½ Price Tegel Crunchy Chicken Burgers 550g, Flame Grilled Chicken Steaks 600g $6.50 @ Woolworths


I noticed these in My specials, don't appear to be in the catalogue, only the $9.50 tenders.

Tegel Take Outs Flame Grilled Chicken Steaks 600g
Tegel Take Outs Extra Crunchy Chicken Burgers 550g

Edit: Chicken is NZ raised, cage free. As noted on pack and website.

Both are good, burgers are probably better/more popular, however the steaks are better value /g and a higher % of chicken.

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  • +15


    will go get some today…assuming its not sold out as always when it goes on special.
    bloody love those crunchy chicken burgers (as much as many here like to point out it aint 'real' chicken/ mostly filler) - its $6.50 for at least 2 feeds worth of protein in a super convenient format for the time poor…what more can you ask for in this day and age.

    bread roll, double patty, garlic mayo, lettuce, tomato.
    washed down with ice cold solo or wimmers double sarsparilla.

    • +2

      that sounds like a great meal!

      • it slaps pretty hard after a long slog of a work day.

    • +2


      54% chicken

      • +4

        cant even taste the chicken buttholes tbh - and i've probably eaten no joke 20 bags+ of this since they released.

      • 54% just chicken is insane

        • Welcome to fried chicken.

        • Think of it as %46 cruelty free

    • +1

      I will give this a try.

      My personal recipe is soft white sliced bread, patty, murica cheese then for the sauce I mix kewpie mayo + hot sauce + tiny bit of pickle juice too give it a nice twang.

      • +2

        cant go wrong with a bit of pickle juice flicked over bread - aint no better way to zhuzh up a sandwhich

  • Nice

  • +3

    WTF is a Takeout?

    • A dish that you take away

    • take out and to go basically mean the same thing so this statement comes across as repetitive. However, take out is often use as an adjective describing a kind of food: Maybe we should eat take-out food tonight. This form is usually hyphenated.

  • +2

    "Produced and packed in New Zealand using ingredients from multiple origins"

  • I've had these and I vastly prefer the chicken portions, that's just me

  • I like the crunchy chicken burgers and prefer them to the steaks, which look more like formed chicken sponge when cut than chicken. At least there's recognizable chicken under the batter.

  • +2

    Dont get these confused with the GOAT supermarket frozen chicken burgers, its a shame these never go on half price anymore but atleast you can find stock in stores if you feel like being a big spender and paying full price.

    • I blame myself for them not going on sale anymore because I do buy them at full price pretty regularly.

  • +1

    Gosh and I just filled the freezers with Hargow and our favourite sliced rye bread.
    Bread goes on special once a month.

    • @Speckled Jim where is rye bread on special?

  • +4

    I would spend the extra on these - fresh thigh chicken burgers with decent seasoning, cooks easily in an oven or air fryer.

    Pair with your favourite buns or bread, add some lettuce, mayo, jalapenos/pickles and you have a really nice home-cooked chicken burger.

    • +1

      Yep these are our go-to as well for when we want zinger burgers style at home. At least with these you know you’re getting an actual chicken thigh

  • -5

    Hope you guys enjoy your Chinese "chicken". Cue all the downvotes from the mainland.

  • +2

    Where's Clayton? Someone tag him! Chicken Burgahhhhhhh

  • +4

    You know what has a higher % of chicken and costs less than this????


    • well said

    • Yeah, but, laziness/time.

  • Flame grilled steaks are the bomb and 71% chicken once "formed"…

  • Not sure how good value this is - you can get chicken breast for like $12/kg, so practically the same unit price, and it's 100% chicken.

    Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, some spices (if preferred), dip in breadcrumbs, then fry. All of these ingredients are negligible cost.

    If you're not an experienced cook, you can just reverse sear. Throw it in the oven or airfryer until it reaches around 70-75 degrees internal temperature, then just fry both sides on high heat to develop the crunch. Takes the guesswork out of it.

    You end up with a real fried chicken breast burger instead of mystery meat and filler. Probably better taste and protein content.

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