Gumtree Idiots Seriously

So I like to use Gumtree to buy and sell and sometimes find things you can't find on eBay or Facebook but more and more I've been dealing with so many people listing things that are either fake or the photos do not match the actual item or the phone model is not the same as they are actually selling.

So are people seriously that silly that they can't take photos of the item they own or do they not take a minute to see what the model number is. Many items advertised the photos do not match or the person doesn't even know what they have.

The other issue is that half of the people do not respond or if they do it takes them a day to reply? I'm not sure why as I get email every time I get a msg on Gumtree.

Also the worst are the ones who are not even prepared to negotiate. Everyone knows when you sell something you are always supposed to negotiate.

Nobody ever buys anything for the exact price listed unless it's the steal of the year please negotiate even slightly or be prepared to wait weeks. I usually have money ready to go and ready to buy something that day no waste of time.

I know when I sell anything I will take multiple photos of the item and list a bunch of specifics so there's no possible mistake being made and to not waste time. The other one is the people who put up one photo and one line like "car for sale" so very lazy.

I hope I'm not the only one frustrated with these people.

Thanks for your feedback

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    • Agree… just like Marketplace, car sales, bike sales, etc Ebay, Noticeboard at shops, or The good old Trading Post (i didnt know that still existed!)..

      They are all full of parasites cause there is no fear of the law.

      • Based on experience, I think GT holds a special (Olympics Gold Medal standard) place in fickwuttery. And mainly on the 'buyer' side of the street.

  • Scumtree

  • Varies.

    At the start of this year I was checking it every day for something I needed. The day I forget to check until 2 hours later, someone had listed one within a km of me, and it was sold pending pick up and picked up that day, in the rain. It was a bit item that needed to be dismantled.

    It was a good price and I didn't get something like that for a few months later on Marketplace, but further away.

    • Sometimes every day is not frequent enough, you may of missed it already and sold and disappeared already. (unless you have alerts very frequent). Sometimes you need to be just lucky to check at the right time.

  • +1

    For any free to sell websites I just set my expectations very low and assume the worst. I remind myself the advice for buying used cars, "Why would somebody sell a flawless car?".

    I've noticed there's a pattern depending on things like item condition and item category.

    For example when you shop for a brand new item (or never used item) the listing has all the information needed and the photos show off the excellent condition (ie. still in box, shiny, unmarked).

    If you are shopping in a geeky category like technology and gadgets the sellers are more cluey. eg. If you are buying a used laptop the posting will have more photos and specifications and the seller will communicate more professionally.

    My rudest experience I've encountered is negotiating on a used automotive part that was over 20 years old. The seller reminded me of the rudest owner I encountered at a small car wrecker yard.

    I guess you live and learn. Not all sellers are the same and not all are knowledgeable, respectful geeks.

    If its Facebook I always look up the seller's profile to look for any red flags (eg. violent images, psychotic posts, Donald Trump, anti-vax, anti-government, confederate flag, etc).

    For Gumtree I research if they have other items for sale and browse descriptions to see any similarities. eg. poor grammar, too cheap its a scam, no description. Its easy to spot a professional seller as they usually have multiple listings, trying to move a lot of items quick, provide good descriptions and photos. Experienced sellers are appreciative of enquiries and negotiation. First time sellers are a pain to deal with. There are sooo many first time sellers you can't educate them all so I don't bother.

    If its a singular posting from a new or recent user I just assume the worst that its likely a dud. Look for a seller with successful multiple listings and a profile that looks normal.

  • +1

    gumtree is almost dead these days, facebook ate its lunch

  • We had a listing on Gumtree, no interest whatsoever. Price had been reduced a couple of times. Because of the lack of interest I listed on Facebook for the lowest Gumtree price. Ended up with a waiting list of 12 people within a day. I don't bother with Gumtree for selling now.

    Some things I'll list with some room for negotiation - usually less popular items I'd like to get rid of quickly. Other things I know they'll sell and I don't need the money, it's just about getting something back so I'll list for what I know I'll get (because I'm a hoarder and it helps me to get rid of things, some things I sold for more than I paid). There were things I'd donate before I'd bother selling them for less than the listing price.

    Most things people paid the price without negotiating. A few things I knew would sell for the listing price I had people contact me with low ball offers or asking best price, but they sold soon after for the listing price.

    All paid cash that they either had ready to go or got out on the way.

    I had surprisingly little trouble for the amount of stuff I've sold. A lot of it was just.. Is it available, when can I pick it up? Some were really happy to have gotten the item. Generally for less than new when in as new condition - though sometimes that is more than I paid. I got some "is this available?" with no response when I said yes. One apologised for accidentally doing it when scrolling.

    If I'm buying generally speaking if I want something and it's listed for a reasonable price I won't try to negotiate. If it's higher than I'd like to pay I'll offer a lower price and if they're not willing to budge I move on, it's not a big deal and it's not my concern if it takes a bit longer for them to sell it. The buyer chooses what they're willing to buy for, the seller chooses what they're willing to sell for (which can be the list price), sometimes you meet, sometimes not.

  • +2

    I think you're one of the major things that are wrong with gumtree op, and you don't see it. No matter how fair the price is, people still want to negotiate. I don't have the time or the patience. I do a quick search to see what the average price of my item is and put it up for significantly below that, just so that I don't have to deal with lowballers.

    Edit: The other thing that really annoys me are those people who offer a significantly lower price saying they have cash. Their value proposition is that they have cash, like other people are going to buy with potatoes.

    • +1

      Edit: The other thing that really annoys me are those people who offer a significantly lower price saying they have cash. Their value proposition is that they have cash, like other people are going to buy with potatoes.

      I've had people try to trade things to me… one guy offered me a commercial-grade fairy floss machine. That honestly cracked me up.

  • +3

    I'm not Ian f'n Turpie and I've got better things to do with my time than play The New Price is Right with annoying cheapskates like you. I said the price was firm in my ad and I meant it. If it gets no interest then maybe I'll drop the price but not because you offered me 40% less than asking half an hour after the ad went up.

    As a buyer, if I think the price is reasonable, I will pay it and be happy that we both got a fair deal. What a concept, hey?

    • +1

      You might not be Ian Turpie as the seller but I'm definitely John Deeks as the buyer and I reckon you should "come on down" with the price.

      • +1

        Not on your Reg Grundies!

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