• expired

FlexiRoam Travel eSIMs: 100% Cashback Capped at $20 (One Transaction Only Per Member) @ TopCashback AU


Hey guys, hope you are all well. Nice promo here for overseas travellers. eSIM activation period expires 3 months from purchase date. Promo ends 23:59 AEDT today unless withdrawn earlier. Cashback then reverts to 90% for UAE eSIMs and 10% for everything else. Stay safe, and enjoy 📱☺️✈️

Very Important:

  • Using any discount codes is not permitted for this promo and will deem cashback ineligible (will track at $0).
  • Ensure you remove any code that may be auto-applied at checkout.
  • One (1) transaction only per member is permitted. Subsequent orders will not track and cannot be claimed.
  • Cashback is ineligible for purchases made via the FlexiRoam app.
  • Changing currency to AUD will help with your cashback calculations.

Popular eSIMs: ($0 after cashback)

  • Asia (Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam) 1GB, 7 days - $10.57
  • Japan 5GB, 30 days - $17.37
  • Global 1GB (130+ countries included), 7 days - $13.59
  • China 3GB, 30 days - $17.37
  • Europe (39 countries included) 1GB, 7 Days - $10.57


For tracking success, disable/remove all 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from TopCashbackAU as tracking will be lost. TopCashbackAU must be the very last click/tap prior to purchase. Try our iOS/Android mobile app for improved tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions, issues, or claims.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4053)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • +8

    I'm heading Brisbane to Melbourne, surely that's in need of a travel SIM?

  • +4

    Price jacked but still a deal.

    Asia 3GB 30 Days increased from AUD 19.63 (end of oct) to AUD 25.67.

    • I realised that as well!
      With the $20 limit now only able to get those local data packs of 2GB/15days

  • +2

    I had some issues with FlexiRoam overseas with VoWiFi.
    Sometimes it worked, other times it didn't.
    Ended up using Skype.
    Also, you might need a VPN as their IP address appeared to be in Hong Kong and I was not able to access some local booking sites to pre-book attractions.

    • Jv how do you have time to travel when you're always on Oz bargain 😅 (big fan btw)

      • +2

        time is relative.

        • and Bob's your uncle

          • @nanite: Edna's my auntie

  • Can I activate the card in Australia before the final activation date?
    Or can it only be activated after I’ve landed?

    • Can I activate the card in Australia before the final activation date?

      usually you can activate it at any time.

      it is actually preferable as you will then already be setup when you arrive at your destination.

      • +1

        When you select activate it will give you an option to start now or schedule a start date.

        • So, can the start date be set for after 3 months?
          If I buy the Japan 5GB, 30-day plan now, will it still work in early March?

          • @FlyingPanda99: If you purchase a plan today, it will need to be activated by February 27th (within three months). This means your scheduled start date must fall within this timeframe.

            • @JessicaKraskoff: Hi, if I buy China 3gb 30 days, do I need separate VPN to access facebook etc?

              • @RTY:

                Hi, if I buy China


              • +1

                @RTY: Hi @RTY, great news! I just checked with our customer service team, and you will be able to access Facebook using Flexiroam without the need for a VPN. Let us know if you have any other questions!

            • @JessicaKraskoff: Yes, if I schedule the start date for 27th February, does that mean I can use the card until 28th March?

              • @FlyingPanda99: Hi @FlyingPanda99, great question! Yes, if you purchase a 30-day plan, you’ll have 3 months to activate it. Once activated, you’ll then have the full 30 days to use your plan. 😊 Let us know if you have any other questions!

                • @JessicaKraskoff: Do I just press the "Activate Plan" button under My Plans?

                  Does "In-active" with a "-" in the middle mean it's not activated yet?

  • +8

    got a flexiroam esim on the last 100% cashback deal. it worked about 50% of the time in Tokyo. wasn't a great experiece. Have used many esims before while overseas and never had issues like I did with this.

    • which ones in your experience have worked best ?

      • +1

        Eskimo, saily, airarlo all worked equally as well with zero issues.

      • +2

        From my experience, travelkon has been flawless for the last 3-4 times I've used their esims

        • +1

          Second this. They're my go-to for esims.

    • +2

      Thanks for this info, was gonna buy it for Japan. Would have been annoying to have intermittent working data

    • used both physical (me) and esim (Wife) in Japan back in Oct with no issues from either of us. Was a little fiddly to set up with APN etc but once done was flawless.

    • Damn I bought it from last deal too to use in Japan February. Might have to look for a new esim

    • I used two Flexiroam eSIMs in Japan (including Tokyo) in Oct/Nov and no issues. I was using an iPhone 14.

    • Oh wow also bought for my upcoming trip to Japan. May have to look for something else.

    • That wasn't the experience with me and my friends few weeks ago. Our flexiroam esims worked all over Japan, including Tokyo with zero issues. Have a Samsung Galaxy S24+, they have iPhones.

    • +3

      Using it right now in Tokyo, no issues. Just had to enable roaming, no APN setup needed.

  • How long does it take for these cashbacks to become "confirmed"?

    • it varies.

    • took 6 weeks on cashrewards. could be difference on tcb

  • Flexi-roam free if you got 28d card.

    • Not free, there is a monthly fee.

      • +1

        Haha. Right on cue pal.. free / included

        Doesn't cost extra if you have the card and free for me.

        (My price protection claims more than cover the free and people forget about the other perks ie. Latitude rewards dollars; just changed $20 for WW GC).

        • Doesn't cost extra

          It does.

          I used to have 28D card and it used to be free, but now it costs $8 per month, so definitely not free…

          • @jv: But the $8 fee is offset by a $10 gift card if you spend $1000+ in a month.

            • @sween64:

              if you spend $1000+ in a month.

              I don't.

              I used it only for O/S transactions.

          • @jv: Guess you didn't read

            I get more valuable out of it with the shopper's protection so not worried about 8$.

            Plus can use for whichever countries and when U want instead of waiting for these deals.

            • -1

              @G-rig: Guess you didn't read.

              It's not free anymore.

              • @jv: Don't care mate, give it up.

                You didn't have price protection
                Worth it to me and costs no more if I've got that card.

                • @G-rig:

                  Don't care mate

                  I don't care that you don't care.

                  It's not free anymore.

                  • @jv: Oh right. Busy day there?

                    Flexi-roam is free for me if choose to use it since I've got the card.

                    • @G-rig:

                      Flexi-roam is free for me if choose to use it.

                      No, you are paying $8 per month for that privilege… Whether you use it or not…

                      • @jv: It's not $8 just for that privilege.
                        Other benefits that outweigh the fee as I said.

                        • @G-rig:

                          It's not $8 just for that privilege.

                          But it is

                          You only get the 'benefits' when you pay $8 per month.

                          Previously, it was free…

                        • @G-rig:

                          Other benefits that outweigh the fee

                          I'm not discussing the value or pros/cons of the getting that card, that is subjective and thousands of people cancelled.
                          But it used to be free, and now it is not..

                          • @jv: Up to you it's more than worth it for me
                            and then these extra features are free..

                            People that cancelled wouldn't have had shopper's protection feature so that's fair enough.

                            • @G-rig:

                              Up to you it's more than worth it for me

                              irrelevant thought…

                              we are discussing whether it is free or not.

                              • @jv: Plenty of free alternatives of this shit, or use it at any time for no extra if you already got a 28d card.

                                • @G-rig:

                                  or use it at any time for no extra if you already got a 28d card.

                                  if you've already got a 28d card, there you are now paying $8 per month, so the benefits they give you are not free

  • Worked well for stopover in shanghai, no VPN needed.

  • +3

    This might sound like a silly question - but can any of the 30 day ones roam here in Oz? I ask because apparently OS roaming Sims are exempt from the IMEI based blocking recently implemented by telcos.

  • Neither me nor my wife last one has tracked

    • Hi. I can see both your account and your wife's account tracked FlexiRoam fine on the 100% promo on Oct 28. Not sure why then didn't also track for you on Nov 8 however. Kindly lodge missing cashback claims and we'll take care of it for you. Cheers!

      • Mine still not tracked from Nov 8, raised a missing cashback and dm-ed you too. Thanks

        • Please simply lodge the claim and we'll take care of it for you. Thank you.

          • @tightarse: They can refund into credit, if I ask for refund and buy again today with the credit, will it qualify for cashback? It's probably easier rather than chasing for missing cashback?

            • +1

              @hanofee: 100%. I've previously confirmed with the FlexiRoam rep that using credit for cashback is ok as it's still considered payment.

  • Still waiting for my cashback from the last deal. Hopefully it comes eventually lol

    • I'm waiting on 5 but they haven't passed the date. The rest have all been paid.

  • On mobile browser for flexiroam, just can't find option to change currency to AUD…Is this mandatory to do

    • Not at all. Just for convenience.

      • thanks. I will try again if not option then checkout with USD.

    • Hi @s0805, You’ll need to log in to your Flexiroam account to change the currency. But as TA said, no issues if you purchase in USD.

      • @JessicaKraskoff, pls consider this as feedback, I am doing as you have suggested however on currency page when I select AUD, there is no save option on page. May be i am doing something wrong…FYI though

        • +1

          Hi @s0805, thanks for the feedback, we will raise it with our tech team.

    • +1

      I had the same issue when they previously ran this cashback deal. The small screen size (mobile) layout just lacks the button for some reason.
      Use this link to change currency before starting the transaction and you should be golden:

    • Does that mean if you pay with a non international fee free card - they'll charge you a fee? I'd prefer to use my cc but it's not international fee free.

      • Wouldn't matter if they bill you in AUD you'll probably still be hit with a fee

  • +1

    Just a question: I bought a SIM during the last deal, and now $20 is pending. If I buy another SIM on the same TCB account, will I still qualify for cashback on both?

    • +1

      Of course 👍

      • Just got pending cashback in my account, great! 👍

        • 😊

  • Can I pay with Apple Pay?

    • @sween64, yes we do support Apple Pay.

      • And will I receive cash back?

        • +1

          Hi @sween64
          Of course! As long as you click through Top Cashback and avoid using any promo codes, you’ll qualify for the cashback.

  • No issue with Topcashback but the esim I bought from this deal previously did not work overseas. I've used esims a fair bit, first one not to work.

    • What country?

      • Singapore/Malaysia

        • that's not good - i need something for Singapore in Feb. Anyone else have problems?

  • Bought 10:14, tracked 10:52

  • Why are the Malaysia Sims so expensive, one of the cheapest countries to actually get a physical Sim at airport for

    • Well, vote with your wallet, I say. Just buy it upon arrival lol

  • Bought and tracked 20 mins later

  • Thanks TA perfect timing for my travel from Jan to Feb.

  • If you need something more than $20, flexiroam seem much more expensive than TravelKon, even after you factor in the cashback.

    • If cashback does work, it'd work better, e.g: Asia esim is $25.6 or so on Flexiroam, vs $10.xx on Travelkon with 30% discount, so if $20 can be tracked, then you save $4.xx (but yes, probably safer to do via Travelkon)

  • I bought one through cashrewards a couple of month ago. Am I still eligible for this promotion? thinking buy another one as my overseas stay is more than 30 days.

    • Of course.

  • Bought it from last deal but it didn’t get tracked + no update on the missing cashback claim…
    Used the esim in Korea and it worked without an issue.

    • As per the very first email you received when lodging the claim, you won't receive further feedback until the claim has been settled. You'll only be contacted if we require further information. Thanks.

  • If I bought through TCB at the last promo, can I buy and be tracked again this time?

    • 100%

  • Hi TA :) Is tracking time different for everybody? I’ve made transaction 3 hours ago no tracking yet.

    • Hey! No, tracking is the same for everyone. Taking around 45-60 minutes. If it's not in your earnings page after 3 hours, please consider cancelling with FlexiRoam chat and repurchasing with the instant credit they give you. Follow my tips in the OP for better tracking success, and especially try to use a clean browser. Contrary to opinion, just disabling AdBlocks doesn't always work. It's best to completely remove them, or not have them at all to start with. Good luck!

      • Thanks! Chatting to them now. Good to know the wallet credit qualifies for cashback :))

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