• long running

Meta Quest 3 512GB VR Headset $799.99 Delivered @ Meta


The Meta Quest 3 512gb VR headset has permanently dropped in price to $799.99 on the Meta website, also the elite strap is 30% off as well when purchased together with the vr head set.

Included with your purchase:

  • Batman: Arkham Shadow
  • Meta Quest+ 3 Months subscription

Referral Links

Referral: random (440)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

Related Stores

Meta Store
Meta Store


  • +7

    Good deal since Amazon does not deliver the quest 3 to regional areas any more.

  • +2

    Got mine here. Great option for those that missed out on the Amazon deal because of regional shipping.

  • -2

    Isn’t the new Quest 3s a lot cheaper?

    • +13

      It's $500 for 128gb. It's inferior to the regular 3 though, so of course it is cheaper.

    • +8

      Well it is the budget version.

      If you don't need an audio jack and are okay with the quest 2 lenses, but you need more power, the 3s is your new budget option.

      • +4

        Same chip (same power?) isn't it? The 3s has a lower resolution as well as the older lenses

        • +1

          The Quest 3s has the same chip as the quest 3

      • +2

        Personally I would race to the bottom and just get a second hand quest 2 for dirt cheap if I was considering the 3s. Unless of course there are quest 3 exclusive games you'd want.

        The quest 2/3s fresnel lenses arent worth $500 anymore. Even the pancake lenses arent perfect but a significant improvement.

        • +1

          Yeah not having to deal with a small "sweet spot" in regards to clarity with the Quest 3 lenses is a pretty hard thing to give up on. Save the money get a second hand Q2 if you don't already and wait for Q3 to get cheaper. It's worth it over the Q3s.

    • +15

      A different product is sold at a different price point yes

      • +1

        Amazing that this needs to be pointed out.

        • +2

          I saw apricots on sale at Woolworths for $7 for 500g. Explain that if you’re so smart.

    • +1

      Isn't the old Quest 2 a lot cheaper?

      • +14

        Isn't Google Cardboard a lot cheaper?

        • +13

          You stand at a fork in the road.

          Tall trees surround you, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. Two paths stretch out before you, each one leading to unknown adventures. A faint sense of mystery lingers in the air.

          To the left, the path is overgrown with thick vines and shrubs, yet a soft, enchanting glow illuminates the way. You hear the distant sound of flowing water and the chirping of creatures unseen. It feels calm but alive with magic.

          To the right, the road is rugged and rocky, with the echoes of distant thunder rolling through the skies. The air is thick with tension, and you see storm clouds gathering in the distance. The path feels dangerous, but you sense treasure may await those brave enough to face it.

          Choose your path:

  • +20

    Also remember to use the OzBargain Meta Store referral link so both the referee and referrer get A$47 in store credit (once the headset is activated): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/api/referral/760

    • Is it one time per account or can I use it again if I have used it already with Quest 2?

      • +2

        Just found the following on this site: https://www.meta.com/en-gb/help/orders-and-returns/articles/…

        "The friend that you refer must be a new Meta Quest user and must create a new account in order to receive the credit."

        • +6

          As above.

          Activate on new account, gift apps to old account. Sign out of new account and back into old account.

    • +3

      No do not use Ozb referral link. You need the otherside to acknowledge your account and there is no way to tell they will play ball.

      Use the forum. Again do not use the link.

      • If by 'Use the forum' you mean on OzBargain, please be reminded of our guidelines

        Referral links & codes are prohibited almost* everywhere on OzBargain; this includes all deal, forum and classified posts and comments. Referral links & codes can however be added to our automated referral system from My Account - Edit - Referrals. Do not solicit referrals by any means in your posts (e.g. asking users to PM you, drawing attention to the referral system, or linking to your own deal posts if you are in the OzBargain referral system for that merchant)

        If there are issues with the current random referral system, you can let us know in the forum and provide as much info as you can. Thanks

    • +2

      5 clicks and 0 referrals unfortunately.

  • cant wait for black friday!

    • +6

      neither. Bought mine last night!

    • +1

      I was thinking the same but I don’t think they’ll discount any cheaper?

      • Amazon might offer bonus credit like they did before.

  • What's the best value VR headset for PC gaming? PSVR2 is a good price lately

    • +2

      for pc gaming? not the PSVR2. Good price but you lose the majority of the features that make it good on the ps5.

      • +6

        Don't understand this viewpoint personally. You lose eye tracking, HDR and the fancier haptics sure but it's not like any PC games support those anyway and I don't believe any other headsets have them on PC

        • Eye tracking is absolutely supported on PC. 3rd party injectable foveated rendering into games, even. It's coming along fast.

      • What about for media and some light gaming? I had the Quest 2 and found the lens make it too blurry for me. Is Q3 still the best option?

        • +2

          Q2 uses fresnel lenses. That’s the same as the PSVR.
          Q3 uses pancake lenses. Far greater sweet spot.

          • @Morien: Oh I didn't know that about PSVR. I only saw it had OLED screens which is great but if it has the fresnel lenses as well then that's a pass for me

          • +3

            @Morien: Important to note that quest 3S is also fresnel lens.

            • @Gravy: Yup. Fresnel lenses are cheaper. Both have pros and cons, but pancake is definitely the way to go until something better comes along.

        • Second hand Reverb G2 would be the go based on your desire for clarity, if you don't mind second hand.

          • @Wheresmyspaceship: Assuming you are on Windows 10, or happy to block feature updates on Win11.

            Because Microsoft don't care about creating millions of dollars of ewaste, and HP don't give two shits about consumer protections.

          • @Wheresmyspaceship: Had G2 and sold it. The FOV and "cardboard tube" effect was so bad that it didn't even remotely make up for the clarity. Zero immersion. It was like looking into one of those mini bookcase diorama cubes rather than being in the world. The sweet spot was also incredibly tiny so you were constantly moving your head to read, say, seperate gauges.

    • +2

      I use psvr2 on PC and very happy with it. Nice to not have to give data to meta and you don't have the overhead of USB compression as it's a direct display port connection.

      OLED is also very nice

    • It's the Quest 3

  • +4

    Try not to order from Oculus when you can - I got the 2 on launch and they didnt even ship it until launch day, and it took almost 2 weeks to arrive - super disappointing.

    • +1

      Just noticed that too..

      Est. delivery: Thu, 17 Oct

    • +1

      Ordering from Oculus makes for easier warranty claims - and they are pretty good at that if something is broken

  • +2

    I bought this headset for Quest 3, very comfortable, don't need counterweight battery

    • So you use put this on your q3 by removing orginal strap?
      Has this been a better price or always this price as willing to wait.
      I believe there are versions with air and extra battery power but that don’t bother me.
      Would this be best used for adults or would it work with kids as well smaller and bigger heads.
      Price seems fair but if has been cheaper I’m happy to wait.

      • Yes, original strap is very easy to remove and replace
        I bought it on sale for about $35 i think.
        Yes there are battery versions.
        It adjusts so should be ok with kids as well (no kids here)

        Also recommend something similar to this - I bought one without battery section, i should have gotten these ones.

  • -7

    There's a better deal on Aliexpress $342 at checkout


    • +4

      That’s too good to be true, meaning I’d be a sucker to NOT buy it!

    • +4

      Just like all those 350$ Quest 3 on Facebook Marketplace, this is obviously fake.

  • Looking to use this for work however my work laptop doesnt allow me to install applications.

    Anyone currently use it for work and know how to get around it?

    • +5

      Your options are prob limited to

      • Work in IT
      • Be really good friends with the IT people.

      That being said, there's probably a good reason why they don't allow random apps to be installed..

    • +6

      how to get around it

      Best to check if you're breaking company policies which attracts disciplinary actions.

    • +5

      Talk to your IT dept about approving the required apps.

    • Try the new Meta Quest HDMI Link app. You'll need an HDMI capture card, but shouldn't need any software on the PC.

    • +1

      There should be a process for requesting to install a program.

  • Can these be worn over glasses?

    • +4

      Yes but you will risk scratching the non replaceable device lens. Better to get prescription lens that clip on, or at least empty prescription (plano) lens cover for protection whilst using glasses…

      • my wife didn't find it comfortable with glasses, prefers quest 1. If glasses user will be using it a lot suggest magnetic lenses to your prescription

    • The distance from your eyes are adjustable, and with the full length out you have a reasonable distance to fit glasses in.

    • Mostly. Some glasses may be too big to fit, and most glasses will necessitate using a spacer. This leads to a lower fov. Much better to just use clip on prescription lenses, they're generally not that expensive since they don't need to be high index.

    • +2

      Zenni have 'official' meta prescription lenses for about AU$80+$35 postage. I order some on aliexpress (1005006283116717) for under $30 shipped. I haven't got them yet but reviews look good

  • +1

    My single favourite piece of tech I've ever purchased and I've purchased plenty since my 1970s childhood.

    • +1

      what do you use it for? I kind of want to get one but am worried the novelty will wear off quick

      • +4

        There are lots of niche applications that you don't get with a traditional console, PC or handheld.

        The main ones in order of how established I think they are;

        Cockpit style games - fantastic immersion in driving and flight Sims

        Sports sim and rhythm games - a better workout than any modes I've tried. You totally forget how much exertion you've done.

        Social VR and expression - not for everyone, but it adds lots of personality to your avatar in VR chat and other similar social experiences

        Drawing sculpting and art - a new one, but I think there's lots of potential here.

        • "Cockpit style games" - Any chance you are referring to iracing or ACC?
          Im considering buying for these games specifically, but not sure if its worth it.

          • @DoUKnowTheMuffinMan: Sorry I can't speak to those specific games, I'm into space and flight Sims like MS Flight Sim.

            I am aware of a large community of racing Sim enthusiasts using VR though

          • +3

            @DoUKnowTheMuffinMan: You will never want to use a monitor for racing ever again. Looking through the apex and having a feel for the balance of the car is something you simply cannot get from a flat screen.

            • +1

              @Wheresmyspaceship: I couldn't agree more.

            • @Wheresmyspaceship: Are you running Quest3?

              • +1

                @DoUKnowTheMuffinMan: I've got a Quest 2 and an Oculus Rift, both of which I've used with Assetto, Project Cars, DIRT Rally and MotoGP 23.
                Even on the old Rift it was super fun. The move to the Quest 2 was significant enough, and now I'm just waiting on new devices to make that same jump. I would go a Quest 3 at this deal price if I didn't already have the other two.
                Which city you in?

                • @Wheresmyspaceship: Im tossing between Q2 and Q3, and if its worth the big price gap
                  I'm based in Sydney

                  • @DoUKnowTheMuffinMan: Would have demo'd my Quest if I were in the same city.
                    Go the Quest 3, better everything. The lenses themselves make it far more comfortable. With the higher resolution you'll have better clarity of distant objects which is what let's down the experience a bit for lower res headsets IMHO. Just get the anisotropic filtering setting right and it'll look great.

          • +1

            @DoUKnowTheMuffinMan: Absolutely worth it.

            I only race in VR now and have no need for a screen.

      • +5

        games for me, games for my kids aged between 7-11, movies, travel, wonderful mixed reality experience, just making a screen that's bigger than my entire wall and watching YouTube. Social stuff looks amazing but that part isn't so much for me.

        Love just watching Meta TV and losing myself in the cool animations and art. I think the single biggest thing that I'm impressed with is that although I've had it since launch day back in late 2023, it's not the same device it was back them. I'm not a Meta company fan but boy oh boy, their updates come thick and fast and the functionality improves month on month. I could talk about it all day. Been looking at using with my DJI drones which is doable.

        I don't play a tremendous amount of games but this forces me to as they are just so damn good. I also have a PSVR2 - the MQ3! Is 100 times better. Worth spending some money on accessories. I have the Elite Strap with battery (one provided with headset is crap), silicon face shield, these small things really make a difference. to the overall experience. Read recently about the underground world that's out there of cough let's say "discounted" app.pricing. Happy to tell more, feel free to send me a DM if you want to know more about my almost 1 year Meta Quest 3 experience. Take care.

      • Im using mine a LOT for playing vr pinball linked to my pc, Visual Pinball is free along with thousands of pinball tables. Experience is amazingly close to real pinball.

      • +2

        Honestly despite my intentions of using it for pcvr, etc, I find it very hard to just go past pistol whip (rhythm shooting game). Fantastic workout and plays to the stengths and limitations of the hardware well. I find it hard to walk after 10-20 minutes with the difficulty ramped up, it's mostly just tricking you into doing lunges and squats.

  • -1

    Are these any good? PlayStation seems to be more popular.

    • +2

      PlayStation seems to be more popular.

      It's the other way around, no? Overwhelming majority of VR headset owners are Quest 2 owners. I wouldn't be surprised if the number of Quest 3 owners outweigh the amount of PSVR/2 owners.

    • +1

      Much better than PSVR2 unless you wanted PSVR Exclusives.

      I've owned both and the Quest 3 was a no brainer to keep.

  • +3

    I'm going to wait at least a week.

    1. Samsung & Google are to announce their XR headset on Thu, Oct 3, 2024 10:00 AM PT at Samsung Developer Conference. They'd signalled as such months ago. Specs will likely be insanely good & if it has compatibility with PCVR then it could be some serious competition.
    2. At same time, there's been updates to Steam VR indicating Valve Deckard (Index 2) is coming with ARM. This would be a high-end option, pure speculation with no release timing and is just copium at this point.
    3. Meta announced HorizonOS so that partners can get in such as Asus, Lenovo and Xbox. It was shared that this would include higher-than-Quest-3 spec devices. Most folks speculated these announcements would come around Meta Connect or weeks after with Samsung DC.

    Frankly with Vision Pro, the bar has been set much higher than Quest 3 and it would be awesome to see if we can get a more open OS + controllers + great ecosystem software support. Quest 3 will always be a good 'bargain' to the masses though as Meta wants to buy market share.

    • +1

      Well, that was disappointing. No announcements with Google. And no movement on HorizonOS from 3rd party.

  • +2

    Wait till Amazon Prime day / week. October 8th

    • This aged poorly lol

      • went up in price lol…was waiting too

        • +1

          It's back at $799 on Amazon. I think they needed to restock. Do you know if you can get the meta referral bonus if buying from Amazon?

          • @Ilikecars: 799 isn't showing for me.
            Isn't the referral ties to your account?
            Whe. You link the quest to your meta account.

          • @Ilikecars: Amazon US has dropped it by $150
            Hopefully we get a similar discount here

            • @bbourizk: Haha damn, I just purchased it last night with a kiwi battery strap. Couldn't wait for black Friday and figured there might only be up to $50 discount. Maybe I'll return it towards the end of 30 days and then buy it again 🤣

              • @Ilikecars: Living in a rural area I cant get it delivered here.
                I did buy the BOBOVR s3 which came back in stock and is on special. Looks like i'll pick up a quest from Meta.

  • Same price on Amazon


  • +8

    Didnt wake up planning on spending $900 today but here we are.

  • Ah bugger just bought the 128 for the same price :( I don't care about the space but for resale value it would be good.

    • Contact Meta support and ask them for some sort of compensation. Other people have had success in getting some store credit or a free game.

      • No good. They just said I can't replace the model with a different one (not quite what I asked for but anyway). Worth a shot. Couldn't have hurt to give me $20 or something lol.

  • can anyone recommend should have the apps or free games? I got it from amazon

  • +6

    My best VR Games list:

    Pistol Whip *my personal fave
    Walking Dead Saints & Sinners
    The Room
    The Climb 2
    Walkabout Mini Golf
    Beat Saber
    Resident Evil 4
    Tetris Connected
    Google Maps
    (ome games above are better on PCVR graphics wise but still good native for full freedom)

    Half-Life Alyx
    Skyrim VR
    Hotdogs, horseshoes and hand grenades
    Dark Mod

    Native (but modded/sideloaded):
    Doom 3
    Half-Life 2

    • Don't forget Blade and Sorcery on PCVR :)

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