For those looking for a black wii fit board well here it is
Wii Fit Plus and Balance Board Bundle - Black for $66.52 Delivered from Amazon UK

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nice, didn't know about that, awesome!
Just ordered one for my spouse. Thank you!
Thanks Purchased, been after one of these for years, but didn't like the +100 bux price tag.. great price!
shipped this morning, should be here for xmas :D
Thanks. Great price. Couldn't think of what to buy flabby hubby this year for Xmas so you saved by bacon.
Not bad for a genuine unit. 'Wu' branded one still go for $70-80+.
good price, but what other games does the board work on ?
Argh should I go for it ? Do I need it ? It's a good price but but … The agony !!!
Go good with dolphin emulatior