Pronunciation of "bow-ron" ... REG Channel 7 The Chase AU

so … how to do you pronounce … "bowron mango" ???
channel 7 chase AU officially pro-nounced it as … "bo-ron" +++ gave correct answer to that pro-nounciation !!!

but everyone I know of (including producers of said mangos up north … pronounce it as "bow-ron".
should channel 7 chase ppl on show - "got a free pass" with the pro-nounciation of "bo-ron"

… without even been questioned.


  • +5

    The Kensington Pride was discovered in Bowen. What's this alternative pronunciation of the town you speak of? Just watched the buffered recording on my TV tuner: Final Chase at 1:20… for anyone that can be bothered. "BOH" + "uhn"

  • +1

    Maybe OP means Pronoun-cication?

  • +2

    People struggle to pronounce ozbargain, and again here let alone some far away mango farm name.

    • Lol silly but entertaining discussions

    • +1

      Pronunciation makes rants. Cheers.

  • Common one is Bathurst. How man haitches in it? One. So, please, its not bath-hurst!

    • +1

      That's how Brockie always pronounced it. Must be a Victorian thing.

      • Yeah, I grew up down the road from ‘Bafust’ and we always thought it was funny that these guys would come to town every year but still not cotton on to the fact they said it differently to the locals

    • That's ok, near where I live is a place called "Rutherford" and they make up for the 2 "H" said in "Bath-Hurst" when they dont pronounce any in "Rudderfud"

      • There's this place called Edinburgh, the 'pronownseation' of which would probably obliterate OPs mind.

  • +4

    Can you take someone seriously when they criticise other people's pronunciations, and themselves refer to "pronounication" and "pro-nounciation". Its one of those irregular ones like a person who runs a restaurant isn't a restauranter but a restaurateur. In this case how you pronounce something isn't its pronounciation but its pronunciation. Go figure.

  • Pronownication

    is that when you mix up your pronowns?

  • OP Username nails it

  • Correct pronunciation is not always required for the answer to be correct.

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