2.99% p.a. Interest Rate (3.99% p.a. CR) on Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model Y RWD & Long Range AWD @ Tesla


Similar to this previous deal however now applies to Model Y RWD & LR.

Tesla have on their website this morning offering 2.99% p.a. Interest Rate (3.99% p.a. Comparison Rate) on the Model 3 RWD & LR, Model Y RWD & LR for vehicles in inventory.

2.99% p.a. Interest Rate | 3.99% p.a. Comparison Rate

Credit provided by Plenti Finance Pty Limited ACN 636 759 861 (supported by its servicer, Plenti RE Limited ACN 166 646 635). Plenti RE Limited holds Australian Financial Services Licence number 449176 and Australian Credit Licence number 449176. Both Plenti RE Limited and Plenti Finance Pty Ltd are members of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). View Plenti's Target Market Determination.

Model Y:

Comparison rate is based on a secured car loan of $30,000 repaid over 60 months. Rates shown are current as at 3 October 2024. Terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Fees and charges apply. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.

Order and obtain finance approval for an eligible Tesla vehicle by 20 December 2024 and take delivery by 31 December 2024 to qualify. Valid only for eligible inventory purchases of new Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive and Model Y Long Range All-Wheel Drive with finance loan terms up to five years. Not eligible with balloon repayments. Credit subject to financier's approval. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Interest rates are subject to change.

Model 3:

Comparison rate is based on a secured car loan of $30,000 repaid over 60 months. Rates shown are current as at 3 October 2024. Terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Fees and charges apply. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.

Order and obtain finance approval for an eligible Tesla vehicle by 20 December 2024 and take delivery by 31 December 2024 to qualify. Valid only for eligible inventory purchases of new Model 3 Rear-Wheel Drive and Model 3 Long Range All-Wheel Drive with finance loan terms up to five years. Not eligible with balloon repayments. Credit subject to financier's approval. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply. Interest rates are subject to change.

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Plenti (Previously RateSetter)
Plenti (Previously RateSetter)


    • ?

    • ????

    • -8

      I would support it just to give it to the woke's. Otherwise i could not care who the ceo of a company is if i like the product.

      • +3

        damn. badass.

      • Wow bro you sure showed them libs. How will they survive your stunning display of badassery?

      • +19

        You do not realise that fascists and nazis are far right?

        • +4

          I was just going to say that, I was very confused by their statement.

          • +6

            @R4: "They were terrible at economics and fiscal and monetary policies - again hallmarks of the left." tells me everything about how informed you are lol, stick to Sky News champ.

            Not to mention the Nazis did NOT believe in nationalising everything, they privatised en masse upon being elected. They handed out bucket loads to private industries, privatised plenty of stuff in their time, they were authoritarian and were happy for capitalist private entities to do whatever the (profanity) they wanted so long as they aligned with Nazi Germany's goals.

            "the Nazi movement in Germany was called National Socialism" so (profanity) what, North Korea is called The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, do you think they're a democracy?

            • @nikko016: Many of the Nazis were true socialist who believed in the abolition of private property. Hitler was not one of them, at least not in practice, but the rank and file were full of socialists - see below.

              "they were authoritarian and were happy for capitalist private entities to do whatever the (profanity) they wanted so long as they aligned with Nazi Germany's goals."

              Yes, that's called a planned economy, which is traditionally "left wing", and is also a facet of a war economy. Should Germany have won the war, there's no reason to suspect that Hitler wouldn't have consolidated power further and purged the capitalists he so often attacked publicly.

              From Encyclopaedia Brittanica:

              The Strasser brothers appealed to the lower middle classes and the proletariat by advocating a socialism couched in nationalist and racist terminology; the Nazi gains at the polls after 1928 were partly due to their efforts. Although Otto became disillusioned and left the party in 1930 to organize the Schwarze Front (Black Front), Gregor remained with Hitler.

              By the early 1930s Strasser was head of the Nazi political organization and second only to Hitler in power and popularity. As leader of the party’s left wing, however, he opposed Hitler’s courting of big business as well as his anti-Semitism and instead favoured radical social reforms along socialist lines.

              This isn't to say the Nazis were left-wing. They weren't. The idea of left-wing or right-wing politics was dated a century ago. The Nazis themselves claimed they were "third position".

              • @besttechadvisor: So your proof that they were going to abolish private property, kill all the capitalists and enforce socially economic policy is not from any of their actions that they did, but the idea that they would do it totally if they won the war. I'm sure they're not total grifters who said rubbish to the masses, and followed through with none of it, just like all of the fascist parties today.

                • @nikko016:

                  So your proof that they were going to … enforce socially economic policy is … the idea that they would do it totally if they won the war"

                  No, not at all. I said that the Nazis already implemented a planned economy, as most war economies are. I also referenced the Strasser brothers, who were socialists and had many socialist followers within the Nazi party. Just because Hitler's policies weren't always socialist doesn't mean that Nazis in general weren't socialist.

                  While Hitler obviously had a cult of personality like Trump does, it'd be nieve to claim that Republicans are protectionists just because Trump is.

                  I'm sure they're not total grifters who said rubbish to the masses, and followed through with none of it

                  Of course the upper echelon were, just like most Communist parties (CCP, USSR, DPRK) who were also very hierarchical and never successfully abolished private property. Does that mean the CCP, USSR, & DPRK are now right-wing because they failed at their left-wing goals of abolishing private property, and their followers weren't communist? Or does it just mean they're just left-wing failures?

                  Just because Hitler and his echelon lied to the National Socialist masses doesn't mean that the Nationalist Socialist masses weren't both Nationalist and Socialist in their beliefs. If anything, it means that the Nazi masses were Socialists if Hitler's echelon had to appeal to their socialist beliefs to win their support.

                  "They're not communist, they're state capitalists!"
                  - Everyone communist trying to excuse every failed communist state.

          • @R4: Delete this, Nephew

        • +1

          The left - right spectrum was outdated in the 1940's, it's insane people still use it today

          We will all be better off when we consciously reject the left/right dichotomy in favour of putting policy first.

          The NSDAP had policies that were;
          • Ultra nationalist, which is traditionally considered to be right wing.
          • Primarily collectivist and followed a command economy, which is traditionally considered more left wing.
          • Socially all over the spectrum, from environmental protectionism through to religious persecution.
          • Authoritarian, which is somehow considered a right-wing trait, even though it's just as common in the 20th century for otherwise left-wing governments (CCP, DPRK, USSR, etc) to be authoritarian, which goes to show just how fallacious and ridiculous this left/right nonsense really is.

    • +1

      Bool cory stro!

    • +7

      Well, Musk did buy twitter and start forcing his conspiracy theory tweets to appear in everyone's feed, so I can see what 4frodo is getting at. Unclear whether that should affect buying decisions or not.

      • +14

        HIs wealth is based on sales of products from the companies he runs.
        His wealth is used to influence public discourse now in an extremely negative way.
        It should absolutely affect buying decisions.

        • -6

          I’d rather buy from a CEO that is honest about his feelings on various subjects. I don’t need to agree with him to like the products his companies make. I’d be more concerned with the other 99% of CEOs that keep their opinions to themselves to keep the woke idiots happy.

          If more CEOs combatted the nonsense in society like made up genders and other imaginary science and the garbage coming out mainstream media more of societies snowflakes might melt so the world can return to being less of an insane asylum.

          • +3

            @WhiteEvo6: He's a grifter, he's not honest about his feelings. He used to be the poster boy for what you call "the woke idiots" and told people to not buy Teslas if they didn't believe in LGBTQ equality.

            But now that it benefits him financially he has done a heel turn and is a hard line conservative. He'll say anything and pander to anyone that nets him the most money and power.

          • +1

            @WhiteEvo6: When he walked into twitter and sacked 3/4 of em and the place still runs….what a dude. No one else would have the gumption or the nous to do that unless they were going under.

        • +2

          His wealth is based on the value of the businesses he has established and invested in. He's not personally pocketing a cut from each car sale.

          Buying an EV boosts the EV industry as a whole. People are not going to stick it to Elon by buying a different brand EV. Any EV boosts the recognition and support of the industry as a whole and makes any EV-focused company more valuable = Tesla stock increases. A rising tide lifts all ships.

          It's mainly performative (i.e. so you that you show people "I didn't buy a Tesla because of Musk!"), and if people want to do that, good for them. Elon won't notice.

          • @chuq: Will definitely get negged but I don't think EVs are the future they are a stop gap solution at best and a big recycling hazard for the future..

            I do understand he doesn't just have 250bn in his bank somewhere and is more likely based on the shares he holds in the institutions..

    • What's a Qanon?

      • +3

        Conspiracy theorists like Covid doesn’t exists etc.

    • +2

      why? its not elon that makes a company its the people. regardless on if you like him or not Elon is not what makes Tesla the way it is.

      Its like saying Apple can't function with out Steve jobs.

      • Well he does the make the decisions that are pushed upon the engineers with little to no pushbacks.
        He removed ultrasonic sensors widely regarded in the car industry as the standard.. he disapproves Lidar and other similar sensors and thinks he can get away with just Camera(custom) to get FSD which was supposed to be launched when? Which year are we in..

        He was the one who switched off Starlink being used by Ukraine and gave Russia the edge(google) .. in all honesty Tesla for me a no-go for the above and more reasons..

        • -1

          Ukraine is a very corrupt nation so it doesn't surprise me why he did that.
          Testa make bold moves, and there is always some sense in the madness. But it takes time before things smooth out. if things a bad right now they usually get better of time with tesla.

    • +2

      so you can't afford one, got it!

  • +2

    Can't wait to see 90% of houses in my street owning teslas

    • +25

      to be fair it's mostly on the other manufacturers like Hyundai and Kia for not trying to compete value wise with their EVs in Australia. We had an Ioniq 5 ordered when they were announced nearly 4 years ago, but in the end cancelled it and got a Tesla because the large price difference made no sense.

      Interestingly in other countries like the UK and even the US they compare a lot more favourably on value.

      • -7


        Username checks out. Up the Gunners.

        • +1

          Why was I negged lol??? I was talking about Arsenal in the premier league….

      • -1

        Kia & Hyundai have no incentive to lower their prices yet. They're still selling as many IONIQs as they can sell because, so far, no one's made such fun EVs as HKG have.

        Their market share is also increasing while Tesla's is shrinking.

        Obviously, it won't last with all the incoming Chinese vehicle, and HKG will drop their EV prices eventually, but not yet.

        • -1

          I mean, as you will have read in my original post, they aren't selling as many EVs as they could be selling, and their market share here reflects that compared to the other countries I mentioned.

          Of course some people are still buying them, but I can guarantee they would sell more with better pricing.

          • @Arsenal: HKG are literally selling as many EVs as they can make, ergo they're selling as many as they can sell.

            • -2

              @besttechadvisor: They could easily ramp up production of their EVs if they chose to. It's absolutely their choice, but my original point still stands that they are choosing to limit supply and demand in Australia compared to other countries.

              • +1

                @Arsenal: No, they're at their production limit for EV's. They only have so many production lines and so many plants. One of their plants is currently being retooled to produce the Kia Tasman ute.

      • We're starting to get some of the Chinese EVs that are really price competitive. XPeng G6 in particular looks really compelling compared to a Model Y.

    • I hope they do. That is the best way to even not ev owners get cheaper petrol and diesel. Than thx your neighbour to start the trend.

      • How would Non-EV owners get cheaper fuel?

        At the end of the day they are a business and if the volumes drop it is not like they will drop prices to drive demand like you can with other products, it is not like people are going to start using MORE fuel day to day.

        As demand for fuel decreases, petrol stations could face higher costs to maintain the same infrastructure with fewer customers. The costs of transporting, refining, and distributing fuel could increase because these costs would be spread over fewer sales. This will probably lead to higher prices for those still using petrol and diesel vehicles.

        • Demand tanked in early 2020 and so did prices. Yes they will adjust supply to compensate as overall demand trends downward, but in the medium term it’s reasonable to assume prices will soften.

          Also, most servo’s make very little c/L from fuel sales.

    • How would that impact you in any way?

    • -2

      You need be in an Indian neighbourhood

    • +13

      They manufacture them in China not Au.

    • +47

      Because you live in Australia not in China?

    • +20

      These types of comments really highlight how ignorant some people are. Absolutely clueless.

    • lol

    • +2

      Move to china then and get the car

      then move back in 2 months when you realise why.

    • +1

      Because not all countries get the same deals, are you negging every single deal on this site as we tend to pay more than many countries for most products 🤦‍♂️

    • Yes but how can she slap?

    • Also I hope using your car to storage electricity than use back to your house. Like whne we have the first smartphones and people said oh I like to have a radio a camera a phone a fax etc haha

    • +10


    • -1

      LOL <insert carrot on stick and donkey.gif>

    • +6

      There's a sucker born every minute.

      It has been 8 years since Tesla did a completely fake "demo" of full self driving and 9 years since they started charging people for autopilot/FSD. I look forward to people being able to sign up to the "beta" of robotaxi for the low cost of $5k a year and it'll totally make them money when it's actually released.

      • Wasn't bhunter101 being sarcastic?

        • +1

          Probably. It sounded all too like the actual Tesla fanboys out there so the sarcasm went over my head.

    • Except that their "Tesla Vision" is severe hamstrung by the lack of LiDAR, and now the lack of radar and ultrasonic sensors…

  • Wasn't this 1.99% a month or 2 ago?

    • +4

      I didn't negged you, but can you direct me to a better rate?

      • A novated lease if your eligible

        • +3

          Novated lease but pay 2-4 times the interest rate depending on what your novated lease you have access to. Not sure if it still works out better.

          • +2

            @motlking: I got a Tesla at the 2% a few years ago and novated leases are available to me. I did the math and got a quote, it did not work out even close to better. Because you're not buying any fuel, not servicing etc there is very minimal the novated lease can claim on.

            • +1

              @patchyz: Things have changed a lot now. The payments come out pre tax with an EV so can save a lot on tax depending on your circumstances. Also can claim electricity.

              • +2

                @mrcosmo: but they charge you 12% interest

                • @musai: I didn’t get a Tesla but Commbank did my EV NL finance at ~8%

            • @patchyz: Insurance?

            • @patchyz: I am claiming my charging expenses without a miss. I find the value on my NL as I am paying 50k tax per year. Really worth it on my end.

            • @patchyz: Thank you for the info. Can you clarify, it wasn’t worth buying outright at the 2.99%? Vs the 2% novated rate I mean.

          • +2

            @motlking: Whether it works out better for you depends on several factors. For me, the savings from having payments taken out of pre-tax salary (along with the fringe benefits tax exemption on EVs) far outweighed the higher interest rate I got on the novated lease financing (which I was also able to negotiate down to about 8.4%). Over a two-year term, I'll save around $10k on a $62k EV with the novated lease compared to financing at a 2.99% rate, with all other running costs being equal and owning the car outright at the end.

            There's some good info in this Ozb comment if you want to understand who saves the most on an NL:

          • @motlking: It's fbt free. I leased an atto 3 when it was retailing for $48k, my loan repayments alone for the life of the lease is just $300 more than the drive away of the car. The lease company is taking a massive chunk (about 11-12% comparative rate) but it was still the cheapest loan I could get.

            All running expenses are discounted by my personal rate (saving about $1.5k a year compared to paying it post tax). I've got solar so I make money on that when I claim electricity lol (~$800 per 20000km)

        • +2

          Has anyone had success finding a novated lease provider that will allow [whoever is financing this] to be the financier?

          • @DingoBlue: I don't know if you'd be able to

            The best way to get a cheaper novated lease is to pit the companies against each other, if your employer lets you chose a leasing company. there's also broker services like Auto Expert who can get a good deal for you, with a commission

    • Didn't know cars were supposed to go up in price or value.
      You're better off buying S&P500

    • You could park your money in your offset saving 6.5% p.a. interest making this about a 3% arbitrage if you were buying a Tesla anyway.

      But a better deal is a used Mazda 3 for like ten grand.

      • Yer but then how low can you go? If you work nearby a better deal would be buying a bike than the Mazda.

      • +3

        Wheer you gettin used mazda 3 for 10k?

    • +17

      Cookers are driving yank tanks, not EVs…

    • +2

      Yes of course, because cookers are known to fully embrace new technology trends.

      A computer on wheels, which is “always online” and features an interior cabin camera; “the ultimate cooker mobile”, but maybe not when they move to 5G SIM cards.

      • Jokes on you… all Tesla's have a SIM card that comes supplied with the car, they have a permanent link to the mothership. And it's not accessible and you can't disable it.

        • +2

          “Jokes on me” because you pointed out something that I already acknowledged in my comment? What do you think “always online” means?

          I was clearly highlighting how absurd it is to call a Tesla “the ultimate cooker mobile,” since it’s not the kind of car a cooker would go for, given their paranoid, conspiracy-nut mindset. Sounds like the sarcasm was lost on you.

          • +1

            @mboy: Absolutely was missed on me…. Whoosh

            It seems we agree after all

        • That's right, and hence why Tesla's are the worse cars to use for criminal activities. The metadata from the sim is so easily traceable, you are effectively allowing law enforcement to track where you are.

    • -1

      Neckbeards 🤝 saying cooker

    • -1

      Better to be a cooker than be cooked.

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