• expired

Rotary Tabletop Pizza Oven $199 @ ALDI Special Buys


New version of the Aldi pizza oven with rotating stone. I have the previous one and really happy with it. Previous version was easily modified with a rotisserie motor:

Gas powered with piezo ignition
Folding legs with anti-slip feet
Manual rotary cooking system
Cordierite pizza stone
Includes pizza shovel and carry bag
Size: 64.5cm x 39cm x 25.3cm

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closed Comments

    • The roccbox is better built with better insulation. This will allow you to pump out multiple pizzas one after the other with minimal delay.

      • you will burn all your pizzas unless you master the art or rotation, trust me you will see better results with a turning bottom like this one here.

        • +2

          I used to have a Roccbox and now have a Dome. I like having the control of turning the pizza myself. It’s a skill you can easily learn.

          • @Just buy it: i hear ya, if you want to absolutely follow the traditional route of doing things you can do it that way, im more about getting the perfect cook with no room for error, this does that. also you can still use a peel with this and not turn it

            • +1

              @Roe Jogan: No worries. This oven looks really good for the price. Glad your enjoying it. I wish this was available when I first started making pizza. My first oven was a wood pellet fired uuni (old ooni). Cost me $400 and it was a stressful experience.

  • +2

    I picked up mine yesterday, hoping to try it out this weekend. Just ordered some pizza screens from Amazon based on the comments above.
    Measured the stone and it is 33cm.

    • +2

      do not press the dough when you place it on the screen, i found out the hard way, first pizza got stuck like a mofo, spray that shit with oil first, than lay (not press) your already open pizza dough, now you can stretch it to the desired circle and lighly put your sauce on, but dont press it on to the indentations of the mesh otherwise it wont come off easy later, remember for the best result you wana remove the screen after 1 min, look up youtube videos, use the included peel to slide it under the pizza in-between the screen and the pizza, lift the pizza slightly and pull out the screen with a cloth or glove. let the under carriage get a nice cook directly on the stone for a perfect bottom. takes a bit of trail and error i Fkd up the first 2 they were not the ideal crisp but delicious still. follow YouTube videos for recipe, i did pepperoni, NY style, Neapolitan, also tried to do zattar that came out amazing as well if not better than store bought. did not use the screen with zattar i free style tossed it coz there isnt much toppings

      • Awesome thanks for the tips!

      • it's a journey, recommend bathing dough in flour first then using a course semolina on the peel to stop it from sticking. One I first started the pizzas all got stuck as dough was too sticky but after plenty of trial, error & youtube I've had years of great pizzas. Also turn the heat down in these style units before putting the pizzas in, turn back up once pizza removed to heat up again for the next pizza

        • yes i do exactly that, forgot to write it out as its pretty much shown in any ooni video you watch, dust out the peel and the place where you stretch out the dough with semolina, and yes you can turn the heat down for NY style to get a better bottom, for Neapolitan again with the turning style of this unit you will not burn it, it cooks in 90-120secs, im about to make em for lunch today, found a nice sturdy solid wood dinning table from FB for free, i got the oven on one side and my work station on the other half.

          • @Roe Jogan: ah that's a bonus, I had read the rotating stones don't get as hot but if you can run full flame then great

      • I'm confused but will try and learn, thanks for the tips, will try and do a mean vegie pizza and not burn myself

    • 33cm stone, so it is the same size as the old one model. Thanks

      • yes same size exactly, 33cm is 13 inches, so 1 inch bigger than the usual 12inch ovens advertised. do not go 14 inch pizza screen it wont fit

  • Anyone know if there is stock around any of the stores in north west melb?

  • I bought one of these today after reading this thread. I still haven't got it right yet but I am having a lot fun.

    • +1

      For beginners, try the precooked based, so you can concentrate on the oven and cooking. With the precooked based bast the edge with water first to protect from burning.

  • For anyone that got it, have you got any pictures of your pizzas to share? Would love to see how it cooks!!

    • +1

      These are from today, before adding final toppings:

      • They look amazing, thanks!! Does the base get any leoparding or browning? That's the main issue with oven cooking I have, that I want to improve. Thanks again :)

        • +1

          To get a brown base you need to preheat properly the stone (ideally 40 mins in my case). Also if it needs more browning i just turn off the flame (but this affects the time needed for the oven to be ready for next pizza).

        • +2

          Also, make sure your dough is at room temp before baking it. On really cold days, I even leave it in a heat room (around 20-25º).

      • +2

        Not bad for first time!!

      • looks good, happy with the taste?

        • Taste was good, funnily enough the tastiest one was the least topped one. Less is more!

          • @Peter Enis: I'll take that into account when I do a vego pizza.

          • @Peter Enis: i second that, thats why im in love with the margarita with a few leaves of basil on top, if you follow the recipe for the sauce on youtube its heavenly, same goes for NY style

            • @Roe Jogan: Why do you use the screens?

              • @dinglejerry: to not F up the launch, it might look easy when people do it on video, but its the single hardest part of baking a pizza in one of these ovens, when you are trying to toss the pizza in the oven, it sticks to the paddle and its hard to flick it off, often the topping comes off even when yo udo manage to flick it off, so you end up not laying it down properly, starts burning coz u didnt evenly put it down. with screen you get rid of that issue, HOWEVER im noticing that the under carriage is not cooking properly from screens.. and its hard to remove it mid cook to put the pizza on the stone directly, I bought a bamboo paddle (easiest to launch with compared to metal pedal) im waiting on the delivery its taking a while which is annoying, and weekend is coming up if temu does not deliver by tomorrow its gonna be another week of pizza screen and a not very nicely cooked undercarriage

                • @Roe Jogan: Thanks for the info, so you were just putting the pizza with the screen in the oven? Makes sense.

                  However some people have told me to avoid the sticking issue to use semolina on the paddle?

                  • @dinglejerry: I use it and even with semolina it still is tricky, you are definitely gonna mess up a few times free tossing it but you will eventually get it, that's why i bought a wooden peel coz for obvious reasons it slides off better with a wooden peel. this issue is gone using a screen but that introduces another issue which is undercooked undercarriage, i think im just gonna wait till the bamboo peel gets here and stop using a screen coz i want that under carriage to cook as perfect as the top

                    • @Roe Jogan: ok this is good info, ill check into wooden peels on amazon

                    • @Roe Jogan: Are you happy with the quality of pizzas overall though, e.g compared to normal kitchen oven?

                      • +1

                        @dinglejerry: about 10 times more happier, home oven pizza is trash this is why we always say it does not taste like the pizza from the restaurant, its the damn oven not the recipe, and closest you can get is with a baking tray and like 1 hr of preheat on max, imagine waiting 1 hr for the oven to get to a heat where you can get the pizza close to what you can with this in 2 min. good proper pizza from a restaurant is like $25-30. if you make 10 pizzas out of this it has paid for it self.

                        • @Roe Jogan: Ok good to know. For me my requirements are not to make more than a couple of pizzas at a time, I was worried it might have been overkill based on some of the earlier comments, I'll hold onto it though, if it's not a big guzzler of LPG probably still worth it (I thought you still had to leave the oven on for 30 minutes to get it hot enough).

                          • +1

                            @dinglejerry: you need to leave it on for 20 mins to get to the heat required, after that you can cook each pizza in 2-3 mins each. home oven is 1 hr preheat, and each cook takes way longer and it just does not come out the same, also this uses much less gas, its actually very fuel efficient, i think its like 0.4kg per hr

                            • @Roe Jogan: Mate, thanks for all the tips really helpful

                              A little bit nervous because I have no idea what I’m doing but I’ll give this a shot also I’m wondering whether might be worth trying with a couple of those bakers delights pizza bases

                              • @dinglejerry: no worries, any pre purchased dough cannot compare to the one u make

                                • @Roe Jogan: Agreed my thermomix makes a great dough still worth a shot though

  • +1

    Hi, thanks for the comments, thought I'd give one of these a go, I'm guessing using a pre-made base like the ones from baker's delight are a no go?

    Also, choice posted a review for last year's model and it wasn't glowing - especially re safety. Is this one any better? Were they being unfair?


    Also at 13" guessing i might need to make for 1-2 people for dinner :)

    • +1

      The one in the review is a total different model, woodfire one :)

      • +1

        Ah, ignore then.

  • Erre bad start, instructions missing and i cant even connect this to my gas bottle the thread is completely different to my weber any ideas?

    • +3

      It has the newer Lcc27 connector. If you are using Swap N Go bottles when you return yours you can just swap for the new type. It's backwards compatible so it will still work with your bbq.

      • Bugger it i swapped the cable off the weber wish me luck!

        How long does it take to heat up?

        • +2

          Usually 30 mins, i suggest to get an infrared thermometer!

  • I have nfi what I am doing with these things, I saw someone suggest getting a pizza screen, is that so when you put the pizza on it it's easy to launch into the oven? And then the infrared thermometer is to make sure the temp is right before launching?

    Also I have a gas cooktop connected to my LPG tank at the moment, is there such a thing as a 2 way connector people use for their BBQ / pizza oven combo so they don't have to keep reconnecting the hose to different appliances?

  • +2

    I picked one up tonight, was eying the Bunnings jumbuck one, but lazy Susan pizza stone seems handy.

    Haha… Here's the "assembly guide" from the qr code on the manual: https://youtu.be/FflwTFpRry8

    Anyone know what the ling steel rod thin is for? Circle at one end, triangle at the other.

    • The manual?

      • The M in RTFM

        • Didnt get one.. anything useful in it?

          • +1

            @poxy001: Nope, like not mentioning what that the long steel rod is for or even mentioning it at all. One comment said maybe a match holder.

  • Anyone managing to get a well cooked base on this?

    I'm thinking the stone is too thin and does not store or retain enough heat to cook the base of pizza quickly enough before the top is done?

    • +1

      Heat stone for 40 minutes, it works for me. Also at the end you can turn off the flame to cook the base a bit more if needed.

      • You pre-heat it in the oven?

        • +1

          Yeah, best way is to use a infrared thermometer to check the temperature of the stone. I usually wait its at least 450 degrees but it depends on your dough.

          • @alescorpio: I see. Just feels like a lot of work / energy spent to cook a couple of pizzas (which is all I'd be doing)

            • @dinglejerry: Agree if you make one pizza but you can pump them out pretty quick one you get going.

              But wow 40m? Maybe you'd get 7-8 uses out of it?

              Anyone know the MJ/hour rating of the burner on this thing?

              • @poxy001: The problem is only got a small family to feed, so I wouldn't have thought there would be any point for us of making more than a couple of pizzas.

                I'm wondering how the bakers delight pizza bases might go in these also.

                And yeah I figure you'd burn through a tank of LPG very quickly leaving it on to warm up for so long etc.

      • +1

        Ive been pre-heating it for 25 mins and cooking it, once top is cooked turn off and leave in there for 5 min resting, the bottom cooks a little more this way however not nearly enough to my liking or to how it looks on youtube, im still trying to figure how to get a crisper bottom, and its not the thickness of my dough, its very thin already , i think ill try the 40 min pre-heat for next week

        • I don't have experience with this particular oven, but if it's a high temp oven, your pizzas should be cooked in 90 seconds.

          • @pufffdragon: they do cook in 90 secs, but the bottom does not if that makes sense. the bottom needs to cook more and if you leave it in any longer the top will burn. so you got to turn off and let it rest. tahts the best solution i have so far. unless someone has a better one

            • @Roe Jogan: I'm looking for a thicker pizza stone that stores more heat. I think the current one loses heat very quickly as its so thin.

              • @poxy001: but if you look around the ooni has a similar thickness stone and it does not suffer from this. maybe you are right its worth a try, let me know if you do find a thicker one

            • @Roe Jogan: You may have to change up your dough recipe I reckon, or put less toppings on. Could be many different variables.

              What hydration percentage are you using on your dough do you know?

              • @pufffdragon: it was a Newyork style pizza with average amount of sauce and cheese probably the thinnest of the pizzas with the least ingredients, you are right about a different dough recipe ill try that

  • Why on earth did they make the paddles smaller than the pizza stone? Now I have to go and get another one.

  • +1

    Nevertheless made my first couple of pizzas, pretty impressed, I think I took them out a bit early as they tasted a tad 'doughy' but they looked cooked on the outside. Had the oven as hot as possible when putting the pizzas in, then turned the temp down while cooking for 2-3 mins.

  • +2

    Down to $149 now.

  • Aldi Pizza oven now on clearance at Mt Ommaney QLD for $149. 5 available as at 8/11

  • Anyone seen them on clearance in Sydney?

  • +2

    Just picked one up from Chisholm ACT for $119. There were 4 left if anyone is still looking

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