This was posted 6 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DF64 Gen 2 Single Dose Coffee Grinder $491.20 + $45 Delivery @ DF64 Coffee Grinder


The price just keeps dropping! Significantly lower than average local price of ~$1000

Picked this up on last week's deal, at $70 more. Received mine within 1 week. Packaged well, and working very well. I personally opted for the DLC burrs. I upgraded from the Breville SGP and found the upgrade pretty significant.

Remember to ask for AU plug.

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DF64 Coffee Grinder
DF64 Coffee Grinder

closed Comments

  • Got it in the Amazon deal, for those looking to upgrade it is well worth it at this price

  • +2

    How does this compare to the Eureka Mignon Silenzio or Specialita? Mainly drinking espresso or milk based coffee.

    • Would like to know as well

    • +4

      Pros: Bigger burrs, standard burr sizes (interchangeable, seems Eureka aren't?), cheaper.

      Cons: Lower quality build, louder, less refined, worse customer service (given Eureka is top tier).

      • +1

        I recently paid $493 for a Eureka Silenzio from Espresso Coffee Shop, so about the same price if you're happy to import and use an adapter on your plug. Just noting for information, in response to the comment about this being cheaper (I personally prefer the convenience of the hopper over having to single dose every time).

      • +1

        hey iMagoo, given your Resistance you're displaying, I thought I better jump in and mention The 2nd Law.

        But ah on topic, thanks for providing your input on this deal. I'm not quite there in terms of upgrading my Breville Smart Grinder 'Pro', which I pair with an Aeropress!

        • +1

          pretty good combo i reckon

        • +2

          That was amuseing

    • +1

      DF64 is primarily a single dose grinder, the tilted design is to reduce grind retention.

      If you want the convenience of a hopper, this is not it.

      • It works completely fine with the included hopper. The tilt design is no impediment.

    • Came here to ask the same question! Haven't seen anyone actually address the difference in the quality of the espresso though. I only drink black coffee. My specialita/bambino makes pretty good espresso but still only about 85% as tasty as good cafe. Would like to get closer to cafe quality but not sure if that's possible as modest price points

      • You can't, with Eureka.

        I have Specialita and was looking at buying DF64 Gen2 for all the reasons mentioned above. However, it is still not a perfect grinder. You'll still need to have some mods. Like stock burrs are not going to get you to the cafe level of espresso or black coffee.

        The first mod is get Dlc, or even better. SSP HU. Meaning another 300$ gone.

        Even if you spend money to get SSP set, it still is not going to cut like a cafe grinder weighing in at 98mm burrs.

        In some reviews on YouTube, people have said that DF83 with stock can produce the same quality as DF64 with SSP HU. Both are in the same price range, so the big question is, why don't I get the DF83, use it stock for a while and then make a jump to latest SSP HU or cast burrs. I am seriously thinking not to get it. Hope you'd also input your thoughts.

        Don't simply buy it because it's the value grinder, in this price range you can never touch care quality.

        Something about Eureka Specialita and DF64, my grinder has a very very small range where I do espresso shots, it's the same damn range which is so small on DF64. Meaning, you can't go fine to get some fines in your grind 😂

      • +2

        Single dose grinders are good if you like to change beans and drink something different frequently… If you don't change beans, a hopper machine is ok. Just remember to purge a little when you haven't used your machine for more than 12 hours or so. The stale beans in the burrs will ruin your next coffee. (Also another benefit of single dose is low retention to avoid this process)
        I have a hopper grinder, the Eureka atom 65 for my coffee machine and a hand grinder for my wide variety of pour over coffees.
        Also I'm not sure why yours doesn't make as nice as the cafe.. are you using the same bean as theirs for comparison?

        • Yes. Recently added a bellows to Specialita, it was retaining a good gram or 2. Now I am quite close but still too far.

          The problem is, the grinder can't do fines. I am always grinding closer to zero for espresso. If I go past it, burrs touch. Same. Is for DF64, watch some reviews, the range for espresso is so tiny.

          • @sqheaven: It's always this case that the grinding range is narrow and more sensitive the lighter the roast.
            There are many variables that contribute to a coffee flavour. Including water hardness. The temperature etc.
            You would have to find the cause and isolate it.
            Larger burrs only reduce the heat of grinding on the beans as it grinds it faster. The uniformity of a but does impact flavour. And as you mentioned earlier you can get high uniformity burrs which can assist.

            • @maverickjohn: My eyes are set at DF83 with SSP HU. I need to feel a difference moving from Eureka. I might not see it on DF64.

              Weirdly, the discount code does not apply to DF83. I would've made the move. I think DF64 is their fast selling item with more people in this price range.

              Watch some comparison reviews before you suggest stuff, Eureka has limitations as others have highlighted. I spent two years without a bellows and now I think my coffee is a lot better when I fixed the retention issue. There's not a single home grinder (single dose) that does not take benefit from a bellows.

              • +3

                @sqheaven: I have invested in the coffee journey for quite some time my eureka atom makes better coffee than cafes. I can assure you I know my coffee and the equipment very well.
                Also a bellows does not make your coffee better it just tries to manage retention.
                Hence why I said to purge a bit of coffee if it hasn't been used for over 12 hrs. As the residual can make your next coffee taste off

                • @maverickjohn: I use puck screen and always clean my coffee machine, only one cup a day with Inglewood Sunset blend, which is my goto. So I also know what I am doing. I have a breville BDB with a mod. It's very good coffee, but when you're at a food Cafe there is this after taste in their coffee which is missing in mine. I believe that I don't fully unlock the complexity and flavour of the beans. Also tried same beans from those cafes. I bet it's the grinder. Why would so many people now using expensive burr sets? I think you haven't watched YouTube lately.

                  • @sqheaven: I don't know what else to say anymore. I hope you enjoy your purchase when you get it. Let us know if it does what you hope it will do.

                    • @maverickjohn: All my friends who tried my coffee say it is better than the cafe quality, some of them own 2-3 cafes. I also really like my coffee, I 100% try not to ruin my day by going to a cafe lol

                      But, there are some odd days when I end up in a random cafe and they surprise me. That's when I am forced to question myself.

                      There is a chance my grinder is not aligned perfectly. I have learned how to do it, the next step is grinder alignment. While my eyes are set on DF83 :D

                  • @sqheaven: Try a different bean, for mine Inglewood isn't the best. I've switched to axil and love it! That's coming from sunset Blvd.

                  • @sqheaven: This is the wrong forum to discuss about coffee quality. People here are supposed to interested in bargain than a good cup of coffee. So many people drink 7/11 or Mc coffee. Ask the question in coffee forums, there are plenty people there can help you solve your problem, while tempting you buying more expensive gears at the same time :D

                  • @sqheaven: Mhm gotta be realistic about who we compare to - a specialty cafe using 85+ point beans and doing the best they can vs run of the mill commodity cafe. After several machines and grinders over the last decade it's pretty clear to me bean and burr quality are the heavy hitters in taste.
                    Our Mazzer SJ with SSPs does better than my Robur or Anfim SC (it did not with stock burrs).
                    It's also nice to target my roasting towards super high extractions that other grinders or cafes can't/won't do.

                  • +1

                    @sqheaven: Odds on the issue is not the grinder. Watch more YT tutes and develop your barista skills. Use a Weiss distribution tool. Make sure you have dialled in your current beans correctly. Always use fresh local roaster coffee beans and my bet is you will get the quality you're after, especially if you preference is darker roasts. Lighter roasts are more difficult.

                • @maverickjohn: Yes, Australia's cafes are low standard. It's so easy to produce better coffee than cafes with semi decent equipments. I'm roasting my own beans for 10+ years already, but still improving my coffee every now and then.

                  • @Cool7: That's awesome good on you.. that's one area I didn't dive into.. I don't roast beans but I appreciate good beans. Id try what you have roasted if you want. Happy to pay.. I'm all about the experience of trying new coffee.
                    But cafe quality is inconsistent between cafes.
                    I love my set up and think there is a lot of technical details people overlook when preparing coffee.
                    It's an art and is also quite meticulous.

                  • +1

                    @Cool7: That’s certainly a massive exaggeration there, I wouldn’t say that Australia’s Cafes are low quality at all. Have you been to North America? Most of coffee served there is weak dish water. Australia has one of the biggest coffee cultures in the world, we are the only nation in the world that Starbucks have failed in losing over 1 hundred million dollars in our market, and one reason for that is because Australians are spoiled for choice, quality coffee can be found from everywhere.

                • +1

                  @maverickjohn: Agree. I'm a long-term coffee nerd and am getting the best coffees of my life out of a simple setup of Breville Infuser and BSG. I have no doubt the BSG is the weak link, but that notwithstanding the quality of coffees is outstanding - better than any cafe I've been to - so I'm in no hurry to upgrade the grinder just yet. You don't have to go high-end to get really great coffee at home. Most important is to do your homework and develop solid barista skills, and use quality fresh-roasted local beans.

                  Discalimer: I'm a flat white drinker and I make my comments in that context. Straight espresso is a whole different ball game.

              • @sqheaven: DF83V works if you want some of that train action

                • @iMagoo: Too much for my use, I think DF83 V3 might be it.


                  I simply get DF64 with SSP HU and grinder closer to touching burrs lol

              • @sqheaven: I have the Df83 V2 with the SSP HU burrs and it's great, you won't be disappointed.

                • @paracaps: What do you think about a stock DF83 V2 with DLCs? I heard LH says that it is going to produce the same quality as DF64 with SSP burrs.

                  V2 and V3, there is hardly any difference, they only put an anti-pop corn disk on V3 and that's it.

                  • @sqheaven: I've heard good things regarding the 83mm DLC's burrs but I haven't used them personally. V2 and V3 are the same as you mentioned besides the anti pop corn disk which is quite useful as I bought a third party one for my V2.

                    • @paracaps: I bit the bullet, coffee needs to take all my money. DF83 + DLC burrs inbound. There's a cafe near my location that only has V2s in stock. Please send me the link to the anti-popcorn disk you bought, I see two on Etsy, one is only for DF64, and looks like a Frisbee. The other is for DF83 and 64, it looked like a cup insert for bellows.

                      With the recent bellows addition to Eureka Mignon Specialita, the game went up quite a bit. I'll probably keep both, one for single-O and the other for Blends. In the future when I have more knowledge of burrs, I'll get the right SSP for me.

                      • +1

                        @sqheaven: LOL. Just try to keep in focus the main objective is making yourself a great cup of joe. Coffee nerds have a lot in common with audiophiles - at a certain point the gear can assume dominance over the music. No amount of "better" espresso making equipment will make the difference in quality that really honing your skills as a barista will, and using excellent fresh locally roasted beans that are to your taste. Spending up on equipment is easy. Working on your skills is much harder, but ultimately more rewarding.

                        • +1

                          @rossnroller: When I started coffee making at home, I bought a Delonghi Ec155, I thought it was the best machine on the planet based on the reviews on Amazon. I was such a fool I tried to grind the grocery store beans with a spice grinder, soon realised I needed a grinder lol it was 2014 I guess, ever since it's a rabbit hole.. 😂

                          Now I have 3 grinders and growing. First one is used for peppers. Delonghi KG79.

                          I need some credit for buying my first grinder as a flat burr one :D All this time, I thought grinder did not matter, even when I bought Specialita I thought it was an end game. It wasn't. Now I'll invite my friends again for a honest opinion. Just like when you change your speakers or amplifier or DAC and every song sounds you have never heard it like this before 😂

                          • @sqheaven: My very first coffee machine was a krups back in 1998. That crapped itself then I got a gaggia. Still was no good and all plasticky.
                            From there it was the breville bes860 that got my passion into coffee had it for 8 or so years before getting the bes920 then the Oracle and now own a la pavoni Botticelli specialty.
                            The grinder started from a basic built in grinder to the smart grinder pro and now I own a cafe level eureka atom 65. Cafe grinders are more about pushing volume of coffees than the refinement of making good coffee that's why rossnroller and myself have been pushing more on refining the skills and isolating the problem. The single dose grinders along with techniques such as wdt/planetary distribution and tamp technique will be better than 95 percent of cafes in Australia. There are some really good Barista's who go that extra mile but for 9.5 times out of 10 you would make better coffee at home..
                            I was a bit surprised you chose sunset blvde as your preferred bean.. it's not something I found enjoyable.
                            Anyway the df83 is an awesome grinder. I'm excited for you and a fellow coffee lover with a passion as big as yours is always nice to see.
                            My goal is to one day buy myself the lagom p64 but I need a bigger bench I don't have enough space as it is lol.
                            I want the Weber eg1 but I'm sure wife will divorce me lol. (She's super supportive of my passion but that might push my luck lol)

                            • +1

                              @maverickjohn: Great to know your coffee journey, I only had Ec155, it died the very day I got my friend a Breville Express. Next day I went out and got Barista Pro, stay for 6 months or so and sold to a friend who saw two machines on my counter and immediately wanted one lol I am now at BDB. He killed that Pro after an year, air went up in the flow meter and he's too lazy to fix it. Owns 3 cafes.

                              DF83 has speed, and power. I only do a single cup a day, it'll not work more than that.

                              I have tried almost all the roaster in Sydney. My favourite is Double Roaster in Marrickville, flight path. From Mel I like Inglewood Sunset. Occasionally I get Lime Blue. Single user, my wife doesn't drink any hot drink at all. If I buy a kilo, it lasts for ever 😂

                              I'll try Axil, as someone suggested. I feel like I should have 250g subscription but haven't found one.

                              Believe me, I focus a lot on puck prep and make a video of every shot, post in on Instagram 😂 My friend says I can never run a cafe because I'll only make few cups a day.

                              • @sqheaven: Hahaha, the coffee shop I bought my machine from put my coffee extraction on their Facebook page…. I never do any of that stuff. Probably should though. But you do a great job. I'm very excited for you.
                                Axil is really good.
                                Little Marionette used to be amazing. They are less good now but still decent.
                                Try out the pavoni blend from euroespresso in annandale. (It's also where I bought my coffee machine from. But Marcello over there roasts his own beans and the pavoni blend is awesome.)

                                • +1

                                  @maverickjohn: Shots looks great. Your own a very serious espresso machine. Thank you for the suggestions, I'll definitely try. I normally buy from OzB deals, try to cut some cost but definitely open to new tastes.

                                • +1
                                  • @sqheaven: That was super fast

                                    • @maverickjohn: The cafe send me special delivery 😂 I lived literally next door so they came themselves. I am surprised. I feel like buying SSP burrs already, or at least start saving for it lol

                                    • @maverickjohn: Shiny as hell, who says burrs don't matter? 😍

                                      • @sqheaven: Haha of course they matter but you already make better coffee than most cafes. This is just a little better again

                                        • @maverickjohn: One observation after I added bellows to Eureka, it seems like all the fines are pushed only only when you push air, so now my puck is like big particles at the bottom and a fine dust at the top. I think there's some serious issue with my Eureka. It doesn't really clump, if there is something, I use WDT. Fines should be mixed with the other stuff to attain that 9 bar pressure. I read 9bar for a few seconds then it drops from there and flow starts increasing.

                                          Hopefully, I'll notice a change, maybe 1% but it should be a noticeable at least, I really wish 😂

                                          • @sqheaven: I’ve moved to the shaker method for distributing

                                            • @EnergicAU: Here's a latte for you bro…

                                              Today I joined this new app imgur lol

                                              RDT, Shaker, Surface WDT = Decent Shot

                                              That's my work flow :)

                                              • @sqheaven: Ahh. Inglewood .. ozb fave beans. Need to upgrade the scale though because you might be missing 0.01g lol. I don’t use bellows for my eureka and instead the palm to the container method. I single dose but 3d printed a platform so it’s on an angle now.

                                                • +1

                                                  @EnergicAU: There was an EOFY deal so I jumped on it, one of my friends always gets it so I thought to try it again.

                                                  The scale is the cheapest one in my setup lol I might upgrade it but it is a tough one, it doesn't die even though I spilled liquid on it for quite some time.

                                                  Try bellows, every grinder has retention. With bellows at least you get what you input. It saves your next morning coffee. I used stock Eureka for 2 years and then last week I thought to try it and I think I like it. I took my game up several notches.

                                          • @sqheaven: That actually makes sense..
                                            I wonder why I don't have the same problem.. maybe the atom series is superior to the mignon
                                            This is my grinder in chrome for reference

                                            • +1

                                              @maverickjohn: Atom would definitely be seen by most as a step up from the Mignon. More geared at commercial than residential. I have the Zenith 65 HS - similar situation (grinds get stuck top of chute, definitely not for single dosing). Built like a tank.

                                              • @Gav: Yep very similar. Have a retention of 1-2g in my machine but coffee output is phenomenal. That's why I'm not pedantic about the single you still have stock burrs on yours. Eureka make a titanium and red speed burr set. But geometry is the same.
                                                I think stock ones are fantastic. Do a great job if I'm honest

                                                • @maverickjohn: Stock - used for about 2 years now. I don't think DF64 would be a step up for us.

                                                  • @Gav: Agreed we must have got our setups around the same time the grinder says I have done 1965 doses out of the double shot button

                                            • @maverickjohn: This is quite obvious now that every grinder is different. I highly doubt mine has an alignment issue, one side is spitting fines all the time and the other is grinding coarse.

                                              When I opened the DF83, it seemed like it was already aligned, someone put markers there which indicates that it was tested at least.

                                              Lance says we should double-check the alignment and that's where I am headed.

                          • @sqheaven: But that's my point. Upgrade any significant link in the hifi chain and you'll hear a difference, which is real. Because you lay out bucks (and the higher end you go the bigger the spend for smaller and smaller differences), you assume the sound is "better" - but is it? You better hope so to justify your investment, so you convince yourself it is. In most cases, after a while you adapt and no longer notice the difference. And sometimes you revert to an earlier system and realise you like the sound at least as much, if not more.

                            So sure, you'll notice a difference when you upgrade your grinder. But is it for the better? Not necessarily. Everyone goes nuts over HOW much better their brew is when they fork out a small fortune for a Niche. Lance Hendrick doesn't like them. I forget why. It doesn't matter. I think you see the point I'm making.

                            All depends on what you like. And if you're a milk coffee drinker and prefer darker roasts, odds are you'll notice nowhere near as much difference once you upgrade your grinder as someone who's into straight espresso. Which begs the question as to whether expensive upgrades are worth the moolah. As I said, chances are you'll get better brews from improving your barista skills and/or switching from supermarket beans to quality local roaster beans (but assume you're already going local).

                            • @rossnroller: That's true, I recently sold Klipsch reference premier Rp-160m to upgrade front stage (for 8 years I was a movie guy, surround sound stuff), now I have R3 Meta. It's a day and night difference 😂 Added mono blocks too, maybe that's why (now I am a purely music guy with a pair of T9x) lol

                              I want that type of experience with coffee. You're right, I might not get that day and night difference. At least, I can expect those fluffy grind to begin with. I do occasionally brew, most of the time I do lattes. If I feel like DF83 is too much for my use, I'll downgrade to DF64 and save money on SSP burrs because 83mm SSPs are expensive.

                              • @sqheaven: Good move with your hifi changes.

                                I'm sure you're going to buy a DF of some sort regardless, and hope it makes the difference you're seeking.

                                Just one thing re "fluffy" grinds. I am getting VERY fluffy grinds, not straight from the grinder, but immediately post-grind using a $7 Weiss distribution tool I bought off Temu. The distribution is quite literally perfect. When I use a bottomless portafilter after giving the distribution tool a good workout (which does take a while if you do it properly) I get a perfect shot as per this pic:

                                It took me a while to master using the distribution tool - was getting channeling. But now that I've got it worked out, pulling a shot that comes straight out in a single central stream is such a buzz. And it has made an appreciable difference to the end quality of the coffee. I'd call that $7 spend an ultra-bargain!

                                • +1

                                  @rossnroller: I have been using WDT ever since its inception, I printed my own 😂

                                  See latest video from Lance, he said the greatest extraction came with shaking the dosing cup and directly putting the ground inside the basket, then surface distribution with wdt, etc

                                  Here's a surprise

                                  The thing is 16Kg within box, absolutely a beast. DLC burrs looks so gorgeous I did not even want to ring) grind anything yet lol

                      • +2

                        @sqheaven: Congrats on your purchase, now the fun begins fine tuning / learning the grinder to grind the perfect shot ;)

                        I bought from this seller, I like the design as it allows you to slow feed if you choose to do so.


                        • @paracaps: Thanks mate, it's going to be fun when my wife sees another monster in the counter.

                          Which bellow size do I select? Long or short? I need to order it so both items arrive together. I can't wait.

                          • @sqheaven: My wife was in for a little shock when she that monster on the counter ;)

                            DF83 - Long Bellow

                            • @paracaps: I don't have any excuse to tell my wife.. 😂

                              Perfect, ordered. Did you also try to change any other thing? Like that chute and declumper?

                              One big improvement in reducing sound was noticed when I pit my Eureka on a runner mat. I'll do the same for DF83, I know it's noisy as hell lol

                        • @paracaps: The DLC looks sexy as hell

      • Interesting - I have a Specialita and ECM Casa V, I prefer what I make to the cafe including when I use the same beans - Ona

    • +2

      This is a much better option over eureka, no it may not have the build quality eureka has, but you have so many burr options if you ever want to upgrade. With the eureka you’re limited to their proprietary burr sizing, and in the Mignon range there is a few different versions ( some 50mm, 55, etc) . This will produce great grinds for espresso or milk based drinks, you can’t go wrong with the price

  • I just took delivery of df54.

  • This is crazy cheap. I was almost sold on a Niche zero, purely for milk based drinks, but this is $500 cheaper even with DLC burrs…

    • -1

      I was pretty set on the Niche as well until I saw a comparison of the internals

      The DF64 is like 80% motor, and direct drive. The niche has a tiny motor and a plastic gearbox

      • Explains the noise difference. For what it's worth, I've seen someone burn their Niche motor out and get a replacement for £60 delivered.

      • -3


        What rubbish.

        The niche motor is perfect for what it does - a quiet and highly reliable DC motor, geared down to drive the excellent Kony conical burrs at 330 rpm. And the customer service offered globally from Niche UK for any issues or repairs is the stand out amongst grinders, especially when the warranty expires.

        The DF64 is a great grinder too for most home users.

        The real issue here when comparing the Niche and this deal for the DF64 is the price difference - which is substantial.

        Whether that price difference is worth it is a personal decision - based on budget, personal needs, aesthetics etc.

        • +2

          I understand your bias here, as a niche owner having to justify its purchase price.

          I merely pointed out engineering differences between two grinders and stated why I decided one way over the other.

          They’re definitely two very different grinders.

          • +1

            @Monty711: In all fairness, DC motor is smaller and it does not mean its inferior. DF64v uses the DC motor too.

  • +1

    I bought a DF64 Gen 2 a couple of weeks ago for a bit more. I might lodge a price drop claim with my credit card company seeing as though it’s even cheaper 2 weeks later, may as well use the perks of the card that are available to me. It’s a great grinder, I have used it every day accept for today over the last 12 days since taking delivery. However don’t count out the Breville Smart Grinder pro if the DF64 Gen 2 is out of your price range, earlier this week I made 3 lattes on a day I was working from home, 2 with the DF64 Gen 2 and 1 with the Breville Smart Grinder Pro, and the coffee made from the BSGP grind was still really good.

    • +1

      You've already made a massive improvement by going to freshly ground coffee with anything but a blade grinder. If you're adding milk (masking coffee flavour), it's really all diminishing returns from there.

      • For coffee I don’t drink anything other than lattes and cappuccinos, I don’t drink coffee shots on their own. In fact the only person I know that drinks black coffee is my father.

        • Try to use you df64 for pour over. Get some nice quality light single origins and use it for that.. your gains over the sgp will imminently become apparent

          • +1

            @maverickjohn: I’m not interested in trying pour over. It’s almost like the majority of coffee connoisseurs don’t have jobs, or at least not jobs that average people have… Whatever I use has to maximise convenience and speed for use on a work day. Short of choosing instant, the breville dual boiler espresso machine and the breville smart grinder pro is just about as quick as the process gets if you want quality coffee when you are time poor before work rushing to get ready for work. Adding the DF64 Gen 2 grinder has slowed down the process due to having to weigh the beans first, and that’s as far as I’m willing to take it until I’m old and retired and can give more time to making coffee daily other than on the weekends.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: Bro do you work 24/7 lol.. I always make time for a nice pour over at least as a weekend coffee or something in the evening..
              It is my little luxury.. don't dismiss it entirely. Even if it's not now but give it a crack some time.
              But as mentioned in a post my espresso machine grinder is a hopper grinder also used for convenience
              My pour over grinder is a comandante hand grinder… Costs almost the price of this machine

                • -5

                  @[Deactivated]: Hobbyists when you tell them that they way they do things isn't applicable to the normal person 😡

                • +5

                  @[Deactivated]: Lol chill, I'm not sure why you are so defensive.
                  I was actually suggesting ways to enjoy. If it's not for you, then it's not. I'm not putting a gun to your head.
                  If you got offended because I called you bro. Apologies. It's how I reach out to my close friends too. But clearly it upset you. I don't think there's a rule that we have to call each other mate here. I was born and raised in this country and have used mate/bro/buddy interchangeably.

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: I think engaging with you any further is meaningless. Your responses have been a little ridiculous. And as such I will leave it there. I'll engage with you about AV gear in an appropriate location not in a coffee deal.

                  • +3

                    @maverickjohn: Ok I got my popcorn and my sherlock hat on. can't find the pipe.

                    This exchange went south pretty damn quick. your comments are actually the normal kind of helpful. his comments are most likely a product of something else that you triggered with the 'bro'. There's too much unecessary personal info and the need to justify it all.

                    on another note, I have yet to try pourover. I'm can't figure out if I'll be too lazy to keep it going.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I have a tray of these bottles and fill them with 18g of beans

              Maybe it will help you hasten the process?
              But you can always get the fancy and more expensive coffee vaults with wooden tray

              • +1

                @Brakus: I would go with something with at lease a one-way valve. something like below:

                • @Cool7: Thanks. Would have gone for that if I found that before.
                  Is it to expel the air that the beans produce?
                  I have been using this for a year now and have not noticed any issues. The wider mouth allows me to put beans without the need for a funnel

                  • @Brakus: Yes, work exactly like a normal coffee bag with one-way valve. Only problem is the glass is hard you can't squeeze all the air out like you can do with a bag. Store very fresh beans in air tight container is not a good idea, it can build up pressure and force beans to absorb the CO2 and become more acidic to certain degree.

                    Because I roast my own beans, one-way valve is a must. If you get your beans from local roaster, probably you will be fine without one. If you want to store your beans for extended amount time, put them in freezer is a proven way.

                    • @Cool7: I buy them from limeblue and try to schedule the delivery close to when I run out and put the extra bags in the freezer. They only come out when I refill the bottles. The beans only stay in the bottle for days. Last bottle prob max 1 month. Is that OK? Don’t want to unnecessarily spend more for single dose containers if there is no difference

                      • +2

                        @Brakus: You probably will be fine with that. Remember, beans usually at its peak 14~21 days after roast. If I were you, I would leave beans in the bag it comes with until day 10 ~ 14 and then transfer them into smaller packs(7 days worth) and freeze it. Then take one pack out of freezer filling your bottles when run out and consume within 7 days. You bottles should work just fine, just feel 70ml is a bit too large and will trap extra of air in it. I got single doser tubes with dark glasses, since yours is not, just leave them inside the cabinet. Hope this answers your question, enjoy.

                        • @Cool7: Can you link some smaller bags to store in freezer?

            • @[Deactivated]: Your point about people being busy and time poor is fine, but the extremes you've taken it make absolutely no sense. A DF64 would add 30 seconds tops to your coffee making routine over the SGP for a far superior coffee. Unless you have 0 appreciation of the taste of a good coffee at all (which begs its own question of why are you even weighing in on the subject), have you tried… you know… just waking up 30 seconds earlier?

              • -8

                @bumluffa: I haven’t taken any extremes, I said the DF64 gen 2 slows down the process if you’re coming from the Breville Smart Grinder pro due to having to weigh the beans first, which it does, I didn’t say by a substantial amount, however it does indeed slow it down which you have acknowledged, and certainly holds relevance to the discussion for people value the importance of every second counting in the morning when getting ready for work. And you certainly are exaggerating with your “far superior coffee” comment, I own both grinders, and it’s certainly not the kind of gap you have described… Is the coffee grinded with the DF64 gen 2 superior compared to the Breville Smart Grinder Pro, yes, however is it “by far”, no it’s not.

                • -2

                  @[Deactivated]: If you don't think it's far superior… Well, in that case I would ask you to keep reading to my very next sentence :P.

                  • -7

                    @bumluffa: I could apply your same opinion of my evaluation of the quality of the coffee produced by the DF64 Gen 2 compared to the Breville Smart Grinder Pro to many of the things in your life that you own where you likely have lower standards and own mediocre quality products and have poor taste but feel you don’t… For example like I eluded to earlier, your TV. Or perhaps your crappy Yamaha subwoofer you spoke about in a soundbar thread, which are both low to mediocre quality products in the world of audio equipment and home theatre.

      • Milk can also be a blank canvas against which flavour notes can be enjoyed 😊

        • +1

          I'm not saying milk drinks are bad. But the fats and flavour of milk can mask a lot of the nuances that people chase with more expensive grinders/burrs. As I said, diminishing returns.

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