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Bowers & Wilkins Px8 Over-Ear Headphones $583.57 (RRP $1149) Delivered @ Amazon DE via AU

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Bowers & Wilkins Px8 Over-Ear Noise Cancelling Headphones in Dark Forest Green

$583.57 delivered to Australia from Amazon DE. An Amazon Prime membership is not required to take advantage of this deal.

Made with a metal frame and real Nappa Leather for the band and ear pads

You can also get Australia based ones for $779.64 - https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0DFMXHV5R/ref=ewc_pr_i…

Other colours are discounted only to $975

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Amazon Germany Store
Amazon Germany Store

closed Comments

  • +2

    I can't quite remember the differences between Australian and German model headphones offhand. Does the sound go clockwise hear and anti clockwise there, or is it vice versa???

  • Saw an article on Reddit that this brand is loss making to a tune of about US$30M p.a. and the parent company may kill it… Very saturated industry, everyone doing noice cancel now, lots keeping their airpods. Tough market conditions

    If that eventuates then lots more sales on their products

    • Care to share the article, I can only see that they restructured the company 5 years ago

      Either way, I know the quality of B&W, these headphones are reviewed to be one of the best around

      • So for example is the sound quality really good? And what other benefits

        • They are audiophile-grade wireless headphones

          The only headphones I'd buy above this are the Mark Levinson No. 5909, but they are another price bracket

          • @Dubbin: Thanks for that

          • @Dubbin: I am torn between this as the CA P100. Very highly rated as well with
            great tuning out of the box. . Might just cancel this and go with CA.

        • I tried a pair when I was killing time and it almost killed my credit card at $899…

          I've since lost my Sonys, so it's even more difficult to resist.

  • +1

    amazing find thanks Dubbin!

    especially nice when combined with the 10% off gift card deal that was on the other day

  • +3

    You can also buy straight from Amazon.de

    The full black model is the cheapest at 333 Euro, but VAT come off that for overseas, delivery is 24.03 Euro

    333 Euro ~ $537 AUD
    24 Euro ~ $38.74 AUD

    I cancelled my order for the green ones and got the full black ones, 345.52 Euro ~ $557.76 with the expedited delivery, it would be cheaper with the basic delivery


    • how come the RRP for the green on over there is 699 and the black one only 375? are these two really the same ?

      • They are the same. In Germany the black is actually cheaper.
        I would get one for this price if it would pair with my Apple devices as easy as the air pods pro.

        • +1

          very easy to pair, they also can be paired to multi devices at the same time and you can switch between the devices

    • +1

      One thing worth mentioning, is that I don't think you'd get free return shipping if you do need it, where as if you buy with a local Prime account, you would.

    • Don’t you have to pay GST as it’s not included

      • Under $1000 you don't need to pay anything for imports

    • Thanks for posting the original deal Dubbin and this directly drom Amazon Germany. I have been waiting awhile for PX7 S2E since missing rhe qantas one sometime back.

      I ordered the Forest Green from AU. A bit risky for return side of things if ordering from Germany. I can't recall if they would pay for shipping and I belief the refund would exclude shipping.

      • For $583 or $779(AU version)

      • I have recently bought and returned an item purchased from Amazon Germany. it worked the same way as you would return an item bought in Australia.

        no need to pay for return shipping, could be different for each item though.

        • Thanks. Just to clarify that you meant ordering directly from Amazon Germany and not a product sold by Amazon Germany but purchased through Amazon AU? Do they pay you the shipping cost as part of the refund? In this case shipping is around 24 Euros.

          Also do you get charged GST and is there a tax invoice?

          • @Redsin: sorry for the confusion. I mixed it up and actually bought via Amazon AU sold by Amazon Germany with proper tax invoice and GST.

            • @mar1in: Thanks for clarifying. Yeah i think i will srick to ordering from Amazon AU even though i would have preferred black colour.

    • +1

      My headphones arrived over the weekend via DHL


      • I bought them for $713 and they arrived yesterday. Still getting used to clamp force.

        Was not blown away from current Sennheiser 599. Real test is on Thursday when I take the bus to work.

        • I've sure that the lack of a wire will be a big difference

          • @Dubbin: I had Bose Qc2 which died and have air pods pro 2 for comparison.

            I had Sony xm3 which hurt my ears and gave it to my teenager who prefers Anko $10 to it :)

  • Very tempting…I wonder if it will be around for when cashback deals kick in for Black Friday.

  • +1

    Secretly hoping my Px7 S2e's die!

    • You don't like them? I love my original PX and the battery is on its way out. I wouldn't wish its death though.

      • Oh yeah I like them, would love the 8s though.

  • Is the battery replaceable on this one? Like for B&O.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, pulled the trigger and bought the black one.

  • +1

    I have just tried with thegoodguys to price-match the black colour and they accepted. If you are planning buy black colour and don't want to wait, I think it is better to try.

    • In store or via chat?
      What was the amount GG accepted?

      • I have used the website online chat.

        • What was the amount in AU that you got?

          • @VerticallyIntegrated: $583 for black color

            • @erdemm18: which link did you use for Amazon black colour for $583 to price match?

              • +1

                @Redsin: I have used amazon australia link, but the green colour. As they don't have green colour, they put black colour.

                • +1

                  @erdemm18: I just spoke to their online chat to price match the Amazon AU link for $583. They told me they can’t match it as it’s Germany stock.
                  Did you have the same issue with them and if so how did you convince them?

                  • @self-evaluation: Hmm seems that I was lucky. But I have changed my mind and did not get it. Link still works though. However unlike JB hifi links, you can't put your address and details, otherwise I would share the link so someone could use it.

                  • @self-evaluation: This was my same experience when I tired

                • @erdemm18: Thanks, i will prob stick to Amazon. Returns are possible if I dont like it. I am ok with green.

  • Also PX7 S2 (not S2E) for $244

  • was so excited about it. but then cancelled

    I am happy with my px7 s2e.

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