Amazon Same Day Delivery, False Advertising?

Anyone else experience that their “same day delivery” items never arrive on the same day?

I’ve been Prime member since Amazon arrived in Oz but really starting to question the value of its membership. Prime TV offerings in recent years have been poor to say the least, and annoying how much they push additional paid ad on services. Insult to injury, adding adverts in recent months. Prime day was non starter the past 2 years.

I’ve never really been fussed about the same day delivery and it has only ever been offered for about 1/3 of my purchases. In recent weeks it just clicked with me that none of my “same day deliveries” have ever arrived on the advertised same day.

Yesterday I put in an order a knife sharpener (as it was cheaper than at bricks and mortar). Then, “add and additional $20.20 to qualify for same day delivery”, added a few items to get to the threshold, place the order. “Arriving today before 9pm”. Then at 10pm “sorry for the delay. If it has not arrived in another 4 days, contact us for a refund”.

I live within 3km of Flinders Street Station so doesn’t really get more central in Melbourne. Just seems “same day delivery” has zero guarantee and no consequence for non delivery, is this false or deceptive advertising? In my case, I would not have added that additional $20 of items if not for the promise of same day delivery

Poll Options

  • 4
    Always Arrives Same Day
  • 47
    Mostly Arrives Same Day
  • 41
    Usually 1 Day
  • 3
    Usually More Than 1 Day Late
  • 10
    Always Late

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  • +6

    We don't have same-day delivery (yet) but any Prime orders before midnight are delivered next day like clockwork. Never had an issue. Might be something with your specific location, route or the delivery partner there. Worth following up with support.

  • only paid once (brisbane has no free same day threshold yet) - and got it same day.
    Otherwise the standard next day service, out of say 20 orders only 1-2 is 1 day late. Considering some of my orders are for ridiculous things like $4 toothpaste or $23 pepsi max slab its great imo.

  • +1

    I used to get same day years ago, but it changed to next day when I moved. Surreal ordering toilet paper and then it showing up in the same calendar day, I assume Amazon keeps stuff moving 24/7 in preparation for someone in Adelaide ordering it?

  • I get same day delivery in Ryde, NSW. They tend to come later though between 19:00 - 21:00

    • Macquarie Park, I had a delivery at 22:30 once it was crazy

    • +1

      I said none of my same day deliveries arrive same day. Would be a serious coincidence if the driver is sick every time I put an order in

      • -6

        Most of my deliveries have been 'next day' but where they were same day, they always arrived on time.

        • -1

          I didn't think Moe was included in the list of eligible postcodes for same day delivery.

          • @HamBoi69: I don't think I've ever been there so wouldn't know.

            • +1

              @jv: That's not what your medical records say.

              • +3

                @Clear: I don’t have medical records. I was found innocent.

  • +1

    Did you get a coupon? Usually you get one if you ask or complain.

    • +1

      We’re sorry for the delay. If you have not received your package by 18 September, you can come back here the next day for a refund.

      • That's an automated message displayed on app/website. You need to contact them and ask them for promo credit 9/10 times you'll get it, and if not, jump into another chat session and you'll likey get it with the next CS rep.

  • +5

    Ive complained numerous times to customer service about same day / next day delivery. Some drivers are just too lazy. Never got any coupons or even a half decent response from customer service, it's always "we'll leave a note on your account and forward the issue to the dispatch centre, but we can't tell you the outcome coz of privacy." It's a joke

  • +1

    Ordered something 10pm last night and arrived before midday.

    Australia is too big and too chaotic to be able to do same day.

  • -1

    Did you really need that knife sharpener so urgently?

    • +5

      Not really the point but sure, yes. Needed it yesterday, I would have walked to a local bricks and mortar store and paid more for it if it wasn’t for the same day delivery offered by Amazon. The point is Amazon are luring customers offering a service that they don’t really have any intention to provide.

  • +2

    Yes, it's happened enough for me to take note.

  • +1

    the value of prime is mainly the free shipping. it saves alot in the long run for only 100 a year

  • +4

    "I live within 3km of flinders st station so doesn’t really get more central in Melbourne"

    I reckon that living within 3km of flinders st station makes it worse.

    The drivers would hate the traffic.

    I'm 15km from the city and never had an issue with same day delivery, however stopped my subscription because I didn't find much value.

    I still get free next day delivery, I just wait until I have $59 or more for my order.

  • +5

    Prime delivery is still a million times better than Australia Post. Prime Video is getting worse, but Amazon Prime subscription is still worth the combination of free delivery, cheap prices, free TV and music.

  • +1

    Ok so general consensus is somewhat of a “so what, it’s still better than the alternative”
    But this still doesn’t take the fact away that they are advertising a service they don’t guarantee or don’t really show and push to abide by. This is really something the ACCC are asleep at the wheel on, but there’s a long list when it comes to that.

    All this “free” stuff isn’t actually free, you are paying a subscription for it. I think Amazon have their foot in the door and are now racing to the bottom. Best “deals” I’ve seen in recent times are simply price matching colesworth, even then, price shoots up if you are not quick. It’s a slippery slope to Amazon delivery times just being slightly quicker than auspost

    • So, are you cancelling?

      • Yes, I reckon I will. I’ve been paying the annual renewal, so this time I will let it run out and not renew.

    • So what did Amazon do when you complained? Probably point to the fine print where it says best endeavours.

      • -3

        “ If you do not receive your order or receive it late, please contact us. If due to our failure, you do not receive an item we ship, our liability is limited to refunding the amount paid by you to us for the item (including applicable shipping fees) or replacing the item (subject to availability). You may have additional rights under the Australian Consumer Law (see our Conditions of Use and Sale for more detail and to understand more about Delivery Times and late deliveries).”

        Once you contact them, the only option you are given is to start a return if you wish

        • Once you contact them, the only option you are given is to start a return if you wish

          Check again. There is another button for if you need more help with option to chat or phone them.

    • But this still doesn’t take the fact away that they are advertising a service they don’t But this still doesn’t take the fact away that they are advertising a service they don’t guarantee

      No service is guaranteed, in a lot of cases they meet the same day delivery window without issue. I have the opposite issue, I want to order things and delay the delivery as I won't be home for a few days, but Amazing must do it as fast as possible!

      All this “free” stuff isn’t actually free, you are paying a subscription for it.

      You can get free delivery on Amazon without paying a subscription.

      It’s a slippery slope to Amazon delivery times just being slightly quicker than auspost

      Far from it, 99% of my orders arrive 'next day'.

  • -2

    I’ve been Prime member since Amazon arrived in Oz

    Cool so you get next day delivery then with your Amazon Prime.

    Yesterday I put in an order a knife sharpener (as it was cheaper than at bricks and mortar). Then, “add and additional $20.20 to qualify for same day delivery”

    Well that was your choice to not wait for next day delivery and instead buy more to get it today.

    “Arriving today before 9pm”. Then at 10pm “sorry for the delay. If it has not arrived in another 4 days, contact us for a refund”.

    So when did it arrive? If you do need things NOW, then best to go out to a bricks and mortar store and get it.

    • Great stuff jim, great to hear that in your postcode everything arrives on-time. Point of the post and as the poll shows, half the people on here are getting there same day orders one or more days late (most of the time).
      Considering “same day delivery” is only offered on some items and in some postcodes one would expect in the whole for it to live up to what is advertised. In my case it has been late 100% of the time.
      I get the point, if you need things now then go to the store, and I agree generally. Also, I get the my post can be interpreted as a snowflake whinge, give me my stuff now. That’s not what I’m trying to get across. I generally expect post and deliveries to be 3-5 days in Oz. Amazon are choosing to optionally offer same day shipping but not actually enforcing it in many places, it is disingenuous

      • -1

        Great stuff jim, great to hear that in your postcode everything arrives on-time.

        You asked a question, you got my answer, YMMV.

        I generally expect post and deliveries to be 3-5 days in Oz

        As in Auspost!? LOL can take 3-5 days just to be picked up.

        Amazon are choosing to optionally offer same day shipping but not actually enforcing it in many places, it is disingenuous

        You could always just op for next day shipping? 99% of my next day shipping items arrive the next day.

        So the question remains, when did your item arrive!?

      • Point of the post and as the poll shows

        87.6% of OzBargainers lie on the forum polls.

        • +1

          I didn't lie, I clicked the wrong option and can't change it.

        • Especially when it's related to earnings…

      • Point of the post and as the poll shows, half the people on here are getting there same day orders one or more days late (most of the time).

        Poor poll design on your part. If 4 of 5 poll options are a "fail", and the only "pass" is a 100% success rate, then of course most people will be forced to pick one of the four failure options.

        • Have another look. I would consider the first two options as a pass. Earlier today was 50:50 between 1+2 to 3+4+5.
          All ears for your expert opinion on poll design

          • @Rkel403:

            All ears for your expert opinion on poll design

            Don't hold your breath.

          • @Rkel403: The poll is missing the option of "same day delivery is not available in my area". There are people on OzB that don't know that it's even a thing to get deliveries same day, so they automatically are responding they receive it next day - rather than same day which is skewing your results.

  • Was the $20 item you added also same day delivery eligible?

    • Yes, made sure everything was part of the same day availability. Also got the notification after placing the order that it is coming before 9pm

      • That’s really strange then. If it’s becoming a trend, in your shoes I’d probably cancel prime too.

  • +2

    I feel like the past few months there's been more misses than hits for me personally. The deliveries that come through something like Dragonfly(?) keeps coming up as attempted delivery even though there are people at home.

    • Please leave that feedback on their google review page.

      Also tell Amazon. The last time this happened to me they apologised, gave me the item when it finally arrived and also a full refund.

  • +3

    Ordered Space Marine 2 from Amazon today. "Order in the next 2 hrs 19 mins for delivery on 18 September". Click buy now. "Your order will arrive on 26 September." Cancel. "Your order is being prepared for shipping so you can't cancel".

    You win Scamazon, well played

  • Amazon has gone to shit in Brisbane for me.

    Firstly, yes OP I have also experienced false advertising.

    Items that on their page say same day delivery, I buy a second later and suddenly after payment has been taken, the delivery gets changed to the next day.

    Additionally for lots of ‘order in the next x hours to receive tomorrow’ items I order well within the time and again after payment has been taken, the date is an additional day later.

    And to make all of that worse, when you get stuck with an order being delivered by Dragonfly Shipping you are screwed. This company has the worst reviews on Google and the only positive one’s are the most obvious fake reviews you’ll ever see.

    Dragonfly simply never deliver on a Friday. They take your item, head to the pub for an early mark and you get an order update saying ‘rang doorbell nobody home’. I’ve had nearly a dozen of these complete lies where I’ve been home and also checked the security camera footage.

    The last time this happened Amazon actually conceded Dragonfly was pathetic and gave me the item (when it arrived on the Monday) and a full refund on top.

    I’ve seen an old couple from Dragonfly on my intercom camera (when I’ve buzzed them into the lobby to leave my item) start rummaging through our building’s existing deliveries left in the lobby from other couriers. Absolutely scary that they’d do that and as soon as it happened I reported it but who knows if Amazon acknowledged the issue higher up.

    Amazon work hard to establish themselves in new countries and once they are happy with their user base, their service goes to shit.

  • +1

    I live within 3km of Flinders Street Station

    And? Do you think Amazon is payout outrageous CBD rents for its huge warehouse? They are all in the outer suburbs. The CBD would be the hardest place to deliver. No parking.

  • I've literally never met anyone that didn't have Amazon Prime

  • amazon will completely lie to you about how, where and when an item has been delivered

  • I've had two orders just completely disappear after being out for delivery in the last couple weeks (as in never delivered, not missing once delivered). One was a bag of Doritos, the other a $200 camera. Not sure what happened there but I got them to give me a $10 credit each time.

  • I have used both Amazon and EBay
    And in my experience Amazon never lets you down
    They deliver on time

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