38 Fish Fingers in a Packet of 40 - a Violation

So I buy a packet of 40 Birds Eye Fish Fingers. I've been buying them for years and I love them.
I get home, and there's only 38 in the box!
This has destroyed my faith in humanity.
I trusted Birds Eye Fish Fingers. Of all the processed, boxed up, minced up, messed up frozen food - this was the one brand, the one box - that I would hang my hat on and say "There's 40 in that box son, as sure as the Pope is Catholic - and each and every one of them is a God-fearing, trustworthy, law abiding fish finger."

What is this world coming to, when the rot has set in so deeply, that it has reached the Fish Finger??


  • +9

    What is this world coming to

    Dunno, but if it took you 7 years to make your first post, and it was this, then I assume the only option is up.

    • +5

      I would argue it demonstrates that I've suffered many grievances in that 7 years, missing items in a McDonald's box, short changed on chicken etc - and have worn it without a word of complaint.
      But this is too much.

      • +2

        Was the straw fish finger that broke the camels back.

      • +1

        Sounds like an episode of A Current Affair !!

    • +1

      Social media age-limit legislation can't come soon enough

  • and i paid for a cheese slice and never got it in my burger…

    • +1

      This is also outrageous. I refuse to believe a missing slice of cheese is an accident, I think it's a conspiracy.
      Hear me out - when's the last time you got an extra piece of cheese by accident, or an extra item in your McDonald's bag?
      You'd have more chance of winning the lottery!

    • When I was in Mississippi with the brother 6 years ago we were coming back from the Deep South late in the morning and we dropped into a McDonald's drive through. So we get back on the highway and he pulls his burger out the bag and said shit they've forgotten to add the meat lol , just two buns. Where definitely not going back once on there Highways..

      Anyway fast forward to a month ago i'm on the phone to him and low and behold the same thing happened again.

  • +5

    In 1957, I remember it was… I got up and made myself a piece of toast. I set the toaster to three - medium brown…

    • Okay, you're you, I'm me.

    • Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say.

    • Which was the style at the time.

  • Ha, OP, I got one of yours. I got a pack with 41 in it.

    • touché, but you could be next - the count will be 37

      • I was next, with hash browns. Every pack I'd bough contained 13, so one got carried forward. Then just when I thought I'd have enough for an additional serving, the next pack only contained 12. And in the pack after that half of them were broken into various sized pieces.

  • Ah, the downfall of society—starting with missing fish fingers. If we can’t trust Birds Eye, what’s next? Frozen peas? This is how the end begins!

    • I once got a pack of frozen peas with 999 peas instead of 1000. It has already begun.

  • There's gotta be an investigation"
    heads should roll

  • +1

    back in primary school i went to the canteen to get 100, 1 cent chocbuds
    i got 99 only.
    worst day ever
    i cried all night

  • +1

    I'd give you 2 thumbs up, but they're probably the missing fingas

  • +4

    Wait until you find out that fish don't have fingers.

    • +2

      They certainly don't after Birds Eye have finished with them.

      Actually for some reason the company was quite unsuccessful at selling its initial product, the one the company was named after, until it switched.

      • Birdseye Seafood, Inc?

  • +1

    This is a bit off topic, but there's a story I'll always remember.

    A company was puzzled why it couldn't sell its tins of baby food in Africa.

    Until someone explained. A lot of people were illiterate. So they relied on the picture on the can to tell them what was in it. And that manufacturer's cans of baby food had a picture of a baby on it.

    In that regard I admire the honesty of Smiths. Their original crisps show a picture of a potato, cut into crinkled slices, next to a large spoon full of salt.

    • This is perfectly on topic - how hard is it, on a box showing a picture of fish fingers, with the number '40' - to put 40 in there?

  • Birds Eye - giving you two virtual fingers since 2024 ✌️

  • +1

    Did you contact them? I'm sure they'd be most interested about a problem with their production line. They might even send you some free product.

    • +1

      Yes I did, and I kept photos that were taken the moment I discovered this with all 38 visible.

  • Birds Eye Frozen Fish Fingers 40 Pieces | 1kg

    Quantities stated above are averages only. Further nutrition information may be displayed on the product label.

    Thus seems all ok unless weight less than 1 kg

    • +1

      I just went round the box twice, and nowhere does it state the quantities are averages, except the weight - it has the little 'e' next to it.
      It doesn't have the little 'e' next to the 40.
      I've been buying these for years, the '40' is set in stone. There was always 40 before, in every box, that I've ever bought.

      • How much does it weigh though

        • +1

          No idea, I only took a count.
          1kg on average is fine.
          But I expect 40.
          A box of 40 fish fingers should be a box of 40 fish fingers.

  • I remember when they reduced the size of paddlepops in 2010 and they used to have competitions based on the sticks

  • Quality control costs money. They would cost ten times as much if the number on the box matched the number of fingers inside.

  • New shrinkflation approach

  • +2

    Eric, do you like fish sticks?

    • +1

      Do you like putting fish sticks in your mouth?

      • lyrical wordsmith mf genius

  • Violation

    Explains the missing fish fingers🤔….

  • Outraged because of 2 missing fish fingers…
    Wait until you find out what actually IS in the so called fish fingers!

  • +2

    I see you know your counting well

    • +1

      A succulent fish finger meal!

      • And you sir, are you waiting to receive my limp fishstick?

  • They saving you from consuming all those seed oils ;)

    Or it's their version of shrinkflation, without having to modify the packaging!

  • I bet a box of Franklins wouldn't stiff you like that.

    Write them a letter.

  • I'm just stunned that you managed to count 38 fish fingers without getting distracted by cat videos.

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