PS5 Pro Announcement Tonight! Anyone Else Worried It Will Instantly Sell out Due to Bots?

With the Sony technical announcement tonight at 1am EST from Mark Cerny is anyone else worried that it will be instantly unavailable due to bots and scalpers?

Other thing I'm worried about is that the Pro won't come with a disc drive as standard. Really hope that's not the case.

What are you guys most excited about the new Pro?

Personally hoping the extra GPU power and PSSR will improve the terrible picture quality we have been getting from games running at 720p and then upscaled with fsr2 to 4k.

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  • +34

    I’m worried about the amount of incoming “bargains” that will be posted for the RRP.

    • +7

      The only solution to this is vote them down every single time. Seriously people don’t be afraid to neg. It’s the only way this nonsense stops.

        • +1

          anti-RRP brigaders.

          It's about wanting the site to not become a mess of bullshit non-deals being posted by people who don't understand Ozbargain's front page isn't a forum for gaming news or are just clowns who post anything just to artifically inflate their post count.

          Forums exist for a reason.

          Front page deals exist for a reason.

          • @PainToad:


            your opinion - not shared by everyone. nothing to do with gaming, this applies to other rrp deals too.

          • @PainToad:

            Front page deals exist for a reason.

            Your idea/opinion of a deal is different to everybody else's.

            I personally don't mind them being submitted as deals, as I mainly read deal comments for the discussion on the product/service and not get caught up on the price.

            • +1


              as I mainly read deal comments for the discussion on the product/service and not get caught up on the price.

              You seem confused. You don't seem to understand the difference between the discussion form (hint: that's where you are right now) and the front page where bargains get posted.

              Why is it so hard for some people to grasp such a simple concept? Is it zoomers who didn't grow up with forums and instead grew up using Reddit and think everything belongs on the front page?

              • @PainToad:

                You don't seem to understand the difference between the discussion form (hint: that's where you are right now) and the front page where bargains get posted.

                No, I do.

                Again, your idea of what deserves to be posted where is different from mine and everybody else's.

                • +1


                  Again, your idea of what deserves to be posted where is different from mine

                  Explain to me then, if in your brain you think front page deals are actually for "discussion on the product/service and not get caught up on the price"…what is the discusion forums for then?

                  and everybody else's.

                  Read the comments, lots of people don't like the spam like RRP consoles being posted on the front page.

                  • @PainToad:

                    Explain to me then, if in your brain you think front page deals are actually for "discussion on the product/service and not get caught up on the price"…what is the discusion forums for then?

                    Even if I did have to explain anything to you, you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

                    Read the comments, lots of people don't like the spam like RRP consoles being posted on the front page.

                    I guess my opinion differs from more than just one person then, oh well, life goes on.

                    P.S. you're not jv.

                    • +1


                      Even if I did have to explain anything to you, you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

                      Oh look, you've got no actual rebuttal so you've lashed out with an insult. Tells more about your intelegance to be honest.

                      P.S. you're not jv.

                      jv doesn't own bolding text.

                      • @PainToad:

                        Tells more about your intelegance to be honest.


                        • @magic8ballgag:



                          • @PainToad: Teach us more about your superior intelligence.

                            • @magic8ballgag: Mate, you're the one who claimed I "probably wouldn't understand it anyway". You're the one who claimed I was too stupid to understand your opinion.

                              • @PainToad:

                                You're the one who claimed I was too stupid to understand your opinion.

                                Settle down, nobody questioned how smart you were.

                                This is your problem, you are too focused on being right rather then trying to understand someone else's point of view.

                                • @magic8ballgag:

                                  This is your problem, you are too focused on being right rather then trying to understand someone else's point of view.

                                  Irconic. I literrally asked you to explain your opinion to help me understand it and you didn't answer and instead wrote an insult.

                                  • -1

                                    @PainToad: Perhaps you are not the most approachable person to talk to and people chose not to, have you ever considered that?

                                    • @magic8ballgag:

                                      Perhaps you are not the most approachable person to talk to and people chose not to, have you ever considered that?

                                      More personal attacks. Clearly you're not actually interested in explaining your opinion. Have a wonderful day.

            • @magic8ballgag:

              I mainly read deal comments for the discussion on the product/service and not get caught up on the price.

              Sounds like something that belongs in the forums…

          • @PainToad: How is JV still here if that isn't the case?

    • -4

      Imagine worrying about other people getting a bargain just because it doesn't qualify as one for you 😂

      • +1

        Explain to me how this console, at full retail, is a bargain.

        • If you can't actually buy at RRP and secondary market is selling for more RRP can be a bargain.
          If something is out of stock everywhere and in short supply with high demand if you need it right now somewhere actually having it in stock and selling at RRP is a bargain compared to paying 2xRRP from scalpers on eBay.

          You can buy at RRP and resell for a profit in such a market.

          • @AnophthalmiaCervidae:

            If something is out of stock everywhere and in short supply with high demand if you need it right now

            Here's the thing, no one needs a console right now.

      • Perhaps there could post it on OzRRP

  • +5

    Why are you 'worried' about this?
    Do you NEED to get one 5 minutes after it launches or can you wait a couple weeks?

    I'm excited that it will come with a free copy of Concord!

    • free copy of Concord!


      • this is the biggest Sony L in a LONG time!

        you mean this week right?

        you guys do remember Concord.

    • Welcome to OzBargain, the home of the preorder. People love preordering games on here and then acting confused when it turns out to be a dud.

      • Preorder…. when you give someone your money in advance for no reason whatsoever except to fill their wallet and empty yours….. the antithesis of an ozbargainer right there!

  • +6

    No, we’re facing a cost-of-living crisis. Nobody received extra money in their bank account just for preventing the spread of COVID-19. I’d be surprised if that even sold out after a week of its release.

    • covid-19

      That's true, but we did see a bit of uptick in demand (Based on the number of deals that were posted here) when there was that big price cut some time back.

  • i havent been up to speed with sony tech since ps4 era - is there actually anything that can even remotely make the ps5 stress?

    • It's a 4-year old console with 5-year old hardware specs. Many games are struggling to maintain native 4K res and/or consistent 60 FPS. While there's definitely a large blame on devs and poor optimisation, it's also partly due to the limited specs.

      Beyond raw hardware bump, the PS5 Pro is touted to have PSSR as the main feature, which Mark Cerny is expected to explain in technical detail tonight. This is basically similar to DLSS to upscale games for higher res and smoother framerate. In theory.

      They might also finally allow the unlocking of 8K generation. While most people may not care about the resolution or in-built upscaling for all 4K content to be displayed at 8K, the generation comes with added enhancements like 14-bit colour, real depth enhancement etc which will advance the tech we have now.

      • Nice, thanks for the wrap up :)

      • 14 bit colour???

      • So what your saying is. as usual. PC Master race

        • Each device has their pros and cons and everyone has their personal preferences. They're also not mutually exclusive, you can have both. PC won't be getting GTA6 for a very long time though.

          • @Hybroid: Well i mean no one is getting it for at least 12months.

      • The PS5 never had the hardware for native 4k30 for AAA titles even 5 years ago.

        • Member the launch consoles had 8K and 4K/120 on the box 🤣 Sony as such BS artists.

    • +2

      The real question is are there any games worth playing regardless of frame per second. For me, no.

      Such a terrible generation so far. Everything is either shitty flashy shooters designed for 12 year olds or massive open world games designed for someone who has hundreds of hours to waste on a game.

      Retro gaming is where it’s at now.

      • +1

        I thought i was the only one.

      • On point

  • +1


  • +3

    Lump me in with the 'The PS5 has no games' crowd who is indifferent about this and doesn't even see the need for an upgrade at the moment.

    In 4 years I've played a handful of classic titles from PsPlus, Ratchet and Clank, upscaled PS4 games, FF7Rebirth, and Astro Bot as of today… most of the rest of my gaming has been on PC or the Switch.

    I need a reason to be excited about the Pro, and at the moment I just don't have one.

  • +4

    I don't get "worried" about games systems personally.

  • +2

    is anyone else worried

    Are these PS5 Pro "worries" in the room with us right now?

    Other thing I'm worried about is that the Pro won't come with a disc drive as standard.

    You're right, that's basically on the same level as 9/11, ISIS atrocities and the Soviet Union's gulags.

    I'm going to petition the UN to pass a resolution condemning Sony's omission of an optical drive on the PS5 Pro as a crime against huge manatees humanity.
    I hope someone loses their entire career over this and is preferably executed at dawn.

    Really hope that's not the case.

    Speaking of cases… has a mental health professional started on yours yet?

    What are you guys most excited about the new Pro?

    The indentured slave labour that will assemble it in the Chinese sweatshops that Sony uses. It's always nice to know that your love of Sony's gaming consoles condemns thousands of innocent people to horrific abuses daily.

    • Thanks for the good laugh. The word worry might have been a tad extreme, just dont want a repeat of the ps5 launch.

  • +2

    I'm a massive Playstation fanboy and play PS5 almost exclusively…

    But I see absolutely no reason to upgrade. There's not many PS5-exclusive games in the first place, and the bumps in quality this gives will be almost unnoticeable to most people. Most games won't see the benefit of a Pro upgrade, so this is just a bit of a cash grab for them.

    On top of that, this will be quite expensive and it's not like money is pouring in for everyone at the moment. No idea why you think it'll be selling out.

    • Fear of missing out.

    • With the amount of games releasing at 720-1080p and then upscaled to 4k, I am very keen for a pro. Hopefully pssr helps a lot and games can run at native 1440p. Crazy to think res wise we are going backwards. Also ps5's raytracing is terrible definitely need an upgrade there.

      • releasing at 720-1080p and then upscaled to 4k

        And that has no effect on the game play. So don’t worry about. Save your money for other important stuff.

  • most excited about the new Pro

    the resale opportunity

  • -1

    if u cant beat them join them
    get bots urself, buy all ps5
    sell for inflated price
    win win

    • +1

      Your dreaming if you think there’s going to be a big reseller market for these in the current economy.

  • With the standard PS5 having the option of an included disc drive, I highly doubt the Pro model would be any different.

  • +1

    I just hope Sony avoids anything to do with AI in the launch

    • its the latest buzz word
      they definately will
      AI will know when u are terrible in the game and give u cheats to use to win

      • 🤣

  • Fortunately there's no way I can afford it. And so few exclusive games worth buying it for. Is cool though, will probably get it in a few years.

  • If you are quick, you're almost always get your unit at EBGames

  • +1

    There is no reason to own a pro at all. Most if not all games these days have varying performance options from the get go, unlike the previous gen where it was only available on the Pro versions.

    • -1

      Most games these days are running at 720p and being upscaled to 4k via fsr2. The image quality is horrendous. A pro version is definitely required especially with PSSR.

  • +1

    I'll be getting one. I've been holding off on playing dragons dogma 2 & wukong until the release of the pro.

    • Re: Wukong. Same same!

  • -8

    Lol consoles…..

    PC master race

    • These comments arent really welcome here but at over 1k, you can actually get a gaming PC lol
      Thats the hell ironic thing here is, what a rort

  • -1

    i have ebay gift cards. I would like to use but.. it wont be for preorder on there and might sell out? maybe. I do want an early model not sure what to do.

    oh we have to wait till 1am…

  • Had a Ps5 for a few years and didn’t even know there was a new one coming out

  • I'll be waiting until the electricity companies start offering discounted PS5 pro's as a sign up bonus.

    Need to make use of that $300 electricity bill rebate the government is giving out.

  • +1

    Oh no why did I stay up, that was disappointing and no pre orders. looks like disc-less lol no thanks..

  • +3

    Yeah, no thanks:

    • Underwhelming performance upgrade.
    • Likely over $1000 AUD (based on $699 USD).
    • No disc drive. Can buy one for an additional $159 AUD.
    • yeah this is just cynical

      like i'd be surprised if its ONLY $1,000 aud

      and the digital only option where you have to pay $160 AUD for a $80 usd drive.

      Jeez. What a rort.

      And they havent really announced what the PS5 Pro supported game list is.

      With a standard PS5 being under $600 INCLUDING DRIVE.

      Awful awful.

  • +2

    Ridiculous price. Arrogant greedy PS3-era Sony is back!

  • +2

    reckon this will go for $1199AUD without disk drive

    insane that launch model PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X has only gone up in price since launch in comparison to past generations halving price by this time

    i can see why Microsoft is considering making future consoles open platform like handheld gaming devices; steam deck, rog ally, etc…

    who wants to spend PC prices while locked into Sony's ecosystem when PC offers much better value, flexibility, choice & control in gaming

    • Currently $720 for og PS5 disc refurb at EB. Noice…

  • +6

    lol yea this ain’t selling out any time soon 😂. Ridiculous pricing.

    • Scalpers probably wont even want it at this price.. What a joke

  • +1


  • Not if they're over $1k each lol. The bots can keep them. Won't make any money. People are dumb and desperate but not when it's thst expensive

  • Yikes… Sony misread the market on this one. I thought it would at least be in the same ballpark as the original, but for basically double the cost without any notable feature upgrades? That's insane.

  • +1

    I am seriously so done with living in this hyper-inflated world at the moment it's honestly ridiculous how bad things have gotten

  • +2

    Lol… $1000 and doesn’t come with disc drive… yeah nah. I think its the first time i’ve felt really underwhelmed about a ps product. This is going really badly

    • +1

      This is what happens when Sony doesn't have real competion. MS is failing so Sony thinks they can get away with anything. Exactly the same as the launch of PS3 when they thought they could screw consumers.

      Even Sony fans should be hoping MS can turn it around.

      • If anything I feel like they're being over confident and as a playstation fan I'm really not supportive of this.

        May be I'm getting old or I've lost touch with the modern trend economy. It's been more than 6 months since I last used the ps5 and all this time been using pc with game pass / steam / gog and has been more than enough. I absolutely hate the Microsoft's software bs with windows and gamepass but it is what it is and once you get past the ridiculous update phase its been alright with it. Been really happy with their line up of games for it so far.

        Will I get another playstation product -> yes absolutely
        Will I get it at RRP or at launch -> Not a chance with this pricing

        ymmv :)

  • Double the power

    Double the price

    Yeah, the market really can't take this. It's not going to go well. It's a shame.

  • +5

    AUS price just got announced…$1,199.95!! Actual insanity by Sony

    • You know what's funnier? That's just for the digital.

      $1,360 all up for the disc drive also 🤣🤣🤣

      • agreed its expensive but still half the price of a gaming pc so I think it will still sell.

      • +1

        There are trolls on fb stating that going physical is a a lifestyle choice of old aged gamers and the cost can easily be justified. 😂

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