.

        In future, if I wanted to add a third monitor and couldn't daisy chain it from the QC, I could always connect it via one of the laptops HDMI ports, right?

        I'm not sure your laptop will function well powering 2 large 4K screens (or even 1 large 4K screen and another smaller screen). Mine didn't like it, so I went back to 2 FHD 24" Dell monitors. Depends on your laptop specs I guess. My Mac Mini copes easily with 2 large screens (4K).

        Sorry to hear your 24" is a bit dull, but it's fairly old and now discontinued. I would expect the current 27" that I linked to would be quite a bit better

        The L24i-40 is not really an old model. Maybe 1 or 2 years old, and I think it's still available for sale in some stores. I guess the 27" may be better, although you never really know until you see it. I expected my Lenovo to be sharper than a 15-year-old Benq monitor, but the Benq was way better despite the same resolution.

        • Unless I check it out at JB HiFi and am convinced it meets my needs, I'll go for the Dell. Thanks for your help 🙏

          Ps, I'd be disappointed if my new Ozbargain laptop laptop couldn't power a couple of 4K screens. Specs don't say either way, so I guess time will tell, if I go down that route.

  • Just curious what is minimum graphic cards required to run 2x 34 inch monitors at the same time to use as screen instead of laptop?

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