• expired

$5 Bonus Cashback on $30 Spend in One Transaction at Any Retailer @ TopCashback AU (Activation Required)


Hi everyone and happy Tuesday! If you haven't joined TCB, do so today to enjoy the most generous everyday cashback rates and a highest cashback guarantee! Browse the site for some nice increases.

For today’s deal, we're offering a $5 bonus when you shop at any of our online retailers and spend at least $30 in a single transaction. Please check the terms for your retailer of choice prior to tapping out as each may have specific conditions especially around code use, purchase and/or use of gift cards etc. Ensure you first activate the bonus then click/tap the pink cashback button from your retailer of choice on TopCashback.

  • Amazon has all categories eligible for cashback & bonus.
  • Use of any eBay coupon code will make the transaction ineligible for cashback & bonus.
  • AliExpress affiliated products only are eligible for cashback & bonus.

Thanks for your support as always 🙏
Stay safe, and enjoy 😊

Please read the following terms & handy tips carefully:

1. To participate in the $5 bonus cashback promotion, you must first be a member of TopCashback.com.au and must activate the offer prior to making a single eligible transaction of $30 or more through one of our retailers.
2. After activation, transaction must be made between 00:00 and 23:59 AEST AEDT (12/11/2024).
3. For this bonus cashback promotion, cashback is eligible at any retailer advertised on TopCashbackAU provided the terms for that retailer are adhered to. Familiarise yourself with the terms of the retailers prior to purchase. Use of any codes that are not listed on TopCashback will invalidate the offer.
4. Your order must be made in a single transaction and may contain more than one item, but the order total must be at least $30 (inclusive of GST, and excluding shipping). Some retailers report orders excluding GST so the amount shown in your TopCashback account may be less than $30 (this is ok). Multiple items in an order may report as separate items in your account for retailers such as Amazon & eBay (this is ok).
5. The bonus cashback will show as a separate entry in your TopCashback account once your order tracks, and will be payable once your order is payable. Tracking is not instant and may take up to 7 days to report.
6. The bonus cashback is over and above any retailers' advertised cashback rates.
7. Tell-a-Friend, sign-up bonuses, free cashback retailers and new member deals will not count as a purchase towards the bonus cashback.
8. Only one TopCashback.com.au account per person is allowed, and bonus cashback is limited to one per TopCashback member.
9. The bonus cashback may not automatically apply to purchases where a missing cashback claim needs to be lodged. If this is the case and your claim is successful, you may need to raise a separate support ticket to be awarded the bonus. Do not lodge a missing cashback claim until at least 7 days have passed.
10. TopCashback will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
11. Where a contradiction exists between the offer terms & conditions and TopCashback terms & conditions, the offer terms & conditions take precedence until the offer expires.
12. Any fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Handy tips:

Tracking can take anywhere up to 7 days, depending on retailer. For tracking success, disable/remove all 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from TopCashbackAU as tracking will be lost. TopCashbackAU must be the very last click/tap prior to purchase. Try our iOS/Android mobile app for improved tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions, issues, or claims.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4080)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

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TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • +1

    Any boosted sign up bonuses TA?

    • +1
      1. Tell-a-Friend, sign-up bonuses, free cashback retailers and new member deals will not count as a purchase towards the bonus cashback.
  • +1

    I just put in an order just before this deal appeared, so immediately I cancelled it to make the order again to get another $5 cashback. yeah!

        • I guess they worded it worldly but only bought once

        • They would be eligible for the $5. They cancelled their Amazon order, then accepted this offer and made an eligible purchase to get the $5. Nothing wrong with that.

          • @Lucille Bluth: Yeah was saying can't cancel and redo through the cashback app. Anyway no worries. I'm not bothering with it and the time to look for something to buy

  • Thanks TA!

    I find it a bit less intuitive that we can't activate this in the TCB app but need to login via web browser to activate deals like this l.

    • +2

      I reckon they're trying to catch out people with multiple accounts

  • Nice one!

  • Thanks OP

  • +2

    still not get tracked for my last 2 temu purchases…

    • +8

      All genuine TEMU claims have been and will continue to be approved systematically. You have nothing to be concerned about. Thank you.

      • +1

        whoa wish I knew this yesterday was thinking to try Temu for the first time with yesterday's' deal - oh well

        a lot of negative experiences with tracking (all providers) has put me off

        • +6

          Yep, we're well aware TEMU has issues - trust me - and unfortunately it affects all cashback sites worldwide.

  • +4

    Thanks TA!
    Re "Amazon has all categories eligible for cashback & bonus."
    Could I assume that purchasing a $30 Amazon gift card will also be eligible for the bonus (i.e., 0% cashback + $5 bonus)?

    • +8

      Hi! Unfortunately not. All categories are eligible but you still need to read the terms for any given retailer:


      Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards, vouchers, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, mobile apps, Amazon Prime subscriptions & renewals, bulk orders, commercial or reseller purchases.

  • cheers op made a $30 Amazon order

  • @tightarse What FX rate will eBay use when reporting the transaction to you, if the item is priced in USD?

  • +1

    @tightarse thanks for deal — any chance you'd match Cashrewards Under Armour 30% cashback? Can't seem to figure out how the guaranteed TopCasback cashback works - is it GUARANTEED or is there a chance of no approval? Seeing that it's not in the ' not covered in guarantee section'

  • Is videogames included? Not seeing the videogame category.

  • +1

    Gib money

  • Any retailers including seller in marketplace like aliexpress or temu etc?

  • -4

    “We may collect, use, store and transfer different kinds of personal data about you which we have grouped together as follows:

    Identity Data includes first name, last name, username or similar identifier, marital status and date of birth.
    Contact Data includes billing address, delivery address, telephone number and email address.
    Financial Data includes bank account and payment card details.
    Transaction Data includes details about payments from you to retailers featured on our Site from time to time and other details of products and services you have purchased from such retailers via our Site.
    Technical Data includes internet protocol (IP) address, your login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this Site.
    Profile Data includes your username and password, purchases or orders made by you, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses.
    Usage Data includes information about how you use our Site, products and services.
    Marketing and Communications Data includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences.” - https://www.topcashback.com.au/privacy/

    • Don’t step outside, you could get ran over.

      • -1

        That’s a weird thing to say

        • No. I’m just saying if you’re worried about those terms, then you should also be worried about a lot of other things.

          • -1

            @HamBoi69: I quoted a segment of a privacy policy. I don’t recall saying I was worried about anything?

    • You want free money but you don't consent to things.

      • +4

        It’s not free if you ‘consent to things’. That’s called an exchange.

        • -3

          Well, that's a given. Exactly my point.
          So what's your point?

    • But Shopback and Cashrewards are totally ok, right? 🙄

      • +2

        Are you asking me? I just posted a quote. I didn’t put forward any sort of opinion

      • @KangaDrew @pebblewave You have just posted ShopBack's data collection here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15911431/redir

        To be fair to TopCashback and ShopBack, you need to post Cashrewards' too 😀

        • -1


        • -1

          I don’t need to do anything :)

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing this, I'll still use TCB but I like to be aware of what exactly the cost of things are, especially when advertised as free but technically aren't.
      I also try not to project my fear or anger on to people who simply share raw data.

  • +2

    I have a question about Aliexpress orders. Do added charges (like GST) count towards the $30 minimal spend? Cause under earnings it says I made a purchase of $25.89 when infact I paid $30.32 inc GST, so the $5 cashback didn't actually process. I have a feeling Im going to need to appeal this sigh. In Aust all products include GST in the price so its not going to be a problem.

    I just read through the conditions and it seems im good. But it does seem like I need to put in a ticket.

    • +1

      From TCB, on the AliExpress page,

      Most retailers calculate cashback based on purchase amount excluding GST, other taxes, and delivery fees. Your cashback may report lower than expected due to this.

      This is how AliExpress calculate cashback

      • "4. Your order must be made in a single transaction and may contain more than one item, but the order total must be at least $30 (inclusive of GST, and excluding shipping). Some retailers report orders excluding GST so the amount shown in your TopCashback account may be less than $30 (this is ok). Multiple items in an order may report as separate items in your account for retailers such as Amazon & eBay (this is ok). "

        This is what is posted on this page

        • The $5 bonus cashback may not track as quickly as your AliExpress order. In the past, the bonus has tracked within 24 hours.

          Tracking is not instant and may take up to 7 days to report.

    • logically, gst will not included in any offer etc etc because well its money going to the gov pocket not store pocket

  • TY!

  • Thanks TA.

  • Thanks, and bought from Amazon, here's hoping it tracks, Aliexpress tracking has been good lately from TC

  • Trying to make a purchase through sunglass hut, I get the "this site can't be reached" error on both desktop and mobile. Is my Wifi blocking access?

    The link changes from topcashback.com.au to https://www.tkqlhce.com/ if this helps.

    • +1

      Sounds like you have a blocker in your router, or you're behind a corporate firewall. Try using 4G/5G.

      • Thanks TA, I'm at home so must be something in the router. I'll go 5g on the phone ;-)

  • +1

    Will this stack with the iherb cashback and remain valid with the 24% off sitewide code?

  • -3

    Does it work with gift card or voucher purchases?

  • How does it work with Amazon and items that are delivery in 1-2 months? Do I still get CB?

    • It's all in the Amazon terms:

      Pre-orders are eligible for cashback provided they are scheduled for shipment within 60 days of purchase, however they may not track to your account until shipped.

  • Will this stack with Aliexpress coupon that is available on their site?

    • To clarify, Aliexpress has code AU1132, $5 off $32 that is listed on their site, but not here. Would the use of that particular code stacked?

      • +1

        I used code AU1132 this morning, and it tracked with the correct cashback within a half an hour…

        • To answer your question…the $5 bonus has not come through yet, but I imagine it will?

          • +1

            @windyhill: Hi. If activated per the terms, the $5 bonus appears soon after the qualifying purchase tracks. Please note an email notification is not generated for the bonus. It will appear in your earnings page as a separate entry with today's date:


            • @tightarse: Thanks TA. Interestingly, my paypal payment was $32.20AU…but my AliExpress transactions only add up to $26.88AU! Some creative accounting by AliExpress! $26.88 plus 10% gst =$29.57…I hope not!…lol

              • @windyhill: LOL! So is the $5 in your account?

                • @tightarse: Not as yet…

                  • @windyhill: If it's not there by now, it won't be. How much is showing in your TCB account for the AE purchase? Sounds like you're just below the trigger point for the bonus. Please PM me.

              • +1


                $26.88 plus 10% gst =$29.57

                Remember, AE incorrectly calculates the GST component before the coupons and discounts. They've been doing this for years, such scammers.

  • +2

    Hmmm what to buy?

    • Found anything yet? I bought alcohol yesterday, need food today.

  • Purchase with Amazon gift card balance eligible?

    • +2

      For Amazon yes. Please however always read the retailer terms as noted in item 3 in the OP. Thanks.

  • @tightarse why no kogan on TCB :(

  • +1

    does it work for signing up superloop?

  • I plan to buy something from Aliexpress, but when going through a PC browser the click-through link for Aliexpress goes to a 404 error, which worries me with the tracking. https://www.topcashback.com.au/aliexpress/
    Seems like I'm not alone on this (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/15909302/redir) and others have used the app instead, which I really prefer not to.

    @tightarse any chance you could look into that before the end of the day?.

    • +3

      The AliExpress "page not found" is completely fine. Just click onto the AliExpress logo and it'll take you to the homepage. It's a glitch with Ali's affiliate redirection and tracking will work just fine.

    • +1

      for Aliexpress goes to a 404 error

      As long as you've already logged in successfully, and that 404 page is from within AliExpress,
      then just click on the AliExpress logo on that 404 page, and you'll be OK with the tracking.
      ( just like what @Clear said above )

    • Thanks Clear and whyisave! Have made my purchase and waiting for it to track.

  • Thanks TA, bit the bullet and grabbed a RG35XXSP for ~$56 after this bonus/AliExpress cashback!

  • EBay with GC is fine?

    • +4

      It's all in the terms :)


      Cashback is ineligible on the following: any coupon code use (unless specifically listed on TopCashback); travel category items; charity & non-profit items; shipping; eBay plus memberships; purchase of any gift cards; best offer accepted prices & auctions; purchases using any type of voucher or eBay credit. Note: payments made with eBay gift cards are eligible for cashback.

  • Spot on!!! Thanks tightarse
    Tracked on Ali straightway inc bonus as soon as I close the browser.

    • 👍

  • I made a $30+ order from Amazon US. I cancelled that order and ordered via this offer just now. But Amazon US cancelled my order right away. Is this common?

    • You've triggered Bezos

  • Signing up for Internet provider doesn't count I guess?

  • @tightarse $15 out of my $51 spend at BigW was refunded by the store due to no stock. Do I still qualify for the $5 bonus given the minimum purchase amount was $50 for any cashback at BigW?

    • +6

      Hi there. I'm assuming it's already tracked at $51? If the bonus declines due to the refund, reach out to me 👍

  • argh, disabled shopback extension, cleaned browser history, past $2 and this $5 cashback likely invalidated because shopback seemed to pick up the tracking

    always disabled shopback extension then used top cashback never had an issue until yesterday (difference today is clearing cookies/browser data)

    guess i need to use completely separate browser profiles for each cashback service now OR is shopback picking it up some other way?

    • uh what, they both tracked it, cancelled the order already but i presume both won't duplicate cashback

    • Better off using phone and not on wifi if you have other shit running.

      • AFAIK that's to get them to track in the first place

        but yeah i should use phone more often, just too lazy to use that keyboard for ants

        • AFAIK that's to get them to track in the first place

          What is?

          Just saying.. too many addons and adblockers with browsers so you have to be careful.

          My TCB tracked straight away and the bonus $5 👍

        • After last nights' $30 muckaround, I have found best of both worlds if you have an Android phone

          Use scrcpy, do it on your phone, through your desktop. Allows access to clipboard between devices, so can copy + paste search terms, gift card numbers etc.

    • +1

      Just checked, as I did the same as you. I NEVER buy using the PC. I had the identical thing happen to me last night. What a pain in the arse.

  • +1

    if I pay via amazon subscribe and save do I still get cashback?

  • +1

    Hi, how long does it take for cashback to appear? I placed a big order on AliExpress yesterday and it is missing again. I ordered oodie back in a day and never got the cashback too. I see ozb is loving you, so might be a problem on my side. I used firefox browser, and generally everything works flowlessly with other cashback providers.

  • Ordered and tracked. Thnx TopcashbackAU

  • So I got the email for this offer and the cash back offer for aliexpress which is 16% but for some reason on tcb it’s showing as 5.5%?

    • Hi. AliExpress increase was for 24 hours and ended at 7pm AEDT. See here. Thanks.

  • @tightarse Use of $5 Monthly Voucher of eBay for eBay Plus members is considered as coupon and would make it ineligible transaction?

    • Yes.

    • Hi. If it involves a code, it’s ineligible as it will track at $0. Thanks.

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