• expired

AliExpress: 10% Cashback ($30 Cap per Transaction, Starts 5pm Friday) on Affiliated Products @ TopCashback


TA was kind enough to give us a cashback increase for AliExpress to go alongside their latest sales with this offer running from 5pm AEST Friday to 10pm AEST Saturday. This offer is capped at $30 per transaction.

Please ensure that the products you want to buy are affiliated by using the link checker. It's very important that you confirm your order as received within 90 days of ordering to be eligible for cashback. Please note some orders may automatically mark themselves as received once the tracking is marked as delivered.

If the product is affiliated it will work with AliExpress Coupons, Store Coupons, AliExpress Coins and AliExpress Business accounts.

Cashback terms and exclusions

  • Cashback is eligible only on affiliated products. Enter the product ID or URL on this link to check eligibility "https://portals.aliexpress.com/linkchecker.htm", then click the 'Get Cashback' button to complete your order.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of the following items: face masks, medical consumables, gift cards, virtual products, coupons, travel, ebooks, AliExpress Top-up, and any non-affiliated AliExpress products.
  • Confirmation of goods received must be made in your AliExpress account within 90 days of placing your order to be eligible for cashback.
  • A $30 cashback cap applies per AliExpress transaction (unless specified differently during promotions advertised on TopCashback).
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards and/or use of gift cards for payment.
  • Most retailers calculate cashback based on purchase amount excluding taxes & delivery charges. Your cashback may be slightly lower than expected due to this.
  • AliExpress reports transactions based on item and not combined cart value. If you purchase multiple items in one order, they will report to your TopCashback account as multiple transactions.
  • Ensure you disable plugins such as Honey, AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole & VPNs prior to clicking/tapping from TopCashback as they may prevent your order from tracking.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4074)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU

closed Comments

  • Thanks TA and Clear. Better than Cashrewards.

  • Dammit, already pulled the trigger with CR.

    • +1

      That means you need to order more. I only have like 60 tracked transactions for AliExpress pending at TCB 😅

      • +1

        You are a VIP at AliExpress and TCB 😀

      • What else have you bought? I always struggle to find that last item or two to get me over the different coupln thresholds.

        Thse are my go to cheap items atm
        - magnets
        - esp32
        - sensors

  • +5

    I never got my temu trackked.. sooooo uh have fun. others are in the same boat.

    • +2


    • +2

      Same here…

    • +7

      That's not TopCashback's fault though, as Temu's tracking has been horrendous for all providers. Did you lodge a claim? I did and got my cashback approved.

      • +4

        Eh, worked fine with SB and CR. Lodged but email said it will take up to 3 months to hear anything.

        • Yes it's certainly improved since those first lot of 50% cashback.

      • +2

        I did and i am still waiting I have heard nothing.

    • +2

      this is aliexpress tho

  • Just made a purchase tonight that tracked really quickly which was great - sad I missed out on this 😖

  • +3

    Topcashback customer service is horrible. Have been chasing them. I have reported twice more than a week ago that I am not getting password reset link. The support email saying I have raised a ticket arrives. I had $250 bonus clicked with this account for moving my health provider on the 30 June.

    • What did TCB say after contacting?

  • just pulled the trigger like 2 mins ago. didn't even see this one. although im wary with topcashback, had some deals from prime day that were denied (most of the more expensive items i ordered nonetheless!)

  • +2

    TCB has the poorest response time and customer support out of all though

    • -2

      You created an account just to say this. Seems suss.

      • +3

        How to do you know that?
        What is the acceptable timeframe between creating an account and the first comment so it doesn't seem sus?

        • +1

          Lol, let me spoon feed you!
          As you mentioned, "You created an account just to say this." My question was, how do know the sole reason behind that person creating the account is to say what he said?

          You only judged because of the account creation time. Hence my next question that you didn't answer, according to your expert analysis, "what is the acceptable timeframe between creating an account and the first comment so it doesn't seem sus?"

          It's "Clear" that comprehension isn't your strong suit. See what I did there!?! lol
          I won't say who looks stupid. It self-explanatory.

          • -8

            @Secret ID: Now that you've done sooking you know how to check when someone has registered an account. It's only taken 8 years.

            • @Clear: That's alright mate, thinking and joining text based conversations can be difficult.
              Anyway, I do have question, what is the acceptable timeframe between creating an account and the first comment so it doesn't seem sus?

              It's a serious question. I want to know the wait time from account creation and first comment. I don't want to come across sus on new forums.

                • @Clear: LMAO! you keep saying stupid stuff, get negged and then unpublish your comments.

                    • +3

                      @Clear: How about you stop harassing other people and calling them stupid. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
                      Have a good day.

                      • -6

                        @Secret ID: No one ever called you stupid. You certainly called me stupid. From the get go you resorted to insults and being outright rude. That's not welcome here.

                        • @Clear: Is that why you deleted all the comments so you can play the victim when something doesn't go your way?
                          Don't forget all the comments/replies are also sent as email notifications. You should know about this "feature" because you're the expert here.

                          As I said, have a good day!

                          • -4

                            @Secret ID: That doesn't justify what you're doing is right. It's still harrassment.

                            • -1

                              @Clear: This is the 3rd time I'm saying "have a good day!" (It means the conversation is over and the person no longer wants to continue).
                              Please stop harassing me. You're spamming my inbox too.

                              • -2

                                @Secret ID: Feel free to block me if you don't want to see my posts and comments.

                                • -1

                                  @Clear: Stop harassing me and replying to my comments.
                                  Have a good day.

  • +4

    I still haven’t gotten the last topcashback lululemon cashback, submitted a claim and no updates

    • -3

      It says they'll reach out when they need to. Otherwise hang tight and wait.

    • It's been more than a month, no response despite my repeated follow up emails. Whereas for the similar and later purchase, I got a prompt response from another cashback provider and it's duly reflected in my account!!

  • I was looking for some phone case deal with the welcome offer. Why the case cost $1.50 and tax is $1.83? Total $3.33. Gst is now 122%?

    • +1

      Dodgy AE calculates the GST on the non-discounted price in some cases (for example the choose 3 bundles)

  • How long does Aliexpress cashback take to go from pending to confirmed? Still have transactions from mid-July that are pending (orders confirmed received in Aliexpress).

    • I've been told up to 3 months

  • Personally, had no troubles getting cashback from Top cashback so far despite lots of doubts from others

  • +3

    Couldn't get my AliExpress order tracked with TopCashback. This was a month ago, and I lodged a claim and haven't heard since.

    Tried with Amazon and the order tracked within 24 hours.

    • TA has explained it here. You don't need to do anything further and they'll reach out.

      • While we reach out for their failed tracking, they really need more timely support to build trust moving forward. Otherwise, how are we meant to trust several months of failed cashback? The best personal policy here is to use a trusted cashback that tracks successfully until TCB pulls through.

        That links to the rep saying,

        "Thanks for lodging your missing cashback claim for xxxxxxxxx

        As long as we have all the information required we'll submit your claim to the merchant's network in our next batch. Please be aware this process can take several months but we'll be in touch as soon as we have an update."

    • -1

      They also failed to track my AliExpress order recently.

      • Over 100 tracked orders this year with TCB. If you keep having issues you're doing something wrong. The most common reason for AliExpress is that the item isn't affiliated or you're using a plugin like Honey that injects its own affiliate links.

        • Had confirmed item was affiliated, and used new private window as usual. Have found TCB to have excellent tracking previously, however there are many comments that concur they have a recent issue with tracking AliExpress.

          • +1

            @chyawala: Only 1 of my 4 orders from aliexpress from 2 weeks ago got tracked in TCB. Same computer, browser, and environment, ordered all around the same 2 days. Previously all my aliexpress orders were tracked. I think something was broken with aliexpress tracking in TCP recently.

        • This is a good point as I had a failed cashback from shop back and tcb. Both were most likely due to me using the brave browser.

          • @maverickjohn: Yep 100%. Any browser, add-on, program or DNS that's designed to block ads, tracking cookies or masking your location have a good chance of making the tracking fail.

            Different stores use different methods of tracking so it's why one store might work with Brave and the other does not I.e. tracking cookies get disabled but session based tracking does not.

            • @Clear: That's exactly what happened to me. They could track the click activity but not the purchase

  • anything eligible worth buying?

  • +3

    Maybe just me, but having such horrible luck getting cashback with TopCashback.
    The last Boost sim deal did not track, had to submit claim. Claim sat there idle for over 2 weeks. Submitted a ticket, got a response to wait indefinitely.

  • +1

    Never moves to payable, absolute scam these cashbacks…

    • It doesn't move to payable overnight as that would be easy to scam so it takes a couple of months. I cashed out $180 a couple of weeks ago with another $700 ready to payout soon.

      • Was from that first temu offer that took months to confirm, if it's now confirmed they don't need weeks-months to let me get my money… Been sitting as confirmed for close to two weeks, defo not me scamming them 😂👍

        • They'll be able to give you the money when Temu gives them the money.

          • @Clear: Fair enough, idk I had issues with cash rewards never paying so I was kinda sour before this and it just seems to be dragging on forever 😂

  • That should bring retroid pocket 4 pro to $258 or so.
    Need to use the auff30 code

  • I was able to use some of the coupon from CR ($5 off $50). There is no coupon on TCB site however

    • +1

      All AE coupons, coins and discounts work with any cashback site as long as the item is affiliated.

  • If the order is a mix of affiliated and non-affiliated products, it'll still track those eligible products?

    • +2


  • Will this work with those bundle deals?
    Trying to order about 5 things and a bunch are part of a separate cart which only appears via the bundle deals page. Might actually be cheaper to buy half my items as bundle.

    • Yeah it does. For those I use the TCB app and AliExpress app.

      • I did this last night and it still hasn't tracked :(

        • Individual items are affiliated?

          • @Clear: Yup, I just double checked. I clicked through on the TCB app which opened the AliExpress app and ordered through that

  • What is everyone buying?

  • Too. Bad, the only thing that was in my cart

    Too bad! This product is a non-affiliated product.

  • I placed an order before midnight last night & it hasn’t tracked yet - don’t they usually track in minutes not hours?

    • My order tracked within a few minutes. Android using Chrome.

    • Mine not tracked either, my previous order didn't track either… 0 for 2 on tracking with Top Cashback :(

      Firefox and disabled my uBlock completely as well when I made the purchase

  • Placed two orders last night. The second larger order of smaller value has tracked but the first smaller order but iof greater value hasn’t tracked.
    Obviously it says to wait 7 days?
    However I looked at the form to lodge a missing cashback out of curiosity and I see 7 dates and times at 249am (assume plus 30mins as I’m in Adelaide and papal is showing paid at 2.20.) I imagine this is the order that’s tracked.
    Then there is two more times however I’m not sure which one is the actual click that I use to buy the earlier items.
    PayPal is showing 2:10am (so approx 240am on TCB) however my click through are 3:31am and 2:34am)
    Assuming the times are accurate I imagine it would be the 2:34am click through.
    How important would it be to select the correct time in such a circumstance if it doesn’t track and would I have to do it for all 3 items?

    Obviously I’ll wait the correct time before lodging. Just curious.

  • Does anyone know if I can make the purchase in USD? I'd like to purchase with USD but cashback can be AUD I don't mind.

    • +1

      USD is fine. Cashback is calculated at the exchange rate in AUD

      • thanks for the quick response!

  • Hmm made a purchase of 3 affiliated items in 1 transaction totalling over $100 AUD, only 10% of $33.40 tracked (quite quickly mind you). This amount doesn't match up with any of the 3 separate items though. So yeah I dunno what to make of this. Let's see what happens in the next few days.

    Don't normally have issues with TCB US with multiple item purchases though.

    • Pretty sure you should get 3 individual tracked purchases.

      • Yeah there's normally individually tracked items on TCB AU/US. Although I figured out which item it was that did track (had to remove the tax, which they calculate only with the coins discount but not with the coupon discount -_-)

        • Hi @tightarse, I'm about to submit a ticket for this since it's been 7 days and the other 2 items did not end up tracking .

          The form is asking me for an order number, but since there are 3 items in the 1 transaction, AE has 3 different order numbers. So which one do I enter? Or could I put the single PayPal transaction ID?

          Or should I make 2 separate claims for the 2 items that did not track? But then I don't know how much to enter as the purchase value because I only know the total I was charged for the whole single order.

    • Same thing happened to me last month. Purchased multiple items and only 2 tracked which was weird, like why didn't they all track? So I put in a claim 2 weeks ago and it's still sitting as "Waiting for Review" so nobody's even looked at the claims yet. Don't know what's going on over at TopCashback but they've dropped the ball.

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