Gumtree Idiots Seriously

So I like to use Gumtree to buy and sell and sometimes find things you can't find on eBay or Facebook but more and more I've been dealing with so many people listing things that are either fake or the photos do not match the actual item or the phone model is not the same as they are actually selling.

So are people seriously that silly that they can't take photos of the item they own or do they not take a minute to see what the model number is. Many items advertised the photos do not match or the person doesn't even know what they have.

The other issue is that half of the people do not respond or if they do it takes them a day to reply? I'm not sure why as I get email every time I get a msg on Gumtree.

Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate. Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

Nobody ever buys anything for the exact price listed unless it's the steal of the year please negotiate even slightly or be prepared to wait weeks. I usually have money ready to go and ready to buy something that day no waste of time.

I know when I sell anything I will take multiple photos of the item and list a bunch of specifics so there's no possible mistake being made and to not waste time. The other one is the people who put up one photo and one line like "car for sale" so very lazy.

I hope I'm not the only one frustrated with these people.

Thanks for your feedback

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  • +21

    This is nothing new. Been happening for decades.

    person doesn't even know what they have.

    Probably stolen.

    I just saw some car wheels I like listed on FBM. The seller was banging on like he's the best wheel salesman in the world with this verbose sales pitch.

    I asked for the PCD and offset (the two main fitting specs) and the reply was….

    Huh???? They 4 stud mate.

    Unsaved and moved on. FFS.

    • No different to facebook marketplace.
      In fact FBM is probably worse!

    • +2

      Yes this kills me, how do people list wheels with no mention of the stud pattern, at least tell me what car they were on so I can work it out myself!

      • +1

        Saw this when I was looking for a full size spare… Mug Wheel

        • Shut up and take my money!

  • +20

    Those weird ads and accounts you are referring to, most of them are scammers.

    Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate.


    Like you I am a consumer too but I have never felt off by a seller that’s not willing to negotiate, that’s quite common actually, some people start of with their best price so they are not haggled by anyone. Everyone’s different.

      • +9

        I think you are entering into the market (gumtree/fb) with an expectation that all sellers should be open to your negotiations, I personally don’t.
        I reckon this difference just comes down to our varied lived experiences, fair enough.

      • +19

        On Gumtree you can list the item as negotiable or not.

        You shouldn't expect people to negotiate on price when they have already said they won't.

      • +10

        i was once selling a pair of car ramps that were brand new. bought from SCA and never used . decided to get rid of them and listed them for $40 or something. they were $70 brand new and still being sold for that price - i was selling them at a loss and a great price. I wrote on the ad "selling for $40, they are brand new and never used and are currently selling for $70 at Supercheap. If you want to haggle then imagine the price is $70 and offer me $40, and I'll accept that and you will have saved $30 by haggling."

        some guy messaged me saying "your a fcuking dikkhead".

        i just wanted to sell the bloody things and they were already a great price. but I didn't want to deal with bell ends offering "$20 today cash".

        • +11

          Is this still available?

          • +4

            @MS Paint: sure , please send a deposit via western union.

        • +9

          Would you do one for $20?¿

          • +6

            @randomusername2017: yes, and I'll ship for free. but I've over paid the transport company. could you refund them by sending the $20 to them.

            • @altomic: Please kindly provide your email address to allow myself to forward my previously prepared PayPal receipt.

        • +1

          I need this for my son's birthday.

          • +1

            @DashCam AKA Rolts: amazing, you can also have the car I was going to work on had I used these ramps.

        • -3

          if you don't want offers just say no offers and don't respond to them.

          write stupid adverts get stupid responses…

      • +8

        Do you negotiate with the guy at 7-Eleven when you fill up your car?

        "Oh man, 161.9? How about we round it off to 160 and I'll grab the cash?"

          • +10

            @HopeM: Can you reduce your post to 5 words?

          • +13


            that's the Australian way.

            Well now you're just making $h|t up.

          • +10


            Always be prepared to haggle that's the Australian way.

            No, that's your way.

            When I buy stuff secondhand, rarely I'll negotiate and most of the time I won't.

            Because whatever is being sold is already a great deal, and I don't want to signal to the seller that I'm some nickle and diming dckhead who is going to turn the transaction into a general adversarial PITA.

            I usually have money ready to go and ready to buy something that day no waste of time.

            Who cares? Many people selling stuff are not in a hurry, are not desperately strapped for cash, and have better things to do with their lives than waste time dealing with self-important hagglers.

          • +2


            Always be prepared to haggle that's the Australian way.

            Asian way more like.

            • -1

              @smartazz104: Racism, now that's the Australian way.

              • @Charmoffensive: We are one, but we are many
                And from all the lands on earth we come
                We share a dream and sing with one voice:
                I am, you are, we are Australian
                I am, you are, we are Australian

      • -8

        Weird you are getting negged for this. Used items privately sold are always subject to negotiation.

        • +6

          Sure. And it's totally reasonable for the response to be "not going to move on price" which what OP seems to have problems with (along with a whole host of other issues, some of which are a result of an inflated sense of importance hence the negs).

          I mean, it would be just as valid for the seller to come back with "well cause you asked, the price is now an extra $20 just for you."

          • -5

            @rumblytangara: Which is a negotiation is it not. Fixed priced sales and stating "Firm" in any of those ads is a poor sales tactic.

            • +2


              Which is a negotiation is it not.

              That's pretty much exactly what I was saying.

              Fixed priced sales and stating "Firm" in any of those ads is a poor sales tactic.

              If the person isn't desperate to make a sale, then who cares if it's a good or bad tactic? It's probably factored into the decision on how to post- how much time the seller wants to waste with lowball or counteroffers.

        • +7

          Used items privately sold are always subject to negotiation.

          Can you show me the statute which says that used items privately sold must "always" (your words) be subject to negotiation? If you can't, then there are no rules - people are free to negotiate or not.

          FWIW, I've been selling stuff for decades, I've bought and sold items privately where I've negotiated, and where I've not.

          The only buyers I've ever come across who get angry about the whole negotiating thing are those who are butthurt that sellers are not accepting their offers for significantly below what the items are worth (and always, in my experience, what the items actually end up selling for).

          • -1

            @p1 ama: You guys are really butthurt by this. I too have bought and sold many times and often I buy without haggling when the deal is right but also I often see items listed as firm with price reductions later down the track. I list my items reasonably well priced but I always expect an offer and build in margin for what I am prepared to take. I still maintain stating "Firm" in your ad is off-putting to buyers.

            • +1


              You guys are really butthurt by this.

              How so? You're the one who is making a very strong statement about used items privately sold "always" being subject to negotiation. I'm just saying that there are no formal rules, so individuals can decide what they want to do.

              In this case, you are factually wrong, regardless of what anyone's butthole may like to think.

              I too have bought and sold many times and often I buy without haggling when the deal is right but also I often see items listed as firm with price reductions later down the track. I list my items reasonably well priced but I always expect an offer and build in margin for what I am prepared to take.

              Great, you're welcome to do that. The discussion has never been that you are not allowed to negotiate.

              I still maintain stating "Firm" in your ad is off-putting to buyers.

              Sure, then don't respond to any ads saying "Firm".

              Not sure what you're trying to argue.

    • +2

      exactly, stuff I want to get rid of quickly I put my best price, non negotiable as I know it is cheap and will have no problem selling. I had a knob like the this guy get pissed when I wouldn't lower my price on a 5800X CPU I was selling at the time about 20% below ebay as I wanted it gone. while that guy abused me for not being willing to negotiate I sold it 10 mins later to the next person who had zero problems with the price, was amusing the extra abuse I then got from the first guy for not telling him someone else had agreed to my price as he was the first in so I should have given him a chance to match.

  • +15

    takes them a day to reply

    Nigerian business hours differ to local gumtree time.

    • +6

      For royalty, time is money.

      • +2

        24/7 industry… marketplace deals during business hours, romance catfishing overnight and inheritance/lottery to fill the gaps.

  • +16

    Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate.
    Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

    Next post is the seller complaining they state fixed price but buyers always demand same day responses and want to haggle.

    • +15

      Think O.P. thought they were posting to wingepool.

  • +5

    I basically only use Marketplace at the moment but it's becoming just as bad. Constant Temu/Aliexpress ads while scrolling. Businesses selling products under personal profiles.

    Recently messaged someone about a backpack for my cat. It was $35 and brand new with only pictures from the web. I asked if he'd go to $30 to make it easier cash wise and he refused. Looked online and I could have gotten the exact one from Catch for $25 - so I did.

    When I sell things I price them to sell. Always $50-100 less than the nearest competitor. It's not worth the effort dealing with tire kickers - come and get it, give me my cash and if we see each other again let's just keep walking.

    • +2

      How’s the cat backpack going?

    • +6

      Is the backpack for the cat to wear or for the servant owner to wear to transport the cat?

      • +10

        messaged someone about a backpack for my cat.

        I thought they were looking for a straight swap.

      • +2

        I was hoping he would be motivated to do some Uber Eats or something but I'm struggling to teach him how to use the app.

  • lol

  • +7

    OP R U OK?

  • +25

    You sound like the kind of buyer I hate dealing with.

  • +16

    Are you sure you're not the problem?

    The other issue is that half of the people do not respond or if they do it takes them a day to reply?

    You know, people have lives - they have jobs to attend to, families to look after, friends to see…etc. Try emailing a business, most won't even get back to you within 24 hours, so why would you expect a random seller on Gumtree to?

    I'm not sure why as I get email every time I get a msg on Gumtree.

    How is this due to the people on Gumtree?

    Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate. Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate. Nobody ever buys anything for the exact price listed unless it's the steal of the year please negotiate even slightly or be prepared to wait weeks.

    You literally just made up these rules. I've sold and bought plenty of stuff where I've not negotiated.

    You sound like the kind of moron who will continue to negotiate even when an ad says "price fixed" or "no negotiations".

    Again, people have lives - some people just throw up an ad and are happy to "wait weeks" if it means not having to deal with morons who are haggling over $10.

    I usually have money ready to go and ready to buy something that day no waste of time.

    Everyone who says this is basically expecting to be able to buy stuff for significantly less than what it's worth.

    Sure, you might find a desperate seller, but don't be offended when people don't care for what you're offering.

  • Marketplace is the way now. People get notifications straight away via messenger so they are more likely to be responsive. I only check my junk email (used for gumtree) once a day unless I’m really waiting in something. With marketplace you can click on their profile and see how many friends they have and what their profile picture is.

    I also put my expectations in the ad in a polite way eg
    Price is firm (if it’s not negotiable, and price should be realistic)
    Please don’t just ask “is this available” please let me know when you can pick up
    Cash only
    Pick up in ‘x suburb’
    Must have two strong people to carry it your own vehicle (if my husband isn’t home to help)
    You’ll need a suitable vehicle (if it’s something big)

    I saw an ad today that said NO TIME WASTERS OR LOW BALLERS, which comes across as aggressive as opposed to what I’ve written above. I didn’t go any further as it was overpriced and the capitals are off putting.

    This has worked pretty well for me. Like many people I have a job so I’m not dealing with buying and selling stuff when I’m working. I might respond to messages when I have a spare minute at work, but if it’s an email most of the time I won’t read it until I’m home and my kid has gone to sleep.

    You’re probably going to need to switch to marketplace if you’re doing a lot of this.

    • Sadly, many people don't read the ad and/or they are just shooting their shot to get a steal.

      I'm like you with my ads, and sadly most enquiries follow the same formula - "Is this available?", to which I respond "Yes", followed by "Where are you located?", which I answer (when I really want to say "It's stated in the ad"), followed by "Can you do $$?" being a figure well below the price I've listed as firm. Sometimes I grit my teeth and bare it, other times I block, delete and move on.

      Then there are the "Ok, my brother will come to pick it up later today. What's your email address?" type messages. Not today scammer. :p

  • +2

    My favorite is seller's listing items where the dimensions are clearly important…like a dining table.

    Then they act all offended when you ask them.

    • +1

      "Selling TV. need gone $120."

  • +1

    I hate when somone sends their mobile number and says 'call me'.

    • +5

      I don't even call my wife unless I really have to. There's no way I'm calling some FBMP flog about a $50 item.

  • +4

    I hate it when potential buyers first message is "best price?"
    I tell them they should make an offer first

    • +2

      The best price is the one you listed it at.

    • +4

      the best price is where I get 20% more than what I am asking.

    • +2

      Yeah, that one's easy - "What's your best offer?"

  • +7

    Sold a fridge on Gumtree. In the ad I said strictly no discounts, price as is. Some guy shows up with his daughter and a trailer and sure enough he was like $20 short in cash. Made him empty out his coin tray in his car, still $1.40 short but I just let him have the discount. He said he needed the fridge for his daughter starting uni.

    • +1

      In the ad I said strictly no discounts

      but I just let him have the discount

      And that is why people will negotiate when ads so "no discounts".

    • +4

      things that i would have done.

      • should of taken the door off to compensate for the $20 less.
      • point them in the direction of the closest ATM and they can come back with the extra money
      • add an extra $20 on top for wasting my time.
    • If it's a genuine oversight (which I doubt is legit) then that is one thing, it's when a price has been agreed and they turn up and try to haggle that I find irritating.

      • +4

        When you turn up with a trailer and your daughter, you're pretty much not in a haggling position.

        • Like that guy here recently who took his neurodiverse son to a car dealership?

          • @MS Paint: I missed that one, but it sounds exactly like that. Bring your neurodiverse son and you're committed to sticker price, absolutely.

  • +2

    I like getting an email when there is a message as I am not sitting watching the gumtree messages all day.

    Some of the best bargains I have bought have been terrible ads, one grainy photo with no description, due to the person not actually knowing the value of what they are selling

    I get annoyed when
    - people ask questions about an item, when the information is clearly mentioned in the ad, eg size, location, model no.
    - you agree on a price and then they show up and try to renegotiate. Even worse are people who buy on ebay and then try to negotiate afterwards when they pick up even though they have already committed to buy
    - people arrange a time to come and then don't show up. How hard is it to send a message saying they changed their mind?
    - you agree to buy an item and arrange a pickup time, Then they message you a bit laterto say they sold it to someone else as "they showed up first".
    - you agree to sell an item to someone and arrange a pickup time. Someone else contacts you, you tell them it is sold pending pickup and you will get back to them if it falls through. They then get aggressive and demand to buy it and come and pick it up "now" before the other person

      • you agree to sell an item to someone and arrange a pickup time. Someone else contacts you, you tell them it is sold pending pickup and you will get back to them if it falls through. They then get aggressive and demand to buy it and come and pick it up "now" before the other person

      I have a rule - first at my door with the correct amount of cash gets it. I don't care if you promise on your nanna's grave you'll be there tomorrow as the item is your dying childs dream item, if someone else shows up today then I'm selling it to that person.

      • @altomic exactly I agree. So many times an older person will make that deal and they are like this person told me they will come in a week so I have to stick by it. I explain to them that you can't trust the word of any random online and not to just wait days to hope they even keep their word as 90% of the time the person will change their mind and then they have lost a sale.

        Usually when I'm buying I have the cash and I'm looking to buy that day not a week later.

        As a seller you don't owe anybody anything

        • +2

          As a seller you don't owe anybody anything

          Yet you're complaining sellers dont respond immediately and negotiate?

          The other issue is that half of the people do not respond or if they do it takes them a day to reply? I'm not sure why as I get email every time I get a msg on Gumtree.

          Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate. Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

  • +3

    Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

    Nope - I list things at a fair price and take that price. What gets me is people offering less because "I have cash today"

    • +2

      To be honest mate, I have done that too and it’s worked out to be quite effective, so far.

    • +3

      This is probably OP.

      Sees an item for $200, comes in and says "$50 cash today mate" and then posts here about it.

  • +1

    My motto is always ask. If you don't ask you never know. Many times I've seen someone say this is the best price but because they haven't sold the item in weeks and you send a message and they do eventually negotiate, so you have to at least ask worst they can day is no.

    • +5

      Asking is fine but getting mad because the seller didn’t budge exposes a level of entitlement.

    • +2

      My motto is always ask. If you don't ask you never know.

      And you never know what you might be missing out on, just by being an unfriendly buyer.

      I've been told by a seller that they decided to sell to me purely because I didn't come across as a (profanity) like other buyers. I've had some really good, interesting chats with other sellers- this applies especially to items that are hobbyist in nature as you've got something in common and you might get new insider info.

      I've sold items without listing all the extras they come with because the extras can cause too many questions. If the buy seems decent, I'll give them the extras. If they are annoying, I've kept them.

      When I was looking at property, two sellers who were clearing house gave me tours of their places on the spot outside of REA showing times so I got to see the properties before they were prettied up for photos (didn't buy either place, they were not suitable for various reasons but they were in the right areas and worth checking out).

      So sure, you can negotiate and maybe save $20 or $50 here or there, but it's not without cost.

      Years ago someone turned up at the door for some furniture I was selling, he tried to start bargaining and wouldn't stop until I explained to him "this might be acceptable in your culture, but it doesn't work like that here and if you keep bargaining after we've already agreed to a price you're going to have to leave". He shut up and paid… but as he had brought his wife and kids to the transaction (fck knows why) he made himself look like an idiot in front of his entire family.

      • LOL I wonder if I sold something to you. I sold a camera lens to someone for that exact reason, had 4 people interested bur 3 of them were being aholes so I sold to the 4th for less of a price than 2 of them were offering as their demands were getting rediculous.

  • +2

    Complains about gumtree idiots

    Gets pissed when people won't accept his probably lowball offers on non-negotiable items.

    Checks out.

  • +1

    The gumtree ads i get annoyed with the ones with a single bad photo. It only takes a minute to take a few more photos and from a few different angles.

    I always put in as many photos as i can showing the faults and then accurately describe it. That way im not wasting their time or mine coming to inspect it.

    • +1

      I lol when people take photos of the item on their computer screen. WTF is up there?

      Or accidentally upload a selfie of themselves trying to work out their phone camera.

  • +3

    Sorry OP, you are part of the problem.

  • +4

    If someone is selling a $200 item unused for $150 that is still sellin $200 in the shop….

    Im not haggling, its already a deal.. Thats the Australian way.

    • Convert that $50 saving in to a slab. That's the Australian way.

    • Is 25% off worth losing any (easy) warranty? Especially when shops will have sales every now and then.
      For anything electrical i'd say not.

  • +2

    So many crap sellers
    So many crap buyers
    My rubbish bin gets way too much action because I just can’t be fkd dealing with fools who have no idea nor care about what they’re buying or selling, are rude, unresponsive, unreasonable, untrustworthy. I don’t remember having anywhere near these issues back in the day of newspaper adverts and landline phone communication, and when you do meet the buyer/seller in-person, they’re usually fine. So maybe it’s mostly the impersonal nature of the media (internet) we use

    • My man, I agree 100% bin always gets filled with stuff.
      What I do now is tell a mate I want $xxx for XYZ, they say it's worth heaps more.
      So I let them sell it for what they think it's worth and then pay me $xxx

      I don't deal with anyone and they make money. Win win

      Had one mate make $2000 for selling a camper van for me. Lowest was a neighbour make $100 for selling a set of rims

    • I don’t remember having anywhere near these issues back in the day of newspaper adverts and landline phone communication

      The population was half then what it is now, and the working class were wealthier than today.
      One day we'll be no different to china or india, a cutthroat dog-eat-dog hell hole.

  • I don't negotiate when I know what I have.

    I've listed a great quality couch for $150 and even then you have losers negotiate for no reason. Be patient and someone eventually appreciates it and buys it.

    But you have to price right, don't be greedy.

    If not then I just chuck it out with the trash. Not worth your time otherwise and definately won't adding to the cycle of penny pickers.

  • +1

    Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

    That is, IMHO, a cultural thing, to haggle, to "negotiate" before committing.

    For others, is settings a fix thoughtful price and that is it.

  • +1

    I can see why ppl 'use' Gumtree', but I have no idea why anyone would like to use it. It's a pus filled sewer when it comes to scammers,trolls and the 'dodgy'.

    • You're gonna have the same idiots where ever you go.

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