• expired
  • targeted

Collect 3,000 Bonus Points on $30 Spend at Woolworths, BIG W or BWS @ Everyday Rewards via App (Activation Required)


Spend at least $30 in one transaction in-store or online at Woolworths, BIG W or BWS and get 3000 bonus points ($15 value).

Excludes purchases from Everyday Market from Woolworths, Ampol Woolworths MetroGo or MILKRUN.

Check your app and activate the offer.

Possibly targeted.


Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (955)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • +5

    Nothing for me

    • +1


      • Discrimination

    • +1

  • +2

    This one is targeted. Nothing for me.

  • Nothingness

  • -1

    nothing on multiple accounts

  • nothing for me!

  • nope

  • Says completed. Never activated it so hopefully automatic.

  • Targeted 100%

  • +1

    I got this + 2000 pts for spending $40 + 5x points + 1000 points for scanning my rewards card on an account I completely forgot about lmao.

    $31 of points on a $40 shop is decent XD

    • I got this:
      + 1600 pts for spending $40 @bws, + 5x points + 1000 points no minimum @Woolworths

      • The 1000pts no minimum is the 1000pts just for scanning lol but yeah nice.

    • Did you purchase online and then scan card in store?

      • +1

        I just did the 1 $40 purchase in store and got bonuses:
        - 2000 points
        - 3000 points
        - 1000 points
        - 200 pts

        Before I even left the store.

    • Where do you check the points under 'activity' in the rewards app? I get fk all in general, just do frequent small shops.

      The blue bws deals require scanning with the bws app not the ER, even though they are linked so who knows.

      • +1

        So when you click on Activity, click on a transaction. You'll then see a tab "Everyday Rewards" and "e-receipt". The everyday rewards tab will have base points + bonus points as well as any boosters.

        This seemed to have taken affect from March on my account, but might be something that needs an app update if not appearing.

        • Cheers for that, just checked app is updated.
          I never activated this deal but thought U saw it was already completed but nothing in the points.

          Probably just need to not shop at woolies for ages to get most of the good bonuses, only saves about 80$ since joining years ago but not too phased.

          • @G-rig:

            I get fk all in general, just do frequent small shops.

            This was on a rewards card I accidentally completely stopped checking and forgot existed so I mean.. maybe you could get a new rewards card, use it a bit and then "accidentally" stop checking and come back in a few months 😂

            For the record this card is only ever scanned if there's bonus points. The one I use more day to day doesn't get a lot of offers - best that's been lately is 1800pts for $50 shop.

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