• expired

½ Price: Crown Collection Danish Butter Cookies 454g $4.50 @ Woolworths

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½ price while stocks last, start Wed 30 Oct, 2024,

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closed Comments

  • +81

    Perfect for my sewing items!

    • +2

      Yep, or for presenting the bill to a table dining at Johnny Vince and Sam's Ristorante

    • +1

      bahahaha my mum did this in this exact container growing up.

      • +11

        Everyone's mum did this. To this day I don't know what these biscuits taste like, despite opening 10,000 of their tins.

        • +1

          I was too young to remember it was a trend. Why did everyone’s mum choose these particular tins?

        • -1

          You are buying the tin, not the bikkies.

    • +4

      opens tin

      "…huh? What's these biscuits doing in here???"

  • Is this better than the one from Aldi?

  • +29

    Someone accidentally put cookies in the sewing kit!

  • These are from Wednesday, not tomorrow/Tuesday, OP please change dates

    • I was thinking the same thing but someone decided you were wrong and gave you -ve.
      Has it changed and I just didn't notice?
      Would be nice if the -ve person gave some constructive feedback.
      So weird.

      • I guess technically you can start your online order after 11:30pm or find a woollies that closes past 11:30pm? Just noticed that another deal with woollies also has the same dates…..

        • +1

          I see i got a down vote as well. And still no constructive feedback.
          Giess someone is flexing at the keyboard today.

    • +1

      Ozbargain adjusts start and end times for your timezone.
      The catalogue starts Wednesday at midnight. If you’re in SA, it will adjust to say Tuesday at 11:30 PM.
      You can change your timezone in your account settings.

  • +15

    454g $4.5 Made in Denmark

    And look at the Tim Tam
    200g $6 Made in Australia…

    • +1

      454g $4.5 <— half price from Wed

      And look at the Tim Tam
      200g $6 <— full price

      • +1

        Are you being logical?

      • Don't forget its more than double the weight, comes with sewing kit tin too which is extra cost, transport, import cost and so on.

    • All the additional vegetable oils, chemicals and artificial ingredients in Tim Tams must be quite expensive…

    • Yeah but Tim Tams!

  • +3

    These slap, use to go to steal some from the cupboard as a kid only to find my dad had hidden random shit in it that made no sense.

    • -1

      condoms always makes sense.

      • +1

        Lucky he only had blue and red pills in there.

        • That might be confusing.

  • Wonder why the normal price of the Woolies ones are twice the price of Aldi's, is it really twice as good ??

    • I think it's good depend on customer's need.

    • -3

      Aldi doesn’t pay tax here

      • +5
        • +1

          To be fair that report doesn't mean anything.

          Profit shifting is often done by adding expense lines such as IT licensing services (facebook Australia for example pays its overseas parent close to a billion dollars to use its website), or by taking a loan from the parent company.

          A supermarket could purchase property and equipment using an overseas parent in a low tax country and then lease it to their Australian company. The rent paid is effectively revenue sent overseas tax free.

          This report shows profit but not the revenue and expenses used to arrive at that profit. Granted Aldi probably wouldn't bother producing such a report if they were engaged in egregious behaviour

          • @greatlamp: To be fair, you're talking shite. The report specifically shows that Aldi had an income tax expense of over $100m

            • @auMouth: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt

              • @greatlamp: Yet, here you are still going, editing comments after nasty name calling, back pedalling.

                • @auMouth: I thought my original comment was too harsh so I removed it. I haven't changed my position, you are a fool.

                  I have given you all the information needed to understand how taxes can be avoided by inventing expenses, yet here you are confidently being an ignorant fool.

                  • @greatlamp: And there you go, again removing all doubt. The Tax Assurance Report issued by the ATO is public information, if you cared to look and see where ALDI sits, and not just throw around ignorant FUD demonstrating your foolishness.

                    • +1

                      @auMouth: Good job changing the subject. There is no need to attempt to protect your reputation here.

          • @greatlamp: So you are saying you don't believe the report that Aldi produced, instead believing that they did everything else above to avoid tax. Do you have strong ground to defend your accusation? If so you could report it to ATO, or even submit story in channel 7.

            • @Saku-kurata: Instead of projecting your low self esteem why not read my original comment.

              Instead of pretending to understand the topic, why not share something of value.

              • @greatlamp: You didn't answer my question. Seems like another keyboard warrior that pretends with to have great knowledge.

                • @Saku-kurata: Your question can be answered be reading my original comment. You only ask the question because you seek an internet argument as you lack social validation. Stop wasting my time.

                  • @greatlamp: Looks like you have lack of comprehension. My question is addressed to your original comment. Read again. Granted you probably dont know how to answer that and start accusing everyone who challenged you with totally unrelated arguments.

                    • @Saku-kurata:

                      So you are saying you don't believe the report that Aldi produced, instead believing that they did everything else above to avoid tax. Do you have strong ground to defend your accusation? If so you could report it to ATO, or even submit story in channel 7.

                      No, I didn't say any of those things. Satisfied?

                      Go practice your reading comprehension.

                      • @greatlamp:

                        To be fair that report doesn't mean anything.
                        This report shows profit but not the revenue and expenses used to arrive at that profit. Granted Aldi probably wouldn't bother producing such a report if they were engaged in egregious behaviour

                        Do I miss anything? You didn't say those thing but you meant it.

                        • @Saku-kurata:

                          Granted Aldi probably wouldn't bother producing such a report if they were engaged in egregious behaviour

                          You seem to have missed the part where you understand the words you read

  • +2

    Recently I bought this from Aldi at $4.99 as usually Aldi is the cheapest for butter cookies.

    I won't be surprised if the supplier is the same.

    Only buy half price for goods from Coles and Woolworths unless if you really need or like the goods there at higher price.

    • How'd you rate the Aldi one? Any good?

      • I think so.

        If you prefer sweeter taste and stronger smell, maybe try butter cookies from my country (Indonesia) but usually more expensive (smaller) in asian supermarkets.

    • Why are butter cookies Danish?
      Vs whatever they call cookies made here.

      I remember gran loved to buy Danish butter cookies. But why can't they make butter cookies here?

      • "Denmark has been a notable exporter of butter cookies for many years, in particular to the US and Asia. The cookies are made in many varieties, and exported industrial-grade butter cookies are typically packed and sold in tins, with Royal Dansk being a notable example. Due to the uniform packaging and labeling, it's also known as "The Blue Tin". Denmark is known for maintaining the quality of their ingredients and their procedure since 1966.

  • -3

    Never liked these things no matter what people say about them. Maybe the taste has improved, and at least Aldi ones would be edible.

    I remember a time when they were about $2 a tin and people actually thought they were an acceptable Christmas gift thinking they were something posh or whatever. We all knew how much they cost!

    I got some in a Secret Santa at work one year. Unwrapped the parcel to confirm what I thought it was and just dropped them in the nearest waste paper basket. I strongly suspected who gave them to me, and the look on that person's face confirmed it. No-one ever made the same mistake again.

    I'm amazed they are still a thing, after what must be getting on for at least 50 odd years or so. I know I am not the only person who dislikes them!

  • +1

    Still says $9 on the woolies app for my local store today :(

    • +1

      Same here in WA :(

  • No butter taste. Not sure why…

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