Avoid Nick Scali

Nick Scali customer service is the worst I have experienced in years.

I ordered a sofa months ago and received multiple messages that the delivery date was Monday 22 October and I must pay the outstanding amount before the delivery date which I did. I also took the day off work as they said they would deliver the sofa. They also said they won’t take the packaging which many companies do as great customer service.

So late Friday afternoon, just before the weekend, I get a call saying that the sofa won’t be delivered as it isn’t even in Australia. I am so furious as I had to take time of work for these clowns and no compensation or explanation as to why they were demanding the money but no delivery of the goods. I also have a table which I ordered weeks ago. They said it was the last in stock and we would get the display model. No discount either. Go figure. Now we have waited weeks for delivery of the table and still no communication as to when we expect this table which has been fully paid. Never will I shop at Nick Scali again. Utterly disgusted in the service.

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Nick Scali
Nick Scali


  • +5
    • +14

      or duped?

      • +8

        That cost cents. Cheers

        • +7

          Like that Jane Austin novel - Cents and Centsability

    • +1

      Na, that one had compensation

  • +25

    Thanks for signing up and sharing your thoughts.

  • +11

    Why did you make a duplicate ozbargain account to post this? Why not just use your usual account?

    For all I know, you could be a competitor posting fake reviews.

    • +1

      Are you sure this is the same person, not different person?

      So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account … Certain people prefer to read only, not really into making posts/comments. You know this from certain old ozb accounts and people that had attended ozb meetups in the past.

      This brand should fold if often they don't have stock for something they inform in stock. Delivery time range in days/weeks should be informed, not fix day unless they are sure it's in stock.

      • +2


        So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account

        That’s a good point but the op has created a new account just to rant about a delayed shipment and then hasn’t logged in since which seems eerily similar to this post(https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/810552) that Ms paint has shared above. Neither of them shared any actual screenshots or communication threads to validate their concerns.
        I am just naturally suspicious when I see these dummy accounts post anything.

        This brand should fold if often they don't have stock

        Okay but I don’t care about that. I am not at all familiar with the brand and wasn’t defending them.

  • +11

    Any bargains

    • Probably one slightly beaten up couch

      • +2

        casting couch?

  • +2

    I thought it was against site rules to have multiple accounts?

    • -7

      How do you know this is the same person, not different person?

      So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account … Certain people prefer to read only, not really into making posts/comments. You know this from certain old ozb accounts and people that had attended ozb meetups in the past.

      This brand should fold if often they don't have stock for something they inform in stock. Delivery time range in days/weeks should be informed, not fix day unless they are sure it's in stock.

      If the company is struggling financially, at least the company could be offered to be sold to another company at higher price, so the owner could get away with a lot more money.

    • The site has rules? Suppose it would.

  • +3

    isn't that a posh store? the items are so expensive

    • +3

      and customer service so bad…

    • +9

      People just assume that because items are expensive (eg clothing, furniture etc) that they are good quality.
      You have to think about what the retailer is actually doing - they are reaping in the money for, sometimes, rubbish product, on that pretence of quality.
      And the customers will buy it so they can tell their friends that they bought expensive stuff, infering that it is good quality.

      Those thinkers among us know better.

      • We are looking for a new sofa for our place, nothing crazy. What would actually be good quality that we should be looking for? Happy to spend a bit more if it’s actually good stuff that will last. Our current one is falling apart after 5 years.

        • We have two awesome sofas — ones from Freedom. The other is Focus Furnniture. And reasonable priced. Amart also has some good stuff.

          • +8

            @the fig man:

            Amart also has some good stuff.

            A great indicator that your barometer for quality is broken!

        • Sofas are quite subjective, but am happy to report that our IKEA Norsborg is 6 years old and looks and feels like new. I personally like the fact that we can launder the upholstery ourselves.

        • Stressless seem quite good and I am in the market for one. Would be interested in others' experiences.

    • +1

      Not compared to king living 🤣

    • Because it pioneered ads of glamorous women slow walking in and dropping onto the sofa?

      It has a lot of dreck amongst some better stuff. It might have once been premium, but these days I would position them in the market below Freedom. Take what you will from that.

      Not sure about the carry on above on the validity of the poster, but having been sofa and entertainment unit shopping earlier this year, I got vibes about the NS staff that means I am not surprised about the complaint in this post.
      One example: near closing the floor manager berating an older saleswoman in front of us for not closing a sale earlier. So we went to another NS store and sat in a sofa for 20 minutes while the three staff had a lovely conversation with plenty of laughs at the desk. TBH the way some of them looked at Mrs entropy I had sleazy vibes too.

      Shop at Plush, Freedom, King Living or any one of the other furniture outfits before NS. Its staff suck.we actually went Freedom in the end. Cost more but better service.

      • Shop at Plush, Freedom, King Living or any one of the other furniture outfits before NS. Its staff suck.we actually went Freedom in the end. Cost more but better service.

        I think a lot of the King Living wooden stuff is veneered. For the pricing, I do not think that veneer is acceptable. I like their sofas but the tables (or those wooden Jasper sofa attachments) not so much.

        • Staff seem more civilised

      • +1

        FYI, Nick Scali own Plush since a few years ago and have infiltrated their consumer policies and service. Just like The Good Guys and JB. Many consumers think they are different stores but are the same company. This is the new age monopoly, making consumers think they have choice.

  • +2

    I also have a table which I ordered weeks ago. They said it was the last in stock and we would get the display model. No discount either.

    You either love the table enough to take the display, accept the situation, and don’t look back or you move on and find another table

  • +32

    I love how all the comments here think OP has no right to be pissed off at the situation they’re in. Nothing worst then ordering something which is supposedly “in stock”, but then to stay at home all day waiting for a delivery and nothing arrives.

    But yeah everyone here is ok sitting at home all day waiting for a delivery or ordering items in stock which don’t exist.

    I guess everyone is happy to bend over and take it and say oh well that’s how it is I guess the item wasn’t in stock..

    • +5

      I think the responses would be a lot more sympathetic if the account wasn’t brand new. I know mine certainly would be

      • +1

        Old or new account is not the most important thing. So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account … Certain people prefer to read only, not really into making posts/comments. You know this from certain old ozb accounts and people that had attended ozb meetups in the past.

        This brand should fold if often they don't have stock for something they inform in stock. Delivery time range in days/weeks should be informed, not fix day unless they are sure it's in stock.

        • +3


          • -4

            @MS Paint: Based on IP address? Device type? Fingerprinting?

            IP could be the same for different people when using wifi at different day (if IP address is not fix).

            If you know the exact type of device, MAC address of the device, it could be the same person.

            • +4

              @neoleo: No. I'm highlighting your copy paste posts.

              • +1

                @MS Paint: It's easy to accuse people. Whether or not the guy is the same with previous post …

                • +2

                  @neoleo: No. You (neoleo) are copy pasting on this thread.

                  • -3

                    @MS Paint: To inform the guy that I put comment.

              • +2

                @MS Paint:

                I'm highlighting your copy paste posts.

                While the JV is away, they are just helping keep the daily ozb total post count ticking over ;)

            • @neoleo: MAC is encapsulated within a TCP packet? Couldn't be arsed looking it up but am 98% sure that it's stripped out cause it's pointless overhead.

              • +1


                MAC is encapsulated within a TCP packet? Couldn't be arsed looking it up but am 98% sure that it's stripped out cause it's pointless overhead.

                It's not.

                The MAC-address is part of the Link-Layer in the OSI Network Model. It's only used for communication in the "local" network

                • @SBOB: In phone settings, there is an option to enable "Use random MAC address" if using wifi. So, maybe you mean only people in the same wifi network could see other devices MAC address through an app or software in their computer.

                  • @neoleo:

                    So, maybe you mean only people in the same wifi network could see other devices MAC address through an app or software in their computer.

                    I mean exactly what I said.
                    It's only used for communication in the "local" network

                    Your mac address doesn't leave the local network, wether that's wired or wireless is irrelevant, and is not transmitted past the first routing point (eg most likely your router making the connection between your local network and it's wan interface to your isps connection point).

                    Devices on the local network use mac addresses to identify what IP address belongs to what device. It's not information visible to devices not on the local network.

                  • +1

                    @neoleo: Dude. That's not the way it works.

                    TCP packets carry IP addresses and port numbers, not MACs. TCP works at osi level 3.

                    MAC tables are stored on the local switch, which operates within the LAN only, osi 2. MAC is not visible over WAN connections at all. Nobody on the internet sees your MAC.

                    I'm not even a networks person, and know this much.

            • @neoleo: Old or new account is not the most important thing. So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account … Certain people prefer to read only, not really into making posts/comments. You know this from certain old ozb accounts and people that had attended ozb meetups in the past.

              This brand should fold if often they don't have stock for something they inform in stock. Delivery time range in days/weeks should be informed, not fix day unless they are sure it's in stock.

              • @belongsinforums: AI or Bot copy my comment? :P

                • @neoleo: Old or new account is not the most important thing. So many silent readers here. It doesn't mean all of them have ozb account … Certain people prefer to read only, not really into making posts/comments. You know this from certain old ozb accounts and people that had attended ozb meetups in the past.

                  This brand should fold if often they don't have stock for something they inform in stock. Delivery time range in days/weeks should be informed, not fix day unless they are sure it's in stock.

        • +3

          Found the OPs other account.

    • -1

      Erm delivery is not till Monday 22nd Oct. Hopefully they won't be sitting around waiting all day if they have been told it's not coming the previous Friday 18th Oct.

    • -1

      Well, being that Nick Scali isn't in the transport business they can't really be held responsible for a third party not delivering when expected

  • +1

    You need some unemployed friends you can pay a pittance to to hang around your house waiting for a sofa to be delivered.

  • +4

    I’ve purchased two several items from them, never had any issues with service or delivery. Items are solid quality.

    • +1

      Sure. But you’re the manager, right?

      • I've never had any issues with them either. Ordered a custom lounge suite which took a while to come. Was informed this would be the case when ordering, was then updated along the way. Yeah, it took a while, but the service was fine, and the lounge had been great

      • Another happy customer here. Their quality above other stores for the same price range. I’m in the process of getting more things from them. Would recommend

  • +10

    Think about the positive side.
    At least you didn’t buy from Gerry.

  • +2

    Does OP really think that by joining OZB just for a rant and rave is going to deter anyone from buying from Nick Scali?

    • +2

      Perhaps not, but anything else I've read online about them has convinced me not to buy from Nick Scali…

      Ditto my one visit to their showroom when I was looking to furnish my place a couple years back. Creepy saleperson.

  • -2

    You have the right to be annoyed, frustrated etc, but when you expected compensation you lost me.

  • Every store gives you tripple visits:

    First time,
    Only time
    Last time
    all in one.

  • +2

    You expect customer service from the Mafia?

    • +3


      It can also be revealed that Sydney furniture king Nick Scali, a prominent Liberal donor and Madafferi associate who was also involved in the Mafia visa scandal, was investigated by police in Italy over allegations that he bribed an Italian-Australian politician in Rome.

      • +2

        I’m more inclined to boycott businesses who are associated with mafia then some random person who is upset that they were slightly inconvenienced. This is a true psa. Wish I knew this earlier.

  • +2

    " the delivery date was Monday 22 October"

    Last year? Tuesday is 22 October this year.

  • -2

    open new account to whine about a nick scali couch on a bargain site

    Feel better?

  • +5

    Lol I'm surprised anyone buys from him

  • Have you gone to the store you bought from and talk to the sales person and store manager you bought from to discuss the matter?

  • +1

    Make a OF and post link

  • We bought 2.5 and 3.5 seater leather couches 2 years ago from Nick Scali and pleased overall. Vietnam made quality is surprisingly good and if purchased during their regular half price sale was also well priced. Happy with our purchase and yes it did take 3 months and also was delayed, I think a couple of weeks but was worth the wait and we got regular updates for delivery so overall we are happy and would purchase again from the NICK!

    • What happened to the remainin 0.5 sofas? Sounds like you got ripped off!

  • +3

    The classic "Sale" every week furniture store

  • -5

    Interesting…. I bought a buffet last week payed in full on the day delivered the next week…. They left the cardboard how dare they! I cut it up put it in the recycling bin. No issues whatsoever.

    Feel like people just want to complain about nothing these days.

    • +1

      Are you sure it was still edible after a week?

    • Depends where you live. I live in a large block of units and whenever there are new people the bins are overflowing with bubble wrap and cardboard boxes - It would be okay if they cut it up and put in a little each week but its usually large thick white good boxes just dumped on top of the bins or not cut up.

  • did you get a refund

  • Hey mate, sorry about the frustration. We purchased our goods (including sofa, coffee table, dining table) on boxing day last year. We eventually got everything delivered after 5-6 months. The cancellation with late notice was not just once but multiple times and so I must warn you that there is a high chance your next delivery may also be delayed. In saying all this, despite all the waiting and frustration, we are very happy with the quality of the products. The delivery issue with its late cancellation needs a fix though. All the best.

  • Could have used a dinosaur 🦕

  • You haven’t dealt with A-Mart. You would know who’s who.

  • Has anyone dealt with Berkowitz or Sofacraft?? They are Australian made and sofas look really nice. King Living look great but their modulars don't lock in together, bit useless. A lot of Nick Scali couches I found were too deep so your feet weren't touching the ground when sitting in them so youd have to almost semi lie in them which is not great on the back.

  • From my experience, Nick Scali have been pretty good while Freedom is the absolute worst.

    Look at that. Years after I bought our dining table which had a fault, Freedom still don't have a contact number… Oh, and Consumer Affairs Victoria who I complained to, informed them that Freedom don't have a contact number and gave me the run around, and after their "investigation" their email stated that they couldn't contact Freedom to investigate because they couldn't find a contact number…

    • +1

      I had a bad experience with them as well. Leather couch I bought felt nothing like the one they had on display. Their couch was so soft you’d sink into it when you sit down but the couch they delivered was “kind of soft” in the middle but the two outer seats were firm af and tilt so whoever sits eventually gets a sore back tilting towards the middle seat.

      They sent the “leather doctor” who opened it up and said yeah it’s firmer than it should and agreed it didn’t feel soft like the one in store. Later in his report he sided with freedom saying there was no issue. This guy was dodgy af and prob gets paid more to side with them. I mean the idiot was telling me he owned nightclubs and cafes around here and just started doing this job as something on the side (yeah right. And I used to see him at my gym looking like a creepy hobo)

      Wouldn’t recommend buying anything from freedom that needs to be ordered from overseas as they obviously have poor qc

  • Haven’t stepped foot in nick scali after my parents bought a couch for 5k for a room in their home no one used. Couple years later we started using here and there (like 1x a week or fortnight) and after a couple months the cushion within the leather u sit on flopped out looking deformed. Same thing happened with the other piece a short while later.

  • +1

    So i bought a sofa from nic scali post covid

    Harvey norman's cost/quality was shite (overpriced)
    And we found the other alternatives were uncomfortable.

    Nic scali holds a monopoly on good quality custom sofas and they know it. Mines still going strong 4 years later with zero wear.

    Naturally with anything custom it comes with compromises but it shits on anyrhing from ikea/freedom/furniture bazaar. Its worth the wait.

  • Nothing but bad experiences when I bought some dining chairs from Nick Scali. Lies, delays, piss poor service all round.

    Their website also tells lies about stock. Items will say "in stock ready to ship" when in fact they are not and will be an 8 week wait for them to come from China..

    • All their couches are custom and this is how their business model works. They don't have overheads for stock sitting in warehouses, but the downside is that their stock is all made to order - hence the 2 to 3 month wait.

      Admittedly that wording is fairly deceptive.

      • In my case with dining chairs, when I spoke to the sales person in store i was told they are in stock in Aus and will arrive "next week". Only to find out this was total BS and it took 3 months.

        But during that 3 months their website still said ready to ship or some BS still that entire time.

  • +3

    Had similar experiences with Kings, Bay Leather Republic ,Harvey Norman and Freedom.

    This is just the standard for furniture retailers it seems.

    • +2

      Similar experience with King.

      Fantastic showroom and sales staff, the logistics operation seems to be entirely separate run and totally and don't give a shit- turn up at the wrong times, don't turn up on the right days with no notification, deliver the wrong things.

      I feel sorry for the guys carting around huge chunks of heavy furniture under deadlines dealing with pissed off customers, and blame it more on the way the operations are set up.

  • +1

    Ikea is our last remaining hope!!! Go Ikea!

    • Just got a chaise lounge from there recently, suprising how good it is for under a grand

    • NGL all their furniture is cheap and pretty average compared to King/Plush/Nic Scali.

  • My experience dates back to 2018 and they delivered what was promised. But tbh this is the story with every other furniture shop. Ikea, Castlery and Kings have stuffed up our delivery and installation on few occasions.

  • I ordered a table from them a few years back. We chose one, was told it was not in stock, then chose a different one which was in stock, arranged delivery for 1 week.

    After 3 weeks with no delivery, I found out that they did NOT have it in stock anymore, and it would be an indeterminate amount of time to get it in stock.

    Then i asked if they had the one I originally wanted in stock - was told that yes, but i could not change my order without a significant penalty.

    I then said i'd take a refund, which they did not process for 4 weeks. A threatened chargeback and a bad google review had them actually reach out and say "We are processing your refund".

    And thats why i chose to furnish my 250 m2 house with furniture from anybody else.

  • +1

    Nicks Cali
    Nick Scali

  • Ordered a couch from Nick Scali back in 2011. After 8 weeks they said oh it will be at least another 4 weeks.. maybe more.. we're not sure. At least they were prompt with the refund of the deposit.
    Haven't bought anything from them since.

  • +1

    I feel like Nicki Scaliand their over priced couches is not the Ozbargainer wishlist

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