Works out cheap for an iPhone 13 if the calculations are correct (based on previous posts).
Maximum voucher repayment fee: $550
Cost if cancelled: $527.09 + $79 = $606.08
Works out cheap for an iPhone 13 if the calculations are correct (based on previous posts).
Maximum voucher repayment fee: $550
Cost if cancelled: $527.09 + $79 = $606.08
It is indeed but iPhone 13 has the same chip as iPhone 14. So it will probably be updated for as long as 14.
But it also has 2gb less ram compared to the 14, and a inferior modem
In the family we have 11-12-13 and I own 14 pro. Quite happy with them all to be honest. Average users and the iPhone 13 user is a gamer.
Has loads life left , I use. 13 it’s amazing. .. beats any android . Except S24 close. Got mine $200 friend upgraded to 16 didn’t care it’s like new.
What do you mean by outdated? Where did you get 2 years from?
Mid-September each year, Apple will release their new iOS, which drops support for older models. iPhone 13 is unlikle to go beyond iOS 20 (if they continue the same sequence)
My wife’s SE 2nd gen got the ios18 update, also my XS Max
iphone 12 will be supported until 2027, 3 years
13 is 2028, 4 years
i am still using iphone 8 (ios 16) as a backup phone, nothing wrong, 95% software is supported at the moment.…
@jjj123: I've only just stopped using my iPhone 6S and yeah above 95% software was still supported. Battery life was terrible though haha.
11 is still supported, the 13 will go till 2027/28 , pushing 2029
So you buy, pay for first month and then cancel before the end of the first month to work this?
Hi OP, I’m confused. Is there any information on these in store Jb plans.
What is the $527.09 fee? Do you take out the plan, pay $79, then cancel and pay $527.09 and prorate $550?
Yeah me too. Do we purchase on a $79 plan then cancel and the only charge is: $527.09 + $79 = $606.08 and we get the phone and just the 1 month of being connected?
Sorry if this is a FAQ but are you guaranteed to get the $79 back or is it a gamble? thx in advance
also who do I pay the voucher repayment fee to, JB or Telstra? asking because I have $100 jb gift card
It'll go to Telstra, you won't be able to use the gift card
No you pay the 1st Month upfront, Telstra wont refund
I was going to ask if it was better to wait then go for a $99/mo with $1200 gift card deal but I did the maths and it works out to be $480 extra over two years but you get $323 more. So this seems a good deal if you want that iPhone. I need to upgrade my SE 2020.
I hope they do a same or similar deal for the 14.
did anyone checked their T&Cs:
Can I cancel my plan?
Yes, you can cancel your plan at any time by calling us on 13 50 75 or visiting a JB Hi-Fi store. When you cancel, your service will be disconnected immediately. We won’t refund any money you’ve already paid and you’ll need to pay out any remaining Voucher Repayment Fee.
What happens when I cancel my plan early?
You’ll need to repay Telstra for any vouchers you received when you purchased your plan. The Voucher Repayment Fee (if applicable) is pro-rated, equal to the total amount of the base voucher divided by 24 and multiplied by months (or part months) remaining in your plan term.…
I've never been on a plan before and have only purchased outright phones.
Not sure what a voucher is.
Is this correct?
You go to JB and sign up for a $79 24-month contract, and you get the iPhone 13 free as part of that 24-month contract.
Then phone the number you mentioned and cancel the contract, so you are out $79 plus the voucher fee, which is $550/24 months, which is $22.92 per month for cancelling the contract. But because you already paid the initial $79, that $550 voucher is $527.09 for the remaining 23 months left on the contract. $527.09 + $79 = $606.08 is the final cost for the phone and no more contract.
Just the phone for $606.08?
Pretty close to nailed it I’d say. Just FYI should be easier to cancel by chatting in JB Mobile app.
Has anyone used afterpay to pay for the voucher?
Not sure how this works. Do we receive any invoice for iphone? Trying to check if i can claim some GST back from TRS
I believe that you get an invoice with the stated amount of $877 on it.
Great, thanks.
Can anyone who got the deal confirm?
I believe it works
A friend just bought one today
He’ll cancel the plan by tomorrow.
@Gervais fanboy: how did your friend go? how much out of pocket did he have to pay to keep the phone in total?
@aurotaro: He hasn’t cancelled his Telstra contract yet, he’ll do so this afternoon, I’ll let you know.
@Gervais fanboy: looks like JB decreased the price of iPhone 13 now so instead of $877 it will be $747 resulting in less GST. I should have bought it sonner.
@aurotaro: Props to her for putting up with an outdated SE for 5 years.
My clumsy ass gf has already cracked the screen of her 16 max.
Has anyone actually done this and does work out to be 606.08?
I called the QLD Kedron store and talked to someone and they confirmed the total payout amount was $550
What about the $650 JB voucher? Is it adjusted towards iphone 13 cost, or is it the free phone plus voucher on signing up for 24 months plan?
which $650 voucher? This is for the iPhone 13 only right?
On the mobile plans page, it says $650 gift card woth $79 plan, while $99 plan comes with $1200 gift card
Dont think that plan includes the iPhone 13, just the gift voucher
Friends, does JB Hi-Fi has price promise after the product is purchased? I bought iphone 13 from JB Hi-Fi 2 weeks ago at $877 and now the official price has dropped down to $747 (considering OW price). :(
I've had them give me the matched price previously, will be a case by case result
would the phones be locked to Telstra?
I dont understand, the voucher is only $550 according to the Telstra website linked above (hence the repayment amount of $550) - so how is the iphone 13 free, when its $747 at the moment?
This deal expired 6 days ago.
This phone is getting outdated in 2 years. So, buyer beware.