The 4K UHD is part of the
promo if you can find something else you want. Such as Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz/The World's End: The 4K Collection Blu-Ray $33.93.
The Blu-Ray was $14.88 back in March.
The 4K UHD is part of the
promo if you can find something else you want. Such as Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz/The World's End: The 4K Collection Blu-Ray $33.93.
The Blu-Ray was $14.88 back in March.
I would, but too busy looking after the macaw on my shoulder.
Fair enough
This took me a minute lol. Too many father's Day beers
@ram4ram - I subscribe to Prime Video and Paramount+ which I generally watch using an Apple TV 4K Gen 3 box, and I also own the Back to the Future trilogy on 4K UHD Blu-ray as well as 1080p Blu-ray, and I would to choose to own and watch the Back to the Future trilogy on 4K UHD Blu-ray or 1080p Blu-ray rather than inferior streaming services every day of the week.
Living the life I see
There's always etc
Not without the discs there’s not, because that’s where those files are sourced from.
@bohn: Perhaps not for too much longer, because people with the same moronic attitude is exactly why discs that provide the highest picture and audio quality have become a niche for collectors and soon may not exist at all, then all you will be able to pirate for new content is crap quality sourced from streaming services, and I’ll definitely be laughing at you then.
I’m not sure what the point of your comment even is? I responded to a person who said that they prefer watching these on Prime Video/Paramount+, the point of my comment was the quality that streaming platforms provide are inferior to Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray Discs, downloading pirated files taken from these high quality disc formats is completely irrelevant.
I’m not sure what the point of your comment even is?
because, you said
and I would to choose to own and watch the Back to the Future trilogy on 4K UHD Blu-ray or 1080p Blu-ray
Everyone has their preference. You want to own a disc, and put the physical disc in a player to watch. Others just want to play the remux file (same quality as the disc). There are more than the two options that you presented.
@bohn: And as a disc/physical media and home theatre enthusiast who wants and values watching content in highest picture and audio quality available, yes I certainly choose 1080p Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray over everything else that currently provides inferior quality. The point you’re trying to make is an absolutely ridiculous one, because your current preferred method is sourced from discs and is completely dependent on discs still existing if you too want the highest quality. Until the day that the studios/distributors start releasing downloads of the equivalent quality or higher to BD/4KBD, and Australia’s internet infrastructure can support it, you have no point.
Furthermore, this is also a bargain thread for the 4K Blu-ray release of the Back to the Future trilogy, not a I’m a poor cheap thieving criminal that is after freebies and handouts thread.
not a I’m a poor cheap thieving criminal that is after freebies and handouts thread
You sir, are an oak. An inspiration for us all.
Don't ever stop buying the discs. You are doing God's work
Mmm, crushed blacks and shitty sound. Delicious.
It's good. Prime video and paramount plus are still in business.
Because most people don't actually care about the quality of the experience, which is a shame for them.
The only streaming I'd really rate highly is Bravia Core or whatever Sony calls it now, looks great.
@caitsith01: If you check the bitrate of AppleTV+ 2160p files, you might be surprised to find they are actually the best audio and video bitrate of all the streaming services and I check various program bitrates a lot.
Paramount/CBS is so close to bankruptcy, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a new owner and Warner Media/Discovery are licensing out their quality HBO content to the likes of Roku and Tubi and doing deals with Netflix as well to licence vast quantities of titles to Netflix (will vary from country to country). Warner Media Discovery have plans to open HBOMax in either 12 or 20 countries either late 2024 or early 2025 and as for Disney, if they crack a billion on Deadpool & Wolverine, next to GOTG Vol 3, it will be their first profitable film in five years. Disney need 35 Billion to buy out Comcast from Hulu and then who knows what happens with Hulu.
I buy UHDBD discs even if they stay sealed in the plastic and I watch the 2160p remux, but 50% of discs being manufactured are DVDs!!
That just shows the vast majority of people clearly don’t care about quality.
I only bought two DVDs from ABC Shop in the past 20 years and I said to them why is nothing on Bluray? (This is before they shut down the shops) and they said no won’t buys Blurays.
That maybe ABC for you but if you at the quality of the natural history programs being made by ABC, BBC and others around the world, they shoot 4K or 5K depending on which cameras they are using and with HDR, especially DV (though I’ve never seen anything native in HDR10P) I can imagine it would look almost as good.
Im not saying support the crud that has been churned out of Hollywood for the past six or seven years, but the studios clearly recognise they are losing money, with Disney sitting at the very top and who is still winning after billions have been spent, it’s still Netflix even though they have a DEI problem as well, and they will rue the day they allowed idiots to control the IP of the Witcher, and while they tried make him out to be the bad guy initially, it was in his contract that he could walk away if they writers and showrunners create DEI crap which doesn’t follow the original material. Cavill walked away because he was sick and tired of writers hacking up some his own personal favourite books and MMOG to suit “the message”.
I resent having to pay again and again for each format upgrade but as Disney no longer publish DVDs, Blurays or UHD-BD in Australia and NZ (also why pick on us??) they killed any chance of regaining physical media revenue.
We are now forced to import Disney movies or streaming shows from the UK and while the 2160p stuff doesn’t have region coding, they might still put it on the BDs and DVDs.
Don’t make the mistake of letting physical media die.
The incredibly high bitrate on the video and getting real HD audio like TrueHD Atmos and DTS:X, centenary and multiple soundtracks will only exist as long as physical media is being made.
Ok, some streams have multiple audio tracks, dubbed, a lot in fact, but it’s still E-AC3 with Atmos.
Not everyone can drop $5000 - $10,000 on a decent home theatre which is why sound bars are so popular but the $6000 investment made in speakers alone, still serve me well today, and they were bought 19 years ago. I would like to upgrade but my life circumstances have changed and I not longer have a six figure salary, but I pulled money out of my super to buy an OLED which I’ll probably get something new soon as that was five years ago and OLED has come a long way.
I put discs in my Panasonic DP-UB820GNK which I bought not long after the TV and that model is still being sold today because maybe there was nothing better.
Streaming is convenient but expensive. I wonder how many Aussies dumped Disney+ this year with their second price rise in two years? How many are paying the $2.99/month to remove ads from Prime Video?
Every now and again drop in a disc if you have semi decent audio setup and listen to the quality difference and the picture difference. If you can tell me honestly you can’t see the difference or hear the difference then I feel bad for you.
Losing physical media will doom us to low bitrate versions for the sake of convenience, but I don’t expect there will be that many streaming services still going in five years, or less.
Everytime a blu ray deal is posted comments like these are posted, its not a flex saying you use streaming, the video and especially the audio is majorly compressed..
Not to mention, you don't own the movie, and 80% of the time streaming apps will have a movie but not have its sequels
It wasn't a flex. Just a way to save money / being frugal.
Great documentaries.
You've been waiting for this day for so long, haven't you? :p
Actually, I think I've said it before, but maybe I'm thinking about next week.
Username checks out
I thought I told you never to come around here…
Don’t be so colourful, McFly!!
Hey McFly you bojo!
Unfortunately we're stuck in the shitty Biff/Trump future timeline it seems…
Was waiting for you to comment :)
55.16 for uhd 4k? Ouch.
What were you hoping they'd be?
20 would be more reasonable for what is a 30 year old movie?
@kitiara666 - The movies might be 30 years old, however the 4K restoration and mastering certainly isn’t, as a business they need to make their money back as well as profit from that recent investment and as a customer you either pay for it, or go back to watching these movies on VHS.
Well there you go! $20 for one movie, $55 for three. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Just buy a regular secondhand Blu-ray on eBay. You can find almost any movie for $5 or less, and often in near perfect condition.
how much better is 4K UHD really?
I just got my first 4K OLED TV and have a decent collection of 1080 blu ray discs and even more rips on plex server.
Watched Grand Tour on Prime on UHD HDR and looks pretty nice…
interested to know thoughts/opinions - obviously would cost 000's to upgrade my collection, how much value do you place in any perceived/actaul benefits?
'how much better is 4K UHD really'
Depends on the movie but most movies there will be a definite uptick in detail. The big difference is with HDR/Dolby Vision.
And the sound. Sound is much better.
from my admittedly limited experience, id say its maybe 20% better if you are critically watching…definetley not twice as good - and you dont sit there thinking 'this picture sucks, i wish it was 4K' sort of thing.
HDR definitely makes the picture pop but is is twice as good?
is it worth 2-3 times the price per disc/rental/ DL & hard drive space ?
Not much, not much better over 1080p at all. Side by side examples have shown you have to really look for the difference in detail on things like lettering, much closer to the screen than you'd sit comfortably to watch. Our eyes can only see so much, on blind tests it's very hard.
What's more important is the display, and whether your vision is 20/20, etc. Example, 1080p content will look better on a nice 1080p OLED rather than an the same 4k content on a 4k LED. Why? There's many factors contributing to a great picture other than just resolution.
Depends on the film. If it’s had a new transfer and has had some love and care it can be dramatic, but they can also not be a big step up over the HD release. Also of course depends how good the Bluray was, which itself may have been a bad transfer leaving more room for an upgrade.
Some films such as the Lord of the Rings and The Matrix have also undergone significant colour correction so look quite different to Bluray releases, and are closer to the original cinematic releases. Those films when released in DVD and Bluray had some harsh colour grading applied that made the films blueish and greenish respectively.
As an observation, the films that seem to be very highly regarded on 4K are often pre 2000s movies, where the movie was shot on film without a high reliance on CGI. In those cases they can get a good high quality transfer from the film. Films shot digitally have some limitations.
There’s then examples such as James Cameron’s films where a lot of people don’t like the 4k versions due to artistic decisions to use heavy noise reduction on the image which makes the films look smoothed out. Aliens and True Lies are two films that people often cite as bad 4k releases.
How much better can they make movies originally filmed in 1980s by remastering them?
Not necessarily better than the cinema, but oftentimes much better than DVD/Bluray depending on how well they were scanned and transformed previously.
Add to that HDR data and you are in for a great experience.
Fair bit actually. If they rescan the film they can get a very good transfer out of film. Unlike some more modern films that were shot all digital at a lower resolution so they have to upscale, old film doesn’t need the same upscaling. Also those older films weren’t reliant on CGI or other post filming treatments which due to cost are probably rendered out originally much lower than 4K and blown out, where the blowing out to higher resolution can expose flaws in the effects more readily. In the other hand older films were more practical effects.
A lot of the really well regarded 4K discs are quite old. Blade Runner, The Shining, Reservoir Dogs (ok so early 90’s there), 2001 A Slace Odysseyy, Jaws, Alien (original).
If you have well mastered 1080p blu rays then not heaps better, although you lose HDR which may or may not matter depending on the movie.
If you have poorly mastered blu rays or are using streaming then heaps better. 4k discs (with some notable exceptions) tend to involve really high quality mastering/remastering of movies. I've found 80s stuff in particular looks heaps better than it has any right to, because they often go back to the film and scan it. Late 90s/early 2000s stuff looks the worst (or has the least upgrade) because the digital effects are typically limited to low-ish resolution no matter what they do.
Well made new movies you will absolutely see and hear a difference. Like any Nolan movie, for example. Sound and HDR are insane.
Is this the version that has a flaw of discs just stopping?
At least it isn't cropped like the DVDs
I need to stop buying these. Ever since buying my 83" G4 I have been on a non stop spending spree of 4k blurays
Think of this as investing for when the time comes from owning a 98/115" TV, thank yourself later.
Literally did this (well… 85") and it's been brilliant. Better than going to an actual cinema.
The Dreamers is also in the 8% deal, and it’s currently down from $50 to $30 (it only came out a month ago).
I was going to post it as its own deal but there were only a couple left in stock.
Stock seems fine, it looks like Amazon are limiting it to 3 per account.
Interesting, after I made my order I saw it say 1 left in stock. Sneaky Amazon.
"Great Scott" is heard in my head immediately 😂
1.21 gigawatts!
Thanks, ordered. Couldn't help myself. I have the DVD box set, this can supercede that. Was tossing it up for 10 minutes but decided I'd just do it!
Probably my favourite movie(s), despite me being middle-aged. Grew up watching these.
It varies on the movie but I am a 4K or bluray convert.
I detest it but streaming has a place - I have a sizeable AppleTV/iTunes tv series/movie collection (usually double/quadruple dip on titles I already own when they're only 4.99). But ultimately I'll watch the 4k or bluray version (that said I've built up quite the large dvd/br/4k collection over the last 25 years…. I'll do a lossless rip on my hdd and watch it on my tv that way.).
I myself can see a huge difference in many 4K releases (for me JAWS in 4K looks like it was filmed today, but just with a 1970s setting). But there are others that you'd be content with just the bluray version.
Also BTTF rocks in 4K
I've collected and re collected the trilogy on dvd (original AU dvd release, the re-release with the 4th bonus disc and director commentaries of part 2 and 3, various anniversary updates with different artwork), twice on bluray (original digipack fold out release and standard case version).
Have only purchased it once in 4K. But have been tempted by the recent re-release in America.
Thanks - Just bought it….I prefer Bluray/4K on Disc any day.
I also believe in buying movies and TV shows to make sure movie studios know there are people buying.
Disney canned discs in Aus and in a lot of places overseas. Because it was not profitable for them.
Now JBHifi and other places are now importing them in Aus from other sources, now costing us more. (At least they are getting them in now, I remember not too long ago Avatar and Avatar2 on 4K I went to buy them a few months after Avatar2 was release on 4K and I could no longer buy them in Australia, so I had to buy them from overseas, now at least they have them back in stock!)
To digress, Disney who are not releasing their content on Disc, I may never see the all the Star Wars TV shows on disc. :-(
If the other studios canned their DVD/Bluray/4K and only limited to stream this would be a terrible outcome. Also at least I can watch, what I want to watch, when I want to watch it… if streaming, I am limited to what is on a given streamer and when they have it in available.
BTW…. I have Amazon Prime/Netflix/YouTube Premium