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Felix Mobile $40 Unlimited Data SIM Card $15 @ Woolworths


Self explanatory title. Yes you can hotspot. I know it's vodafone network but surprisingly it works at my address better than optus at least.

Also available is the 3 monthly option online plus with cashback for the first month and referral code possibility at the following deal so some may find that better:

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Felix Mobile
Felix Mobile

closed Comments

  • +3

    Great to see unlimited options on prepaid

    • +4

      It works well for us , you don't need to tarnish every network that isn't to your liking with the same brush .

      • -6

        What's wrong with TMM giving his opinion on a network that is not up to his needs?

        Thanks TMM, this grabbed my eye until I saw Vodafail.

        • -1

          Don’t know why both of you are neg.
          Felix internet is shit, better than Lebra worse than Telstra. I have dual sim, a lot of time, I have to switch to Telstra for Felix to be able to access internet.

        • +2

          What is wrong is that he is for killing children in Lebanon and Gaza/Palestine. So his opinion should not matter if he is a supportor of children killers.

          • +1

            @itsmoe: Are you representing the same peaceful organisation that killed 12 children in a kill-anyone attack in a children's soccer field?


            • +4

              @The Milk Man: I am not representing anyone, and I never claimed to be, you seem to be defending a whole country that killed over 50,000 people (the number keep going up and they don't seem to matter to you) and you seem to be proud of it. I am against the killing of any human regardless of background or religion or skin color.

              You seem to tell yourself that if a person kills a number of people, you should wipe out the whole neighborhood or suburb he lives in and to you that is okay (shocking). This is what Israel is doing, Hamas or Hizbollah do not represent the people yet Israel is killing them anyways and goes to have a cry about why more and more people are resisting their occupation and fighting for their freedom.

              Look at yourself in the mirror for once and re-evaluate who you are supporting.

              Genocide enabler.

              • -6

                @itsmoe: Your people's years of aggression and terrorism of killing of innocents won't disappear because you've started a war you're losing.

                Maybe…don't start wars if you don't want people to die? idk, just a thought.

                • +3

                  @The Milk Man: Yeh you can't face the facts, typical Zionist with one goal, killing children and elderly and unarmed civilians. You and Israel and people like you are doing down in the history books for thousands of years to come so people can see who the real terrorists are.

                  SHAME ON YOU!!

                  • -1

                    @itsmoe: Very neutral and peaceful

                    You are yet, accusing me of something even though you have no idea what you're talking about 🙏

                    • +2

                      @The Milk Man: How do you figure you all are gonna come out of this? You think folks are going to just forget what you've done? How do you reckon you might've gone without US arms and immunity?

          • +1

            @itsmoe: What has this got to do with Felix and Vodafail? Maybe take this conversation elsewhere as I don't believe this has anything to do with Felix bargains.

            • @BatmanAU: We were having this conversation somewhere else but he ran away like the coward and the child killer he is.

              Apologies my dude!

              • +1

                @itsmoe: All good man, thought there may have been something behind it. Im not worried, just concerned for some on here that are sensitive to, well, everything.

                • -2

                  @BatmanAU: Yeh I'm super neutral and all in for peace but this guy just got on my nerves. Super annoying to see that the world is unfortunately filled with people like him.

                  Politics aside, seems like a decent deal.

                  • @itsmoe: Unfortunately, the world is going to s**t at a super rapid rate.

                    Yeah great deal if the network is good in your area. Nice if others followed unlimited without the capped speeds.

                    • @BatmanAU: Unfortunately it is, history repeats itself and what a shame it is.

                      Do you know what's it capped at?

                      • @itsmoe: Yeah, humans, smartest dumb creatures on the planet.


                        • @BatmanAU: Ouch, that's super slow even if you have great signal.

                          • +2

                            @itsmoe: When I see that speed, I constantly hear the dial up tone in my head argh

                            • @BatmanAU: haha those were the days. MUM GET OFF THE PHONE!

                              • @itsmoe: OMG that’s right, plus the slow line by line displaying of certain pictures you didn’t want to slowly display ;) hahaha

                                • @BatmanAU: hahah best days, kids these days will never understand the struggle.

              • @itsmoe: I can't control who restricts my commenting abilities and where, leaving that to the OZB gods.

                • +1

                  @The Milk Man: Well it's clear that your comments are too much for a public forum especially that you are supporting the killing of innocent people specifically children, but I guess to you, everyone that opposes what Israel is doing is not considered innocent and should be killed.

                  You are the definition of what a failed society looks like. You should be proud of yourself.

                  • @itsmoe: said the failed democracy, collapsed society, ruined economically lebanese 🙏

                    • +1

                      @The Milk Man: lol, Lebanon has been through a thousand wars over the centuries and we are still more moral and more humane than you ever will. You are fighting a bunch of kids with BB guns and you are struggling with them and to look good, you are bombing the shit out of everything and killing everyone.

                      You are a joke of a society and a disgrace. Here is a tissue because I feel the tears coming… 🧻

                      • -2

                        @itsmoe: Delusional, my man
                        You're speaking like you're humanity's peak

                        supporting and promoting terrorist organisations in place of morals

                        Did you condemn October 7th 2023?, or was that also one of your peaceful resistance moves?

                        • +3

                          @The Milk Man: Booby trapping communications devices is a definitively terrorist act

                        • +3

                          @The Milk Man:

                          You're speaking like you're humanity's peak

                          What you're alluding to here is a racial hierarchy. You're espousing a racist ideology. Israel has no right to conduct itself the way that it does, not today and not for the past 75 years.

                          This is not about a god given right, it is about a supremacist ethnostate who just happens to have the support of the most powerful and violent empire in existence.

                          • +2

                            @0jay: Very well said, unfortunately they see us all not just Arabs as filth and sub-humans. Their books say, they chant it online, on news channels and publicly and very proudly.

                            What the world doesn't understand is that if Israel takes over the region, they are a much much much worse threat to everyone than Iraq, Iran, Saudi, Yemen, Russia and China ever were. And it's a fact.

                            • @itsmoe: Agree. I hope you don't have family who're in danger. I'm finding it hard to function after a year of this, I can only imagine how stressful it must be for those of us with family ties in the region.

                              • +1

                                @0jay: Unfortunately half my family is living over there, not in the south of Lebanon but it's never safe anywhere, I was living there in 1990s and have lived through the war and not to sound biased, but Israel was bombing every main road, bridge, just smashing the infrastructure, airport, if they see a truck moving food or supplies, they would bomb it saying it was Hizbollah transporting weapons, I've seen some messed up stuff growing up because of Israel and their oppression that no one should live through. I can't imagine what the people of Gaza are going through getting bombarded day in day out.

                                It's horrible, war is a horrible thing and for this guy to sit here far away from the conflict comfortably never having lived or seen the devastation of a real war and still support the killing of innocent people boils my blood.

                                I'm shocked and disappointed.

                                • @itsmoe: It's a cult, literally a cult. Seeded, facilitated and enabled by the west (including Australia).

                                  The fact of it's bad enough but the gaslighting and the celebratory excess of it's just incredibly distressing

                                  • @0jay: It is man, I legit don't hate anyone, I just wish people could have the heart to feel for one another and live with one another without having to feel the need to fight each other. Shocking.

                        • @The Milk Man: Ram Cohen, principal of the 'Tichonet' school in Tel Aviv

                        • +2

                          @The Milk Man: I condemn the killing of innocent people. If Hamas killed innocent people I am 100% against October 7th. It's also a known fact that Israel implemented the Hannibal Directive and they killed their own people.

                          Do you condemn what Israel did in 2006 in Lebanon?

                          This is one of many civilian targeting from over 20 years ago and still going till today that you chose to ignore. Double standard bullshit.

                          If I was you, I would be so ashamed and embarrassed of myself that I would find a hole and sit myself there forever.

  • +1

    On Felix now and loving this plan, their international roaming rates are probably the best out there for a prepaid (PAYG) service.

  • +2

    Love this plan too, been using it as my main internet connection for months.

    • Ditto, for the last 2 years. Phone is USB tethered to a router.

    • +2

      Got 15mbps just now for download and 25 for upload. Latency 2msec. I churn sims and have the best experience with Vodafone. I also download stuff and last night, it was giving speeds of 2mbps actual download speed. However, i understand their coverage will be limited as compared to telstra so everyone has to decide if it worls out for them (p.s. i didn't neg you sir)

    • That's not my experience, my wife and I can both stream 4k at the same time.

  • +4

    i have the 35 unlimited and use it as home phone and nbn failover

  • Love the pricing but I see the holes in the vodafone network - temporarily with felix between boost ports.

    Doesn't work well at my office
    Doesn't work in covered (not undercover) carpark at chaddy
    Terrible with keeping connection while on train ride (never the best but boost was better)

    Once I get closer to my month end I'll move back to Boost.

  • +1

    Yes you can hotspot.

    Careful, you can tether only 5 devices to an iPhone, or 10 to an Android. Better to USB tether the phone to a router, then no restrictions. I've been doing that for a couple of years.

  • Can you put this in a 4G modem or only mobile phone hotspot?

    • -1

      I haven't tried hotspot so don't know. Sorry

      • Thanks, I unlocked a Telstra DJA0231 to use any sim but looks like the approved devices are only phones. I'm sure it'll work for a short time but can't be bothered dealing with problems if I put it in the modem.

    • I know it can be used successfully in a 4g router such as the TP-Link AC750 4G LTE Router, I think you need to put the sim in a phone first to activate it with their app but then it can be inserted into the router and it works fine.

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