• expired

$12 Cashback on Boost 25GB 28-Day Prepaid SIM for $12 (70GB at Activation, Ongoing $35/Recharge) @ TopCashback AU


FREE Boost SIM after cashback. TopCashback has an exclusive $12 cashback on Boost 70GB 28 Day Prepaid SIM card that is discounted by Boost to $12 (excludes eSIM). Pay $12, get $12 cashback.

Please note the new T&C from Telstra/Boost for cashback: SIM must be activated within 30 days of purchase, and must not be deactivated until your cashback is payable. If the SIM is deactivated prior, Boost may decline cashback.

- Please note that letting the number expire and not recharging is eligible for cashback.

- Please don't deactivate or port away until you receive the cashback. Deactivate means requesting Boost to remove the number.

From Boost: If your phone isn’t recharged for a period of 6 months it will be deemed inactive and you will lose your number.

Can confirm that this Boost/TopCashback offer does track.

What will stop me getting my cashback

  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of purchase, and must not be deactivated until your cashback is payable. If the SIM is deactivated prior, Boost may decline cashback.
  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. If there is more than one SIM in an order, it will result in an untracked purchase and the purchase will be ineligible for cashback.
  • Cashback is ineligible on eSIMs, recharges, phones, bundles, accessories.
  • Cashback is ineligible on use of any codes not approved and posted by TopCashback.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchase of gift cards and/or use of gift cards for payment.
  • Cashback is ineligible on purchases made via the retailer's mobile app.

What else is essential

  • Most retailers calculate cashback based on purchase amount excluding GST, other taxes, and delivery fees. Your cashback may report lower than expected due to this.
  • Always return to TopCashback and click through via the pink cashback button to the retailer's website for each new transaction. Ensure the TopCashback link is the last one used to visit the retailer's website prior to completing your purchase.

Good to know

  • Ensure you disable plugins such as Honey, AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole & VPNs prior to clicking/tapping from TopCashback as they will prevent your order from tracking.
  • If you cancel / return / exchange / modify your completed order, it will no longer be eligible for cashback and will be declined in your account.

What to do and when

  • Missing cashback claims must be lodged within 90 days of purchase.

Boost listing:

70GB on activation for new customers. 25GB on next recharge. Activate by 21 October 2024.

Sale ends 30 September 2024.

From 22 October 2024, this recharge will increase to $39.

Credit to @BargainsGrabber

Referral Links

Referral: random (4070)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU
Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +10

    Imagine paying 20c for this earlier today…

    • +1

      I did…

    • +3


    • +1

      Yes, I'm feeling very ashamed of myself right now…

    • There hasn't been any profit from Boost since 7 May 24.

      • there was one a few days back

        • +2

          ya but that lasted less than 2 hours, it was gone at around 3:30am.
          Probably someone from TCB set an incorrect amount.
          Most people couldn't get it.

  • +3

    I wonder if I'm out of Boost jail yet? I'll try it tomorrow. Need a new SIM as last free SIM expired yesterday.

    • My worry on over ordering boost sims and getting banned is it may carry over to telstra jb mobile when they have decent gc offers so im a bit careful. I let my previous 4 sims expire and get removed before i activated my current one

    • +5

      Try contacting the guard from monopoly jail - maybe you have to roll the dice 3 times

    • How many sims do you have with them? I probably have over 10 and no problems

    • out of curiousity what constitutes boost jail? are you unable to order, or can you order but cashback get rejected? and what did you do to get there?

      just asking as someone who might end up in boost jail eventually

      • +5

        Boost jail is the inability to order. Anyone posting "Unable to order" has been banned sent to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $12.

        I've had a SIM every 3 weeks for quite some time. Something like 50 of them if not more in my name and other family members names. Changing my address manually got me one more. Using a friend's address got me one more.

        Activation always requires manual intervention so it ends up wasting quite a lot of time and don't wait until the last day as they may not be available to activate on time.

        • +1

          thanks for the info. sounds like you've got value your money haha

          anyway good to know - my preference is definitely having the order blocked as opposed to allowing it and denying cashback

        • +1

          @mysterytal: it's SEEMS that Boost have tweaked their system to stop sim-hoarders.

          8-Sep-24: after many failed attempts, I finally bought 2 sims & Boost-system seems to be validating a combination of these attributes: name, dob, email & delivery-address…but NOT mobile#. Boost seems to be validating-buyers before allowing them to proceed.

          Background: I buy 2-sims each-round & this is my 2nd-round of Boost sims in 2024: 2nd sim is for a friend. I initially tried to buy it in my friend's name & HIS-information, but with MY-postal-address & it failed regardless of adjustments I've tried, including your suggestions.

          I only bought 2 sims, & sim-hoarders are free to share their experience.

          Both sims were tracked within 1hr via Android-APP.

  • -3

    GOOD GOOD GOOD @trixieb

  • Does anyone know how long it takes to track after ordering?

    • It was immediate for me ytd

    • @sintro Tracking after ordering varies depending on the batch reporting. Can be within 15 minutes to over 2 hours. Hence you may experience different tracking times with each order.

      • +2

        Thanks for the info.

  • Does everyone get the "Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later" message several times before they succeed?

    I've tried multiple times over the last three or four Boost deals, and not once have I succeeded. Probably 15 or so attempts, from home and from work computers, using Firefox and Chrome browsers. I can't be blacklisted, as I've never managed to become a Boost customer!

    • +1

      Yes its happened to me too many times on pc and wouldn't work so switch to doing it on the the mobile phone and always works first try now.

      • +1

        Thanks, that didn't work for me either, using Chrome browser on Android. Tried three times, using Yahoo.com and Gmail.com email addresses for my contact details.

        I see this problem has been documented multiple times on Boost deals, so I think the most likely explanation is that Boost's website sucks.

    • -4

      it's more about your delivery address.
      Probably someone else use your address to order for too many times and got blacklisted.

      • On of the addresses I tried (in my many attempts) has been in my family for 30+ years, and has never been used for a Boost order.

  • Profit is on its way

    • for the many who churn-sims via monthly-plans, can you go WITHOUT mobile-use (data, calls & sms) after your 1-mth- plan expire ?

      • Who makes telephone calls any more? I use WhatsApp or Messenger for communication. I haven't sent a SMS for ages.

        Data is the issue and there are plans available to keep access to that. I'm currently using Vodafone at $20 per month for unlimited mobile data although it gets a little slow after a while but it's still usable for streaming as long as it's not being used at the same time on either the tablet or smartphone. Dodo is also available for less but it's painfully slow when the high speed data allowance runs out.

  • Couldn't find it, how long before cashback is paid? Will it be before the 28 day SIM expires?

    • +1

      Cashback is most likely to be paid after the 28 day SIM expires.
      I've only recently bought a Boost SIM from TCB so don't know the timeframe. With CR and SB, cashback was paid in about 2-3 months. It would be similar to TCB as the cashback companies wait for Telstra/Boost to approve and pay them first. Telstra/Boost also has the new T&C for the first time and may take longer to check so cashback may not be as early as 2 months.

      • Cashback is most likely to be paid after the 28 day SIM expires.

        Topcashback: 8-Sep purchases, ~84d-> 'Estimated Payable 12 Weeks'
        CashRewards: 14-Aug purchases, ~ 95d
        ShopBack: 30-Apr-24 purchases, ~ 90d

        All Boost 1-mth sim.

    • Usually around three months for me, I've got it around the two month mark but rarely

      Side note, half the time I have to submit a ticket after three months to get it changed from payable to confirmed.
      Never had that issue with SB or CR, only TCB.

      • …payable to confirmed

        I think you meant confirmed-to-payable?

  • Will using the TopCashback app make it more likely to track?

    • +1

      I used the iOS app last week for the same deal and it tracked.

    • +1

      I used firefox browser on the desktop and it tracked fine.

  • +1

    Tracked for me. TY

    • +4

      Seems like it's tracked every hour, around 33mins past the hour.

  • Sorry, we are unable process your order. Please try again later.

    Why Boost, why !???!!?

  • +1

    Thank you!

  • What does Boost get out of giving away data like this? Especially if they already have my details from all the previous cashbacks?

    • Probably costs them very little or no cost at all to provide this extra data. Could be actual customers paying for the device with unused left over data..

    • +5

      @brou Here are two articles that may explain the reasons:

    • One or more Boost/Telstra executives get bonuses based on the numbers of new activations etcetera, even if these customers don't actually help their profit because they just take the cashback and leave.

      • -1

        @inherentchoice: AND Telstra/Optus don't want the average-person who're on an EXPENSIVE mobile-plans to move-across to monthly churn-sim by participating to money-back system that's SO administrative, time-consuming & NON-transparent that only FRUGAL-OzBarainers are willing to ensure.

        @brou: Fierce-competition by Telstra & Optus-> 'What does Boost get out of giving away data like this'. There's always SOME excess-capacity in a network, eg sleeping & off-peak hrs.

        Buyers must accept-risk that SOME money-back claims will fail & for NOVICE-buyers, the risk is high.

        Conversion-rate is likely close to zero…does this pass the smell-test-> 'cashback and exclusive offers to drive 28% conversion rate'.
        Buyers can test Optus for free-> https://www.optus.com.au/support/answer?id=20291

  • +1

    Deal not expired yet as Boost has extended the sale until 30/09

    • But the cashback amount could be reduced before then?

    • …and there you go, it did expire.

      • Did it?

        • Well that's good it's available again. I'm sure it was marked as expired on the 28th.

  • I was with telstra and ported over to amaysim 2 days ago. Tried to order the prepaid boost sim but also getting an error during checkout.
    Wondering if it has to do with me being a previous telstra customer? any workaround guys? Thx

  • I’ve bought and activated the physical SIM. Can I convert it to an eSIM and still get the cashback?

    • +2

      been getting cashback from sb & cr for swapping into esim in the app from tracked physical sims, not sure re TCB, but no reason not paying since they did not specifically disallow converting to esim.

  • Have not activated but shows as confirmed

    • IIRC Confirmed just means the merchant has confirmed that you placed an order. It takes some time to change from Confirmed to Payable which is when they actually check that you have fulfilled all requirements and release payment.

  • Anyone been able to activate sim?

    Pre-Paid Activation Unavailable

    • +2

      You will have to contact Boost to activate for you either by messaging on the website or calling them. I usually message them to activate the SIM card.

  • Are there any extra steps involved for people that have never been a Telstra/Boost customer so that it tracks successfully? i.e. do you have to be registered with Boost first before going through the TopCashback website.

    • No-> '…any extra steps involved for people that have never been a Telstra/Boost customer so that it tracks successfully?'

      Irrelevant-> '…to be registered with Boost first before going through the TopCashback website'

      If you are a IT-novice, then try Android-APP & don't use desktop-browser: to be safe.

      If NOT-track within 1-day, something went wrong.

  • so that it tracks successfully?

    For successful tracking, please read the T&Cs in this post or the TopCashback/Boost link.

    do you have to be registered with Boost first before going through the TopCashback website.

    Boost does not require you to be registered first or logged in. Just fill in your details on the page.

    • +1

      Thanks for the info. I'll give it a go

  • +1

    Thanks. Tracked in 5 mins :)

  • +1

    Finally I could successfuly purchase one today after being banned for about 2 months.

  • -2

    Shopback now has $8.50 cashback if you don't want to mess with this new T&C.

  • +1

    Managed to buy 1 today. I guess my boost jail term is finally over. Time has been served.

  • +1

    After almost a year of serving my Boost jail sentence, I am so happy to say that—I AM NOW FREE!!!

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