With the closure last week of newzbin and today the closure of nzbmatrix, does anyone have any advice on an alternate Usenet indexing service?
NZB usenet search alternatives

Reasonably straight forward to build your own too, if you are capable of setting up a (linux) server.
Its not the building and development that is the hard part with any web project. Especially in such a grey area like Usenet
Looks like nzbsrus.com is not really an nzb site anymore as well.
I use DOGnzb.
Am I able to grab an invite off you mate? :D
Invites have been removed for all member of DOGnzb.
Besides people are offering 300+ cash dollars for DOGnzb invites, so its pretty easy to make some serious dollars.
Not sure if you get notification of this update so I'll PM you too but DOGnzb is open for registration presently (limited to 1000 new members and going fast according to an admin)!
EDIT: Damn! you don't accept PMs. Hope you see this reply in time if you still need access.
Just having a quick look around there are these websites that crawl newsgroups like google crawls the web. They seem great for creating your own nzb's.
This one seems like the best
I haven't used it, just having a quick look around it looks all good. Except I noticed it says "parts available:" and then in red "13566 / 13734" meaning it's not all there or something. Don't quite understand it, would be good if someone knows what it means could point it out would be great.Using a raw indexer gives a pretty poor experience of Usenet.
Virus's, fake files, no community comments, hard to find anything.
thanks for the input, I shall stay away from there :)
i actually use binsearch with out too much problem. I guess it may depends on what you are looking for.
I dont look for any sort of applications or games so have a less chance of getting a virus.
It is something that you will need to learn to spot (fake, virus, passworded files) The site helps with identifying content sometimes. The other ones, if the file size are not quite right I tend to skip (ie. a movie post that is only 14MB and is an exe file.
Another site, nsaindex. Its been offline for a week or so. They dont index as much as binsearch, but they seem to verify content more.
Do it yourself the old fashioned way. Before idiots and parasites brought too much attention to Usenet.
So underground bro!
ahhh crap! I hate torrents!
Don't stress, there's plenty of other networking protocols left too bro! ;)
Like what?
ADC/Direct Connect requires sharing a lot of content to download (DC++ client etc)
FTP near impossible to get into and requires giving something back that can get you in trouble.
HTTP is mostly ruined
IRC I'm not sure about… it was slow when I tried it many years ago.
P2P is horrible and dangerous
Torrents are only good on a private site, and even then its not as good as Usenet. And you are still distributing copyrighted material.
Look, we can all see you're super-pro Usenet; you're happy with that so good for you; but as I've explained to you before sam, there are options other than Usenet/torrents. It's not esoteric knowledge it does require some community participation from you.
Now, as I said on those other occasions, it's up to you to get off your arse & talk to those in the know on the relevant IRC channels for guidance. Clearly, you haven't done that as yet.
Community participation = Huge illegal act
You would be surprised how little trouble you can get into for simply downloading something on the Internet compared to uploading it.
Sorry mate. Accidentally negged you when I was scrolling down.
What are those other options? Genuinely curious…
So am I, but they don't exist much outside what I have already mentioned.
The aim is to avoid distributing copyrighted material, if you can't do that you might as well use torrents.
O-bummer on his SOPA & PIPA agenda.
There are a fair number of anonymous proxy torrent services that cost about the same as usenet. $10 a month will see you invisible.
we need to install thousands of usb drives around our cities, filled with our favorite content then you just plug in and copy the content and add your own until all the drives are filled. A vast network of manual p2p.
Where does new content come from….
the scene.
This method is popular and is basically what they have setup at most universities. just ask around.
I don't think you know what your talking about.
Distribution from the scene is mostly Internet and people in their circles.
To get scene content without the internet services we've been using, especially in Australia is near impossible.
Again, my comment stands that if we moved to "manual p2p" it would be near impossible to get new content, especially in Australia…
man overzealous mate.
no one said anything about cutting off the net. one would torrent, ftp, irc the file and reshare. Usenet is not the first method of distribution.
In fact in the method that is described above, someone has to verify the work.
in fact there is a lot of content you wont find on Usenet. it takes some Guy to put it up there.
Whats the point of torrenting a file and then using manual p2p….
You might as well torrent yourself.
You can get one piece of the file and share it for another piece.
Torrenting as you have put it is slow, horrible and dangerous.So let someone else take the risk.
Someone else?
When it gets to the point when we need to physically trade media, nobody is going to be willing to do the dangerous work for us.
Of course, that "point" is unlikely to come anytime soon with Usenet working perfectly fine and private torrent sites being targeted slower then they are being created.
How many Australians get in trouble for torrenting?
none, same with everything else. We get a lot of threats though.
We are talking about the future and how torrent sites and usenet sites are closing.
Usenet has been around for ages.
Now my dog just turns on the computer, and it's all automated.
http://media.smh.com.au/entertainment/weird-week/can-you-tea…Basically this ruined Usenet.
Depends on how you look at it… ruined it, or made is great?
I know I'd rather have set everything up once and let it do its thing rather than manual search for new episodes every time they come out ect. I've got plenty of other things I'd rather be doing.
Started using nzb.su - only decent indexing site I've found that is still open to registrations. Nowhere near as flash as nzbmatrix (agghhh), but seems to be doing the job for now.
Doesnt work for me. nzb.su is it? I get a 404 (with an advert embedded WTF?!)
Strange - www.nzb.su doesnt work for me too.
Try http://www.nzb.su/index.php … that should work. Guess their default page isn't working properly or something.
Edit - ahh, I see they've closed off registrations. Bugger. Guess I was lucky enough to get in minutes after nzbmatrix closed)
Tried the nsb.su and apparently the staff decided to prune a ton of the free accounts on the site. VIP members and a few free accounts remain. Hopefully you know someone with a VIP account that can give you an invite, or you’ll be really out of luck.
For those of you with free accounts that didn’t get pruned, remember that your account can be deleted at any time. The only way to secure access to the site is to make sure that you have a paid VIP account. $7.50 isn’t such a bad price for everything you get.
NZB.su no longer uses paypal for their payment gateway. It looks like they are taking the credit card information directly now. That alone makes me a little weary.
My free account still works, I signed up at the start of the year.
I'll probably just sign up for VIP just in case the better alternatives disappear.
Although if the alternatives shutdown, NZB.su probably isn't far behind.
I had a look and at the moment the only way to get onto any of these sites is if someone can send through a invite. Besides that looks like we will need to use the usenet search engines :(
we need to find someone in the right groups for all these invite onlys
Nobody has invites.
i only just heard about nzbmatrix closing from this thread.. makes me so sad :(
I had the rss feed linked up with sabnzbd and was a paying member of nzbmatrix and my usenet provider - it was a dream set up :)
I had a similar set up. I tried last night through binsearch.info and nzbmovieseeker.com. Both sucked compared to my old way. On several occasions the nzb files were not named correctly, so I will have no idea what file they are when I look tomorrow, and a couple of d/l were incomplete, even though they were about 35 days old.
I am still learning the binsearch ways though, so I hope it gets better.
I would be happy for anyone with a better indexer to pm me.
I've got some invites to gingadaddy…. if anyone wants to trade for nzb.su or something else?
One of these things are not like the other….
Well anyone that had an account with gingadaddy now has invites so not as impressive as the other indexers.
Haha I know… but still no one can join freely without an invite now. Just trying to get into as many sites as possible, its a slow process.
EDIT: I've got a loggin to NZB.in also… although can't seem to login to their site, dunno whats going on there.
It's very very pity that such good sites wre closed. Of course there are other search engines for nzb search like http://nzbfriends.com/, but all these are not so qualitied as nzbmatrix and newzbin were.
Check out nzbgeek.info. Its great to use. fast, friendly and up to date. No invite required. Just go to the forum and read indexer access instructions. Very cool.
You registered just to post that?
LOL!! No I was looking for some info. Don't post on forums at all normally, but people are in need!! :)
DOGnzb is awesome and has invites open (admin reckons for another couple of hours - maybe): http://dognzb.cr/register
You get 30 days free but their unlimited VIP access is USD10 (one off). Nice website, customisable categories, watchlists, bookmarks, integrates directly to your SABnzbd install so you can push downloads from their website to home automatically.
Worth a look if you're presently stranded…
Wow thanks mate!!! awesome heads up! totally in your debt, if you want an invite to NewzTown PM me :-)
(no other PMs from others please unless you want to trade)
Does anyone have an invite for DIGnzb or nzb.su. I am about to delete my giganews after 7 years and am making 1 last attempt to get up & running before I do!
Many thanks
I don't understand this post… Are you threatening to leave newsgroups?
Anyway, here's a good site that is open for registration still:
For all who are searching for a site with verified Nzb files you can use the browser http://usenethub.com/
Thanks will check it out.
https://nzbs.in/ , http://www.nzb.su/ or maybe https://www.gingadaddy.com
Going to be hard to find a site as good as nzbmatrix