• expired
  • targeted

Bonus $150 Meta Quest Gift Card When You Upgrade to Meta Quest 3 or 3S @ Meta


Just received an email from Meta. No Black Friday deals this year for those who want to buy a Meta Quest 3 512 GB ($799) or 3S 128/256 GB ($499/$669) besides this gift card now. Possibly targeted.

"Get a $150 Meta Quest gift card

Thank you for being a loyal Meta Quest customer! Upgrade to the new Meta Quest 3 or 3S and receive a $150 Meta Quest gift card to spend on your favourite games and apps, only for a limited time.* Plus, get Batman: Arkham Shadow included with your purchase.†

Use your unique device purchase link below to redeem your exclusive offer. The promo code is automatically applied at checkout.

Don't wait – offer ends on 31 December."


Referral Links

Referral: random (460)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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Meta Store
Meta Store

closed Comments

  • +2

    Dang was hoping for better deal

    • What would have made you pull the trigger?

      • +3

        In addition, 1 year trial for the quest+ subscription and/or discount to $1500 for the quest 3.

        • +1

          Damn, that a big ask lol

          • +2

            @ignited141: Meant $500 lol.
            Unsure how the 1 got there.

            Might still get it though as wanting to upgrade from the original quest

        • did you mean $500 ?

          • @Gravy: Yep😂

          • @Gravy: I was wondering if they were going to offer the older 128gb Quest 3 model at a heavy discount, surely they still have a bunch of them in stock, unless they are somehow rejigging them to 512gb.

            • @Gravy: I wish the 128gb came with sd cards so it gives people more of a reason to get them

              • @michael9865: lol they don't care, they want yo cash

              • @michael9865: Yeah I think they would much rather sell the higher memory versions at more profit unfortunately. Would be awesome though.

  • +3

    $150 Meta Quest gift card

    fair enough i guess, better than a kick to the teeth but i feel like its been a longgggg time since a good sale on good apps, or any new must have apps, last one prob would have been Bonelab.

    Now all the referral credits are (a) hard/impossible to get anymore and (b) expire quite fast…

    • +1


      Actually reading online , I think Quest gift card credit does NOT expire unlike referral credits.

  • Hmmm … I wonder if this also applies to buying a Q3 via amazon?

    • I purchased one from Amazon about 3 days ago. Just tried to cancel my order Incase they do have something but I couldn't. Oh well if they end up doing a deal I'll get on to customer support. They are usually pretty helpful.

      • They weren’t able to fulfill Prime next day?

        • +2

          I'm in North Queensland. They can barely get things to me in less than a week and a half.

      • +1

        Really weird that when I search directly on amazon.com.au for quest 3 512gb, I cant actually find any $799 listings for that model, I have to go to Google and do the same search and then it takes me to the correct page on Amazon. Bizarre.

      • +1

        Hey mate, were you able to get Amazon to give you any goodies to match this offer? Keen to know as about tool the trigger myself.

  • Great marketing. The q3 512gb is only $100 more than the 3s 256gb. A real no brainer

  • In US stores like amazon and target they are already offering (extended black friday) $75 target or amazon store credit/gift card when buy the meta quest 3s 128gb for $299 USD

  • +6

    Not going to bite. $100-150 discount for the quest 3 and I'm in. I'll keep waiting, no urgency here.

    • +4

      Got to agree

    • Having just come back here it looks like it already dropped to $799 which is already $200 off the original price. Now throw in this gift voucher and it’s $350 value to my mind. Not too shabby.

      • Yes, that is true and if you really want one it's not a bad time to buy.
        I personally just want to see the evolution from the quest 1 to 3 and if it's good enough this time to keep it.

        Since $799 is the new MSRP I need a nice, guaranteed discount from here to buy, not a maybe, if I'm in the target group, $150 store voucher. Make it $650 and maybe in the future I will spend $150 in your shop.
        I will never buy at MSRP and there is a reason why meta had to lower the official price guide, either people didn't buy it or the quest 4 is right around the corner.

  • How do I get the gift card?
    I'm keen to buy a Q3 but can't see any info on the gift card promo

    • I’m in the same boat, I think we just weren’t in the targeted group

      • I messaged customer support who had no knowledge of this apart from an offer to US residents.

        • Oh right, I just sent support an email too before I read this

          Disappointed there seems to be no deal this year. I’m hoping Cyber Monday in America’s time will pull through

    • +2

      In the meta app check the messages. Tap on that message will get you a checkout with the 3S and the free $150 gift voucher. Down the bottom add the Meta 3 if you want that instead. Now you can add the elite strap now for a significant discount or buy it without the discount using the gift card.

      • Nothing in mobile app. Did you mean desktop app?

    • Hey, did you figure this out? Came to this thread looking to buy a Q3.

  • Anyone have a purchase link they don't want to use that they can PM me?

    • I think it may be personalised so may not work if shared with other account. Might be based on how much or little you have spent at the meta shop.

  • Isnt this a US only deal? Meta Australia dont know anything about it.

    • +1

      Not sure… I got an email offer as well. Although when I ordered my Quest 2 a couple of years ago I think it was billed to Facebook's business in Ireland, I seem to remember getting hit with a conversion fee or something even though it was advertised in Aussie dollars.

    • My account is AU based and I received email with the offer. More hoping for a Amazon deal so can use my Amazon giftcards.
      The Meta deal is for a $150 Giftcard that could be gifted to a third-party should one choose. It's not account credit which may work well for some?

      • Ah ok, yeah hoping for Amazon too.

      • Yep… I also stocked up on enough amazon cards to cover the cost of a Q3 so very much hoping Amazon pulls something out of a hat.

    • +1

      Works fine for this AU user

      • Yeah i just got one too but now i have discounted Amazon cards so will see if they do anything.

  • Would it be possible to get a screenshot of this please?

  • Got the email offer, mildly interested although my OG quest gathering dust haha

  • +1

    YouTuber Steve Knows also mentioned the affiliate credits are meant to be doubling too, just in case you don’t receive the offer or are new to VR.

  • Anyone recommend a good case for the meta quest 3?

  • Don't forget to use the referral generator before activating to get another $47 game credit. Read a rumour Meta was going to do double credit again in Dec, but could all be bs.

    • I'm not sure if this will work if you already have a meta account. Can people still successfully refer others for a Quest 3 if they already own a Quest 2?

      • +1

        Apparently, it's once per account, not per device.

        • I've been wondering if it might be beneficial to register a new account for another family member, get the referral credit, then get them to gift me some apps with their credit. Then reset the Quest 3 and reregister it to my account.

          If I do that though I'm a bit concerned about whether warranty is transferred.

          Also, how is the free batman game delivered? Is it a code that my family member could pass to me or do they have to install it under their account. That would be a spanner in the works if its the latter.

          • @Gravy: I'm 99% sure the Batman will be linked to their account. It won't be a code. I might be wrong, though.

            • @Azro: yeah that would be a dealbreaker.

          • @Gravy: Warranty is "non-transferable" so would belong with the other account, as would the Batman game and any extra's that comes with new Device upon registering it. Best not do that :-)

            • @Borg: yeah it would be interesting to see how that non transferable warranty holds up within a family situation. For instance if you were to buy a laptop and it was passed down between siblings with different logins, the warranty would still continue. It's probably not worth the uncertainty with a company like Meta though.

  • -1

    Anyone not using their code please pm me. Would love to get one for my son's Xmas present.

    • It's not a code that can be passed as it is targeted i.e. Only available to users pre-selected by Meta to redeem

  • Apparently Amazon US is offering a US$75 gift card with purchase of Quest 3 in the states, I wonder if Amazon AU will offer something similar on Monday?

    • Doesnt look like we are getting anything.its understandable but sucks

      • yep, I'm now looking to order directly through Meta and get the $150 gift card credit, then use my Amazon credit for other other stuff.

        • Dont you only get the $150 if youre targeted?

          Nvm I see that you were.

  • Weird that I haven't received this. I bought on launch day via Oculus direct… bummer. Just about to upgrade too.

    • May be based on how many you bought or how many people you have referred. I bought two Quest 2 a couple of years ago and have have referred a few people as well.

  • +1

    Guess ill wait for boxing day

  • Okay so newby to all of this I want to get a Meta Quest 3 512gb is the best deal buying it direct from Meta $799 with the $150 bonus card.
    Please and thank you

    • If you received the targeted $150 from Meta, then I would say yes as it's $150 for free. Add the $94 referral on top….and very decent indeed.

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