So there was a deal on this collectors edition of GoT for $41 delivered a week ago… Just thought this was too good to pass by. Btw this is being released today (05/12) and I think the 20% off bluray/dvd offer ends today!
Game of Thrones - Season 1 Collector's Edition (Blu-Ray) $31.98 +$0.99 Shipping @ JB Hi-Fi

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Very tempted and I don't even have a blu-ray player capable of playing Australian region discs.
I already have the UK version. I just want the dragon egg paper-weight.
You're meant to set the egg on fire.
Or at least..nurse it into the fire..
and walk out nekid?
Kill a horse, first.
Preordered this for $50 from videoezy about 2 months ago. I Should have just waited till it was closer to release. Fml. First world problems.
I just checked the pre-order i did from last weeks deal and it has changed from 39.98 to 31.59 so happy days.
was a little cut when i first looked at this post.. now feel like a true ozBnr again !
Thats good. It's bad enough when they change the game sale prices about 10 times during a 3 day sale.
Gonna go pick this up today.
Oh just wait, the JB Hifi people will be all over you for saying that. Apparently JB doesn't change their prices at all before or during a sale! :-P
Bought! Good find OP thanks :)
Bought thanks love this series :)
I pre orded it through JB - will they price match / refund on this?
They have price guarantee on pre-orders… so you'll most likely pay this special price for yours.
edit: A few people above have confirmed this.if they dont, then here is another reason why people continue to shop O/S and online.. Amazon does automatic price drops for items in your wishlist or basket.
And automatic price increases for short term specials you don't buy before the special ends.
They definitely honored it :) I posted the deal last week and I got mine today for the lowered price
I saw this in-store yesterday when picking up LOTR Blu-Ray collection for a Christmas gift. I didn't think it'd be further discounted from its $39 price tag and as I already pre-ordered it when it first came on the JB-HI-Fi website I didn't care. Checked my email this morning and they changed the price for the pre-order. Woohoo! Though I should have picked it up in-store anyway and cancelled my order because JB take forever to ship items sometimes.
how much did you pay for LOTR Blu-Ray?
It was down from $115 to $99, then down to around $80.
ah ok thanks… JB probably saw amazonUK selling it for 38Pounds and reacted……
I doubt it :P Its been that price since release! I got the extended bluray set for $40 during's black friday special!
Cheap collectors edition of arguably one of the best shows to hit TV in many many years. Would make a great Christmas present for anyone.
re live the moments….
Mother of dragons. Tyrion Lannister approves of this deal.
One of my favorite shows, along side The Newsroom. Good find!
Love Newsroom… Jeff Daniels is fantastic!
One of the best openings to a series… America is NOT the greatest country in the world!
Bought another for brother's christmas present! thanks op
Thank you OP, great Christmas present.
Ordered :)
Browny points from the missus incoming - cheers!
Might have to drop in and pick this up tonight, I'm sure in store as well.
Great pressie for the Hubby, ordered, thanks!
Ordered. Gave myself a christmas present. Local store doesn't have it in stock yet so have to get it delivered.
I believe the price must include 20% off because JB Hi-Fi has 20% off Blu-ray today.
Thay are open to 9pm today.
I so nearly bought this last week for $41 too.
Now at $31, I have no reason not too. Especially considering I have a $30 JB Gift card sitting next to me too :)preorders were discounted :)
Thanks OP. Great bargain.
Ordered my copy this morning for in-store pick-up…..still no confirmation email from JB to provide that I can pick-up my copy. Fail for JB.
Guess I'll have to entertain myself with this in the meantime: think it depends on your store but what time did you order? I ordered at 7:30am and got pick up confirmation at around 12:30pm.. or maybe you can go in-store and pick it up if they have stock?
Ordered at 11:45am. Its not a huge problem though….it just would have been nice to pick it up today.
The annoying thing is that it seems the order isn't technically paid for until JB confirm the purchase is available for instore pick up. So I don't think I can just walk in and get a copy(I paid using paypal and I have an email from paypal confirming that the order is in, but payment has yet to occur since JB hasn't processed the order for payment).
I paid using paypal as well but I thought the payment had actually gone through once order was placed… Seems like you're right they do charge you after they've confirmed it for delivery/pickup :\
Got myself a set, great price thanks OP!
Bought a set in store at 20% off. Big W have this too for $44.
Darn you! How could I miss out on the best TV show ever made with Dragon Egg included :/ My budget does not thank you LOL :)
Sending me broke…thanks op
Me too but so worth the empty purse :)
I still haven't got the email to pick up yet :(
Bought last night & got my confirmation this afternoon. Picked up this evening. They had plenty of shelf stock too. It is amazing!!! Box is brilliant, egg is awesome & the whole thing is presented beautifully, right down to the ribbon that allows you to pull the case out of the box with ease. Best set yet!!!
Which store is this? I picked Bondi.
Top Ryde… they were really busy too but had it allocated & processed when I turned up :)
Hopefully I'll get mine tomorrow. No hurry to watch it, just want it!
Too bad Top Ryde is actually just near my place.
I know… no need to watch it either… I just like to know it is there :D Can't wait for Season 3! Hopefully they will bring out a Season 2 Box Set just as good… but then I do not doubt that they will. This one is seriously worth $100, so a complete bargain at $31.98 :)
Still says "Awaiting shipment"…Should have done a pick up from store…
Just received my order today.
Was not the collectors but just the basic 5 disc set.
Thinking about returning it but I ordered online so not sure on how to go about it.
Will be the last time I order anything from JB Hifi online.
edit : looking at the envelope, the sender is JB Hifi Liverpool so will go there tomorrow to exchange for the collectors or get refund. Wish me luck.
No luck needed. You can return anything up to 90 days as long as it is unused & unopened. (The only exception being computer games & PC software).…
You will need to take a print out of your receipt that you were emailed.
Personally I would buy this set online & request pickup at Liverpool, they definitely have stock, I have just checked. Then pick up & get a refund on the normal set at the same time :)
Fortunately JB Hi-Fi is not franchised, which makes returns a lot easier. Unlike Harvey Norman where you have to return stuff to the particular store :(
Thanks for the reply MrsJools, just wondering how I can get a refund on the normal set when the receipt is for the collectors? ;-)
Now the problem is going to Liverpool Westfields and trying to avoid the Warhammer shop. This why I prefer to buy online and avoid temptation.
Oh I am so sorry, I misread your post, that really sucks. Take it in tomorrow with your receipt & what you got. Take the packaging in too as it should show they couldn't have fitted the whole box in. Online ordering is always a risk… the packers don't tend to get paid much :/ If Liverpool is closest to you then take it there, they definitely have stock of it but if it is note then you can take it to your nearest store that does have stock.
You do not need luck, you received the wrong item & they have to rectify it.
Oh I know… went to pick up Game of Thrones & walked out with the Lenticular Edition of Avatar for Hubby at full price as it was the end of the world if he didn't get it :/ Fortunately I have managed to avoid the Warhammer shop as the nearest one has moved out of Westfield Chatswood & onto the street. I always see it on our way out of the Chatswood Chase carpark & say doh we forgot that was there again ;) LOL
It is also not fair to give this offer a negative because you chose to buy the other set. Best set ever & huge thanks to the OP :)
You are right I should not have negged but I bought the collectors and received the basic. The receipt even stated Format : 5 Blu Ray/Egg.
Why are you so quick to neg the post? If you've ordered the collector's edition then that's what you'll get. They may have just made a mistake on your order… Personally I've never had a problem with JB Hi-fi online. Plus you also had the option of picking it up in-store.
Just had a look & the regular version is priced higher at $42.98 anyway so absolutely no way there will be a problem swapping it :)…
I'm scared now ;_;
Got mine this morning. Awesome box-set.
On a Sunday???
Australia Post are delivering every day until Christmas :) Did you get yours yet?
No. I haven't. Still says awaiting dispatch.
EDIT: Sent today apparently. Better come with the whole box and not just the disks.
Good deal. Cheaper than the standard edition.