• long running

We Will Dance Again - Surviving October 7th (Was Previously Available with Paramount+ Subscription Only) @ 9Now


Previously available only via Paramount+ subscription, now free to stream from 9Now
A celebration turned into a nightmare as festival-goers had to make choices that would determine whether they lived or died.

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  • we will dance again after we genocide these 20k kids

      • ICC criminal is terrorist

        • At least one of them certainly is, the others I’m not entirely convinced about, either way I’m not sure issuing an ICC warrant against elected officials of a free and democratic country was the best way to go about it, next they’ll issue a warrant against George Bush & Joe Biden.
          The ICC is unfortunately running its own image by proving its a paper tiger when it attempts to overreach.
          Let’s see what happens though I guess.

      • +2

        We'll definitely do so for the zio terrorists who love to mass murder innocent people. Thanks for that.

    • +8

      I have no love of Israel, or anywhere in that region frankly. But the same can be said about Hamas and how little they value the life of the Palestinian people. Gleefully using children, families, medical centres etc as "human shields" for military outposts, weapon caches etc to simultaneously draw western sympathy and drive the next generation of lunatics. Yeah, hard pass. Re-purposing western aid to build their never ending networks of tunnels etc. Yep, no sympathy. The only thing i have sympathy for is that kids get born there in the first place.

      • +7

        Well Said!
        I’m sick of people assuming you have to be pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian to have the view that Hamas is evil.
        I pray that the Palestinians find the political will to build and elect a government that has its citizens future and safety as its main focus and that Israel once they don’t feel threatened lets their moderate majority make sensible decisions.
        Imagine if people from all sides could visit freely and all have the same rights as each other no matter what the name of the country is or the religion of its leaders.
        Northern Ireland found a way and I think govern an honest chance (no warmongers or absolutists allowed) I think a majority of both sides just want the opportunity to prosper and live happy healthy lives.

        • They tried, but then Israel propped up an extremist group to delegitimise their government on the world stage. And it worked, still is working.

          • @Aus Falcon: Pretty sure Israel was only interested in continuity of government with which peace negotiations were progressing well even given both sides had political elements who didn’t want a true resolution/peace but I guess you could spin it to suggest Hamas was the legitimate government and the Palestinian Authority was just a puppet.
            Palestinian politics is a complete and utter mess and I don’t think you can honestly call any of them ‘legitimate’ given the huge outside influences that a way bigger influence than actual citizens in the thick of it who just want to get on with their lives and aren’t interested in any power politics or greater strategies.
            Let’s assume the world gave Hamas full respect and legitimised them as much as any other elected government? Do you think the situation would be better or worse?
            Interesting perspective though!

            • @Clarky77: @clarky77

              If you really want, PM me, and I can send you some links / videos for information. But only if you are willing to be polite and respectful. I will not be baited into arguing. I am not going to be baited, or argue with people in a comments section.

    • Have you seen social media?
      They are already dancing with guns, and some while wearing women's underwear

  • +4

    This is zionist propaganda (hasbara) filled with misinformation and lies.
    Their claims about Oct7 have been thoroughly debunked. This post should be removed.

    • -2

      Not sure

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    • +3


    • +8

      How many Israelis do you accept were killed by the invading Palestinian militants (primarily Hamas), at this festival? A rough number is fine.

    • +7

      Which claims in particular?
      Is there a doubt about the number of dead on both sides?
      (Not likely.)
      It is a freebie, so not a bargain.
      Does your hate so blind you, that you can't accept some basic information?

      I admit I have not watched the doucumentary in full, as I do have a problem to see the signs of REAL death for any war-like situation.
      The reality is that those people at the Music Festival are likely to have had a greater empathy towards the Palestinians.
      Israel like any western-style country is made up of a mixture people of a variety of beliefs and poltics.
      So the tar-brushing and feathering of a whole nation of people by many of the neggers on this posting should re-consider their own bitterness.

      Hate the politics and politicians by all means.
      But remember (and I accept it is hard to), that we are in Australia, far-removed from what is going on in the Middle-East.
      We have a limited ablity to change the reality of what happened and continues to happen over there.
      But let people have the freedom to express themselves in a peaceful manner.
      Like whether they choose to watch this documentary or not.

    • +1

      Name one lie in the video ?

  • +14

    I look forward to a respectful discussion to take place in these comments.

  • How good is the song APT by Rosé and Bruno Mars? Makes me want to dance again

  • +5

    Well done for posting. October 7 - is not lies.

    Maybe the people above should watch it and understand that these kids were just dancing and having a good time before they were attacked.

    I hope more people watch it to understand the real story instead of believing the rubbish that is posted online and stop being racist ( is the definition of Zionism is just a simple belief that Jewish people deserve a homeland too)

    • +4

      And then one day….for no reason at all. Cool story, plenty of places to build without evicting a 1m people from their homes

      • +4

        Plenty of claimed reason, it's the bloody middle east. Everyone has inherited a grievance story and it's always the other guy's fault.

        The origin of the state of Israel similarly has a story of grievance and mass violence at its core and partly as its justification.

        But - can we agree that entering a rave, of young people who are there to celebrate leave and support the creation of a state for Palestine, to kill and maim them, is bad?

        • +1

          No one not radical debates this but many claim it was totally unprovoked.

          • @metrosilver: Name someone, quote them.

            There is no one who has not heard claims about Gaza, but who has heard about Oct 7th.

            You are just making a straw-man.

        • Celebrate peace*

    • Watch this one, made by Jewish exZionist


    • +7

      Unfortunately, the people above, and their like, will not watch it. They have been consumed by the woke-mind virus and have chosen to be on the side of the terrorists, those who want to end their western way of life. I've shared this documentary for those who have not yet been afflicted. It's a difficult documentary to watch, but well worth it to gain some real perspective from the other side of the "from the river to the sea" crowd, and who they support are.

      • +3

        The "Western way of life" that kills innocent children and women in thousands? I didn't sign up for that.

        • +2

          I mean, there is plenty of non western countries killing people into hundreds of thousands. Has nothing to do with the west

          • +2

            @jrchurvnjef: The West lectures the global majority about the human rights and then goes on sending bombs to perpetuate the genocide. Oh hypocrisy

            • @olympicwiz: What genocide ?

              • +3

                @dryandra: The one the Islamists have been trying to commit against the Jews since Mo first picked up a sword?

        • +5

          So which country are you moving to?

          • +2

            @McFly: Very happy to be here exposing the hypocrisy of the West.

            • @olympicwiz: 😄😄😄

              • +1

                @McFly: 57 totes non-colonialist Muslim countries to choose from, but which one will the bachelor choose? find out in the grand finale

            • +3

              @olympicwiz: Like living in a occupied country and complaining about Israel occupying Gaza ?

              • -1

                @dryandra: Like living in a supposed democracy and exercising my democratic right to call out the genocide that is being perpetuated by the Israeli war criminals ( See ICC arrest warrants) .

                • +2

                  @olympicwiz: What genocide?

                  (See an arrest warrant does not mean that a person is guilty of a crime)

              • +3

                @dryandra: The hypocrisy of these useful idiots is off the scale.

              • @dryandra: I know. Priceless.

    • +1

      Yes, thanks @fat queenslander for the information.

    • +7

      No, the attack by Hamas on a festival in Israel

  • +5

    If you are interested in this subject there is a brand new documentary called 'Occupied'.

    • +2

      Also “Israelism”

    • +1

      If it is a freebie, create a post about it if you want.

    • +3

      Is it about the Arab colonisation of the ME and North Africa?

      • +7

        Shh stop being all factual here

        • +1

          Sorry, bad habit.
          At least I didn't mention San Remo or Sykes–Picot or something.

    • Soo many documentaries, you will literally be watching for months before you catch up on enough to get a solid grip on it all..

  • +3

    Didn't realise propaganda was a deal now

    • +1

      Its always been a deal here many times, it can depend on who thinks it's propaganda.

      For anyone,….. If it supports their views, its not, if it doesn't then its propaganda.

    • Yes, another brilliant mind that believes if only the world only allowed idea/subjects you agreed with to be published the world would be a better place.
      Any thing else is just propaganda ;)
      Out of interest are you studying political science or gender studies?

      • No, just don't like propaganda no matter the side really not hard to grasp big fella.

        Guessing you're an alum of the school of hard knocks.

        • +1

          The funny thing is, if you have a brain you watch everything in the knowledge that even with the best of intentions any article, post, video, opinion ect has an element of bias based on the creators lived experiences &/or potential agendas but so long as you keep your mind open and allow opinions from opposing sides of what you currently believe is true/closer to the truth then there is generally something to be gained.
          Out of interest, are you suggesting this video has absolutely nothing to offer in the search for the truth and is pure propaganda?
          Are you suggesting anything published that can’t be 110% verified by impartial independent witnesses has no value?
          What are you suggesting qualifies as propaganda? What % of verified/certified fact must any article contain to hold value and not be written off entirely?

          School of Hard Knocks! Nice and not far wrong lol

          Lot of words but not hard to grasp I don’t think Little Fella ;)

        • -1

          He is trying to bait you, that's what they do, they try to make a point by asking a question that they can twist the answer on.

  • +10

    Lets spend a minute and give credit where it is due: HAMAS propaganda department - totally amazing skills!
    They have managed to convince a sea of people that, despite paragliding en-masse into Israel to slaughter innocent party-goers, torturing, raping, murdering and taking hostages and filming it all in close up with their own go-pros. Somehow, due to special Hamas mind-magic, it is all false!
    Thousands of pro-Palestinian NPCs will tell you so!

    • +4

      I thought they are zombies, but NPCs works just as well!

  • -4

    What sort of people hold a music festival for their own kids just outside the fence of the ghetto where they are holding millions of people in dire circumstances, almost within their hearing.

    Some day the truth will come out of what happened that day. Hamas didn't know there was a music festival happening there, just over the fence. They didn't attack it. They sent their forces to kill and take hostages at the military base down the road where the forces keeping them in were stationed. Unfortunately the security at the festival got word of the breakout, and sent the Israeli kids to where they thought they'd be safe, at that military base and the neighboring settlements. That put them in the middle of the fight between the Israeli military and the Hamas forces. And the Israeli military had helicopter gunships with 50 calibre cannons and hellfire missiles that were shooting at everything that moved. Then going back to base, reloading, and going out and doing the same again.

    One day the truth will come out about how many of the 1200 Israelis killed were killed by Israel's own military. Like the 13 who were killed in one of the settlements after being taken hostage. Two Israeli witnesses have testified those 13 died when a tank commander, knowing there were Hamas forces and Israeli hostages in a house, ordered his crew to shell the house, killing everyone,

    Israel claims there were rapes and the like, but they refuse to let any independent investigators talk to any of the supposed victims or witnesses.

    • +11

      'Hamas didn't know there was a music festival happening there' - How on earth would you know what Hamas did or didn't know?
      An apologist for Hamas' paragliding murder squad - amazing!

      • +10

        Yeah, Hamas did not know about the music festival, that's why they attacked it from 2 directions in a pincer movement.

        I'm no longer upset by comments and conspiratorial claims such as by GordonD, they cannot see anything else.

    • +9

      1200 Israelis killed were killed by Israel's own military

      Seriously, even Hamas doesnt claim this.

      BS like that just weakens the cause you are pretending to support

      • +4

        To be fair to this propagandist, he said "many of the 1200", not necessarily all.

        • +2

          Smallish point taken.

          But whats "fair" about something thats dead wrong. They quote the 13 killed by a tank commander. To my mind 13 out of the 1200 is not "many".

          If they were "fair" they would have just said 13 died by Israeli tank commander and not even use the "many of the 1200" as that is totally misleading.

          • @RockyRaccoon: Ah but don't you get it? The 13 is proof that Israel something something false flag something. Therefore Hamas is absolved.

    • +2

      It would be akin the German Nazis holding the jolly festival outside the Auschwitz concentration camp.

      • +4

        Not at all.
        Trance-parties are about the celebration of music.
        They are inclusivist by their very nature.
        To try to make the Festival a political event is quite ridiculous.
        The sentiments expressed in this documentary, by the Festival goers, (from what I have seen), seem pretty normal.
        A father brought his wheelchair-bound daughter to it.
        This is a beautiful example of humanity being expressed.

        • Right outside the biggest contemporary concentration camp complete with Israeli checkpoints and Israeli snipers picking off the kids inside? Well done. Enjoy!

        • +3

          You left out the part where their bodies were found a few days later next to the border fence, burned, hugging each other. The daughter had cerebral palsy, and those animals still decided to first kidnap, then torture and murder both her and her father. NPCs (thanks King Tightarse!) have reverse logic in their programming, you will not reprogram even 1.

  • +6

    I’m unaligned but I’m tired of seeing these posts about bad movies on Netflix and random documentaries on YouTube or whatever. There’s no bargain in these things

    • +3

      True. Just a political battlefield

  • +1

    Witnessing the genocide that's going on at present, I think both sides are capable of evil

    • +3

      Gaza's population grew by 2.88% in 2024, one of the highest growth rates in the world. Some genocide I tell you what, those zionists are really bad at it. And you are witnessing it. Amazeballs. Pure evil. No words.

      • +5

        I don’t think you know how a genocide works, just a quick Google search will show that……

        “ Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. It can be committed by killing members of the group, causing serious harm to them, or by creating conditions that lead to their physical destruction.”

        So these zionists are not really bad at it after all.

        Take them to The Hague as well as all these world leaders that enable this on going holocaust in Gaza, the West Bank and now in Lebanon.

        • You are obviously good at google so should google what holocaust means, as I feel you have a knowledge gap. Also try googling if them zionists are committing any genocide, the answer to this one will surprise you, though you will refuse to believe it.
          Lebanon? West bank? really? Thanks for cheering me up, I needed that :)

        • +1

          And what of the conditions for genocide from what you have quoted have been met?

      • +1

        Your source isn't useful. It's a projection, itself based on estimates from 2007-2016. Maybe it's passable to you because you look to Channel 9 for world news, so the standards are already very low.

        Also, even if it was accurate, its a wicked way to try to brush aside 44k deaths. If anything, it's pre-final solution type math. It's almost as if your saying that it's not that attempted ethnic cleansing hasn't taken place, just that it hasn't been effective, that the figurative ovens are too slow, a mere "mowing [of] the lawn". That these sub-humans reproduce too fast.

  • +2

    <yawn> wake me when Ch9 is showing the Australian Open.

  • +4

    I agree that the Oct 7 attack was despicable and it's very sad that those young people who were more open to peace got caught up in it. However this post is yet another 'look over there' attempt; 1200 Israelis dead, 45,000 Palestinians dead.

    • Depends why tho. 1,200 Israelis died because Palestinian leadership decided to wage a third terror wave.

      ~15,000* Palestinian civilians died because Israel decided to topple that leadership who led the terror wave, and in the first few months made the terrible decision to try getting at the tunnels with bombs instead of a land invasion.

      Notice the deaths slowed dramatically once they switched to ground tactics.

      The goal is obviously not to kill civilians - in contrast to the Palestinian terror attacks which explicitly targeted civilians, yet again.

      *Excluding Hamas fighters, rough figure.

  • Grab your popcorn. Comments about to get spicy

    • Always does, and everyone trying to trigger the others.
      Problem is, people willing to make comments, but not willing to learn and share knowledge.

      It is what it is. I really think Ozbargain needs to ban these kind of posts moving forward, and ban ALL flags and religious symbols etc. from profile pictures (yes, even mine). Ozbargain really should be neutral.

  • +8

    I think there should be a blanket ban on political posts of any persuasion, it's bringing out the worst of this community & making it more like reddit every day.

    • -2

      I agree. I think they should ban ALL flags from profile pictures too (yes, all of them, even mine).

  • +4

    This is rage-bait from OP, and we fall for it every time. Just yesterday, this guy had multiple false negs removed from streaming deals. Rules for thee, but not for me.

  • +1

    This should go under freebies maybe not deal

  • -4

    I wonder why this hasn't shown up on Ozb front page, it has the upvotes. Am I missing something?

  • +3

    Seen it. Total yawn feast, even if it is fiction.

    Prefer the red triangle videos.

  • +2

    Poor israel totally unprovoked…
    Is what people think when they just follow the news which israel owns and runs…
    Only ever showing their side. While kids who cant spell run their social media

    • Meanwhile you're such a genius.
      Where do you get your information from? Al Jazeera?

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