Get Batman: Arkham Shadow and a 3-Month Trial of Meta Quest+ Included
Meta Quest 3 512GB + Batman: Arkham Shadow $799.99 Delivered / Quest 3S 128GB + Arkham Shadow $499.99 @ Amazon AU

Last edited 06/11/2024 - 16:22 by 3 other users

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Apparently this game is a quest 3 only exclusive and they are including it with all quest 3 devices as a promo
3 and 3s, to clear any confusion
It's a new game that hasn't been released yet. But it's getting pretty good reviews, could possibly be one of the best games to come to Quest 3/3s:
You can't swap it out for anything else. But if you activate your headset with a referral on here you'll get another $47 in game store credit.
thank f-king god, i almost bought 128gb model yesterday for this price, good thing i waited.
BTW, 128gb model is 719.99
I bought the 128gb last night, woke up this morning and boom 512gb for the same price. Jumped out of bed and called Amazon support who let me cancel that order and get the 512gb instead. Really good price for 512gb which has sold for the ~$1000 mark. Amazon support is really good.
Good for you mate. I would have bought it last week but it was out stock. Well like my mother says everything happens for a reason. its same day delivery for me so it should be delivered by the time i get back from work.
Same. Ordered 128 version 2 days ago. Contacted Amazon just now to cancel todays delivery and get 512 version.
I bought the 128GB 10 days ago. Ended up returning it to Amazon today and bought this one. Kinda like a free upgrade for the same price, so why not.
This is the new standard price for the 512gb (128gb is being discontinued), so won't really be a "limited time deal" at Amazon. Shame though that Amazon won't deliver it to regional addresses, would rather use discounted gift cards. Also currently 1.5% cashback via TCB.
It seems like you can get the bundles delivered regionally but not the standalone headset? How odd
Has anyone started a business that forwards Amazon deliveries to regional areas via AusPost yet?
Can you use auspost parcel collect with Amazon?
I could send mine to my parcel locker via Amazon
Thanks, couldn't place order via Amazon for my area either, ordered via Meta
Amazon have a $30 off elite strap promo if added to cart… bringing it to $878.76 for both
Wait till black friday for a better deal or grab one now?
They've reduced it on the official site so this isn't some Amazon discount. Pretty sure it will be cheaper comes black friday.
Hard to say, last year they didn't have any deals on Black Friday. The only official discount previously was Prime Day where the 128GB reduced from 799 to 699 but without the free game.
Quest 3
Quest 3SNow waiting for Quest 3 Pro Max
pro has been out for years
Megamax Ultra Plus
good time to buy the quest 3 if youve been holding off. note that the 3s has inferior lenses but is probably an okay option at that price point. also note that you must buy a second strap for the quest because the included strap is dogshit. i highly recommend the bobobr s3 pro. other accessories are generally unnecessary. also note that you can load your own apks by setting up a dev account if that's your thing
I ended up getting the 'KIWI design Battery Head Strap with a 6400mAH battery'. Google for alternate / better strap and the Bobo / Kiwi always come up. Half the price of the official battery strap.
is this the one you bought as it says its for quest 2?…This is the one I got… but its out of stock now. It was $99
@bindok: thanks for that I could just find the one for the 3 anywhere this morning. I ended up getting the non battery version and I will just use my powerbank with it in my pocket. I figure that's good too because what happens if the battery thats inbuilt with yours dies? It is user replaceable?
A lot of people recommending other brand straps but this one on amazon has like 5000 positive reviews where as the other ones only have a few hundred
@icanfly: Not sure if its user replaceable. I just did a search on Google and most posts (incl. Reddit) recommended replacing the original strap with the Bobo or Kiwi. The Kiwi was $99 which is half the cost of the official battery elite strap. Non-battery version should be fine too. I think the comfort factor is the main reason to replace the original strap. The battery is just a bonus.
I really want this for watching movies, but seen too many people complain about the weight and neck/face discomfort. Also seen a few videos on YouTube about people who have injured their neck playing games with these.
Nah, they must be using the standard headstrap. It's actually very good but I would recommend a good replacement headstrap as the standard one is rubbish.
Can you use it to watch movies while lying down, so there is not too much strain on your neck vertebrae?
Yes and it's even easier since the latest update.
Yep, you can. They recently added even better support for use in that kind of position (no longer reliant on the app).
Is something you're doing more immersive if you are horizontal? ;)
Or your wrist.
I've done it on my quest 2. Didn't use the strap. I just layed it on my eyes so no pressure on my head. But it does fog up the lens after a while because evaporation from your eyes. Using the controller was an issue because it was not meant for you to lie down. I ended up pairing a bluetooth mouse to navigate.
What kind of movies?
Netflix, Prime video, etc.
for the other kind of movie its really good tho
@belongsinforums: I have a family, I don't want them walking in with me "ye hawing" while watching those kind of movies.
honestly it's not a super comfortable experience for movies with a big fat object strapped to your head. if you cant have a tv due to space constraints or whatever, its certainly doable though. id rather watch a movie on my phone than on vr. ymmv
I bought one before and found it too cumbersome to have on your head for long periods, not very comfortable. Ended up selling it. Maybe one day when they are small enough to not be so heavy on your head, then it will be a game changer - for me anyway, some people get along fine with them
Don't get the Quest for watching movies. They're too heavy for that. Look into the XReal glasses. They'd be more suited for that. Plus you can use them as external display replacements.
Worth upgrading from a quest 2 for PCVR?
Quest 3 is a massive improvement over 2. The lenses alone make a big difference. As long as you've got the PC to drive the extra resolution
What sort of PC/video card do you need to view movies at full resolution?
to fully enjoy VR you need a new gen card from AMD or last gen to this gen Nvidia - anything less and your not doing yourself favours
can still use it but wont be as good
there are few new games coming out which will use higher res - like arizona sunshine remaster etcOther poster is right about games. But you can watch movies at 'full resolution' on the Quest itself, no PCVR required. Either load the files or stream.
You don't need any PC to watch movies on a Quest 3.
It's got its own GPU capable of decoding 8K media, with h.26x/av1 codec support.
You can choose to stream from internet (Netflix/YT etc.) or from your local network (NAS/PC/potato etc.) or directly from the Quest 3 physical storage itself.
Amazon won't ship the Meta Quest 3 512gb models to regional areas but will ship the Quest 3S 128GB. Why?
In the same boat. I've noticed they've been doing this for a number of other products, that used to be fine, too.
It's honestly starting to get to ridiculous.
Is it possible to watch Kayo on these?
If you can watch it in a browser you can watch it on a Quest.
Thanks Op.. Turns out the price on the 512gig version is now the normal price >>…
but Ive been waiting on a price drop on the 512 version for almost 12 months now and its finally here and with Batman as an inclusion is a bonus. Now just need to buy a BoboVR S3Pro strap as I know all the included straps are rubbish
Can anyone comment on how well these work with glasses?
not great, but you can get lens inserts which are game changers - around $100
I got my lens inserts off Ali Express for $15 and they work great.
That's for the quest 2, but I assume it's also valid for the 3.
Focus point is 150cm, so if you are far sighed, you should be ok without glasses.
You apparently get lens inserts to use instead of glasses.
1 guy said:
I am farsighted and I can assure you I can't play without glasses (or as in my case, prescription lenses). Prior to getting prescription lenses, I played with glasses, but they will only cover 60-70% of the field of view, so not a recommended solution in a competitive situation. sell the official prescription lenses. they clip in very securely although that can be annoying if you need to take them on and off for other people to use the headset.
i got some off aliexpress, that i prefer because you clip on a magnetic frame, and then the lens has a magnetic frame, and so it is very easy to pop the prescription lens on and off for different people to use the headset. they don't look as nice though, the frames look like they were made in some guys apartment on a 3D printer.
hey mate, do you have the ali link? does it affect comfort?
I recently got some from AliExpress and they're perfect. About $35, delivered in just over a week. Can't link because OzB flags them as referrals, but look up "Tahnuhna 3C Store".
They're the magnetic ones mentioned above. Very simple to take them in and out as the Quest is shared with other family members.
the store I ordered from is SAFEPRO, but a lot of the listings look very similar.
Its more comfortable than wearing with glasses for sure, and means i don't have to be concerned about the potential for my glasses to scratch the quest lenses.
cheers guys, nice tip
Passably (quest 2 user here) however it's much better with prescription lens inserts. They're not particularly expensive either (compared to glasses). The main differences were comfort and better of fov with lens inserts, as you need to use a spacer. Some people have glasses that don't fit at all which is also problematic.
New meta accounts buying a new headset should be able to stack with the OzBargain referral randomiser to get $47 game credit:
Can buy from any retailer, including Amazon.Some people report success referring a new secondary account if they have an existing account.
There is a referral system for games but Meta made it much stricter recently and to use that both users must follow each other's meta account for a link, so there's no longer an ozbargain system for random referrals. Does not give me much hope the current generous headset referral will last long in its current format.
is there 10% amazon gift card promo going on anywhere? worth to hold till black Friday maybe?
Which one to buy quest 3 or quest 3s?
The only difference is the screen quality. Is that a big difference and slight big battery in 3? Or worth spending 299 more for quest 3Have you used quest 2, because seeing the VR, experience is same as quest 2 with Fresnel lenses, but processing power of quest 3, new games should runs pretty good and higher textures and setting.
I like more clarity of pancake lenses of quest 3. I had quest 3 briefly last years, its lighter and more balanced weight distribution on face, watching movies and gaming experience was much better and I could use q3 far longer than q2. 3s seems not much of upgrade from q2 for me so i am getting q3 personally, but do research a little bit on YT and reddit and see what would be good choice for you
Can someone recommend a good head strap with battery for the Quest 3 512gb?
someone else said the Kiwi Design with battery but in Amazon they only have this for the Quest 2. I saw on their website they have it but it's called something different K4 with battery and its 10-25 days shipping
my other idea was just to get the non battery version and a long USB-C to USB-C link cable and then I can just plug it into to my PD powerbank. I guess I can always carry the powerbank in my pocket
elite strap with battery for the quest 3.
people do complain but end of the day its a good strap and just works.BOBOVR S3 Pro.
I've got the quest 2 version and it's excellent. Not sure why halo designs aren't the default, they're far more comfortable. Hot swapping batteries is also great, never run out of charge or need to plug it in.
Get this one! I love it.'t fall for the hype in getting real expensive headsets with inbuilt battery packs.
I have a small sling that I put my 30,000 power bank in, and just run a USB-C to power the Quest all day.Got a KKCOBVR Q3 PRO on Ali Express which is pretty good. I like you can flip it up and use the side dials to change how close it sits from your face.
With one of the bonus cashback promos + discount coupons and some coins I think it came to about $55.
yeah I got it back in 2023 when you got Asgard Wrath 1 and 2 as well as population one for free with the headset.
How much better is it than the OG quest 1.
Quest 2 didn’t seem loke an upgrade to me but usnure about quest 3What difference does that app make
Massive difference in PQ definitely a must have for mine. Otherwise you're just missing out big time. The Quest 2 struggles a bit in terms of processing power to handle the highest settings but it works beautifully with the Quest 3.
Just a heads up from a long time owner of meta headsets. And I'm just stating personal opinion. Meta these days have a habit of "blacklisting" certain customers from having any access to sales they have. Usually it's customers that purchase alot of stuff from the store. From April this year I've not had access to a single sale they've had. And they have them quite often. And I'm not the only one out there as well. Quite a few people are in the same boat as me. Countless emails to their support they just say that sales are only for a very small amount of " randomly" selected customers. Which is an outright lie because the sales are for everyone. Except those that have spent good money on their games and apps. Just a heads up. Take it as you will. :)
Maybe setup another account and then you can gift yourself the games/apps during sales.
Well yeah I could do that. Meta even suggested it during one of my many emails back and forth with them. But honesty I really shouldn't have to. It shouldn't be happening.
That's fkd.
Yup same, even when games are advertised on sale in an ad banner on other websites, those discounts dont show for me, ALL games and dlc are full RRP no matter how old the game is, same lies from support about simply not being targetted for "this" sale, when its every sale, must have crossed a spending limit that now means I'm invested deep enough so screw us as much as possible for supporting their niche product!
Well I'm glad I found another one. Not happy though. It really sucks they feel the need to do it. It's the lies they tell me in their reasoning that gets me though. Makes me not want to give them another cent of my money though.
Yeah lots of companies do this sort of dodgy tactic in some form or another, supermarkets with their loyalty cards that haven't been used in a while etc. Often referred to as "loyalty tax".
Same here. Quest 1 and then 2, stacks of sales and sent 30% off codes all the time.
At some point they decided I'd bought too much and stopped getting them for prob 18months when I finally got one the other day after having quest 3 for 6m or so.
That is some major BS. Punished for spending money. That is dystopian.
What does the quest 3s mean was other one classed as an s also and why available October as these was released a year or so ago.
One of my kids got 128gb one last Xmas and thinking of getting of getting other to kid this year.
I myself always been a game person but to be honest I don’t do much these days as i am away a lot but fancy the vr set as well so as much it be nice to get 512gb I think the 128 gb be good enough and it is after all $300 less than normal is.
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Batman: Arkham Shadow - anyone played it on this? Any thoughts?
Any other games that it can be swapped for or is this just how this thing bundles?
New to these sets, sorry if these are dumb questions