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[Subs, Prime] Civil War (2024) Movie + All November Additions Streaming @ Prime Video


Hey everyone! Long time to post something.
Here is a nice movie to watch for *free (with your Prime Subscription) on Prime Video.
It's currently on Buy or Rent but will be available to watch on the 29/11.

A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House.


Rotten Tomatoes


70% liked this film
Google users
Release date: 11 April 2024 (Australia)
Director: Alex Garland
Distributed by: A24, Entertainment Film Distributors
Box office: $126.2 million
Cinematography: Rob Hardy
Music by: Ben Salisbury; Geoff Barrow

Full list of November additions





LIBRE (MOVIE) 1/11/24



SHREK (MOVIE) 5/11/24

MY OLD ASS (MOVIE) 7/11/24





SHREK 2 (MOVIE) 12/11/24


CROSS S1 (TV) 14/11/24

PREY (MOVIE) 15/11/24


PIMPINERO (TV) 22/11/24

THE TRIBE (TV) 22/11/24

12 STRONG (MOVIE) 26/11/24


CIVIL WAR (MOVIE) 29/11/24

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closed Comments

  • +79

    Tune in to the news tomorrow to see the prequel!

    • +52

      Americans are not much smarter then livestock these days. Reminds me of the movie idiocracy !

      • +6

        love that movie

      • +6

        A lot of hate in America. I guess there's more hate than reason, among people eligible and motivated to vote anyway.

      • -8

        This comment doesn't make you look smart either

      • +10

        We aren’t much better, the liberals were in power for 10 damn years

        • +20

          The Liberal party is nothing like the modern Republican Party. A more accurate comparison would be to One Nation.

          • @PainToad: Hmm, more the old Black Jack McEwan country party
            (Yes, politicians had way cooler nicknames then).

            Anyway, agrarian socialists and mercantilists. But with a libertarian streak.

          • +10

            @vid_ghost: No, we have:
            * Far left: Greens
            * Centre Left: Labor
            * Centre Right: Liberals
            * Slightly more Right: Nationals
            * Far Right: One Nation

          • +3

            @vid_ghost: anything other than far left is fascism

      • +1

        I think that movie is quite profound. As is Office Space (also made by Mike Judge)

      • +1

        Cos its got electrolytes!

  • +9

    Topical haha

  • +3

    Good one

  • +14

    Watched civil war last week after seeing good reviews. Expected it to be handy but I thought it was pretty lame.

    • +4

      Agree. Had higher expectations. Was disappointed

    • +1

      I agree it was lame. weird like there was no
      ups and downs/intense and quiet. it just moved along almost just like a documentary following journalists? with some “hey youngster I’m a journalist this is my advice”.

      the ending just happened at the same pace and the movie ended. where was the movie !! 😡

      I watched it early, just based on the summary thought it would be interesting. wrong.

      if you were disappointed with civil war, and want to watch something similar.

      • Leave the world behind
      • How it ends

      both Netflix exclusives but were better than Civil war imo.

      • +17

        Enjoyed it but for opposite reasons, that it showed the banality of the conflict and indifference shown as to who they were fighting and why. Also disagree about the pace for the ending, that clearly ramped up.

        I could have done without the younger journalist focus but understand what they were going for.

        Will need to check out how it ends as haven’t seen that one yet.

        • Also disagree about the pace for the ending, that clearly ramped up.

          I remember the shootouts and some explosions towards the end but didn’t you get the feeling it was very unmovie like? how do you describe it like it just happens in real time and is over before you know it.
          and it’s the way it appeared which was kind of amateur phone footage like?
          I got that vibe from it like they filmed a movie like you would follow with handheld camera like in a documentary? maybe that’s what they were going for to make it feel more “real”.

          Will need to check out how it ends as haven’t seen that one yet.

          yeah without spoiling it they all three share the theme of america under attack by unknown enemy. I watched it not expecting it to be great but it was decent imo.

          • +5

            @n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm: I think that's kind of the point. It's following a group of journalists / photographers, who are witnessing these events with that journalistic detached / arms-length perspective even when they're right in the middle of it. They're not taking sides (hence why the movie goes to great lengths to not paint itself as left v right, Democrats v Republicans, red states v blue states etc), they're just documenting what they see.

            That does have the effect of removing the stakes to some extent. When it's not presented to you as one "good" side to root for vs a "bad" side that has to be defeated, it can make it a little disorienting as a movie. The characters' only goal is to get from point A to point B in the hope of getting an interview with the president when they get there. They're not trying to defeat some kind of opponent, just to survive and document what they see along the way. They don't have the ability or even the desire to alter or influence the events around them. A more conventional movie would have been about some of these soldiers on one side or the other (presumably the side that ends up winning), but then that would be a completely different story and a completely different movie from this one.

            • +3

              @AngusD: Well put. I actually thought this was what made it somewhat unique. It felt authentic, and the violence, depicted with that same non-cinematic, journalistic approach, made it feel more visceral and shocking.

    • Yeah basically a road trip movie but I still liked it enough for what it was.

    • +2

      Though we may see the ending irl at some point over the next four or eight years.

      • -1

        Agreed. But there is always hope.. At least that's what I tell my self in the middle of the night, when all I can hear is the beating of my own heart!

        Trump will not serve out full term!

        • +1

          Well at least the rest of our lives won't be boring. I'm too old and uncoordinated to fight in any war, and especially too cowardly.

          • @AustriaBargain: No1 got the movie quote from my last post 🙉

            I'm not too old. Wars ain't my thing. Vigilante bring it on 🤟

    • +5

      If you're expecting it to be about a civil war, especially in the American context, it's a total let-down. Given that's how it was advertised, it was a let-down for me.

      But as a movie about conflict photographers (whether that be Vietnam, Eastern Europe, etc) it's a great movie. It dives into the ethics of it pretty well; how photographers moralise to themselves that their ethical duty isn't to fight on the right side of the war or to provide any aid, but to document it (and get paid/fame).

      A similar movie is The Bang Bang Club, which I recommend despite the bad reviews. If you don't watch the movie, you should at least read about Kevin Carter.

    • Sounds like they were aiming for a mocumentary?

      As in, they were re-enacting the likely events that would happen in a modern US civil war, as opposed to making it cinematically dramatic.

  • +2

    Haha good to see you still active @Scrooge McDeal

    • +2

      Still around, not very active. But checking all the deals I am missing out 😄

      • Now to quantify the savings on money not spent from the missed deals, is that still in the ozbargain spirit or did I over-meta it?

        • +1

          Ozbargain spirit always around. But feel bitter when I can't get all the good deals.

  • -1

    This was beyond bad. In fact, I'd rank Madame Web above this movie.

  • +6

    Prey 15/11

    was the predator movie right? it was good.

    • I doubt it's that movie, although it would be nice. That's a Disney movie, so I think it's unlikely that they'd let it onto any other streaming services except for Disney+. I suspect it's more likely to be the Ryan Phillippe movie from this year about a plane crash in a game reserve. I guess we can hope for the Predator one, though :D

      • it's the predator movie. I think you understimated how much money amazon has. 😂

        • So it is!

          More like I underestimated how desperate Disney is after most of their Marvel movies in the past couple of years tanked :P

          Happy, though - means I can watch it again without Disney. Cancelled it ages ago and I'm never going back :P

          • @AngusD: yeah i think it won’t be up for long though, maybe 3 to 4 months later it will not be part of prime anymore.

            I’m aware Disney owns the alien franchise now so they must be charging Amazon the $$$$$$ just to license it for a short time to attract customers to prime.

  • -3

    One of the worst movies I've ever seen, I don't think you can even watch it ironically

    • +1

      yeah it hurts more if you paid to watch it. 😭

      should have waited until on Prime like this deal and watched it when they offered another Free month trial.

      the summary and trailer had me convinced it was going to be decent. they tricked me!

      • -1

        Them taking from the little free time I have a worse offense! If I had paid for it it would've been double upsetting.

    • +1

      Yeah terrible movie

      Saw the trailer and wanted to catch it at the cinema, ended up streaming from a mate's Plex after it had pretty much passed by and was glad that I didn't waste any money on it

      • +1

        Saw the trailer and wanted to catch it at the cinema

        I had the same reaction. kinda like “this story will show you what the worst case scenario in modern america looks like in a movie” and that wasn’t wrong except imo it was missing a lot of what makes a movie a movie. don’t know how to say it, but the aesthetic and story was so documentary like that it had no appeal and excitement. 💁‍♀️

    • +3

      It obviously went right over your head.

      Maybe stick to Marvel Movies.

      • -3

        Don't make me laugh, this move was transparently simple. It was an incredibly dumbed down moral story, but from a progressive left, DEI ideological point of view. A sort of Hollywood mechanism to brainwash the masses into wokeness. Sounds like you got deep meaning from it, and for that I am truly sorry

        • +4


          Using Wokeness detected, opinion rejected.

          • -2

            @ThithLord: Uh-oh, sounds like someone's feewings got hoit. You deserve a participation trophy! go on sweetie, put it with all the others, you must have many

      • Maybe stick to Marvel Movies.

        I think you responded to the wrong comment. there's one that says "I'd rank Madame web above this movie" two comments up.

        • Nah, I can just tell that that fella likes gormless action movies

          • @ThithLord: ok. well I guess we agree on one thing I have expressed my dislike for marvel in general. it was awhile ago so yeah basically they throw as many superhero's as they can into one movie and that means each one is like a cardboard cut out with zero explanation for their powers. and usually one of the two powers they have is always that they can randomly fly.

            what's weird about DC/Marvel movies is I read in an article that their main fanbase is males between the ages for 25-40 or something. that's who they are targeting and they love it. notice how the deadpool x wolverine post has a keychain for the picture? they literally market that crap because they know they can sell a bunch of merch that's exclusive to that movie to the fanbase.

            • @n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasm: There are only a few in Marvel cinematic universe I like watch - the Deadpool series being one of them. Haven't seen the latest yet, as I was waiting for the 4k BR but Disney isn't selling it here in Australia! Fuggers!

  • +1

    Jesse Plemons scene was the only scene in this movie worth watching

    • This^^^ A truely memorable scene.

  • +1

    The Atmos track was good, movie was mediocre.

    • Ooph yeah. Great sound mix.

  • -2

    What's worse, this movie or dumb ass Americans not voting. Change your constitution you idiots. Voting should be compulsory!

    • -6

      Voting should never be compulsory in a free country. The only countries with compulsory voting are almost all in Latin America.

      • +6

        And a little country called Australia.

        Compulsory voting is a far better way to uphold a democracy. Otherwise you get what has happened in the US, where elections really come down to how much the candidates and their backers can spend to persuade people to come out.

        Free society really has nothing to do with it as you are not forced into voting. There is nothing stopping you lodging a blank ballot.

      • +1

        Voting should absolutely be compulsory.

        If you're lucky enough to live in a democratic country then voting isn't just a right, it's a responsibility.

        • Right. And you probably also think military service should be compulsory as well?

          • @Mr Bob Dobalina: Why would you think those things are connected? All countries have militaries, democratic or otherwise.

    • So theres some dumb ass Americans here.. negging me!

  • Haven't seen yet.. thanks op

  • +1

    Looking forward to the sequel in 2025 with Donald Trump.Hahah

    • +2

      Ok, Steve obviously hasn't seen the movie. Don't need to wait for the sequel. :D

  • Thanks Sportsbet for limiting my bet lol

    • Sportsbet sucks. Soon as you show any signs of winning they limit or ban you.

      • All bookies do this.

    • I noticed that Sportsbet were putting the odds in favour of Trump nearly a month ago. How did they know?

  • +1

    Well shot, but otherwise hollow film.

    So the main characters are photojournalists, but the film deliberately leaves out one of the five W's of journalism - "Why". Why are they fighting? Who knows and who cares, apparently.

    Furthermore, any desire by the viewer to gain insight into this is shut down by proxy in the film when one of the fighters insults a journalist ("Oh I get it. You're retarded").

  • +7

    Movie was marketed terribly, implied it was going to be something it wasn’t. I enjoyed the movie a lot, just don’t expect it to be primarily a war film.

    • +1

      I'm a journalist who studied photography at uni. The actors' impressions of what a war photographer might do were very weird for me. Not that I've actually been one. I'd also have preferred the movie to define what war crimes are, rather than just total abandonment of that concept from both sides and the filmmakers themselves! I get that it made a point about everything being awful, but still…

  • +1

    This is rather timely, huh…

  • yeah good timing, queue up paid Soros groups like antifa to start rioting with Trump in office.. out you go puppet Kamala!

  • Thanks OP, but there's a reason why these movies go "free" with a Prime subscription.

  • -3

    Film was meh. It had some good moments but it could have gone so much further.
    Also, Trump FTW!

    • +2

      Also, Trump FTW!

      Yeah.. he'll do that alright.

  • Hope the real life version has a similar ending.

  • -5

    Another US propaganda lol!
    Captain Ameriga
    white house has fallen
    london has fallen
    marvel movies
    Rocky bilbao
    hollywood's cheap propaganda movies etc etc

    They live already in their illusionary, dystopian paranoid world.

    They cannot make ameriga great again. Once it declined, it would decline.

    • Rocky Bilbo!

    • +2

      Another US propaganda lol!

      So not seen it then

  • -1

    $79 a year prime , so it’s not free and having seen it I’d definitely not sign up to prime to watch.
    The movie itself has the wrong focus and expectations because of the title , civilian news people interactions around a conflict would have been more accurate.

    • Yes - but Ozb has long had ways of filtering posts related to subscription additions. So "it's not free" is a bit of a redundant comment.
      You're totally right about the description of the movie though!

  • Streaming video. lol

    Anyway sounds like a good movie, I like historical films.

  • The only show worth watching on Prime is Fallout. Prime is more useful for free delivery. I like to order $2 worth of stuff from Amazon and get free deliveries.

    • +1

      Fallout was good, but The Expanse and The Boys were also very much worth watching.

      • +1

        The Boys has turned from satire to stylised documentary now that Homelander will be President

        • Yes he also uses the death stare when asked difficult questions from journalists.

          • @beach bum: Lol he would if he could!
            Did you watch the spinoff show Gen V? It was a lot better than I expected.

            • @tdth99: I tried , couldn’t get into it before sub ran out.
              I’ll give it a go again if people really recommend it when/if I take up prime sub again.

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