Apple Gift Cards Disappeared from Macquarie Marketplace

I was hoping for a Black Friday Gift Card deal from Apple on a new Mac mini and, when there wasn't one, and the computer wasn't available for a couple of weeks, I decided I'd wait. Factored into my purchase was a 6% off, variable value gift card from Macquarie Marketplace. I just went there to buy it and Apple gift cards have disappeared entirely. I could also buy Apple gift cards at 6% discount from Redeem Your Gift Card, and Apple has disappeared from that site, too. :-( They both had Apple gift cards last week.

Does anybody know anything about this? It looks like an Apple incentive, given it's happened on multiple sites.

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  • +1

    Does anybody know anything about this?

    Tim Cook mentioned on the latest earnings call that discounted gift cards in Australia were causing a noticeable 0.00002% dent in profits so they've been removed

  • You can buy apple GC at 10% , why buying 6% from Macquarie Marketplace ?

    • Where can I buy a $2400 Apple gift card for 10% off?

        • I think most stores have been cleared out of denominations greater than $50 now though

        • Thanks. I knew about this. A refund in rewards points isn't quite the same as a discount and going to the store and buying multiple gift cards isn't as convenient as typing the value you need into the Macquarie app and getting one card. But thanks; it's better than nothing.

  • I noticed this when I went to buy airpods for my son. Likewise had factored in the discounted gift card. Can still buy discounted Apple GC via RACQ Rewards (if you're a member) but their discount is only 4% off.

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