This was posted 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

D-Link M32 Eagle Pro AI AX3200 Mesh Wi-Fi 6 Router (2 Pack) $89 Delivered @ Mobileciti


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This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2024.

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closed Comments

    • +2

      Better deal?

  • +3

    Wow, this thing got AI…..Instant buy.

    • +3

      It's so dumb the stuff that they slap AI onto without explaining what it or you would do with it. Even laptops, like I just use an AI website what's my hardware gonna do?

      • +4

        Spy on your network usage Monitor your network traffic to provide a weekly report.

      • AI is the future

        • -1

          E = mc^2 + AI, after all.

      • +1

        Guess you're too young for the fridge that had a screen for you to use the internet.

    • Thanks for pointing it out i wouldn’t have seen it otherwise, bought 5.

  • +5

    Mine are working great with openwrt

    • +1

      I ended up moving to OpenWRT too. I had some dropouts, but it's been perfect since I dropped down to two nodes instead of three about a month ago. Either they were too close and oversaturating, or the third wasn't configured well.

    • Does this support using the DFS channels in the 5Ghz band?

      • +1

        Shouldn't be an issue if you set the correct country code, however I believe the DFS CAC scan is quite poorly communicated in Luci. (You'd only see it in the system log, there's no real communication about it in the wireless settings while it is in progress)

        Ie. You may attempt to bring it up on said DFS channel, but you won't see it come up immediately because it might still be doing it's 60 second scan and believe it's broken.

        • Thanks! Good to know about this for openwrt. How about the stock firmware? Does it support the DFS channels? If anyone with stock firmware could confirm, it will be greatly appreciated!

  • +6

    The stock firmware is literal garbage, dropouts etc.

    OpenWrt rock solid. Couple of things :

    • Need to install upnp for auto port forwarding
    • install SQM QOS which is a game changer. Anyone can blast downloads and still no issues with streaming or gaming in the house
    • disable ipv6 cause the ps5 store has issues with it sometimes not loading content

    After that, set and forget and enjoy bulletproof internet

    • I couldn't get my Nanoleaf lights to connect on OpenWRT firmware, so I had to make a hotspot for them on a Raspberry Pi.

    • +1

      Thanks, yes PSN does not do IPv6:

      "Please note: PS5 consoles support IPv6 network connections but do not support IPv6-only network connections. If your router is set to IPv6-only, please change your router settings to use IPv4. For more information about changing your router settings, please contact the manufacturer."

    • +1


      I got rid of the stock firmware and moved to OpenWRT. Rock solid connection. Firmware upgrade could be little tricky and better suited for people with technical bent of mind.

      I am using the routers with wired backhaul. Never had any dropouts.

      • Did you put OpenWrt on the secondary units?

        I just left stock, find no issue with firmware when used as a dumb wifi access point.

        • Good point. I didn't tried that though. I upgraded both secondary to OpenWrt.

    • I just bought these and installed openert 23.0.5, the latest version.

      My wifi speed is shit, right next to the box in getting 40Mbps while my old mesh was giving me 65

      Other box in garage while im in living room, i eas getting 25 eith my old router and with this and openert im getting 0.5.

      Wondering if i didnt anyhting wrong? Seems like openwrt gimped these routers

      • Weird. No trouble with wifi strength or speed here.

    • How did you flash with OpenWRT? I have just got my set, and started to try the Web Interface steps, but the D-Link will not let me change the subnetmask to

      It gives the Error - "Please enter a valid netmask. (e.g."

      Flashing via Recovery Web Interface:
      - Set your IP address to, subnetmask
      - Press the reset button while powering on the deivce
      - Keep the reset button pressed until the status LED blinks fast
      - Open a Chromium based and goto
      - Download openwrt-mediatek-mt7622-dlink_eagle-pro-ai-m32-a1-squashfs-recovery.bin

      • Set the IP and subnet on your device, not the router.

        • I am not getting what the "device" is if it's not the D-Link, please give me an example.

          • @snuke: The computer that you have connected to the D-Link

            • @puffinfresh: right, I can't set that subnetmask ( to that either.

  • It’s rubbish, frequent dropouts. I had to change to TP link because of this. Didn’t know about OpenWRT until now, wish I had known earlier. How good is it?

    • -1

      So its being sold cheap because its crap.

  • +3

    3 & 4 packs are also available -…
    3 pack is $137.95
    4 pack is $168.21

  • Bunnings have these if you want to price match and get whatever discount they have.

    • Link? Can't find them.

      • yeap. I saw them this morning on a shelf but definitely not something have left online anymore…must be old stock or something. will double check tomorrow.

  • oh man…$99. getting some now,.

  • +1

    Not worth it.

  • +2

    I got these on a previous deal 3 pack for $120 or something like that. Ended up getting rid of them. Constant dropouts and very unreliable out of the box. Ended up getting the DLink deco mesh. Much better

  • I have an Asus rt-ax55 router but wifi strength in the back room is poor.

    Would this product help and would it all be compatible?

    Sorry noob question.


    • +1

      Had the same issue. Added a tplink deco mesh, problem solved. I think you need to set them as bridge so the mesh is AP, then it'll work. This dlink model seems to have a lot of drop out issues tho.

      • +1

        Option 1. Configure the Asus as the router with Wi-Fi off. Configure the TP-Link Deco as your Wi-Fi access points.
        Option 2. Get rid of the Asus router. Use the TP-Link Deco as your router and Wi-Fi.

    • Your best option would be buying a 2nd hand asus router that supports AiMesh (most of them do ) and add it to your existing Asus router.

    • Purchase another Asus RT router and configure it for Asus AiMesh.

  • I also came here to say the stock firmware is rubbish, but with OpenWRT these are bloody awesome, rock solid devices. I've had zero dropouts or performance issues since going to openwrt.

    There are heaps of good videos on how to do this on YouTube, don't need to have a networking background.

  • noob question, appologies. Do i replace my main router with this or still require it (have nbn fttp)

    • Plugin the D-Link M32 router to the nbn NTD box. I wouldn't get the D-Link M32 unless you are going to put OpenWRT on it. What router do have now?

      • +1

        Thanks I thought that was the case. I have openWrt'd before with an RT-AC68U. Went back to my dir882, as nothing but wifi issues

  • Just another point, I’m not aware of any router out there that offers SQM QOS like OpenWrt does. Maybe those Uber expensive gaming ones do this for $$$?

    If the above assumption is accurate, I would say OpenWrt is a must for basic consumer hardware either way you look at it.

    These are perfect for OpenWrt. Hardware is solid, stock firmware is the issue.

  • These are garbo. Get some Decos. I got the X68 and they’re awesome

  • Would this reach from a bedroom to a shed about 10m away? So through one stud wall and one metal wall? Already have these but even mobile internet won't work if I'm not near the open door

  • Can someone please tell me how to set up the second unit as an extender, I tried to set up as a client but that didn't work.

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