This was posted 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS5] Dragon Age: The Veilguard (Standard Edition) $69 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Regardless on your politics, this is the best price for this game currently. If that represents value, that's up to you.

Maybe combine with and get it for $62.10

and JBHifi have matched:…

About this item

SAVE A BATTERED WORLD: Enter Thedas, a vibrant world of rugged wilderness, treacherous labyrinths and glittering cities. The world is teetering on a knife’s edge while corrupt gods unleash havoc across the continent. Nations war and factions splinter. Who will you trust? From the Arlathan Forest to the back alleys of Minrathous, this is a broken world. Your actions will affect the fate of Thedas forever.

Unite THE VEILGUARD: Unite a team of seven companions, each with rich lives and deep backstories. These are characters to befriend, and even fall in love with. Among them, an assassin, a necromancer, a detective, each and all bringing their own expertise and unique abilities to the fight. You are never alone, decide who to take into battle and together face down demons, dragons and corrupt gods.

BECOME THE LEADER OTHERS BELIEVE IN: Select from different races and combat classes, customize your appearance, choose your character’s backstory and begin your journey as Rook, Dragon Age’s newest hero. The choice is yours. On your adventures, you’ll gain new abilities and discover unique, powerful artifacts to enhance your own combat style. Brace yourself, there are tough decisions to be made, allies to inspire, and a fight that needs every sword, staff and bow you can muster.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Apart from the wokeness, it is a 6/10 game at most. A fair price should be < $20

    • +5

      Its an EA game it will be $19 bucks in a few months

      • +3

        this - will be on special on boxing day for this price imo

    • -1

      Dragon Age : Inquisition was banned in India by EA themselves because of homosexuality related reasons

    • +7

      Since when has Dragon Age not been “woke”?

      • Dragon Age has always been woke, but it also used to be well-written and representation was done tastefully, not to tick off some corporate checkboxes. If you managed to get past one episode of Dragon Age Absolution then you'll see what I mean.
        I wrote a lengthier comment in this post, but this game honestly had the potential to be a 10/10 if they didn't fire all the talented writers or change the art direction to suit 'modern audiences'. I'm at 40 hours in, would still give it a 7.5/10 similar to how I rate Mass Effect Andromeda.

    • How is it woke?

    • -3

      3/10 maybe ,and 10 bucks is ok

    • Yeah, will play when this hit the subscriptions.

      Definitely won't waste my money on this.

  • -2

    go woke go broke.

    • +4

      For a series that has always been “woke”, as you call it, it certainly hasn’t gone broke having sold millions to the point where this fourth instalment has been developed. Try again.

      • For a series that has always been “woke”

        What's your idea of "woke", can you also tell us how the prior games were woke?

        • +5

          What’s your idea of woke? I assume it’s something to do with trans/non-binary/bi/homosexual representation? Which has always been in the original games through several characters, and where same sex romance options have always been available to the player character:

          Dragon Age Origins - Shale, Zevran

          Dragon Age 2 - Fenris, Anders, Merrill

          Dragon Age Inquisition - Krem, Dorian

          I’m sure I’ve missed tons more too.

          So I’m just pointing out that this idea that wokeness has somehow diminished the games and caused them to fail is very incorrect.

          I suspect people calling it woke have never touched a DA game, or have been oblivious to the examples above.

          • -4

            @willooi: So literally having non-straight characters is your idea of "woke"?

            • +5

              @Butt Scratcher: What’s your idea then?

              • @willooi: "Woke" refers to people who are aware of social issues and are doing something about it (hence "woke" as in woken and aware). Basically activists in these social issues relating to minorities i.e. racial, disabled, LGBT etc.

                In the context of games, a game is woke when they feel like a woke activist mouthpiece. Did the older DA games feel that way?

                The existence of gay characters do not make it woke, just like how not every gay person is a woke activist.

      • Well be fair, write a shitty one dimensional characters with alternate agenda that's not about writing good characters and good story, go broke doesn't sound as catchy.

        I do think Dorian was the highlight of DA:I, I will also mention the Iron Bull in the list of characters you mentioned.

      • -1

        the latest is a financial disaster….

  • +3


  • +1

    yep the price is declined
    Since 07th Nov, price was 75 and now 69.

  • +6

    I've enjoyed what i've played so far. Just a fun action RPG.

    • -4

      EA should have created a new fantasy IP, not tarnish the Dragon Age name. I'm hanging out for a Dragon Age: Origins remaster.

  • +4

    trash game, woulnt play if i got paid $ 69.

  • +1

    Good price, good deal, the quality of the game shouldn't impact the quality of the deal

  • +3

    So sad. Origins had so much potential, was such a good game then it just turned to shit

    • -1

      and we have people who never played Origins saying this is somehow a good Dragon Age game


      • Not sure if the ones negging this deal have actually played it more than an hour or are just bandwagoning off of Asmongold and MattyPlays' videos.
        I've played every DA game, including this one where I'm currently 40 hours in and enjoying it thoroughly. Is it a good Dragon Age game? No. Is it a good action-RPG? Yes.
        People are just negging this deal because of the anti-woke brigading and this currently being at the center of a culture war in gaming.

        A Dragon Age fan would give this a 6/10, but for a gamer not devoted to the series this could easily be a 7.5 or an 8/10. I'm erring towards a 7.5/10 because I'm suspending my disbelief in this being a Dragon Age game. The progression system and combat is very deep and rewarding, and the game runs smooth as butter with awesome visuals despite what you make of the new art direction. The score from Hans Zimmer is also top notch and the main scenario is off-the-rails crazy after Act 1. Besides the overt political messaging in some instances the only other major flaws IMO that would prevent it from being a 9 or 10 are the quippy, grating dialogue writing that belong more in a HR training video than a grimdark fantasy setting that we loved this series for. And that alone is probably more than enough to be a dealbreaker for many.

        I might add that the controversial scenes with the non-binary Qunari companion Taash do diminish from the game's overall quality, but they're mostly skippable side-quests. I wish we could've kicked out or refused that character entry into our party like in the older Dragon Age games. The fact Taash is written like an irritating juvenile if anything detracts from the agenda that they're trying to present around non-binary representation.

  • +2

    I have been enjoying this game.
    I never played the origins but loved DA inquisition and a fan of Bioware. My favorite game is ME 2.

    The tone and overall gameplay has changed a lot from the previous one. Even so, the graphics, music and combat system are great.

    My game of the year so far.

  • +3

    Good price. It definitely gets better the further you get

  • It's fun, doesn't reach the highs of the series and it sucks they dropped the ongoing choices from previous games. But if you want to finish the story from Inquisition it's worth playing. I wouldn't recommend it if you haven't played or didn't finish Inquisition.

  • -2

    lol, what the heck.

    At this rate, it will go to subscription soon (Gamepass/PS Plus).

    • +3

      Its price has been going down just the same as Metaphor, it’s called a sale.

  • Price is $59 now

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