20% off code BrevRACV20 brings the Breville The Oracle Espresso Machine (Black Sesame) BES980BKS to just under $1600 with free shipping.
Enjoy! :)
20% off code BrevRACV20 brings the Breville The Oracle Espresso Machine (Black Sesame) BES980BKS to just under $1600 with free shipping.
Enjoy! :)
What types of improvements did you notice?
Dual boiler improves workflow, efficiency and speed. It’s a must better machine for entertaining guests and making multiple coffees.
Not sure why this was down voted. Being able to froth the milk while grinding and brewing is a huge plus. Both end up ready at the same time.
The internals of this are the same as in the dual boiler AFAIK. If you're going to be using a separate grinder anyway I would save yourself the $500 and just get that
Nice, default shows stainless (changed to black as posted and works)…. Nice find OP
Can anyone confirm it won't do single basket shots (normally 10 gram)?
It comes with a single basket & can do a single shot… but much harder to get right, I just do doubles every time (and also upgraded to a Pesado basket).
Cheers mate.
Yeah, singles are an art form that took me about 2 years to work out (the key being an angled tamp around the edges first - then a flat tamp), which makes sense since a single is a bevelled basket. A flat tamp will give you chanellled filth every time via the edge. Ie. you cant see the channels, as they slip down the sides.
Guessing this means the auto tamp wont be able to do a single. But you can still manual tamp on the Oracle?
I just don't like the single water point entry on the BES, vs multi point on the BDB and the Oracle.
Just bought this machine for $1600 in the recent Black Friday sale via Amazon - it’s an amazing machine and a huge and noticeable improvement coming from the breville express. Still would highly recommend, if budget permits, to purchase a separate grinder for even better tasting shots/espresso but the built in grinder does the job.