Hi everyone. I find myself needing roughly $40k-$50k.
New to this and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to receive the better deals.
Thank you.
Hi everyone. I find myself needing roughly $40k-$50k.
New to this and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction to receive the better deals.
Thank you.
Zero interest loan?
Zero fingers left loan.
Secured or non-secured?
non secured
If non-secured you’re gonna pay a ton more in interest. If you’re sure you can pay off the loan have a look at a reverse mortgage or similar.
What’s it for? Car? Overdraft?
You’ve told us nothing.
Legal Fees
Depending on your income you may be able to open a credit card then do a balance transfer (interest free up to 36 months depending on the offer you find).
Beyond that, have a look for a personal loan.
What did you do bruv.
Got Divorced. :)
@DonWook: A mate is going through a messy divorce ATM, close to the end now, and his fees have hit almost $200k. He received a loan tailored specifically for this purpose which is payable on the divorce settlement. Not sure how he got onto it but I'd expect divorce lawyers would know about it. Maybe it's not offered if the prospects of the outcome are not positive.
A mate is going through a messy divorce ATM, close to the end now, and his fees have hit almost $200k.
Damn that is so grim to lose half your stuff - plus another $200k on top. Youch
Is it difficult to continually come up with BS posts?
@Randolph Duke: No because, He who knows how.
OP. Try to settle this amicably without lawyers. Look into all other avenues first. Everyone loses when you get lawyers involved. Often the court will not allow you to sell assets prior to settlement.
Hope you're trying to sue someone for $50k.
If not, sue your lawyer when it's all done.
If not, sue your lawyer when it's all done.
They would then need to hire another lawyer, and take out another $50K loan or higher.
just do the time.. .be cheaper
Going by the amount I'd say it's to fix a Landrover.
Of course.
(The chances of anyone wanting to buy 2.5 Land Rovers is slim).
To pay off another loan
I Need a 50k Loan. Can Anyone Point Me in The Right Direction?
Welcome to ozbargain. You’re in the right place
hoping someone could point me in the right direction
Go North about 100 steps, and then turn west and go 10 steps, then look for an X
If you PayID me $1000 as verification, I will go ahead and transfer you $51,000.
Isn't this just the watered down version of the Nigerian Prince scam???
Firstly u should be able to ask your lawyer for a payment plan
Secondly of you're having trouble paying maybe try legal aid instead (if u qualify)
Else, it's credit card balance transfers which will be very expensive in the long run. Or ask a lender for a short term loan. Do u have anything to sell?
sure thing, what's your BSB and account number?
A bank? I hear they have money
If you don't have the money, why not free legal aid?
I'm sure the government will help pay it. Say it's a cost of living expense, or the money we are wasting to UNRWA and occupied palestine territories
Start with the banks you currently deal with and get quotes from them. They already know you and know how much you spend and earn. Chances are you'll be paying close to 10% for an unsecured loan.
The family court is used to dealing with self represented people of its in relation to parenting orders. I found dads in distress to be a useful support group to find out more. If female, there is also mums in distress.
For property matters following separation it can get costly quickly and you should consider the quantum. I.e. chasing good money after bad.
There are ways to do this.
Legal aid is useful if no capacity to pay for criminal defence and usually granted of facing a potential custodial sentence but have no capacity to defend.
Cant speak for your case, I'm located in Vic and had to apply personal loans for (unplanned) renovations due to a leak. The rates out there for unsecured is close to extortion atm (about 16% from ANY major banks). End of the day 2 companies offered lower rates (11.5%) , which you can try- our money market and plenti. I'm with OMM, while the service is close to non-existant, they do release funds on time, and payment options are acceptable. Hope this helps OP, and good luck.
If you've got a property (either investment or a home) why did you not just go for a small mortgage? Secured finance is always far cheaper.
Some lawyers may do payment plan, maybe look into that too
Citibank is pretty good, but recently they've been raising interest rates. The offer was 6.99% a month ago, now it's 8.99%. They've also increased their credit card interest rate by 2%.
The 5 year offer is enticing, but be aware it reverts to 22%+ at the end. I know one person who dug themselves a massive debt hole they now can't climb out of.
Tell the law firm you require a repayment arrangement. They won't unreasonable reject the request, unless they know you have assets post divorce.
Police Credit Union. They always have low car loan rates. When I applied for my car loan they offered me a better interest rate if I did the loan over 5 years.
They aren't unsecured loans then, this will be a PPSR on the vehicle whilst it's under finance
Ask your parents
45 boxes of ziti… hope your sporting goods store is well stocked!
A grown man made a wager, he lost. He made another one, he lost again. End of story.
Not sure what's happening at the moment but Citi Ready Credit had something at 10% interest, unsecured over 5 yrs
Honestly very possible, but the question is what interest rate is your maximum and what do you have to prove you can repay it?
Rather than borrow $50k to argue via lawyers, give me $10k and I will spend a few hours with you and your ex-partner over Zoom and I will choose how to divide up your assets fairly. My decision is final.