Everyone Who Bought a Japanese Car. R U OK?

I'll preface this by admitting that I have been out of the loop with regards to cars and news etc. But I do clearly remember that during the early days of the Japanese cars coming into the country, all the experts, mechanics and journos were saying that they were cheap "jap crap", they won't last and the Japanese people don't know how to build cars etc.

And the technology they brought in like fuel injection, etc when all the experts were saying that carburettor systems were the best because they can be tuned and not having abs is better because proper drivers know how to brake etc. I assume this tech wasn't widely adapted to newer cars because of the original tech's superiority?

Given the strong evidence by all these experts, I can only assume over the years all these Japanese manufacturers have gone under. And I can only assume early model cars like the hiluxes, land cruisers, skylines, etc were all taken to scrap or are completely worthless now.

My question to Japanese car owners is how did it feel having egg on your face for so long and why are people still buying them? I do see some on the road but given how many people and experts were so confident that they were crap, why they're still being purchased? Must be some sort of weird Japanese propaganda or cult I assume.

Its interesting seeing all the same things being said about the new Chinese cars today and EV's which all the experts are telling us they're crap and wont last. I guess we will live through another country trying to push their crappy cars and new fad technology onto us and soon fail just like the Japanese market did!

Anyway, some weirdo once said "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it". Unsure if this applies here but hopefully people learn!


  • +2

    I don't take OP comments as sarcasm, rather just pure ignorance of reality

    • whoooosh…

  • -4


  • +3

    Lay off the herbs.

    • +9

      I don't think I'm being attacked here…

  • insert side eyeing Chloe here

    Must be some sort of weird Japanese propaganda or cult I assume.

    If Aussie journos were bashing Japanese cars wouldn’t that make it anti-Japanese propaganda? I do remember hearing about this before actually, how Aussie carmakers bashed Japanese cars in the early days. It’s not surprising because throughout history the West has always been aggressive towards the East (just look at the Opium Wars for example).

    In fact it still happens today. Just look at the US and our MSM, they always write fearmongering articles with titles like “Why China’s rise to power is a threat” and “Why the US risks losing its place as the number 1 superpower”. Last I checked China has never invaded a Western nation but America loves sticking in their nose in everyone’s business (there are people out there who seriously think they won the Vietnam war as well, white man stronk). There’s a common joke about “how US oil got under their sand”. The ironic part is that there is a lot of simping for the West on this planet.

    • +4

      China has never successfully invaded a "Western nation", but they have in fact invaded Tibet, parts of India and the vast majority of the South China Sea, so there is that.

      Also, best not to mention that invading Taiwan is official CCP policy, and Taiwan is definitely a Western nation.

      • China has never successfully invaded a "Western nation", but they have in fact invaded Tibet, parts of India and the vast majority of the South China Sea, so there is that.

        Sure, and are those places “Western” nations?They’ve never attempted to mount an invasion into any Western nation either so you’re being disingenuous by saying “successfully” as if to imply they’ve actually tried.

        Taiwan is definitely a Western nation.

        I think you need to look up the definition of “Western”. Or do you think just because a country practices democracy and a small percentage of the citizens are Christians that it automatically makes it “Western” and that its culture, history, people, the other religions followed etc. is irrelevant?

        • +2

          Wikipedia would appear to disagree with you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world#Economic_definit…

          Also, you’re being disingenuous by limiting your concern about invasions to "western" nations only, as if that makes any meaningful difference whatsoever.

          By any measure China is an aggressively expansionist, imperial nation. See, for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_salami_slicing_strateg…

          • @AngoraFish: I see, so you took a quote off Wikipedia and accept it as fact despite it having no citation, and if you went out and asked anyone on the street to list out “Western nations” none of them would say Taiwan. Was Taiwan highlighted as part of the Western world in the map at the top of that page?

            Also, you’re being disingenuous by limiting your concern about invasions to "western" nations only, as if that makes any meaningful difference whatsoever.

            I just choose to give China more credit because it’s important to understand if you live in the West you will only be fed a specific narrative by the MSM.

            By any measure China is an aggressively expansionist, imperial nation.

            Someone who lumps in Taiwan as being part of the Western world is also aggressively expansionist IMO.

            What’s the point of replying to me when we clearly won’t agree with each other?

  • during the early days of the Japanese cars coming into the country

    When, specifically, was this?

    • OP is remembering their first car in the 1960s.

  • +1

    Japanese vehicles proved they were good. Basically all Japanese goods have been proven to be of good to great quality.

    Chinese vehicle makers only proved that they are shit, and then pull out of the market when anyone hates their cars. Most Chinese goods have been proven to be of poor to crap quality. There are obviously expections.

    • I say this as a Jap ICE driver.. we'll see in ten years I guess but what you are saying about Chinese cars sounds very much like what they were saying 30-40 years ago about japanese cars, and 20 years ago re: korean cars. History repeats.

      • -1

        Well, when they start making decent stuff, I'll reassess. So far they have shown the same pattern for everything, make borderline usable crap from random flash in the pan brands cheaply, and hope that people buy it based on price alone. Japan just makes mostly quality stuff.

  • +18

    My friend a car in the 80s. He didnt but japan, so that 2 years later. Another friend also , and then it didnt happen, but then did. Whats even stranger is. Do people still buy? And that seems really.

    • +5

      I disagree although, a friend you is, with you.

    • +3

      This makes as much sense as my post tbh

    • +1

      Has anyone really been car even as decided to use Japan even want to do look more like Chinese EVs?

  • +3

    ChatGPT has really gone to shit…

    • +7


  • +7

    My question to Japanese car owners is how did it feel having egg on your face for so long and why are people still buying them?

    Winning arguments! I will henceforth only buy cars made in Australia.

    • -4

      That was the experts opinion back then

      • +5

        I realise your post is an attempt at humour but you lack an understanding of why Australians would be disparaging of Japanese products at the time.

        Datsun came to Australia in 1958 just 13 years after WW2 and the war in the Pacific. There were thousands of returned service personnel and the memory of Japanese atrocities during WW2 was still fresh. To turn up at the RSL car park in the 1960swith a Japanese vehicle was considered by many to be an insult to fallen comrades.

        The vehicles that were imported were (except for the private import of Land Cruisers by Thiess for the Snowy Mountains Scheme) small and not particularly suited to Australian conditions and therefore suffered more mechanical issues than the dominant Big Three.

        The term "Jap Crap" was aimed at almost any product from Japan, not just motor vehicles.

        I'd suggest you read a bit more Betoota to hone your satire attempts.

        • +1

          I'd suggest you read a bit more Betoota to hone your satire attempts.

          Always a fan of when the punishment fits the crime

  • +2

    I've had Japanese cars, I've had a South Korean car too. Japanese cars were awful in the 50s and 60s, and then greatly improved. Likewise South Korean cars were very bad in the 80s and 90s, and now compete head to head with the world's best.

    Chery and Great Wall appeared here in the 2000s and quickly abandoned the market. Their products just weren't good enough. Now they're back, with EVs from BYD and MG, and all of them are good. In terms of EV sales they're running rings around the Japanese, South Koreans, and Germans.

    Times change and it takes some people years to adjust their point of view. I wouldn't be surprised to see something like BYD out sell Toyota in the 2030s if Toyota don't lift their game and take EVs seriously. Toyota sunk billions into the dead end that's hydrogen.

    • +1

      In Singapore BYD has outsold Toyota in 2024

      • +2

        interesting isn't it considering how insanely expensive cars are in singapore, these people aren't looking for bargain basement cars

    • I fear Japanese makers may be a little insulated from what's happening in overseas markets. I spend a lot of time in Tokyo and struggle to recall seeing a single car from Korea or China. They only drive Japanese and German. Plus the occasional Italian supercar, American land yacht, and British antique (speaking of MGs lol).

      And given the huge amount of awesome JDM cars they don't care to export, I wonder if they think the domestic market might be enough to keep them afloat in perpetuity. They'll be in for a rude awakening in the next decade.

      • Not impossible…. Japanese companies do like to centralise power/decision making in the Japanese HQ's instead of regional divisions….

        But they have learnt to adapt in the past, maybe need a kick in the pants….

    • Nailed it re: Hydrogen.

    • Given current BYD/MG and Toyota prices (and Toyota supply chain shortages), I wouldn't be too surprised that they'd outsell Toyota next year

  • -2

    Japanese technology was once junk, then it was the world's best, now it is becoming junk again. It's the circle of life.

    • +3

      Are you referring to the formerly Japanese brands that sold out to Chinese companies?

      • +1

        I'm referring to the circle of life.

        • +2

          Cue lion king soundtrack

  • +8

    Not me OP. I bought European cars out of warranty. I catch the bus these days

    • +1

      To the mechanic when you pick it up from repairs every month?

      • +8

        Every month?? I never said I bought a relatively reliable one

    • This is the way

  • I have a Korean car made in Czech, that's all I can afford right now until I fill the mortgage offset.

    • +1

      Put it in H!

  • +2

    quality post

  • Actually pretty well thought out, and you raise a pretty valid point. Maybe a bit too high brow for some people it seems though.

    • I don't think I'm smart enough to be highwr brow then anyone else.

    • What's pretty well thought out? I see 'been out of the loop' and 'jap crap' (like 50s-80s), a sparse reference to adapting novel tech (and if it was 'better' to its predecessor) and using words like 'assume' like its going out of fashion…….

      If they pointed to a common thread of criticism and tracked it from inception to 'now' I'd class it as having a valid point…. This sounds like the rumour mill at the pub and bias gone amok…

      P.S This is not against having an opinion, but its hardly fact backed with evidence……
      P.P.S Its also not easy to type a 'study/essay' on this site… Examples can however show an effort to debate a view or opinion….
      P.P.P.S Did I eat the onion here and I missed it or was OP serious with the backhanded irony :(

  • Actually, the Europeans (Volvo, Mercedes, BMW) were the front runners with ABS, fuel injection, etc.

    A fine attempt at a wind-up that really didn't work.

    • Yeah, swing and a miss with the tech aspects.

  • +3

    Chinese aren't renowned for manufacturing high quality.

    Japan is.

    This reputation takes years to build, so time will tell.

  • Copium extra strength

  • +1

    Dude, what are you smoking?

    • +1


  • +1

    Tell us how to make no sense without telling us!

  • +1

    Hi Op,
    What car do you drive?

    I personally prefer Japanese cars that were made in Japan. Generally well engineered or sometimes over engineered.

    • yes our 1JZ Soarer and 2JZ Aristo certainly were.
      Fantastic engines, and the rest.

  • +1

    TL;DR "some weirdo once said…"

  • -1

    Difference is, the previous attitudes towards japanese cars were leftover racism from WW2.

    The attitudes towards chinese rubbish are well earned.

    • Millions of iPhones out there will disagree …

    • How naive to think they are devoid of racism (in many cases).

  • +1

    It's inevitable that Chinese cars will make up the majority of cars on the road in Australia within 5-10 years. I do find it funny that people are so against them, they will eat their words soon enough.

    • The inner racism can't help but poke it's head out.
      Sat in a Haval SUV uber the other day, I was shocked, even more shocked when I found out they are $35K….

  • Why are people taking OP seriously? I'm pretty sure if you are offended, he's making fun of you…

  • +2

    Waste of time after reading post

  • -1

    The Chinese government has infiltrated this site. Honestly, that was just weird.

  • +2

    A lot of posters need to work on their satire identification skills.

    • Sadly they don’t teach satire at school anymore

  • +1

    Sometimes you have to wonder wtf happened to a user before they came here to post.

    Weird shit.

  • My experience is quite the contrary.
    My dad had a 1975 toyota corona that went for 200000 kms and was extremely reliable.
    I had a 1991 corolla with almost 200000lms back in the late 90s.
    Was one of the most reliable cars i ever owned.
    My 2014 mazda 3 i have had for 10 years and never had a single issue with.

    I have also owned Euro cars which are great for the first 3 years and had to get rid of due to reliability issues and being a money pit to fix.
    Have you driven a chinese car?
    Gutless motors, bad handling,Bad build quality
    Infotainment issues… the list goes on.
    Have a look at the redriven website where they review second hand cars (euro, jap and chinese)
    The consensus there is japanese is the way to go for reliability.
    Chinese are good at copying cars from other countries very badly.

  • +5

    I love how this post just made a whooshing sound for most of the commenters here.

  • Japanese Car and Chinese Car are completely different story. If you want fair comparison. Compare ICE with ICE. Where does ICE Chinese car seat? Only looks beautiful but performance, reliability wise still far away. Now if we compare EV car, we have to admit that Chinese EV makes any other giant manufacturer worry. No doubt every big companies is chasing Chinese EV, in term of Price. Chinese EV model looks beautiful, even many of the model looks like copy cat from other brands. Reliability? Time will tell. But still many problem ahead EV car. Battery standarization, charging standarization. 2nd hand price is a joke. For me personally. If you charge your EV using electric sourced from coal. EV is a joke..

  • Japan and China are not the same country and have very different ideology about business.
    Some Chinese car manufacturers may indeed improve over the years, others will continue to sell junk to stupid people.

    • Ok you've just explained every business from every corner of the world lmao.

  • +3

    Much of your argument is incorrect and ridiculous. The technology you talk about was mostly what the Europeans brought in. The early Japanese cars were cheap and cheerful and the biggest thing they did was improve manufacturing efficiency (such as Toyota's lean method) that Australian/ american struggled with, which is why they were cheaper.
    If you care to look at the reasons Chinese cars are cheaper, you will see it is not just because wages are less. There is far more to it.
    The quality of Chinese cars is still less than that of European, Japanese and Korean cars. The standard of materials used is also less. If you have any friends in the industry, seek out the reports that list repair issues etc that show these things.
    There are also other reasons some of us do not support Chinese manufacturing such as the use of slave (they like to term it forced) labour in their auto industry, the fact they they have attacked Australia in many ways and many will not let that go. They still have restrictions in lobsters etc as an example of how they try and punish Australia.
    They are also fundamental in supporting Russia's invasion against Ukraine, have atrocious human rights issues, ignore international law, attack, injure and put Australian lives at threat through military actions, build military bases in waters they do not own, try and take territorial waters off other countries and attach their vessels trying to result food to people, and are heightening and supporting other autocratic countries in removing freedoms around the world. They constantly lie and manipulate in a very arrogant and threatening way to create disharmony and have regularly been caught using cyberwarfare to attack ICT systems. They have also been found to feeding information through social media, to create divisiveness in our (and other) countries, especially with politics, climate and other information to make us less united and easier to defeat.
    Their threat on Taiwan is real and they have said they will take it anyway possible, and it is only because of the failures they have seen with Russia taking Ukraine that had held them back.
    So people can have other reasons apart from their crap quality that still exists.

    • Lmao what year are you from?
      Cars are built by robots now LMAO …. forced labour haha. You must be still drinking the media kool-aid.

  • -2

    Chinese make crap quality products in general though while Japanese make high quality in general. This then extends to the cars. If you actually go and have a look and test drive these chinese brand cars you'll see even the comforts in the car are cheap and flimsy, i'm no mechanic but if the same cheap and flimsy quality applies to the engine I'm sure that wouldn't be good.

      • Oh wow, you can post a meme! Totally got me there, moron. Maybe check a landfill and you'll get a clue.

        • You mean all the Holdens and Fords?
          You'll find the metals scraps of the former factories right byside the cars :)

          • @TightAl: No i mean literally ALL the chinese products taking up 90% of it.

            • @dowhatuwant2: Who else manufactures goods in your house?
              Of course it's Chinese. Last I checked Australian's don't make toys, furniture, whitegoods?

              • @TightAl: Yeah but that's why products don't last anymore, cheap and disposable is fine for many products. it's not fine for a car.

  • +1

    Mate, my most reliable cars have been Japanese. My hilux and several Mazda’s from the 2, 3 SP25, to now the CX-5.

    Every friend and family Holden/ford I’ve seen has had numerous major issues. The worst I’ve had to deal with is an air con heater motor failure and a bubbling screen, all which were replaced without a hassle.

  • +1

    Can't really go wrong with a Toyota or Honda. Keep it topped up with oil and that shit will run forever.

  • Yeah those Aussie made cars are heaps better

    • -1

      Exactly. Which is why there's so many more of them on the road these days.

  • +1

    You actually need to plot on a timeline of when this was said then quality criteria like defects per million and also invention of safety devices and road fatalities to see causation and correlation.

    A lot of people can put two things together to make it sound reasonable but really it is just rubbish.

  • nice attempt at mockumentary writing - from the perspective of a visitor from Mars having not seen Earth for the last 60 years.

    I'll grade it a solid 6 out of 10.

  • Bro the guy is being sardonic, isn't it obvious?

    • That's my new word for the day! Thanks

      • The?

        • Bro

  • +1

    You completely missed the Korean car phase. Also, my crystal ball shows an Indian factory - maybe it's glitchy?

  • +1

    Given the strong evidence by all these experts

    Too big fallacies here:
    1. strong evidence
    2. experts

  • Holy meth train, Batman!! Choo Choo!!

    Good on you for getting that off your chest, I’m sure you feel better after some verbal diarrhoea

  • +1

    What a nonsense post by OP.


  • +2

    Tesla can disable cars OTA update.

    If the west get unit a fight with China. Good luck to all those who buy Chinese branded EVs and mobiles.

    • Can you please tell me where your phone is made?

      One thing does not necessarily have to be linked to the other!

      • +1

        Made in china is not the same as Chinese own brands.

        Take apple for eg.

        Their cloud to do OTA etc is not based in china.

        Same as Tesla.etc etc etc

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