Liven & CBA Credit Cards - Cash Advance

FYI CBA Credit Cards are categorising payments to Liven as Cash Advance.

I had to request it be refunded so it doesn't affect my interest free period.

So set your fallback payment to a debit card rather than CBA credit card.

Or another bank's credit card.

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  • By Comm Bank… definition, I don't see how it is a Cash Advance.
    I guess they get you under:
    Transferring money from your credit card account to another account

    • Wouldn't surprise me. Basically making money until people find out.

      I had a home loan with their low cost subsidiary years go (Homepath) then it got merged into CBA and they decided to put me on a way higher rate like 1.5% higher and refused to lower it (I had another loan with them too which was getting their headline rate and I was also paying the package fee).

      • I had a Homepath loan years ago too.

        I didn't see the rate change when merging.

        I'm still with CBA (could be related to the old Homepath loan) as a ex-staff member I get free wealth package for the life of the loan.

    • I don't see why it's a Cash advance either.

      I believe it's only a recent thing as I've used my CBA credit card with Liven for years, only the recent transaction was flagged as a Cash Advance.

  • I am wondering if the fee can be avoided when the credit card is used via Apple Pay?

    • I did pay via Apple Pay

      • What if you use cba cc to purchase the brand dollars in liven? Anyone know?

        • I’d also say cash advance as CBA see liven as a cash provider

        • Also a cash advance. I had gambling lock on which rejected Liven transactions. Once I turned it off, it charged a cash advance lol. Wonder if the app is flagged as gambling on CBA in error.

          • @Berocca: From talking with CBA support they didn’t pick it up as a gambling transaction when I asked why it was treated as a cash advanced.

            They are blaming it on Liven but I have no second credit card to try.

  • They are blaming each other but I think that it’s got something to do with Liven’s payment system. It’s not just CBA/BankWest cards, also happens with ANZ. Started happening in Oct2024 which I’ve also logged with Liven but I don’t think they’re doing anything about it which is sad coz they’ll lose customers like this.

    • I don’t think it’s Liven’s fault.

      It’s the way the credit card provider codes the payment type.

  • I’ve had multiple conversations with the BankWest support & they have said it’s their payment system. I’ve tried with multiple banks & it’s the same thing. They have said that it’s their (Liven) coding. I’ve had the charges reversed so many times that they won’t do it anymore.

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