This was posted 3 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bambu Lab 3D Printer A1 Mini/AMS $358/$614, A1/AMS $489/$725, P1S/AMS $899/$1279 Delivered @ Bambu Lab Amazon AU

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I Finally pulled trigger on Bambulab P1S with AMS after amazon price matched Bambu Lab, one of the most popular printer brand on the markert, perfect for beginners like me. Quick link for comparison of the different models.

A1 Mini $358
A1 Mini Combo $614
A1 $489
A1 Combo $725
P1S $899
P1S Combo $1279

esun filament black/matt black get you started

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU
Bambu Lab
Bambu Lab

closed Comments

  • +1

    $899 for beginner, who is the audience of $358 and $489

    • +3

      Poor people of course.

      • -2

        Uhhh, no they are not? Considering all of Bambu's machines share the same bed size, it is purely differential in hotend and filament compatibility. Please actually learn more about these machines before mouthing off.

        • -5


  • +1

    The P1S is an excellent beginners printer, because it's good to go in 30 minutes from unboxing it. It's enclosed and does a good print volume, and the AMS is excellent. Before bambu, you'd need an Prusa Mini to have a similar reliability and print speed, and this does it while enclosed (can do ABS in the future).

    Having said all that, the A1 Mini with no AMS lite is also an excellent first printer, because if you outgrow it, you can buy a second printer and be able to not worry about having a single printer break - still can print then

    • +5

      I got A1 with AMS lite and pretty happy about it. Prusa is now looking extremely overpriced compared to what bambu offers.

  • +3

    All I can say is don't underestimate the AMS units. I got the P1S Combo and even though I rarely do any multicolour prints, easily switching between colours for new prints is hugely convenient.

    • +1

      Or pop two of the same colour in and not worry about running out mid print. Or print PETG supports for a PLA print (or vice versa). AMS is great. :)

  • +8

    In true Ozbargain spirit, if you are wanting to save evey dollar, buying from Bambulab is cheaper, difference depends on the model.
    However, shorter delivery times and easier returns, so the extra may might be worth it to you.

    Prices delivered (Amazon premium in brackets):

    A1 Mini $354 ($4)
    A1 Mini Combo $609 ($5)
    A1 $469 ($20)
    A1 Combo $704 delivered ($21)
    P1S $871 ($28)
    P1S Combo $1249 ($30)

    AMS is not included in Amazon sale prices BTW, so if you need just that, go Bambulab.
    AMS Lite standalone is $95 more expensive at Amazon ($439 vs $344)
    AMS is $184 more ($599 vs $415)

    *edited to include AMS bit

    • +3

      Great comparison, also worth noting through Bambu lab you get printer add-on filaments for 30-35% off. Though you get the same discount when ordering 8+ filaments seperately through them at the moment.

    • +1

      worth noting that Bambu direct charges international transaction fees. You also get mixed reviews on issues being addressed by Bambu. Amazon I have faith will get things sorted if you have an issue.

    • If you use Zippay code ZIPBFS you are eligible for $12 off, so… now cheaper for A1 mini at Amazon, closer pricing for the larger models if you pay that way.

  • FWIW I bought the A1 mini a couple of months ago.
    Fantastic machine and so easy to use.

    I wish I'd gone for the bigger plate size of the A1 for the extra $115, but I'm going full on with Gridfinity & Multiboard, so YMMV.

    I'm likely to now take my slight buyer's regret as an excuse to buy the A1 as well while they are on sale… (lowest historical prices, I think)
    And if I get the A1 combo with I'm actually saving myself $109 on the individual prices of A1 and AMS Lite, so I'd be crazy not to, right?

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat, but instead, I think I'm going to wait for the new flagship in Q1 next year

      • +3

        It's worth noting it won't be at a comparable price point to the A1 or even P1S.

        It will be positioned above our current X1 Series, targeting prosumers who demand cutting-edge performance

        I stretched and got a P1S Combo upfront.. I would have been just as happy if I got an A1/mini first and then eventually got a P1S Combo resulting in two very capable printers!

    • +1

      Just my experience, I've recently gone from the A1 Mini to P1S with AMS, while it's still a great printer to me it feels like a downgrade - loud, worse display, harder to change nozzles and doesn't play the tune when it finishes.

      So, I feel like the A1 with AMS lite is the way to go

      • +1

        gotta have the little tune waking everyone up at 2am

        • +1

          Can be disabled in menus. The earthquake machine is a little trickier, there are ways to solve it on reddit.

          • @buyer-123: yeah haha i run a small fleet of a1s im still adding stuff to stop my 2nd floor shaking…

  • Having recently printed a few things using up most of the size of the Sovol SV06 Plus print bed I'd still personally say that kind of printer (i.e. not as finnicky as the classic Creality's) is far smarter choice than a tiny Bambu Mini for those on the fence with the whole hobby.

    • You sir, are either paid to say bullshit or just never used a Bambu printer, the print quality between Bambu and your Sovol(Creality clone) will simply not comparable, especially if we’re talking nylon or pc!

      • +2

        Oh yes … real beginner materials right there. All those dozens of Sunlu/Jayo roles being picked up are all ABS, Nylon, or PC…
        Complete strawman interpretation of what I said.

  • I'm considering an upgrade from the Sovol SV06 to the P1S Combo. Anyone made this switch? The Sovol is pretty good, way more reliable than an Ender3 but it is slow and I still have failed prints from time to time and it requires some ongoing tweaking. Looking for a more appliance like experience.

    • Have you Klipperised it? I've got the SV06+ and wondering if its worth the move to P1S. But if I'm honest, I want it for the AMS. If Sovol had an AMS, I'd be happy to stay with my SV06+

    • I've switched a clients print farm. Does that count? 10 x SV06 replaced with 8 x A1 and 2 x P1S. They have been extremely happy with the recommendation. Faster, more consistent, slightly better reliability (SV06 were pretty reliable). most importantly they are dead easy to print with because the printers are consistent. Often one or two printers would need a profile tweak for some filaments due to temp or extruder bite inconsistencies. Bambu's get the same print on every printer for the same profile.

  • Still cheaper directly from BambuLabs (including shipping) but the small difference could be worth it if you have Amazon gift cards to use.

  • +5

    Finally pulled the trigger on P1S combo. Been lurking long time on these posts.
    Ended up going with Amazon for peace of mind if any issues.

    Thanks for everyone who chimes in with valuable info on these posts.

    • Same. Same.

      Same. Thx OP.
      (Upgrading from a Creality CR6-SE, which has been pretty reliable, but certainly not trouble free.)

  • Would the Bambu be good for a first timer? Got scared off by watching Youtube videos of the Ender models bed levelling process.

    • this has auto levelling so should be much easier
      I just bought the A1 Mini from Amazon (giftcard plus cashback made it cheaper than direct) as a first printer!

    • 100%

  • Upgrading from a Prusa Mk3S which looks positively ancient now, compared to the Bambu Labs. It's a great little workhorse but it's time to retire it for a P1S combo.

  • Amazon priced match Bambu lab?

  • +3

    I bought an A1 with the AMS Lite in the previous Amazon sales, have been extensively impressed by its quality and ease of set up. Prints exceptional models, and barely any spaghetti or issues. Only problem I've had so far is power went out during a large 24h print and unfortunately by the time the power came back on the bed had cooled enough for it to slip and not align properly.

    Regarding stabilisation, it's wizardy. I've put it on a dodgy wooden two shelf that's ancient and wobbly, and it prints exceptionally well.

    For filament, buy from Bambu. It is far and away the cheapest option especially right now with their sale. 7+ rolls of either PLA or PETG (and some variants) are $19.99/kg. That is the cheapest I have found filament for and it's RFID for ease on AMS.

    • +1

      sorry for piggybacking off your comment, but hoping you might be able to assist. i've done a bit of google based research but the information is overwhelming.

      i'm thinking about grabbing one of these also - basically to print spare parts etc for things around the house (the main driver being some bloody kitchen drawer brackets that are not available for purchase anywhere and are out of production).

      is this sort of guy suitable for that kind of thing? and what sort of cost of filament would one use to do a handful of small items? how do you know which material to print with (assume they have differing strength properties)? i don't need to have multi-coloured printing.

      • +1

        kind of….The P1S would be a better solution as it is completely enclosed. This allows the chamber to be heated and is able to then print higher temperature / stronger filaments…

        don't get me wrong, the A1 would be just fine using PLA / more basic filaments, and i've got a whole bunch of stuff around the house printed in PLA.
        but if you're doing something slightly stronger and the location is slightly warmer, PLA won't cut it, you'd need ABS or NYLON, or even at a stretch, PETG

        maybe start with this cheap one, then see if it's for you!
        and you may not think you NEED multi colour printing….but the AMS is great for larger same colour prints, or even fancy 'engineering' prints where you can have supports in a different material, and therfore easy to remove!

        Filament is super cheap - maybe $20 a roll, which can print dozens of brackets and stuff…

        Designing 'stuff' is also super easy, Tinkercad for basics, or grab a CAD package like Fusion / Solidworks (both have cheap / free personal options) and watch some youtube! - that's how I started

        • +1

          thanks for your insightful reply, appreciate it.

          re the AMS, i see - so it enables you to queue the next roll regardless of colour also? that makes sense for bigger prints, i get it.

          why is being completely enclosed important for my use case? does that enable the use of ABS / nylon / PETG? or can the A1 print with those also?

          • +1

            @jrowls: being enclosed facilitates easier printing of other stronger filaments.

            you can do it on the A1, but, you'd probably need to chuck a box over it / be cautious of drafts and will experience more failures.

            if you're really unsure, just buy the cheaper one, play.
            IF you hit the limits, then sell, buy the more expensive one

            one other bonus of the more expensive one - takes up less space! - the A1 needs a LOT more space front to back than the P1S, and a lot more again side by side if you get the AMS on the A1!
            (think like squares, the P1S takes 1 square, the A1 two, the A1 with AMS 3)

            • +1

              @bleugh: Thanks mate, very much appreciate your time in providing this comment :)

              • +1

                @jrowls: I'm saving my pennies for the P1S….Though I come from a background of buying many differnt 'cheap' printers, I'm now over the tinkering / learning bit and want something that 'just works'…
                I'd really consider the new Prusa, But it'll be double the cost :-P

                Wait till you get into resin printing!

  • damn the ams is almost worth the same as the printer.

  • Isn't bambus site cheaper atm? or am i missing something?…

  • will you get free gift if you ordered from Amazon, I know it not cheaper here but I have some gift card sitting around

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