Talking with my brother yesterday I was intrigued because he pronounced ozbargain as "Ozziebargain" whereas I pronounce it as ozbargain with oz pronounced like it is in the wizard of Oz. I was just wondering how everyone else pronounces it?
How do you pronounce Oz Bargain?

Some people pronounce Z as "zie" rather than "zed"
That might explain how his bro got Oh-Zie bargain rather than "Ohzbargain"
But it's OzBargain, three syllables, not OhZedBargain, or OhZeeBargain.
Zee is an USA pronunciation. If they are pronouncing an Aussie website that way, then ship them off.
@mskram — you are right & your brother is wrong.
Scotty, why is it pronounced that way? I always thought that the Oz means Ozzie = Aussie = Australia?
It's a portmanteau of Aus and Bargain.
AusBargain = Ozbargain.
Ah, now that makes sense to me.
It's a portmanteau…
portmanteau - Noun - a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings; 'smog' is a blend of 'smoke' and 'fog'; 'motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining 'motor' and 'hotel'; 'brunch' is a well-known portmanteau.
How did this word manage to evade me for so long?
Entering 'freckle' forthwith generates the following multiples:
- FRECKLESSLY - freckle recklessly
- FRECKLEGEND - freckle legend
Yours Frecklessly,
Now I know what it's called too. A mate once told me he had 'horendogestion', horrendous indegestion. Always stuck with me
if it were a portmanteau it would be something like Oargain… its simply the joining of two words…. Oz and Bargain.
Well strictly speaking Ozzie/Aussie is short for Australian, while Oz/Aus is short for Australia.
Or less strictly, a bunch of yobbo's in a land of yobboness.
I pronounce it, "Hide the Credit Card"
really? I've been calling it 'the professionals' my whole life
Doesn't matter. I have both the card numbers seared into my brain.
I always call it Ozbargains even though i know better.
Haha, a'la "Myers"?
What do you mean? I thought it was Wizard of Ozzie…
The series called 'Tinman' redid it as 'the Oh Zee'.
O²Bargain. Except for the canned stuff in Japan, oxygen is cheap.
Oz - as a place to live generally, unfortunately, ain't.
Even a wander around an NZ supermarket can be depressing.
Yes, I know… lower wages etc. Still.
Certainly, the U.S. can be a paradise for a bargain hunter with even a little bit of coin.
I'm rambling.well the z in Oz is lower case so definitely the way you pronounce it. Might understand the confusion if it was OZBargain but it isn't :)
It's more fun when you emphasize the ARRRrrr. You can even wear an eyepatch and a parrot if you like.
pronounce it as "tightwad"
i'm of to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of ozbargain
Sometimes for me it's OzBogan.
Pronunciation: Aus-bargain
lol why the neg?
Shit, this whole time I've been on the wrong site! Time for me, Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and Tinman to find another forum.
28degrees (formerly known as The Wizard Advantage of Oz)(Me yelling at my screen "ozbargain")
Are we clear now?I pronounce it: oz-bar-zhain
oz - Wizard of Oz
bar - A man walked into a bar
zhain - "zh" like the "g" in beige and "ain" like pain.
Not really, this post hit the nail on the head:
In the email update of this topic, I misread this as OzBahrain.
wow, i had a discussion with my future brother in law about this over the weekend, and a few beers.. He kept saying ozzy bargain.. sigh
Oz is never pronounced "Ozzie", why would it???
I pronounce it Ozbargained.
Your brother has been watching too much Sesame Street. lol
Same as you. Where does your brother get the Ozzie?