GWM Tank 300: Lux Hybrid from $50990 (Was $55990), Ultra Hybrid $55990 (Was $60990) Driveaway @ GWM


Savings of $5000 from the original price for the Hybrid variants, $2000 lower than its offering back in June from $52990.
Non-hybrid models also lowered by $1000 from original price.

GWM offers page also have a finance offer with its previous price, though might not be updated correctly yet.

GWM Tank 300

  • Lux from $47990 Driveaway
  • Ultra from $50990 Driveaway
  • Lux Hybrid from $50990 Driveaway
  • Ultra Hybrid from $55990 Driveaway

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GWM HAVAL Motors Australia
GWM HAVAL Motors Australia


  • +4

    Real deal are the non hybrid versions

    • ?

      • +9

        The hybrid uses more fuel, albeit for a small power boost.

        • +5

          Jeez why bother with putting in the hybrid then. They need to fix this.

          • +2

            @FiloGuy: Marketing at that point hahaha.

            But seriously the team that built a hybrid that uses more fuel needs to be fired. OK hybrids save fuel (most ICE), good hybrids save fuel and give more power (toyota Rav4 style).

            If people want more power they'd get a bigger engine or better turbo system in the car.

          • +1

            @FiloGuy: Once upon a time people assumed that a turbo meant go faster, we have since learned that turbos work well for fuel efficiency purposes too. Similar deal with hybrids, their application is not just specific to fuel economy, a lot of very high end supercars use hybrid drivetrains because having 100% of the motors torque available instantly is impossible to mimic on an ICE engine.

          • @FiloGuy:

            They need to fix this.

            You make it sound like it's a mistake, and not an intentional design choice

            • @beltdrive: Fuel economy IRL or on paper? Hybrids are better than ICE when you're doing stop start traffic. ICE will win anything long distance.

              E: They both got 12L/100km with hybrid and ICE only. If the Hybrid is tuned for more power, then getting more power with same fuel economy is something. But you also have higher maintenance costs, higher weight. It'd be nicer to drive in traffic or slow, but up to the user.

    • +54

      I’m saving 50 odd k from not buying this at all.

    • +10

      Go buy a Suzuki then for roughly around the same price but has nothing to offer.

      • +7

        has nothing to offer

        Reliability. Ethical.

        • -7

          Oh wow look at this guy, the ethical consumer… 🤣🤣🤣

        • +1

          GWM has more features and more electronic components, so they might not be as reliable as the old-school Suzuki. But for "Ethical", what makes you think Suzuki is more "Ethical" than GWM?

    • I never knew a Jimny had such beautiful interiors and actually well built

      • +7

        there is a white jimny that does the rounds around my office area , it has a mini g body kit , looks fly as hell i always thought. cutest mini g lol

    • +12

      it has 4 wheels.

      ripped off from my great great great grandsfathers farm cart for sure.

    • +11

      The Jimny is also a Jeep ripoff let's be real.

      • -1

        Just more reliable.

    • weird, always thought these were ripping off Jeeps or Range Rovers…

    • The jimny is a ripoff of another design itself…

    • +2

      Such a shameless disgusting company.

      You must be new to the culture of business in China

      • +1

        You must be new to the culture of business


    • ripped off from Landrover Defender

    • Hmm, the Jimny grill (from basically the 1970s on) is a rip off of the Jeep. Assume they don't use 7 slots due to trademark infringement!

      Japanese have long cloned other designs, especially in their earlier days. Would say the cycle is now repeating itself with the Chinese.

    • +1

      Do you want to read about the history of the Suzuki 'Jimmy' mispelt to Jimny?

      Sit down.

    • It's like two siblings walked into a room and are almost identical, yet somehow one is a 8 and the other is a 5.

      I don't know what GWM did to make it uglier but they somehow succeeded.

    • -1

      I'm sorry this has affected you on such a personal level.

    • half the car designs out there are derivative. this is such a meaningless thing to care about

  • +8

    Where is the bargain here?

    • +10

      In the buyers eyes.

    • +7

      Do you know anywhere else you can get a tank for $50k? I'm sure the US Army will be interested.

  • +2

    Pay attention to payload limits, biggest disappointment of this car. Otherwise it's a winner imo.

    • Funnily enough even the stamped figures on the car are incorrect… lol

  • How bad is the Hybrid version?

    • +4

      a hybrid suv that gets around 12l per 100km, so pretty rubbish

      • +4

        It's more for power not fuel savings

      • Oh, what a useless Hybrid…

  • Nice looking Tank. Seal of Approval. 👍

  • Modelname checks out.

  • -2

    ewww these are hot garbage

    • -1

      Care to elaborate?

      • +11

        over 2 ton in a small 2l turbo petrol
        fuel usage is around 14l/100km
        really bad lane assist
        resell value after 2 years

        • a lot of 4x4 SUV models usually are above 2T.

          i have a holden trailblazer 7 seater with 2.4L DT engine. car is 2.2T. fuel is pretty good, slightly better but its not about that.

          • @Kiro: A Holden Trailblazer is an Isuzu, so its practically running off a tractor engine.

            • @Wiadro: well Lamborghini started from somewhere.

              funnily enough, my mate has the same year model Isuzu and its interesting to see how differnet the specs are for the engine.

              anyhow. ill put put my way to another deal 'e''o'

        • really bad lane assist

          Drivers sure are weak these days.

        • 'really bad lane assist' as one of your top 4 reasons. lol

    • How do you know that? Are you a mechanic?

    • yes even the reviews are lukewarm at best, i mean they are probably sponsored for the most part but i found them unconvincing.
      the whole hybrid is for more power is also dubious and just seems like they failed to have better efficiency and power. 14l/100km ouch even my old and heavy toyota does better
      doesnt everyone turn off lane assist ?
      i wouldnt be surprised that they let a few lemons through their QC - but i am also biased towards this brand
      guess it is not for me but i have started to see a few around

  • It be interesting discussion with insurance. Yeah mate l want insure the tank.

  • +1

    Prices of these tank!

  • +5

    I wouldnt buy these. resell value for chinese cars are like 60% off the purchase price expect 6-12 month ads

    • Only relevant if you plan to sell it.

    • +2

      Just buy a second-hand one and save yourself 40% from retail.

      • -3

        100%. If you want one, no worries, just buy one thats 6-18mths old and someone has taken a monster depreciation hit on it. 2023 Ultras are on carsales for under $50k (very low kms) that im sure you could get down to closer to $45k…

    • curious to see if there’s a tank going for 60% off currently on second hand market? Would be highly interested.

      • There is one listed for 43k…

        Say you would buy this car negotiate to 39-40k depends on how long it been sitting in the lot how good your skills are.

        For the owner trade in would have to have sold it to the dealer for 30-35k.. say he purchased brand new 55k thats a big drop back in 2023

        Now say u buy this deal today… drive it for 1 year decided to sell in 2026. Prices for the Tank brand new drops to 45k you are looking to then have to trade it at at around 28-31k

        • +1

          What is your point, thats goes with any car brands. Try to sell your Toyota Camery/Tesla back to the dearler after 10k of driving.

    • +5

      So is pretty much any euro car like an Audi or BMW. Those things depreciate like nothing else.

      • +2

        got a co worker bought a Haval wants to get out of it due to its crappy engine. looking to sell it for a 60% loss no dealer wants to touch it. Even tried selling it to the online dealers

  • +2

    Pretty capable vehicle for the price, but you're better off getting one second-hand because the depreciation will be huge.

    • +1

      Most cars do that, except Toyota.

      • +6

        Not to the same degree as Chinese cars. The depreciation is insane compared to euro/Japanese cars. There are a lot of people who will just not support Chinese manufacturers so the demand is not as big.

  • +1

    Just don't watch porn while driving or yer gonna end up being banned from driving it -

    • -4

      Or just don’t watch porn in general. It’s a disgusting industry run by disgusting people.

      • +2

        oi yeah nah yeah nah, go smoke a winny pink mate

  • +1

    AEB for pedestrians carrying bags?

  • +9

    Thanks China for making those affordable cars.The German and Japanese cars are crazy expensive in Australia.

  • I agree with the others—resale value is terrible. You might save a little bit initially, but in the end, it evens out. Plus, you’re driving an inferior vehicle. I wouldn’t support the Chinese car market. If you can avoid it, just buy a Ranger.

    • +1

      US only make rubbish cars.Look what They did to Holden.

      • +2

        Didn’t the Holden go downhill when they started making it in China?

        • +2

          Holden went downhill because they made uninspiring cars, chose not to innovate and begged for taxpayer handout throughout the years. I'm happy that American leech was gone for good

          • @YRT: Yeap, now we have such inspiring cars as whatever "SUV" is flavor of the month, and oversized utes that don't carry anything more than a small toolbox.

      • +1

        that makes no sense, US do make rubbish cars but what does that have to do with this car or chinese cars being unreliable ?

    • +3

      The amount of anti Chinese sentiment is disappointing and also hypocritical. I'm guessing 80% of the things in and around most Australian homes are made in China. But for some reason when it comes to cars there's big opposition and righteousness.

      • +1

        to some extent yes but on the other hand we cant say the track record is that brilliant, a decade or two ago people would say the same about smaller japanese brands or a little later korean brands, meh given the number of chinese brand cars i notice on the road that sentiment isnt widespread

      • Who actually cares? Seriously, just get over it. The same thing happened in Australia when Japanese cars started taking off half a century ago, everyone will have an opinion but the market will dictate demand and the success of the brand. Unless you're a paid CCP bot there's no reason to be getting all personally butthurt about criticism of Chinese car brands, they don't actually offer anything innovative or enticing in their product line-up apart from the significant price differential to mainstream brands.

      • +1

        Thats australia for you. China is now the 3rd highest source of vehicles in Australia. We are becoming a poorer country and people will buy what they can afford. Chinese make affordable cars.

  • +1

    One chinese owner watched porn while driving in China and his car has been remotely locked by manufacture.

    This give me an big alert, not about porn, nowadays the smart cars share data with the manufacture and the manufacture could remotely turn on the system and read from the system, so all my data including where did I go, what did I say, or my family talks, all goes to the car manufacture if they want to do, this is a big NO NO for me, same worries happens for BYD.

    I don't worry about my personal data goes to U.S, goes to Japan, goes to European car manufactures, which still gives me a big range of choice for cars.

    • +2

      What benifit would the manufacture gain by getting your data? The cost of getting it, saving it and analysing it cost more then the value within the data itself. Unless you are a billionaire or top tier technology owner. You prob not if you still judging the 50k car here and there.

      • +1

        Sure I am just an average man, but I still care about my privacy, what is the benefit I gain by buying these cars compare to cars from other country while risking my privacy? Cheap price? No, Great quality? No, Better safety? No, Proof of reliability? No.

        And what the benefit does the manufacture gain by locking the car because the car owner watched porn video? Why doe the manufacture spent money and effort to care about who is watching the porn video?

        • people used to say that about GPS but here we are using the GPS to go get milk

          • @juki: Different, GPS is passive, and the cars before the recent years smart cars do not send data back to manufacture at all.

            Nowadays the new cars especially electric cars, the entire system sending data back to manufacture including your GPS data, and also the manufacture could remotely active and enter your system.

            One famous blogger guy in china do a lot of car tests, once he tested BYD 'high speed vs range' on highway and published some data not in favour of BYD, then BYD reported him to police because BYD read his running data and claimed he has over speed 4 times on the highway.

            After I read this, BYD is no longer on my shopping list.

            • @petiteway: Right… and BYD publicly announced that they reported him to the police…
              I bet there is a lot of he said/she said you read online and totally believe because "trusted source".

        • You'd be surprised how many apps are tracking your every move then

          you can install duck duck go browser and enable app protection just to see all the requests made by random apps.

  • +3

    I wonder if they've fixed the rear wheels leaving the ground under heavy braking issue?

    If they haven't then don't consider this safety shitbox.

  • +2

    Is the bargain in the room with us?

  • -2

    thought id never see the day of finding another SUV 7 seater that can towe at least 3T.

    i was expecting to be stuck with the trialblazer until it dies. this give me hope to upgrade in the not too distant future.

  • I am waiting for the 6000 SUX version.
    Sorry, every time I hear the name Tank 300 I think of this.

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