This was posted 4 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

$10 Chicken N' Chips, $12.95 20 Nuggs N' Chips, $12.95 Chicken Variety Pack + More @ KFC via App (Pickup Only)


This week's targeted deals from KFC. Make sure to check your accounts tomorrow.

Item Description Price
Chicken n' Chips 6 pc Orignal Recipe, 2 Regular Chips $10.00
Zinger Combo & Chicken Zinger Combo & 2pc Orignal Recipe $8.50
20 Nuggs n' Chips 20 Nuggets, 2 Regular Chips & 2 Sauces $12.95
Chicken Variety Pack 2 Tenders, 2 Wings, 2 Zinger Fillets, 2 Orignal Recipe, 2 Regular Chips $12.95
Double Burger Lunch Deal Zinger Combo + Original Crispy Burger $8.95


Thanks again to my source for letting me know about this upcoming promotion

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    That variety pack is insane isnt it?

    • Tenders and Zinger Fillets are on the smaller side imo

    • +3

      Insanely bad yeah. More words don't equal more food.

      You get 4 small strips of chicken, 2 wings and 2pc OR + chips for $13. Chicken and chips gets you 6 pieces OR + chips for $10.

      • Hmmm I guess maybe it's just me, I fill up on 3 tenders and some chips 🤷🤷

        • +1

          You'd probably be fine with the $6.95 double slider combo then, save yourself over $7 lol

        • nobody wants to believe it but that's enough food for 99% of the population

  • +6

    Need to stop this mixing up Original and Zinger. It's just not OK

    • Call it Original Zinger burger then… LOL…

  • +18

    There are some great value deals here. Blows Maccas November deals out of the water.

    • +3

      Yup, not done a single "deal" at Maccas all month.

    • +4

      Macca's November deals have been terrible. 6 nuggets and 2 drinks for ~$9 was ridiculous

      • Yup. The $2 Big Mac on the first day was all I got and all I'm gonna get unless there's a good Quarter Pounder deal somewhere in their plans.

  • +4

    I've been on a diet for 2 months but will always make space for kfc ❤️ thanks OP

  • -6

    Would be better if it’s 8 pieces and no chips for $10. Not complaining though.

    • +2

      Would be better if it's 8 pieces of chicken, a lambo, a trip to Alaska and no chips for $10. Not complaining though.

      • Expecting a lambo is a bit too much :D

  • Thanks OP

  • Anyone has a fix so I can login with FaceBook?

    • +1

      I sent them a message via Facebook Messenger. They replied within a few hours at the time (during daytime hours). They spoke with their technical team, and a couple of hours later got back to me saying they couldn't fix it and they would just delete my entire account and the phone number associated with it, if I didn't mind, then I would be able to start a new account.

      I'd done a bit of research in the meantime and discovered this happens to quite a few people who use Facebook to sign in. So I said OK, they got back to me 30 minutes later and said it was done. Then it took me less than a minute to open a new account, this time logging in with Google instead. I have been signed out quite a few times lately, but signing in with Google always works.

      So if you're happy to do that, then contact them that way I reckon.

      • +1

        Thanks for this!! Think this is what I will do.

  • Chicken and chips looks like a decent lunch feed.

  • +4

    These offers are great, McDonald's offers recently have been awful.

  • +2


  • Chicken n' Chips looks like the best deal here.

  • -1

    I got a “Double Whammy Meal” which looks exactly like the chicken variety pack but it’s $12.50.

    Thankfully I can stay away from KFC now 😂. If I got one of the burger meals I’d be tempted.

  • I got the double whammy lunch sorted

  • Where do you find these in the app?

    Is it under Promos & Rewards?

    Im showing

    $12.50 Double Whammy Deal

    • +1

      Yep. The red banner will say "KFC for you".

    • Sometimes KFC will shadow ban your account for no reason and stop sending you targeted deals, then, when you email them 3 times to find out why you get no response after several months. My advice to you is cut your losses now and create a new account (no fact checking has been done for this comment but it's how I feel things have gone)

      EDIT: On a phone call with the head office now, customer service says they have no idea why this happens and acts like it's the system working as intended

      EDIT 2ND EDITION: The advice I was given was to delete and remake the account and hope it gets targeted for the next round of offers in a week's time

      • that's some serious dedication to the bird. I would have given up as soon as I realised I was shadow banned

        • Never underestimate an Ozzy's determination to get bird. Especially OzBargain bird.

    • Same. Not seeing any of these new deals listed in the OP, all I see marked as "KFC For You" is one deal only, $3 Double Tender Burger. :(

  • Didn't get any of them

    • Maybe you buy too often with your KFC account ?

      Consider creating a 2nd KFC-account, need unique email & mobile#. Only buy with the 2nd account when when targeted. Likely to take a few months for your 2nd account to get on their targeted list: frugal customers?

      Each customer is likely to get different deal: State base ? I only received 1 of the above offers.

  • Does anyone here know how often KFC changes their oil?
    Do they use the same oil everyday? Or if not, does the oil change happen first thing in the morning or late at night?

    A KFC rep or employee would be great!

    • +1

      We filter the oil every 7-12 loads at my store - at the old store i worked at it would be 17. Oil gets changed whenever the colour is too dark, mostly twice a week. The oil also goes through a morning filter (scrub vats, filter)

      • How many loads does KFC need to fill up an entire day's worth of hungry customers?

        • +1

          1Kg of chips = 2 loads - 30 nuggets = 1 load unsure for popcorn chicken

      • -2

        Gotta love that palm oil! Like Canola/Sunflower, helps those cancer cells grow exra quick! I remeber when Kentucky Fried Chicken (rather than KFC) used beef dripping! Much healthier and much tastier! Now just tastes like cheap white …………..

        • We use canola oil at KFC

          • -3

            @Quarter Pounder: As above, canola aka seed oil is equally toxic

            • @glyptothek: Sorry dude but that appears to be pseudoscience

              However, when the World Cancer Research Fund reviewed the latest scientific evidence on fats, oils and cancer risk, it concluded that there was no evidence that eating vegetable and seed oils in moderation increased the risk of cancer. In fact a small amount of these types of fats help our bodies absorb some vitamins. Source

              You can eat the seed oils and not die on the spot

              • -2

                @SpainKing: Seed oils are definitely bad for you and please don't EVER quote a government backed website as a source ever again. If you genuinely think the world health organisation or the world cancer research fund is telling the truth, i feel bad for you. NONE of them have your best interest and want to make you sick. It’s genuinely sad we’ve reached a time where if you question anything that a government entity says it’s considered “conspiracy” or “you’re watching too much joe rogan”. Do some research and find independent studies and then make your claim. Just like when the WHO told people that Covid vaccine stopped transmissions but then later lied and said it was not true, im not anti-vax btw. That was funny though I’ll give you that. Quoting a “gov” site is very funny. Pharmaceutical companies pay millions of dollars to put propaganda info like that on “gov” sites like WHO to make it look “trustworthy”

                • @CatalystX: I'll be using government websites as sources in the future if I feel they're relevant and reliable. You can feel bad for me all you like, I choose to believe the weight of the scientific evidence and I'm happy with my decision. YouTube videos and random .com websites I've never heard of aren't typically reliable sources

                  There would be no reason for the government or WHO to have a vested interest in making the entire population sick. If they did have plans to do this, they would be doing it with something consumed more regularly like water or salt, not an oil people have the choice to use or not use (as there are alternatives, like beef tallow)

                  The reason why you get called out for watching too much Joe Rogan/espousing conspiracy theories is because you're parroting what they say. People jump on the bandwagon because of fear mongering and fail to do proper research or evaluation of the research they're looking at. The reason you don't convince people is because you don't provide compelling evidence for people to shift their views, instead telling me to seek it out myself. I provided you with evidence and you immediately discounted it based off the source. I could give you 100 sources that say the same thing but I highly doubt you will be swayed by any of them, making it an exercise in futility

                  I'll believe that you aren't anti-vax, even though you abruptly brought up the COVID vaccine. I'm not saying the government/WHO never gets anything wrong, but the pandemic was a time when governments had to take quick action to try and protect the population, while not fully understanding the virus they were fighting and not having had a similar outbreak to base a response off in many decades. As vaccines have worked in the past and continue to do so today, they seemed like the best course of action to lower the lethality of the disease and (possibly) aid in reducing transmission

                  I'm glad I could've made you laugh with my source and that we kept this civil

                  • @SpainKing: Replying to your first paragraph. What you “feel” doesn’t matter. What matters is the information they have and making sure it isn’t influenced as much as possible. It baffles me that out of all the sources you pull out, you pull out a source that is heavily influenced by mega corporations. I’m not saying youtube is a source but either way most YouTube vids would have links to the sources in the description.

                    Replying to your second paragraph. They have every reason to want to make you sick so that pharmaceutical companies can give you medication and make u depend on that for the rest of your life while make billions of dollars of us all being sick. Like diabetes medication. As a result gov makes money as well.Think about it, if the government really cared even a little bit about our health, they would heavily subsidise eating healthy food. But they don't. Eating healthy is considered expensive relative to fast food. Go try buy a mango, it’ll cost you 4 dollars while i can get a burger and chips at hj’s for 4 bucks. The WHO literally says on their website that they recommend a good breakfast is eating a high sugar breakfast like cereal. You don’t think KELLOG’s or any of these breakfast companies have any influence on what they say? Come on please try think for yourself

                    Now replying to your 3rd paragraph, so you’re definition of “proper research or evaluation” is quoting a gov webiste as a source. So with that logic according to you the government sets the standard of what’s considered “true”. See now thats funny.
                    I dont watch Joe Rogan, i do independent studies and I try my best to make sure that the information i get from these studies aren't somewhat connected to some third party bullshit with an agenda of some sort. The point is you can’t pull some source from a gov site and think because it’s said by the gov, thats considered true. Matter of fact, you need to try your best to avoid those types of sites. If you find a proper INDEPENDENT study without any third party influence and the study is properly backed by good info, i could possible by swayed.

                    4th paragraph. Ok i understand they were in a rush but that doesnt give them the right to lie and feed people incorrect information. You talk about joe rogan fear mongering but the government did it THE WHOLE TIME. And they still do it. Every news on channel 7 and 9 did nothing but fearmonger. It’s beyond crazy, especially for a virus that gives you almost the same symptoms as the common cold. So you shut down the entired country and the economy for a cold? Which 99.5% survived. People die to obesity at way higher rates how about the gov shut down fast food restaurants and grocery stores that sell processed trashed food?
                    Regarding the vaccines, who knows what could happen with vaccines without long term testing. No need to make excuses for the government. Not only did they lie, but they forced people to take the vaccine. Most people had no choice. Those vaccines your talking about in the past had several years of backed testing so they could see the effects the vaccines would have on individuals over years. covid had barely a year of testing. There’s no way you can even argue that. The way the gov responded to the covid should be considered treason. Especially when they forced vaccines on everyone and basically shutdown melbourne for a year and a half. I agree on shutting the country down if the fatality rate was way higher but covid was basiclally a commom cold. I guarantee the mental effects on people when they shut down melb completely did worse than what covid itself had done to people.

                    It’s going to be hard for you to agree with me because it does sound a bit like you lean to the left and you probably think im a conspiracy theorist. But in reality i do research for myself. If there’s one thing you can take from this convo, please look at Dr Eric Berg on YouTube. He’s a famous American doctor who gets shadow banned on youtube because he tells the truth and youtube is pressured to silenced him. He changed my life completely, i cut out all the seed oils and changed my diet completely and it’s been the best choice i’ve ever made.

                • -1

                  @CatalystX: Absolutely! Just like FDA and Oz TGA funded mainly by big Pharma
                  WHO WTO FAO BIS RBAus all unelected private members' clubs
                  BTW Rogan is a schill Our media is non dying legacy media and non mainstream alternative media
                  @SpainKing you have any knowledge of Codex Alimentarius forced upon us by FAO? My endocrinologist know all about seed oils and how toxic they are

            • @glyptothek: Somebody's been watching too much Joe Rogan in their free time

            • @glyptothek: Very true

  • Been having too many of those $1 wicked wings

  • The Chicken n' Chips is a great deal!

  • My two locals are unavailable for online orders… Never seen this before.

  • Ordered the 6 pc chicken and 2 chips for $10

    get home and I've got the nug deal

    Am i really supposed to open the box and check before I leave lol

    • Yeah you should unless you want to run the risk of getting the wrong deal.

      KFC don't reimburse for fuel/time, so it is a risk you got to take.

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