I was talking to a friend of mine about this site and he said Ozbargain as O Z bargain (ozzie, aussie bargain).
I have always read it as OZ bargain (aus), like in OzLOTTO
Does anyone know how you are supposed to say it?
thank you
I was talking to a friend of mine about this site and he said Ozbargain as O Z bargain (ozzie, aussie bargain).
I have always read it as OZ bargain (aus), like in OzLOTTO
Does anyone know how you are supposed to say it?
thank you
Bloody yanks
Not O Zee
It should be O Zed Bargain
should that be the way if you thought it was supposed to be, vs AUZ Bargain
I actually emailed Scott regarding this as my brother also pronounced it as Ooozee Bargain. Scott clarified it by linking me a video of Toby Abbot pronouncing it.
That song was fantastic hahaha definitely worth watching the entire video for.
Ounce Bargain
Oz Bar-gen
Oz zee barge in
I just put this into our FAQ page. Basically
This reminds me of the time Linux Torvald was asked a similar question asking him how he would pronounce "Linux", as in Line-nux or Lin-nux… I guess this settles it then.
When my gf sees that I'm looking on OzBargain (yet again…) she kind of sings it like the Simpsons "Monorail" song: "Ozbargain, Ozbargain, Ozbargain!"
OooZee Bargain