Hi, I was wondering if anyone has been rostered on call during a period they are on annual leave?
The line of work I am in sees me on call from time to time and it got me thinking if it can happen in Australia where you're on holidays and you must keep your phone on you to respond to after hours issues?
Usually what comes with on call is that you're not permitted to imbibe whilst on call however when on holidays such a restriction seems unreasonable.
The Trouble is that its based on the ticket priority and when a ticket priority 1 comes through that immediately and automatically comes through to the phone and generates an alert through a 3rd party app and if you acknowledge and the incident and then don't deal with the ticket behind it then it alerts every hour until the priority is dropped or the ticket closed out. and a number of these are generated from automated systems. example a customers remote desktop server reboots or has a disk reaches capacity that automatically triggers a p1 ticket for investigation.