Amazon Prime Next Day Delivery Now 5 Day Delivery?

I live on the Sunshine Coast and 95% of my shopping is online based and 6-12 months ago I started slowly shifting most of my online shopping from eBay to Amazon. Their next day delivery was one of the main reasons for shifting my purchasing across and for 6-12 months their next day delivery on most (90%) of their items was wonderful.

Then this week I noticed that there were virtually no items able to be shipped next day and yesterday (Monday) I bought some 3 items and their expected delivery is Saturday (5 days) and nearly all items listed on their marketplace are also 5 day shipping.

Does anyone know if there's a wider issue at Amazon at the moment?

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  • +1
    Merged from Recently Amazon Has Been Late a Lot Recently

    What's everyone strategies for dealing with Amazon delivering after their scheduled time?

    • +41

      i logged a complaint to un council for human rights.

      • +3

        Good call. I didn't have any luck with my household's CEO, she told me to grab a cup of concrete and called me a wambulance.

    • +7

      jump on live chat, only had 1 late parcel in last 3 months and they gave me a $5 credit. ymmv

      • yep I received a $5 credit for each of my late items.

    • +2

      I've notice a lack of Amazon Flex Drivers in my area, so most of my orders are now delivered by Dragonfly.

      • +1

        There's no shortage of flex drivers.
        Last mile is contracted out in certain areas.

      • +3

        Mine were delivered by Cicada. I could hear them a mile away.

      • Why? On the other hand so many are struggling to find jobs.

    • -2

      I don't really mind as long as they deliver within the week. I am more worried with my Diablo 4 Spiritborn hitting Trillions of damage right now.

    • +3

      Recently you say?

      • +1

        yes over the last 3 months. had about 5 deliveries miss their promised next day delivery. metro melb.

    • +3

      Why was my post merged? These are 2 completely separate issues.

      • you are right. Mine was about deliveries not arriving in time and yours was about less next day deliveries. so annoying.

      • +17

        overzealous whirlpool moderator at work on ozbargain perhaps

    • +1

      I use chat to complain as soon as it is delayed they usually refund the full order (and tell me to discard or keep the product). YMMV because i waste a lot of money on Amazon.

      Keep screenshots of delivery times etc, as they adjust them when it is delayed.

      • What's the highest price item they delivered late that they refunded and let you keep?

  • +8

    Even in metro brisbane I’m finding many items in my watchlist that used to be 1 day are being pushed out to 2 days.

    I’d say there’s probably a shortage of drivers/ or they are trying to just make do with a smaller number of contractors -

    • It does seem like it's some sort of logistics issue. I added a temporary address at the southern end of the Sunshine Coast (I'm in Noosa) and the same issue exists there. I saw another post about Amazon rolling out their own delivery vans vis-a-vis Amazon US ( - maybe this has something to do with it?

      • +1

        i used to drive to noosa semi regularly to see some clients, and man its a drive.
        been some years now but it would easily be nearly 2 hours both ways most days with the traffic from southside.
        cant imagine some dude in a clapped out van doing the pickups from the (eagle farm?) depot - and then running it all up to noosa, and trying to cover such a big area.

        • 2 hours both ways most days with the traffic from southside

          Southside of where? Sunshine Coast? Brisbane? Noosa is only ~30 mins to Maroochydore and there'd be plenty of customers up and down the Sunshine Coast to delivery stuff to. Noosa is roughly 2 hours to BNE outside of peak hour.

          Either way, the issue still exists for addresses at the southern end of the coast. I used a fake address in Aura (Baringa) and they've got the same issue where most items listed on Amazon are 5 day deliveries at the moment.

        • The Amazon van contractors that collect from Pinkenba don't go further North than Redcliffe area.

    • +5

      I know someone who does AmazonFlex in Brisbane. They've closed the Pinkenba depot and moved all Brisbane deliveries to the Heathwood depot. Heaps of northside drivers have quit due to the extra 80 minutes round trip, plus you have to return to the depot if you have undelivered parcels. They've been reducing/phasing out Pinkenba for the last 3 months which matches the OP's timeline. They are probably increasing use of Auspost/Couriers for last mile which has increased delivery times for SEQ.

    • Being pushed out late during the prime big day sales seemed usual, but it was bulky items which were being pushed out. Order Thursday delivery Sunday, for example. Other smaller items still advertised one day delivery. The same day delivery items are very small now.

  • +1

    Could be with the Christmas period approaching. Most deliveries take longer during this time.

    I'm also having more issues with Amazon deliveries. More packages going missing or delayed. I live in Brisbane

  • +2

    I'm in Perth metro and find these blow out in delivery times temporary, usually goes back to one day after a day or two. I'm guessing it is a logistics or staffing issue.

    • Interesting, I've never seen it before.

      • yeah ive also noticed this before, they usually return to normal, even the other day everything i tried to order was 2-3 days, i just checked it now, it is back to next day

  • Shortage of delivery drivers

    • They the drivers dont make decent money from it?

      • -1

        Amazon delivery drivers?
        They make good money

        • +3

          How much?
          Edit: lols, no they don't. Australia-wide earnings start at a minimum of $116* for a 4-hour sedan block and go up to a minimum of $270* for an 8-hour cargo van block (inclusive of a 30-minute unpaid break. So $29 per hour to $33.75 (if oyu have a van) Also:…)

          • -3

            @EightImmortals: 29 before tax? Not bad its definitely above minimum wage.
            Dont compare with ceo salaries …. many are still earning 20/hr or less

            • +10

              @McMaferMur: Dont forget they have their car running costs to pay

            • +6


              Not bad

              You're comparing the job they're doing with a minimum wage job where you turn up and work, eg maccas.

              They are paying for their own fuel, wear and tear on the car, depreciation etc.

              Just like Uber, I reckon when it's all said and done it's a couple of bucks an hour.

            • +1

              @McMaferMur: Thats not good at all when it is as a contractor. No super, not holidays, no sick leave, your own insurance or lack of.
              And then you are paying your own car costs which is a pretty huge chunk out of income. Accident liability risk on you. Car out of action no work or spend most of days pay on rental costs.

              • @joelmuzz: I see. Well sad because amazon made trillion profit they can afford to oay better

          • -1


            $29 per hour

            Yeah but that’s good money though, given the skill level involved.
            Also, the delivery route is generally concentrated within 2-4 neighbouring suburbs which means there isn’t even much distance to be travelled.
            As delivery/taxi jobs go, most drivers prefer doing this.


            I know and that’s coz of the volume of job applications that Amazon gets. They can basically fire anyone at will and over minor infractions too. I don’t agree with that ofcos but that’s just how it is.

            • +1

              @Gervais fanboy: I mean Woolies pays $24-25 ph. Would $5 extra per hour cover the cost of wear+tear plus fuel?

              • @quill: Base rate at Woolies is around $22.
                You do more work there and there’s a higher degree of customer service requirement, greater language proficiency. Also, it’s not as flexible as working as a delivery driver.

              • +1

                @quill: ATO can give people a good benchmark car expense deductions

                2023–24: use 85 cents per kilometre (up to 5000km per year else you need to use actual cost)

                Even if you do 10 kilometres per hour it is $8.50

          • +7


            earnings start at a minimum of $116* for a 4-hour sedan block

            At first glance it looks like $29/hour, but excludes lots of things. You are paid under a ABN, no Super, you might have to pay GST too, you have to supply the car/van and ALL running costs and insurances that go with it. Even though flex provides insurance while driving, you still need insurance to get there and back.

            The block starts AFTER you drive to the warehouse and load up your car, so another 30-90 mins depending on how far away you are and how busy it is when you arrive.

            Then once your block is done, you have to drive home again. Your block could be an hour away from home. Assuming you don't get a dreaded can't delivery parcel and have to take it back to the warehouse.

            My warehouse is about 40 mins away, so a 4 block for me, would most likely be 1 hour before the block starts to drive and load the car up, 4 hours to deliver, then say 30 mins to get home. So 5 1/2 hours, after running costs it is sub $20/hr

            • @JimmyF: You have made a lot of great points..

              This is more suitable for those who do uber eats/taxi full time (they have existing insurance, car rental/repayment obligations), they do these deliveries during day time on week days when Uber just isn’t that busy. These are the kinds of people that make up the bulk number of Amazon delivery drivers. Basing on their first hand account, they are very appreciative of this kind of work.

              • +2

                @Gervais fanboy: I had some spare time a while ago and looked into flex to fill the time and it basically wasn't worth it for the return after all the costs etc.

                Like Uber, your car is taking a depreciation hit in value in exchange for money now.

                So if you do Uber and already taking that hit, then Flex would be a good fill in job between rush hours etc.

                There seems to be a bit of work upfront to get a block as well, you can't just rock up and say I want a block. You have to book/bid for a block from memory.

                Like Uber, Amazon is targeting a type of person who needs money and are happy to grind hard all day for little return.

                I assume as driver numbers go down, the flex block prices being offered go up!

                • @JimmyF: Yeah, agree with almost everything you said there again.
                  Regardless of whether the driver numbers go down or not, Uber/amazon can for sure afford to pay them more. If they weren’t the monopolies that they have now become, this wouldn’t even be a problem.
                  I reckon drivers in general need to unionise and get some bargaining power for once, especially when we are gonna have self driving automobiles in the near future which’ll eliminate a lot of these driving jobs.
                  I read about some serious efforts made amongst the uber drivers stationed at the Airport pickup ranks but nothing much came of it.

            • @JimmyF: I had a tradie that lived in the same suburb 6 mins drive tried to sell me $190 call out charge.

          • -2

            @EightImmortals: Base hourly is $36.5 across all vehicle groups.

            • -1


              Base hourly is $36.5 across all vehicle groups.

              Its not, if it was, then they would say this. They say

              minimum of $116* for a 4-hour sedan block

              $116 / 4 hours = $29/hour - costs to do the job.

              If it was $36.5, then it would be minimum of $146* for a 4-hour sedan block, not $116.

              • +1

                @JimmyF: That's the old rate, not updated on website.
                Some regional variances and surge pricing.

                💯 guarantee $146 has been base sedan since 1/07/2024.

                • @randomusername2017: Good to hear the rate has gone up. Strange they haven't updated the pricing to bring new drivers in!

                  • +1

                    @JimmyF: Don't need to… there's 12 month+ waiting list for new drivers depending on vehicle type.

  • +3

    I live in Sydney and Melbourne. Your delivery is late because we are the priority ;-)

    • +6

      Same thing im in sydney normally next day but now 3 days

  • +3

    I noticed this for Prime in Brisbane also. Next day delivery has been standard for years on most items. Now being a Tuesday, the earliest I can get anything delivered is Friday, with many standard items showing as Sunday. I wanted to buy a common Nintendo Switch game for my Sons birthday on Saturday and the delivery says Sunday; So now I have to take my business elsewhere. Hoping this is a short-term logistical issue.

  • +2

    I did receive a $10 credit, but I really dislike that the item gets sent back to the depot. I'd prefer if the delivery could happen at any time, regardless of the hour. Instead of waiting until the day after next, why not pay the driver overtime to deliver when there's no traffic?

  • I'm on the middle of the Sunshine Coast and noticed the same. I used to be able to get many things next day, now it's 2 or even 3 in some cases.

  • If recent issues, must be from prime days. They have overwhelming orders with limited capacity to handle them all.

  • Forget about late deliveries, Amazon has lost two of my packages lately.
    Both packages were lost at their processing facility prior to last mile delivery.

  • +2

    Lol they reduce hour and increased packages.
    Recently I did delivery for 3 hours which was offered for 4 hours last year.
    In short more packages less time they allocate.
    Last year 42 packages for 3.5 hours
    Now 46 packages for 3 hours. If you got city area you will never ever finish in time.

  • +1

    At least you get Amazon items delivered to your location. A large number of us who live non metro now can't get a whole lot of items delivered to us anymore.

    • which items? heavy based ones like cans of drink/ bottles of water?

      • +1

        Lots and lots of items from Amazon Commerical Services are now suddenly undeliverable to non metro.

        Its a case of what can they deliver instead of what they can't at this stage to those affected and weight is not a factor.

        Off the top of my head, most cans and bottles, mouthwash, some hard drives, electronics such as quest 3 ipads etc, toilet paper, tissues, paper towel, washing liquids, toiletries, drink bottles, chip packets and other food items.

        What's also ironic is you can order the same affected item from Amazon Warehouse but not Amazon Commercial Services.

  • It’s now taking amazon 2 days to deliver instead of next day delivery despite being a few km away from their warehouse.

    • Kemps creek / moorebank is still same/next day, anything outside the network adds a couple of days.

  • +2

    Late is better than never. Wont even deliver a bunch of regular items anymore to my area and I'm not even that far out of Melbourne.

  • +2
  • +1

    Sunshine Coast where it's one big retirement village

    Doesn't surprise me when there's no one working

    • Spent a couple of months up there last year and was surprised how many ferals and derros there were getting around in their utes.

      Granted this was a several blocks back from the coastline as we couldnt afford to be that close but far from a retirement village feel (not necessarily in a good way).

      Although when we did go closer to the water/boardwalk areas, average age did increase or maybe they were the only ones who could afford to be there AND eat out as well.

      • -1

        Spent a couple of months up there last year and was surprised how many ferals and derros there were getting around in their utes.

        That's not uncommon in certain areas

        Granted this was a several blocks back from the coastline as we couldnt afford to be that close but far from a retirement village feel (not necessarily in a good way).

        yup inland has those groups but overall people in that region are retired

        Although when we did go closer to the water/boardwalk areas, average age did increase or maybe they were the only ones who could afford to be there AND eat out as well.

        the locals don't eat there it's a tourist trap those restaurants on the beach side… local usually eat inland where it's cheaper

  • +2

    Melbourne SE, yeah next day has become day after next.

  • I'm in south tas and we don't have next day delivery but my deliveries have been turning up a lot earlier than estimated the last month or so

  • It depends on the item and which carrier they're using to deliver the item.
    Being on the Sunshine Coast, the closest Amazon delivery centre is in Pinkenba Brisbane which is over an hour away. This is where all the independent flex drivers pick up the packages for their runs. Dragon Fly only has the one location in Salisbury from what I know, which is even further for last mile delivery.
    I'd say most your items would be delivered via AusPost or even Toll, both of which would be expecting high volumes over the next few months so ETA's on deliveries would've blown out.
    It's also possible you've reached a point where you've ordered so much they now only give you slow shipping options like 1 week AusPost.
    (I could be entirely wrong, it's been a while since I've talked to my amazon friends)

    • +1

      I'd say most your items would be delivered via AusPost or even Toll

      All my deliveries for the past year have been serviced by dragonfly.

      It's also possible you've reached a point where you've ordered so much they now only give you slow shipping options like 1 week AusPost.

      Punish and drive away customers who shop the most on their platform? This seems like asinine logic.

    • +1

      Sunshine Coaster here too - always delivered by Dragonfly.

  • +3

    At least you can get things delivered, the majority of the stuff I ordered regularly can no longer be delivered to my address anymore, like softdrinks. I'm close to cancelling my Prime membership.

    • Likewise, once the yearly membership is done I won't be renewing.

  • -2

    This is simply outrageous. I would lobby with your local mp for sure.

  • You guys get next/same day delivery? Quickest delivery I've ever had was 3-5 days. Only 1 postcode away from having next or same day too.
    Might move out of Hobbiton to Bywater.

    Deliveries are never late, nor are they early, they arrive precisely when they mean to.

  • After latest Prime Day my deliveries have all gone from same day/next day to suddenly being 3-6 days. Has happened for my last ten orders, no reason at all for it from what I can see. Weird!

  • Send Bezos a hate letter.

  • +3

    This started happening for me over the last 6mths, including some items just never being delivered. I was doing 95%+ of my online shopping with Amazon but cancelled my membership last month and haven't bought anything there, honestly its probably for the best as I ended up buying a heap of stuff I didn't need because it was easy

  • +1

    Experienced same

    did not get an apology just a flip young girl who informed me it will get there and she does not know when and she wanted to know 'what's the hurry'

    First time in history item has to go back. it was the wrong size as the box was mislabeled. they will refund me after I post it. or so they say

    • Yeah, I was just quoted the T&Cs 😡

  • +3

    When you do any search now and select in the filter "Get it by tomorrow" the earliest delivery date is always 3 or 4 days away. Not sure why I pay for Prime anymore.

    • I bought some items last week which were offered and delivered as "next day". As far as I can tell, this only started happening this week.

  • Yep, I've noticed this week as well, no next day delivery usually 2 to 3 days.

    It can't be due to Christmas or black friday, I'd say staffing issues.

  • +1

    I always hit the $49 dollar limit, not sure exactly why im paying for amazon prime… might cancel soon if no 1 day delivery everyone gets 2 day deliveries for free and im paying for it??

    • I've been feeling the same way. Also stopped using Prime Video since they introduced ads. Tried Prime music for about 5 mins (which was enough).

      But the free delivery is handy when you need that one little random thing relatively quickly.

  • All my orders have been Dragonfly since day one on the coast. Just signed up to flex to see how it's managed. It appears that there is only depo that is at 164 Stradbroke St, Heathwood QLD 4110, 90 mins away from Caloundra and two hours from Noosa. I don't know how they structure the compensations for drivers, but four hours round trip sounds stupid.

    • I recently had a Dragonfly delivery, I'm about 30 minutes from their distribution centre, it was out for delivery on 3 consecutive days, but kept failing to arrive before 9pm cut off. Thought it would never come!

      • "This xmas season, get Amazon prime for your loved ones - free delivery with extra suspense."
        I don't know why, but I had Vanessa Bayer's voice and face acting this line in my head.

  • +1

    Still next day for Canberra ordering latest like 5-6pm and getting by lunch time.

  • Sometimes amazon even send me items I didn't even order, like my shipping label gets stuck to the wrong box, so those are always a nice surprise. Have had a couple things late recently, I think they overcommitted with their second prime day/week this year and can't catch up.

  • Still trust Amazon delivery more so than others, had engine air filter Ebay item ordered and fictitious tracking that never arrives, refund then reorder again, wait 6 weeks and still a no show. Gave up and will buy from local Repco. Aust Post seems issues at the moment with tracking item is delayed.

  • Santa Claus is coming to town

  • It’s that time of the year. Holidays, but no as a rule Amazon is here around the same time the next day with all my orders. The only time it ever changes for me is if it’s order by for same day delivery. It’s never same day. Always changes to tomorrow after 8pm

  • +3

    This thread is good timing…. Unlike Amazon 😁.

    I've noticed a recent enshitification of Prime delivery and was hoping it was a one-off.

    I've been so impressed with Amazon prime over the last few years that I now order over 400 items a year. However my 2 most recent deliveries schedule for next day have suddenly become delayed after ordering and have taken 4 days (I live 15 minutes from an Amazon warehouse).

    When I asked Amazon what's going on, I was quoted the T&Cs ie. Any delivery can be delayed at any time, which is quite annoying.

    When I asked tgem to follow up with the courier, I was given a phone number and tracking number and told to call them myself. I found out that despite the orders being fulfilled and shipped by Amazon, once ordered, they were now using 3rd party to deliver hence next day delivery turned into 4 days.

    Of course I understand things can be delayed, but what is the point to pay for prime delivery and purchase on the basis that the item is showing next day delivery, for them to hand it to a 3rd party courier and get it after 4 days.

    I almost cancelled Prime due to the recent price increases and only kept it for the 1-2 day delivery. If this turns out to be a recurring issue, I don't see the point to keep paying for Prime unfortunately.

    • +3

      T&Cs ie. Any delivery can be delayed at any time, which is quite annoying.

      The part that annoys me is that the product page advertises it as a certainty (e.g. "get it tomorrow") instead of a best case ("get it as soon as tomorrow"). Feels like misleading advertising.

  • I still get most of my orders within a day or two, which is probably as good as I can hope for living in SA. I imagine Amazon must lose money on a lot of Prime deliveries, so it wouldn't surprise me if they're starting to skimp on the service now that they've likely built up a massive Prime subscriber base.

    • it wouldn't surprise me if they're starting to skimp on the service now that they've likely built up a massive Prime subscriber base

      That's also a rapid and sure-fire way of losing that same customer base they've accrued.

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