Also XSX and PS4 versions for $19 + delivery.
[PS5, PS4, XSX] Diablo IV: (PS5) $29, (PS4, XSX) $19 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 29/08/2024 - 21:25 by 1 other user
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We don't have Pepperidge Farm in Australia
Con the fruiterer remembers
Itsa not so bad
I member…
Is this as good as Diablo Immortal?
wouldn't know, I don't own a phone
You can play on PC. I brought a 4080 super and I am kicking ass in it. I get some allowances from the wife to occasionally buy some powerups.
wow.. price dropped really fast.
just wait for diablo 5 maybe, or don't.
Man I want a series x so i can have a disc drive…
cannot seem to find any on marketplace that's not a scam haha
If you're in WA, PM me. I am considering selling mine but honestly can't really be bothered because of marketplace being so annoying to deal with.
I am not actually.
What do you use yours for?
I do have a series s currently but like yeah I only play free games same on my ps5.
Which technically I can just play on pc but ye.
This current generation of consoles is fr lacking games.
I reckon I had more fun when I was a kid with my wii with jailbrokengames
PS5 upgrade available: Upgrade to the digital PS5 version of the game at no additional cost. To upgrade eligible PS4 disc copies, players need PS5 console with a disc drive.
Oh damn wish I saw this before buying the ps5 version.
Do you still need to insert the PS4 disc when you play the upgraded game in PS5?
Yes you do.
can someone confirm?
afaik …
It's basically same as ps5 no?
I don't see whyd you'd buy the ps5 disc
uess the store listing is gone
but you get the digital ps5 version but require disc so it'd be different to disc game save i think?
Like how if u have ps4 disc and ps4 digital game the saves r different so u cannot mix one to the other.
Agree. I couldn’t see any benefit in getting the PS5 edition when I bought it when it first came out.
All progress on the game is saved on cloud, no local save progress. It’s cross platform, so I’ve played interchangeably continuing my characters, between PS4, PS5 and Xbox with no issues at all.
@zeratu: Ah is that how Diablo IV works.
I've never played a diablo game.
I might buy this one ps4 disc i reckon at somepoint
@AndrewMTG: Did a quick search on reddit and it seems the PS4 version that allows upgrade to PS5 has lower video specs…
@Sydgun: source ?
i don't think that's true.
you just need to make sure you download the proper ps5 digital version instead of copying over the disc ps4 version.
I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077 w my ps4 disc of it on my ps5 this past month/week!.
Clearly indicates ps5 of the game is downloaded. (require ps4 disc in)
Two for $30
Damn, who wants to go half?
Me ! You in syd ? :D
Yes. DM you
Foodag13 bailed on me. Anyone else wants to go half? I’m working in Sydney cbd today
I am interested in getting it.
yeah same i'm in sydney cbd if you wana go halvies
Dont you worry too much. I have got 2 of it today. Message me if you want to get it for 15$
Sydney cbd. Townhall/central@AlcoholicGuy: Hi mate. Sorry i could not message you as I am a new user account.
Would you ming if we could meet at Wynyard station when you are free?
I also bought 2 for $30. Pls ping me if interested. Picking up at rouse hill.
any other game worth buying for ps4/5?
Damn that's a steal. Easily worth it at this price. With recent updates I've really enjoyed it. Basically Diablo 3 but improved.
D3 is a much better game, D4 is meh.
d4 bad
Is there an expansion coming or something?
Yes, the Vessel of Hatred in early October.
awesome :) should be around 10 bucks this time next year to try out
Long time Diablo fan. Played this when it came to gamepass due to lack of time. Not worth $19, better value in YouTube add free so you can get the shell of a story increase they make d5 and it's worth while.
This was/is on Xbox Gamepass?
Yes it is on Gamepass.
But the expansion will not be added on Gamepass.
Having so much fun on this game.
The main story was okay.
Season 1 and 2: leveled up to around 30
Seaon 3: lv. 20
I was a bit disappointed.But from season 4, it was fun! Level 100.
And Season 5 m: lv 80In total, I spent around 120 hours on my XBX.
Got it for $9 with the perks coupon
good value - sold the Ps5 version but for $19 and a few updates is worth the price
A much better game than it was at release, but also quite dependent on party play to sustain its fun factor.
$6 delivery !
Very nice price!
I'll get a complete edition if they release one in the distant future…After all that marketing.
The game isnt fun.
I dont like the concept of seasonal characters either which is only way to play the 'seasonal content' which is the only new stuff that rolls out every few months. "Duurrr" you say, and sure but you have to keep re-leveling a character each time through bland gameplay and basically same content repeatedly.
For $19 bucks its worth a try and youll prob sink 20 hours in while trying to see if you like it or not.
its tempting but I would rather play diablo on PC like it was intended from the very first Diablo 1!!
How's the gameplay with a controller?
My girl is not an elite gamer but loved It Takes Two and I'm hunting for more couch co-op games.
Anyone have experience with couch co-op d4?
It's really fun as a casual couch coop. They implemented that system really well. Once you finish the main campaign it loses its appeal fairly quickly. Really enjoyed the first 30 hours of gameplay. Also - controller play is very fluid and intuitive.
Much appreciated Poncho
No probs! Good couch coops are hard to find these days!
Also try A Way Out
Made by same developer as It Takes Two for couch co-opWe've finished that one too. Not bad at all. Solid game. Thanks
Thanks, got it for $9 with Perks coupon
You can buy 2 and trade in 1 copy to Cex for $24 cash
Cheers for the heads up about this. Manage to take advantage of it before they dropped the trade in price to $11 cash/$18 voucher. Took the $31 voucher. It expires in 1 week! Made sure to grab a game before I forget and it expires.
I was too slow for this! Cex had dropped the trade value by the arvo around 4pm! Midday still had the original one.
Still managed to do a trade deal for $30 with Eb by grabbing Ghostwire tokyo from cex so wasn't a complete loss.
1 week to expire? Weird, my voucher does not expire (I didn't trade this game)
Anyone in Brisbane / Gold Coast wanna go half?
Is it any good for a single player?
I liked 3, but im not into multiplayer or coop.
I just finished the game (without any side quests) last night! It is epic, I am going to keep playing… For this $$$, it is a no-brainer!
May I ask how are people getting two of these for $29? When I add 2 it shows the price as $58.
PS4 version. It has free upgrade to PS5 version
ohhh, ok Understood. So buy two for $38 and get the $10 off brings it down to $28.
Nah, your cart will automatically adjust to $30 if you add 2 games eligible for the 2 for $30 promotion to it (so you can add 2 copies of D4 or 1 copy of D4 and another game). The $10 perks discount code is a separate thing, if you have a spare phone number you can just create a new Perks account for the code and buy 1 copy for $9.
For those that are attempting the PS4 -> PS5 free upgrade. Go to the Playstation Store, select the bundle, go to the three dots and select "base game" then add that to cart, it should show $0.
Hope that helps. I have spent over an hour just to figure it out as the standard offer online now comes with the expansion so it displays the full price instead of $0.
do u need the disc inserted once you've done the ps5 digi update?
I believe the disc always needs to be inserted
I'll stick with path of exile. Free to play and vastly superior from what I've seen.
Anyone nearby to 6153 would like to share a copy?
Wouldn’t bother with this, current season is really short and expansion will release right after. At which point you can prob get this base game free with the expansion.
I got the two for $30 deal, the other game was Soul Hackers 2.
Bought 2 copies of ps4 version, traded in ebgames for Astro Bot. Overall $30 + $39 for new game. All without leaving the shopping centre.
I thought EB only accepts PS5, Series X and Switch games for these trade in deals?
Feel like it's at the stores discretion. Definitely called up some EBs in advance and even if a game has a free PS5 upgrade they don't accept it with a PS4 box. I guess for Diablo it specifically says cross-gen bundle like the Xbox so they allow it. Who knows.
From previous ebgames trade in posts, my understanding was if the pre-owned game is selling for $40 or more, it is more likely to get accepted. Here is my humble receipt.
Nice one, I think Diablo makes the cut as "cross-gen" labelled game. Getting Astro and Zelda for a steal at the end of the day. Tend to prioritise the Switch trade deals for first party games given they rarely drop to anything close to $30 new. Enjoy!
Why didn't anyone warn me you need a PS+ subscription to play this game? I was planning to play offline :(
you can play in single player mode, no need a PS+ sub
This is exactly the answer that I was looking for.
got the PS4 version (free upgrade to PS5 version)
I think you should mention that in your title :) there's little point in paying extra for the ps5 version
Remember when Blizzard ruled the world?
Pepperidge Farm remembers…