This was posted 6 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation VR2 $579 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) / $499 with Trade-in of 2 Select Games @ EB Games


Saw this trade in special while in store.
Can't find a link to it anywhere on the website for some reason..

$579 on sale, drops to $499 with trade in of 2 selected PS5, XBX or Switch games.

Photo of deal:

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Damn that's really tempting… how is support on PC for it? using the adapter?

    • +14

      It's very buggy. You lose HDR, Eye tracking, and the adaptive triggers.

      • +1

        Does that stuff matter though? HDR is whatever, it's not like im gonna be playing insane graphical games anyway, eye tracking might be worth? And adaptive triggers I don't even like on the PS5 tbh.

        • +6

          Eye tracking is the only big loss out of those as it means there is no route for dynamic foveated rendering to push more fidelity out of your VR titles. At this price plus the cost of the adaptor though, it is an incredible deal to have access to both PS5 and PC VR gaming. When they say 'buggy', I would say they are talking about the issues people are having with Bluetooth adaptors not handling the Sense controllers very well, but of all the people I have talked to who bought the recommended Bluetooth adaptors by Sony, none of them are having any issues, so it could just be blown out of proportion because it happened to Ian Higton or something.

        • +3

          HDR on oled VR is meant to be stunning - I would consider it a key point of this headset!

          • +2

            @Kayrhcp: Totally. It’s also a weird omission given the display and cabling support it. Did they cheap out on the adapter box? Hopefully they enable HDR moving forward.

            • +5

              @xdirex: Not a big deal at this point as most PCVR games don’t even support the features they have disabled

            • @xdirex: Isn't the main reason there is no HDR VR headset for PC supporting HDR? Therefore, no support in games. Even in regular PC gaming HDR lacks compared to consoles.

      • +4

        Way to nerf the key features of this VR.

      • +2

        I might buy this soon, especially now that it’s at such a cheap price, and use it with something like iVRy’s PSVR2 driver, which should be able to restore HDR, eye tracking and adaptive triggers.

        • I would advise caution.

    • +3

      It works well with me. The catch is to upgrade to BT5 on your PC and extend it closer to the hand controllers and it'll work fine. Ensure you have a decent late GPU

      • +3

        Don’t forget to attach the antennae for your wifi/BT chip. Many people assume this is just for wifi so they don’t use it if they’re using Ethernet , but it also functions for BT

        • -1

          I'm talking about a dedicated BT usb chip with a usb 1m extender. Disabling current BT device in your PC (if you have one)

          • -1

            @vinni9284: totally unnecessary, the antenna for onboard bluetooth is fine. I know people are having issues and I dont like to minimise their issues… but regarding the bt of the controllers i dont have a single problem.

            • @ToxicCrusader: Yes it is. I assume you're referring to the OB BT/Wifi that has the antenna? When you upgrade to the recommended BT5 from Sony, it'll only be a USB with a weak signal strength. When you start to pair both hand controllers and the Xbox Controller, it'll start to have issues, unless you have the BT5/wifi OB combo with antenna

    • +2

      I reckon it'll get cheaper than this, wait until you get a PS5 one day.

      • +4

        I've got a PS5 as well, just wanna use it on PC too :)

    • +5

      I've heard that it's a solid experience on the PC when using the adapter. They've also recently found a way to get adaptive triggers to work. There's a bunch of videos on YouTube about it's been quite good. I'm going to check out EBgames tomorrow as I've been looking for a PSVR2 deal for a while, this is a huge $300 discount compared to BigW/JBHifi etc.

      • Regarding eye tracking, who's "they"?

        Everything I've search for in 3 pages of results states eye tracking is not available, nothing hinting that it's coming.

        • +1

          I didn't say eye tracking, I said adaptive triggers.

          • @NoScrub: Gah sorry, got mixed up

            • @twig: No stress @twig - I hope 'they' do add eye tracking haha :)
              The VR community is apparently pretty cracked for this sort of stuff.

    • +7

      I’ve been playing Half Life Alyx with it on PC. Works great!

  • +2

    Finally a good discount, they probably put the offer up before it has gone live

  • +4

    Anyone know if JB Hi-Fi will price match EB Games?

  • +1

    Guessing these are no good for people who get motion sickness from fast first person games

    • +3

      id suggest it's far worse for some people but for most it's just so different the first few time. VR does take some time to get comfortable with. Just stop when it affects you and try again another day. After a few sessions you adjust and can really enjoy the incredibly immersive experience

    • VR will be a lot worst for motion sickness.

      I play a lot of FPS games and have no issues on console/pc, but my eyes strain really bad on VR with or without glasses even after adjustments.

      Motion having a slight delay really throws me off and a lot of movement in VR being teleporting makes me really sick. I've played VR in VR game places and friends and it seems like a very me issue with it. I tend to be the only one that needs to sit down a lot and takes heaps of breaks.

    • +2

      I get motion sickness easily with first person games. Reluctantly I went to a VR shop with my kids yesterday and after talking to the guy he recommended a couple of games that were motion sickness friendly.

      The first one was Job Simulator, at first I was telling myself I was getting sick, but I didn't, I kept playing the same game for 1 hour with NO motion sickness at all.

      Then I took a 15 minutes break and the guy recommended a game he thought it was motion sickness friendly too, the game is called Propagation, again after 1 hour playing I got no motion sickness.

      The common between those 2 games is that you don't walk around, you just stand there and everything you interact is around you. I wouldn't even there to try things like you have to walk or roller coaster, I get sick with just the thought of it,

      BTW - OMG Propagation is a MUST if you play VR.

      I guess the motion sickness depends on the game and your tolerance, but it was fine for me and I sick pretty easy.

      Now I am seriously considering buying a VR headset just for the Propagation game, but I wouldn't go to the PS VR2, I would go with the Quest 3 or the Vive Pro 2 (this is the one we used yesterday), but the later is way too expensive.

      If you go to the Meta Store you can see the games and their Comfort Level, you want to go with the Comfortable or Moderate games. The guy from the shop took the time to explain this so that I was comfortable before putting the headset on. Kids love these VR games too much 🤣

    • +1

      I bought one of these and I suffer from motion sickness pretty bad. So do my kids. Took a bit to get used to but no motion sickness from Horizon, Resident evil etc. lots of fun.

      Made me keen enough to buy the Logitech wheel and Gran Turismo. Big Mistake, couldn't even get through the training on that one before feeling the worst I ever have

      It's all kind of sat since then unfortunately. Might need to see what games are out now and dust it off…

      • I wish I could test it out somehow before I splash the $$$ as it’s not a cheap thing to buy if it effects me

        Thanks for the replies

  • This or a Meta Quest 2 for PC?

    • +9

      I sold my PSVR2 for the Quest 3. No regrets.

      • Was this after using the adaptor? Or was this just you moving from PS5 to PC?

        • Just moving from PS5 to PC.

          • @oblivianz: spec wise and features wise
            which is better?

            also which controllers is better?

            • -1

              @pinkybrain: The PSVR2 is clearer as it has a higher resolution. However, I found it very rare that I was able to have it sit perfectly right to experience the high resolution. The Quest 3 has a lower resolution but required minimal adjustment to have it sit perfectly.

              The controllers are pretty similar and I had no issues with both.

              Overall, the Quest 3 feels a lot more refined on top of having a greater variety for games.

    • Fingers crossed Amazon gives us a deal on the Q3 because of this.

    • -1

      Quest 3 would be my go to.

  • +1

    And wondering what games I can trade in. Can I get two cheapest games to get from second hand EB Games and than trade-in for the discounts?

    • +1

      Yeah would love to know this too. I think somebody put a link to a list of PS5, XBX and Switch games that are eligible for trade-in but I can't seem to find it

    • +2

      Generally it needs to be priced $38 or higher preowned on there site

  • +3

    Are there actually any VR games worth playing for the PSVR2?

    • +7

      Gran Turismo 7 is incredible

    • +1

      Gran Turismo 7

    • +1

      Synapse, No Man's Sky, Horizon, plus a ton of other non exclusive titles if you don't already have a VR headset.

      • No man's sky VR isn't a ps5 exclusive?

        • +1

          You're right, it's not, but the best way to play it from what I hear

          • +1

            @McFodder: Depends on how good your graphics card is, I guess. I've never had any issues with it on a 4070ti.

            • @Charmoffensive: Yeah I'm not that experienced with PCVR but have seen comments saying you need a pretty beefy PC (4070 / 3080 or better) for it to look better than it does on PSVR2 with dynamic foveated rendering.
              Such an easy game to lose hours in, especially in VR

              • @McFodder: I spent like 15 hours straight setting up an automated iridium mine with storage and a very long set of underground power cables to a geothermal power supply inside a cave. It was goddamn magic.

                I might jump in again now they've done their new planet generation update.

    • +2

      You can get the PC adapter to play PC VR games now so this argument is pointless.
      On PS5 there are heaps and some of the best like GT7, Horizon, RE4, RE8

      • why get PSVR if you're just gonna end up using it on your pc?

        • +2

          Not many people would.just buy it for PC VR

          If you already have a PS5 it's a good option.

          Otherwise it's only good on PC VR because of the lossless display port connection which is arguably better for those with high end PCs

      • I'd rather use wireless pc, though. I have a mesh system in my house, so I can VR in the living room where there's plenty of space to move around instead of being stuck in my office fighting a long cord. You're not wrong that the displayport gives better graphical fidelity, but if you have wifi 6e setup, I don't think the minor graphical improvement is worth the vast quality of life offered by a wireless set like Meta's. People have also complained that the PSVR's PC implementation is not perfect yet and tracking/adaptive triggers aren't 100% stable yet. time will tell if this will improve or if it will be steadily abandoned like the the PSVR1's PC porting.

    • GT7 by far, the rest Im not convinced on.

    • +1

      So far I've played moss 1 & 2 (they were on psvr1 also, but are much better on psvr2). Red matter 1 & 2. I think both Moss games are amazing, especially Moss 2 as it introduces quite a few new mechanics to the game. Red matter 1 was decent, but red matter 2 is way better (I haven't finished it yet but).

      Red matter games were also on psvr1 but I didn't play them on that.

    • +3

      I'd watch this video and see what suits you.

      But without doubt GT7, RE4 and RE8 are some of the greatest VR games ever made.

    • Arizona sunshine 2

    • +1

      RE4 and RE8 look phenomenal in VR. The world is so much more detailed than you ever realised.

      It also makes you feel ridiculously overpowered alot of the time in VR. Combat feels so easy. Except reloading if being swarmed.

    • +1

      Red Matter 1 & 2

  • +1

    Apart from Horizon is there anything else worth playing on these??

    • +2

      Gran Turismo 7

    • +3

      Resident Evil Village and 4 are awesome in VR

  • +3

    Worth it for Gt7 low cost immediate racing sim experience, and resident evil games in VR but mostly for GT7 is such an experience.

  • +1

    Awsome deal…But hard to justify for myself to purchase as I already have quest 3 and its so damn convient to use it with wifi…….Anyone can convince me to drop 500 on this??

    • +3

      Do it

    • +2

      Do it

    • +3

      Not sure if anyone has said this yet but… DO IT!

    • -2

      Don't do it

    • Something you only once something… sell it if doesn’t work out.

  • +1

    Give me the PS5 disk console for this price, I need one for the new monke game.

  • +4

    $879. When does the deal start?

  • -3

    I wouldn’t buy a Sony vr ever again, I had issues with my gen 1 psvr a week after warranty ran out, then after two trade and swaps at eb the last brand new one just didn’t work after a month and even EB wouldn’t trade it at that point. Worst product ever.

  • Awesome. Been wondering why everywhere but Australia has this cheaper.

    • Yeah Canada just got their price drop after everyone was complaining

  • What’s their return policy?

  • +2

    I'm super tempted as this is an awesome price. But I still feel like this is expensive for a VR headset that will likely be outdated with ps6.
    I already got burnt that the PS4 headset didn't play any ps5 games etc. and some games weren't able to be downloaded and played on ps5 so it further restricted my library

    • +2

      PS6 is years away.

      • +2

        It's not the point. This VR will probably go along with the lifespans of this PS generation as next generation it becomes redundant.. there is no backwards or forwards compatibility.
        Next gen you would have to buy another VR… Unlike oculus where as long as you have a vr ready PC. It will always be functional

        • +1

          I mean that's a downside of any console peripheral. That said this being PC compatible mitigates this somewhat, and also with how poorly this has sold there likely won't be a PSVR3

          • @SparkTR: That's why the pricing needs to be sharper than this.. psvr gen 1 went as low as $249 or so. This just needs to be priced appropriate to it's limitation.

        • The uptake of PSVR2 and lack of ongoing software development suggests that Sony won't bring out another headset for a good long while. I think they were banking on this taking off and it didn't sell nearly as well as they needed to spur future investment.

          • @Charmoffensive: It started off wrong with their pricing, they tripled the price over previous generation and charged more than the ps5 itself. It never looked good from Sony's side.
            Maybe later investment with more strategic pricing might spur some interest from Sony's game dev team

            • +1

              @maverickjohn: PSVR1 launched at $550, and needed the $90 PS4 camera as well to function, plus Move controllers sold separately if you didn't want to be using the standard DS4 controller all the time. Not a drastic difference in price really.

              • @McFodder: That's true I remember the days of play pricing. Apologies for that. Got it for $299 and had some move controllers before but agreed on those points.
                Anyway the current price is probably where it should have started at with discounts on this. It really discouraged people from buying

                • @maverickjohn: Yeah, I didn't jump in to PSVR1 myself until it hit big discounts so I can understand people being a bit hesitant, but now I game a lot more in VR than flat so I'm definitely a convert.
                  Compared to other headsets on the market I don't think it was expensive at launch price, but it can be a gamble for people for sure.

  • How is this? I don't even have a PS5, but will probably get for GTA VI, I'm just curious. Only gaming item I have is an Oculus 2.

  • Superrr tempted to try this, been contemplating VR for a while now. I do own a ps5 but my PC only has a 2070 super. Is this worth the try or is their a better VR alternative available for roughly the same cost?

    • +3

      Check with google but many cards in the 2xxx series support virtual link which means you wouldn't need the additional adaptor and can plug this directly into your GPU :)

      • Didn't know that, thanks!

  • +1

    can anyone confirm that they got this price when they go instore later?

    • +6

      Can do, I’m going when they open at 10

      • +1

        any update?

        • +5

          Wasn’t on at the store I went to, but The guy there said it’s likely going live either midnight tonight or 9am tomorrow.

        • I went to two different stores and neither of them had it for that price. That being said I'm going to call both stores tomorrow and see if it's been adjusted.

  • +1

    anyone know what the select games might be?

  • +2

    Thought about getting one but it’d probably sit in a drawer with my drone I used half a dozen times.

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